Custom Query (29 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#16 post-processing tool to calculate column quantities: tracercolumn assigned fforget enhancement minor
#23 Add option to change Ls of perihelion in newstart.F accepted jnaar enhancement minor
#30 mesoscale model does not work with callcond=.true. new defect minor
#35 get rid of "stop" and "call abort" in the GCM new enhancement minor
#38 passer tous les getin en getin_p new emillour defect minor
#48 Coherence of the "long_name"/"title" attribute in the utilitary programs assigned abierjon defect minor
#51 lslin: add a checkpoint to avoid linearisation on scalar new enhancement minor
#57 Corrections on concatnc accepted abierjon enhancement minor
#58 Improve simu_MCS with the addition of surface fields new enhancement minor
#67 Get rid of #ifdef NC_DOUBLE in utilities new enhancement minor
#83 keep 1D variables in zrecasted output files new enhancement minor
#88 Facilitate modifications of isotopic ratio of perennial ice assigned mvals enhancement minor
#89 Make VSMOW a constant new enhancement minor
#97 ordering of tracers in traceur.def when using isotopes new defect minor
#99 concatnc doesn't handle variable names that are not in the new defect minor
#109 Cleaning iniorbit.F new enhancement minor
#112 disabling writediagfi when runnning the mesoscale new defect minor
#128 Create a folder Dynamico_deftank assigned romain.vande enhancement minor
#133 Translating François' vdfic documentation in Latex and wiki assigned jnaar task minor
#138 Increasing "watersat" flexibility new enhancement minor
#139 reindexing sub-surface variables? new enhancement minor
#144 Separate "activice" into latent heat release + radiative transfert new enhancement minor
#148 Evaluation of layer up to which LTE should be computed not adapted to parallel case new defect minor
#152 Put _FillValue attribute in all util programs assigned abierjon defect minor
#154 zrecast may not deal well with input missing values new defect minor
#155 Investigating Netcdf library issues on Adastra new task minor
#157 Improve outputs (XIOS / diagfi) management assigned emillour enhancement minor
#161 Running the Generic PCM with zero aerosols new defect minor
#164 viscosity computed at firstcall in newsedim new defect minor
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