Custom Query (81 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 Towards MCDV6.0 alpha task major MARS: MCDv6.0alpha MARS GCM
#2 Chemistry without ionosphere flefevre defect major MARS GCM
#3 Non orographic GW parametrization in the Mars GCM defect major MARS GCM
#4 HDO cycle in the Mars GCM lrossi enhancement major MARS GCM
#6 Remove "old" stuff from LMDZ.MARS defect major MARS GCM
#7 make a stats.def enhancement major MARS GCM
#8 doc sur vdifc fforget task major MARS GCM
#9 Mesocale: documenter mesoinstall aslmd enhancement major MARS GCM
#12 example scripts to run the model on various platforms enhancement major MARS GCM
#19 Update deftank with script for various machines emillour enhancement major MARS GCM
#20 New variable "watercap" in GCM jnaar enhancement major MARS GCM
#21 clean up install IOIPSL install scripts enhancement major MARS GCM
#22 problem in localtime utility with undefined input values abierjon defect major MARS GCM
#24 Towards MCDv6.0 defect major Mars: GCM 6.0 for MCDv6.0 MARS GCM
#27 Microphysics of CO2 clouds task major MARS GCM
#32 DSO computation in aeropacity (dust,rds and top) defect major MARS GCM
#34 compilation of sed_and_prod_mad.F90 fails with recent gfortran defect major VENUS GCM
#37 getin_p does not work with MESOSCALE GENERIC aslmd defect major GENERIC GCM
#40 why is file used_callphys.def empty? emillour defect major MARS GCM
#42 Problem when "season=.false." ; orbital parameters still change with each new simulation defect major GENERIC GCM
#45 Improve zrecast with the addition of surface fields enhancement major MARS GCM
#46 Improve concatnc so it can concatenate concat files abierjon enhancement major MARS GCM
#53 compilation fail du GCM Mars en gfortran (mode librairie) defect major MARS GCM
#54 reading dust scenario does not work while file is here defect major MARS GCM
#59 Doc on debug mode enhancement major MARS GCM
#62 Problems with the IOIPSL library emillour defect major GENERIC GCM
#65 Account for Sun-Mars distance in EUV input for the thermosphere defect major MARS GCM
#69 lack of interactivity in compiling latest version of the GCM defect major MARS GCM
#71 Vocabulary : replace "slope winds" by "topdust flow" defect major MARS GCM
#72 problem with ORL(clear sky) outputs when iradia is not 1 defect major GENERIC GCM
#73 1+1=2 in the Mars GCM defect major MARS GCM
#78 Add a sanity chek for input fields sent by the dynamics enhancement major MARS GCM
#79 The GCM should stop if run.def is missing enhancement major MARS GCM
#81 Some writediagfi() in physiq are shadowed under an if(callstats) flag defect major MARS GCM
#82 Make reference (MCDv5.3) start_archive files enhancement major MARS GCM
#90 Cleanup use of rnew, cpnew and co. from module conc_mod enhancement major MARS GCM
#91 Potentialy buggy behavior of aerave_new gmilcareck defect major GENERIC GCM
#98 dtau directly at scenario's IR wavelength? enhancement major MARS GCM
#100 Setting up nuice_ref once defect major MARS GCM
#101 Download IOIPSL requires login/pwd? emillour defect major GENERIC GCM
#102 argument mismatch with inichim_newstart emillour defect major MARS GCM
#103 Erroneous use of surface geopotential in co2condens? defect major MARS GCM
#119 Commentaires du PEM LL,RV task major MARS GCM
#120 Clean PEM LL,RV task major MARS GCM
#122 Problems linked to parallelism in aeroptproperties defect major GENERIC GCM
#124 Crash of GCM runs because of dust over the NPC jnaar defect major MARS: MCDv6.0alpha MARS GCM
#125 Clean and improve deftank sample files enhancement major MARS GCM
#126 Compiling newstart doesn't work on Spirit defect major MARS GCM
#127 Add an option to output diagsoil files enhancement major MARS GCM
#141 zrecast issues with handling of slightly negative number densities defect major MARS GCM
#149 "newstart" util not working defect major MARS GCM
#150 Changes of zzlay defect major MARS GCM
#151 Re-running reference MCDv5 simulations defect major MARS GCM
#160 remove "sourceevol" option enhancement major GENERIC GCM
#13 option "composition" in newstart.F jnaar enhancement minor MARS GCM
#14 DSO dust wavelength calibration in diagfi abierjon enhancement minor MARS GCM
#25 GCM 1D: issue with initial local time (run.def) defect minor MARS GCM
#29 Conserving altitude attributes with localtime utility abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
#36 il ouvre le callphys mais ne lit pas bien les paramètres defect minor GENERIC GCM
#39 Add rho and surface variables in zrecast outputs defect minor MARS GCM
#41 dso * tauscaling when freedust=false abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
#43 New issue found at cold temperatures (<50K) linked with defaut value of NTstar=500 jvatant defect minor GENERIC GCM
#47 Problems with optical depth in the 2-layer aerosol scheme jvatant defect minor GENERIC GCM
#61 More transparency for solzenangle abierjon enhancement minor MARS GCM
#74 start2archive fait n'importe quoi sans traceur.def sans râler defect minor MARS GCM
#75 localtime/lslin interaction abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
#93 albedo set to zero by start2archive+newstart defect minor MARS GCM
#96 Newstart option "ini_q-h2o" fails defect minor MARS GCM
#104 obsolete "caps" flag ? jnaar defect minor MARS GCM
#105 Option restart with 1D Mars model jnaar enhancement minor MARS GCM
#106 Bug Correction in jthermalcalc_e107.F [VENUS GCM] defect minor VENUS GCM
#107 Bug Correction in jthermalcalc_e107.F [MARS GCM] defect minor MARS GCM
#108 Remove "co2ice" array and use qsurf(igcm_co2) instead rvande defect minor MARS GCM
#110 Cleaning co2 surface tracers enhancement minor MARS GCM
#111 Getting rid of ksh in the IOISPL install scripts enhancement minor GENERIC GCM
#121 Make MCDv6.1 reference start files available emillour task minor MARS GCM
#129 Change the README of LMDZ.MARS enhancement minor MARS GCM
#137 Output INTEGER or LOGICAL using write_ouput rvande enhancement minor MARS GCM
#140 Expandstartfi.e weird at poles defect minor MARS GCM
#143 Weird iddist behaviour when no dust defect minor MARS GCM
#156 Check the dust opacity is reasonable in GCM6 abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
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