Opened 21 months ago

#131 new defect

Difference in local time when calling physics in pure Matsuno mode

Reported by: emillour Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: MARS GCM Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When running with "purmats=.true." (i.e. pure Matsuno time stepping) with identical iphysiq values, the universal time "ptime" sent to physics is different than when "purmats=.false" (default: i.e. Leapfrog+Matsuno time stepping).

Illustrative example: with day_step=960 and iphysiq=5

  • if purmats=.false. then first call to physics is with ptime=0.0041666 (=4./960.) and the second one with ptime=0.009375 (=9./960.)
  • if purmats=.true. then first call to physics is with ptime=0.005208333 (=5./960.) and the second one with ptime=0.0104167 (=10./960.)

So there seems to be a bad offset, but more likely in the "purmats=.false" case...

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