Custom Query (34 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5 Conservation of traceurs in chemistry calchim_mod assigned flefevre task major
#10 calcul de la constante des gas pour mélanges variables assigned defect major
#11 Get rid of commons, use modules instead new enhancement major
#15 improving photochemistry: Taking into account the changes in surface albedo would be more realistic. assigned flefevre enhancement major
#26 Building Dynamico-Mars new defect major
#44 Remove obsolete stuff fromLMDZ.GENERIC new enhancement major
#50 add information about compilation of utilities new enhancement major
#56 Restore/add possibility to run 2D (axisymmetric) simulations new enhancement major
#64 day fraction "fract" can only be 0 or 1 ? new defect major
#70 enable "restarts" in 1D simulations new enhancement major
#77 Improve comments in solarlong new enhancement major
#80 zrecast should spot if "pressure" (or other field) is requested twice new defect major
#84 Cleanup physiq new defect major
#85 Compatibility with gfortran versions 10+ new enhancement major
#86 Improve checks & error messages in initracer.F new enhancement major
#115 Adding comments about "controle" array in start files new enhancement major
#116 Improving the xvik program new enhancement major
#117 improving the extract utility new enhancement major
#131 Difference in local time when calling physics in pure Matsuno mode new defect major
#134 Make VISxIR bands dynamic (defined at run time and not compile time) new enhancement major
#135 Build a "newstart" for dynamico new enhancement major
#142 extract should handle number densities interpolation in log scale new defect major
#145 Lslin doesn't work with 1D (time dependent scalars) new enhancement major
#158 Cleaning, documenting and improving vdifc new defect major
#159 Make reference Mars PCM start/def bundles available new enhancement major
#162 Potential problem in histwrite2d_xios for non-IR/VIS outputs new enhancement major
#163 Revisiting/improving the "ecritphy" parameter to specify output rate in physics new enhancement major
#35 get rid of "stop" and "call abort" in the GCM new enhancement minor
#97 ordering of tracers in traceur.def when using isotopes new defect minor
#112 disabling writediagfi when runnning the mesoscale new defect minor
#139 reindexing sub-surface variables? new enhancement minor
#148 Evaluation of layer up to which LTE should be computed not adapted to parallel case new defect minor
#157 Improve outputs (XIOS / diagfi) management assigned emillour enhancement minor
#161 Running the Generic PCM with zero aerosols new defect minor
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