Custom Query (41 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#11 Get rid of commons, use modules instead new major MARS GCM
#15 improving photochemistry: Taking into account the changes in surface albedo would be more realistic. assigned flefevre major MARS GCM
#44 Remove obsolete stuff fromLMDZ.GENERIC new major GENERIC GCM
#49 Apply Cp(T) to generic physics assigned jvatant major GENERIC GCM
#50 add information about compilation of utilities new major MARS GCM
#56 Restore/add possibility to run 2D (axisymmetric) simulations new major GENERIC GCM
#60 Replacing the use of pdq by zq in physiq new major MARS GCM
#70 enable "restarts" in 1D simulations new major GENERIC GCM
#76 Need new tool to compute the 32-µm surface emissivity new major milestone4 MARS GCM
#77 Improve comments in solarlong new major GENERIC GCM
#85 Compatibility with gfortran versions 10+ new major MARS GCM
#86 Improve checks & error messages in initracer.F new major MARS GCM
#94 Change topdust into stormdust as it leaves the column new major MARS GCM
#113 Automatic Qext for lifted dust assigned abierjon major MARS GCM
#114 Exploring dust lifting over CO2/H2O caps new major MARS GCM
#116 Improving the xvik program new major MARS GCM
#117 improving the extract utility new major MARS GCM
#134 Make VISxIR bands dynamic (defined at run time and not compile time) new major GENERIC GCM
#135 Build a "newstart" for dynamico new major MARS GCM
#145 Lslin doesn't work with 1D (time dependent scalars) new major MARS GCM
#159 Make reference Mars PCM start/def bundles available new major MARS GCM
#162 Potential problem in histwrite2d_xios for non-IR/VIS outputs new major GENERIC GCM
#163 Revisiting/improving the "ecritphy" parameter to specify output rate in physics new major GENERIC GCM
#165 buffer writediagfi outputs? new major MARS GCM
#167 MCDv6.1 fixes and improvements towards an MCDv6.2 new major MARS GCM
#16 post-processing tool to calculate column quantities: tracercolumn assigned fforget minor MARS GCM
#23 Add option to change Ls of perihelion in newstart.F accepted jnaar minor MARS GCM
#35 get rid of "stop" and "call abort" in the GCM new minor MARS GCM
#51 lslin: add a checkpoint to avoid linearisation on scalar new minor MARS GCM
#57 Corrections on concatnc accepted abierjon minor MARS GCM
#58 Improve simu_MCS with the addition of surface fields new minor MARS GCM
#67 Get rid of #ifdef NC_DOUBLE in utilities new minor MARS GCM
#83 keep 1D variables in zrecasted output files new minor MARS GCM
#88 Facilitate modifications of isotopic ratio of perennial ice assigned mvals minor MARS GCM
#89 Make VSMOW a constant new minor MARS GCM
#109 Cleaning iniorbit.F new minor MARS GCM
#128 Create a folder Dynamico_deftank assigned romain.vande minor MARS GCM
#138 Increasing "watersat" flexibility new minor MARS GCM
#139 reindexing sub-surface variables? new minor MARS GCM
#144 Separate "activice" into latent heat release + radiative transfert new minor MARS GCM
#157 Improve outputs (XIOS / diagfi) management assigned emillour minor GENERIC GCM
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