#124 closed defect (wontfix)

Crash of GCM runs because of dust over the NPC

Reported by: jnaar Owned by: jnaar
Priority: major Milestone: MARS: MCDv6.0alpha
Component: MARS GCM Version:
Keywords: Cc:


GCM run crashing because NaN appears in dust tracers at coordinates (lon,lat)=(129.375,86.25). It appears that this grid cell is located on the NPC (ie watercaptag=.true.).

Furthermore there seems to be a strong correlation between dust tracers going ludicrous and watercaptag=.true., which is obviously a bug. Strong suspicion on the subtimestep in vdifc_mod.F for water which may cause this problem somehow.

Attachments (2)

ncview2.PNG (69.3 KB) - added by jnaar 23 months ago.
ncview startfi crashing
ncview1.PNG (15.9 KB) - added by jnaar 23 months ago.
Dust over latitude 78.75

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 23 months ago by jnaar

Attachment: ncview2.PNG added

ncview startfi crashing

Changed 23 months ago by jnaar

Attachment: ncview1.PNG added

Dust over latitude 78.75

comment:1 Changed 20 months ago by jnaar

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

This type of crash was actually caused by excessive latent heat release within the subtimestep of cloud microphysics on high obliquity runs where sublimation is extremely intense. It can be adressed by increasing imicro (default is 30 for present-day climate, can be increased to ~200-500 to solve this).

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