Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#10 calcul de la constante des gas pour mélanges variables assigned major MARS GCM
#26 Building Dynamico-Mars new major MARS GCM
#33 Discriminate water ice precipitations & ground condensation in the model accepted jnaar major MARS GCM
#52 ndim in utilitary programs new major MARS GCM
#55 Problem of qsurf initialisation if non-empty traceur file but tracer=false new major GENERIC GCM
#64 day fraction "fract" can only be 0 or 1 ? new major MARS GCM
#66 Enable the use of "all" for utilitary programs new major MARS GCM
#68 Enable lslin after and before zrecast assigned abierjon major MARS GCM
#80 zrecast should spot if "pressure" (or other field) is requested twice new major MARS GCM
#84 Cleanup physiq new major MARS GCM
#87 transition from F77 to F90 for NetCDF in utilitaries assigned abierjon major MARS GCM
#92 Call radiative transfer for topflows only when needed new major MARS GCM
#118 Sequential run of the model does not work new major MARS GCM
#131 Difference in local time when calling physics in pure Matsuno mode new major MARS GCM
#136 "lrun" output text file from simulation are too big in parallel new major MARS GCM
#142 extract should handle number densities interpolation in log scale new major MARS GCM
#146 Fixed dust opacity when using 1d without seasonal cycle assigned jnaar major MARS GCM
#147 Erreur write_output xios adastra assigned abierjon major MARS GCM
#153 Correction of the infrared flux in the 1D model when callslope new major MARS GCM
#158 Cleaning, documenting and improving vdifc new major MARS GCM
#30 mesoscale model does not work with callcond=.true. new minor MARS GCM
#31 segmentation fault at the end of the run new minor GENERIC GCM
#38 passer tous les getin en getin_p new emillour minor MARS GCM
#48 Coherence of the "long_name"/"title" attribute in the utilitary programs assigned abierjon minor MARS GCM
#97 ordering of tracers in traceur.def when using isotopes new minor MARS GCM
#99 concatnc doesn't handle variable names that are not in the new minor MARS GCM
#112 disabling writediagfi when runnning the mesoscale new minor MARS GCM
#148 Evaluation of layer up to which LTE should be computed not adapted to parallel case new minor MARS GCM
#152 Put _FillValue attribute in all util programs assigned abierjon minor MARS GCM
#154 zrecast may not deal well with input missing values new minor MARS GCM
#161 Running the Generic PCM with zero aerosols new minor GENERIC GCM
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