Opened 3 months ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#167 new enhancement

MCDv6.1 fixes and improvements towards an MCDv6.2

Reported by: emillour Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: MARS GCM Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by emillour)

Various problems have been identified in the current MCDv6.1 at this date:
1) negative values for solar fluxes reflected to space.
=> fixed in version 6.1.2 of the software
2) online interface maps: local time is for lon=0, regardless of map boundaries
=> more detailed info + have a dedicated extra option for users to specify if they want LT for maps to be wrt lon=0 or map center?
3) issue mentioned by Ralf Lorenz: Using the web interface, Perseverance coordinates, Mars data all, local time 13, I can plot various fields of interest, but the ‘Surface Sensible Heat Flux’ is a uniform zero… doesn’t seem right.
=> fixed in version 6.1.2 of the software
4) the pbl_parameter routine imported in MCD has been corrected since in the PCM and should be updated
=> updated in version 6.1.2 of the software
5) The RMS for winds seem to be too large compared to EOF outputs...

Improvements: (towards MCDv6.2?)
Note that:

  • the MCDv6.1 runs were done with: nircorr=0 whereas "nircorr=1" should be used (scheme requires CO2 and O tracers to be available).
  • Now that we have an MY36 dust scenario (and soon a complete MY37) we should make the additional runs.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 3 months ago by emillour

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 weeks ago by emillour

Description: modified (diff)
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