2 weeks |
dcugnet |
Fix to compute correctly iH2O (SN).
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Re-introducing new outputs from r5491 withneeded modifications in xml files
3 weeks |
evignon |
petite correction pour le bilan d'eau en cas de neige soufflee du au …
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Modification SPLA pour résoudre redondance INCA
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Modif lecture u10m spla
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Removing output that crash
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Flag moved to lmdz_cv_ini/cv3_param.
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Supression de save
3 weeks |
evignon |
petite correction mass fixer dans le cas ou on active la neige soufflee
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Adapt calwake and wake for automatic GPU port.
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Synchronize modification of readtrac_mod.
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
cdo/adastra + ajout .def de best tuning partII
3 weeks |
evignon |
nouvelle option pour le calcul du rayon optique des cristaux de glace …
3 weeks |
evignon |
correction du diagnostique de l'humidite relative en ciel clair. …
3 weeks |
evignon |
ajout d'un commentaire dans dimphy pour preciser pourquoi certaines …
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Someone forgot to modify phylmdiso branch
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Going back on some THREADPRIVATE declaration that seem problematic
3 weeks |
jyg |
New outputs :
+ coef_clos = [conv mass flux given by Alp …
3 weeks |
evignon |
correction de l'advection verticale de temperature suite a des modifs …
3 weeks |
aborella |
Merge with trunk
3 weeks |
aborella |
Added dependance of rei to contrail fraction
4 weeks |
dcugnet |
Fix in infotrac_phy: isInPhysics depends on iadv, which has to be …
4 weeks |
evignon |
inclusion d'un diagnostique de la sublimation de la glace sur les …
4 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Some threadprivate statements were not necessary
4 weeks |
evignon |
ajout omp thresprivate dans modd_csts
4 weeks |
evignon |
ajout de omp_threadprivate manquants
4 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Forget to delete some lines at wrapper creation.
4 weeks |
dcugnet |
Remove tracers attributes "isAdvected" and "isInPhysics" from infotrac …
4 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
For GPU porting :
- add wrapper for source to source tools
- Separate …
4 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Optimization : setting array to 0 only at computed vertical level. …
4 weeks |
jyg |
Flag-protect the bug fix of svn 5469 :
4 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Remove non UTF8 characters in comment
4 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
"END SUBROUTINE" instead of "END" for gpu parsing
4 weeks |
dcugnet |
Restore revisions 5216 and 5234, which were canceled at revision 5237: …
4 weeks |
dcugnet |
Move variables and computation of the water-related indices ivap, …
4 weeks |
jyg |
output the total wet deposit of tracers (convective + large scale)
4 weeks |
evignon |
petite correction commit precedent
4 weeks |
evignon |
commentaire d'un print toujours actif dans lmdz_surf_wind
4 weeks |
evignon |
raffinement de la condition pour ne pas activer la param d'orographie …
5 weeks |
jyg |
Bug fix in subroutine cv3_tracer in cv3_routines.f90.
This is an old …
5 weeks |
fhourdin |
New subotpion iflag_pbl_split=20 (or 21).
5 weeks |
fhourdin |
5 weeks |
aborella |
Modification to the shearing process
5 weeks |
fhourdin |
For sequential and debug compilation
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
$local -> $local_d + SPLA specific
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Bug fix for nf90_open in Dust routines
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Automatisation gfortran<10
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Quality control improvements
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Detail for replay
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Almost nothing
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Concering replay
6 weeks |
fhourdin |
Detail niveaux verticaux
7 weeks |
aborella |
Added diagnostics for contrails fraction
7 weeks |
aborella |
Bugfix from previous commit
7 weeks |
aborella |
Added new file to phylmdiso
7 weeks |
aborella |
Added water emissions and IO routines for contrails.
Work to be done: …
7 weeks |
aborella |
First implementation of the contrails parameterisation
Lacks the …
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
Concerns iophys_ini
7 weeks |
aborella |
Merge with trunk
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
For alternate number of vertical layers
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
For replay
7 weeks |
jyg |
output the convective wet deposit of tracers
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
Adding wind subrid scale distribution
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
F90 -> f90 for cleaning
7 weeks |
evignon |
ajout d'une nouvelle option pour la param de nuages de phase mixte de …
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
For f90 input files (from testing of dec 2024)
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
Back on previous testing for SPLA
7 weeks |
evignon |
small bug fixes in lscp
7 weeks |
fhourdin |
Bug fix
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Automatic installation of SPLA version
8 weeks |
evignon |
nouveaux ajustements param cirrus pour mieux coller aux notations du …
8 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Wrong names for CPP keys
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Pushing last commit to isotopes
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Superessing CPP in lmdz_*
Not possible for lmdz_thermcell_main …
8 weeks |
evignon |
modification et correction de la prise en compte de l'advection …
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Minor improvements
8 weeks |
aborella |
Merge with trunk
8 weeks |
evignon |
ajout de la deposition de vapeur sur les precipitations
glacees …
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Improving geting files from http://... + README0
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
rad/veget/netcdf/aerosols options from main.sh
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Bug fix
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Modified access to http://lmdz…
8 weeks |
jyg |
Correction des arguments d'appel de phytrac et de phytracr_spl dans …
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Bug fix in LMDZ_Setup
8 weeks |
evignon |
suppression d'une option obsolete pour l'appel a poprecip
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Changing $SUBMITCMD to a function submitcmd
Need for local use of LMDZ
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
8 weeks |
fhourdin |
Minor change in $SCRATCH directory management
8 weeks |
evignon |
petit ajustement a mon commit precedent sur l'externalisation des precip
8 weeks |
aborella |
Create contrails branch
8 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to ecrad namelist
8 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
New release_notes file
8 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
New version of LMDZ_Setup as rewritten by A. Barral
8 weeks |
abarral |
add comment regarding netcdf
8 weeks |
evignon |
fin de l'externalisation des precips dans lscp.
A. Borella, E Vignon
8 weeks |
evignon |
mise sous flag d'un bug sur la phase des nuages dans lscp
identifie …
8 weeks |
evignon |
amendement au commit precedent sur la phase 1 de l'externalisation des …
8 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
change of reference version to use
2 months |
evignon |
update du lien dans les phylmdiso