10 hours |
fhourdin |
Automatic installation of SPLA version
13 hours |
evignon |
nouveaux ajustements param cirrus pour mieux coller aux notations du …
15 hours |
Laurent Fairhead |
Wrong names for CPP keys
15 hours |
fhourdin |
Pushing last commit to isotopes
16 hours |
fhourdin |
Superessing CPP in lmdz_*
Not possible for lmdz_thermcell_main …
30 hours |
evignon |
modification et correction de la prise en compte de l'advection …
31 hours |
fhourdin |
Minor improvements
36 hours |
aborella |
Merge with trunk
36 hours |
evignon |
ajout de la deposition de vapeur sur les precipitations
glacees …
41 hours |
fhourdin |
Improving geting files from http://... + README0
2 days |
fhourdin |
rad/veget/netcdf/aerosols options from main.sh
2 days |
fhourdin |
Bug fix
2 days |
fhourdin |
Modified access to http://lmdz…
3 days |
jyg |
Correction des arguments d'appel de phytrac et de phytracr_spl dans …
3 days |
fhourdin |
Bug fix in LMDZ_Setup
3 days |
evignon |
suppression d'une option obsolete pour l'appel a poprecip
3 days |
fhourdin |
Changing $SUBMITCMD to a function submitcmd
Need for local use of LMDZ
3 days |
fhourdin |
3 days |
fhourdin |
Minor change in $SCRATCH directory management
3 days |
evignon |
petit ajustement a mon commit precedent sur l'externalisation des precip
3 days |
aborella |
Create contrails branch
4 days |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to ecrad namelist
4 days |
Laurent Fairhead |
New release_notes file
4 days |
Laurent Fairhead |
New version of LMDZ_Setup as rewritten by A. Barral
4 days |
abarral |
add comment regarding netcdf
4 days |
evignon |
fin de l'externalisation des precips dans lscp.
A. Borella, E Vignon
4 days |
evignon |
mise sous flag d'un bug sur la phase des nuages dans lscp
identifie …
4 days |
evignon |
amendement au commit precedent sur la phase 1 de l'externalisation des …
4 days |
Laurent Fairhead |
change of reference version to use
5 days |
evignon |
update du lien dans les phylmdiso
5 days |
evignon |
debut de l'externalisation des processus de precipitation de lmdz_lscp …
8 days |
abarral |
Better preservation of install path
8 days |
evignon |
changement de la parametrisation de la dissipation des cirrus et …
8 days |
abarral |
correct typo
8 days |
abarral |
propagate wrongful exit
9 days |
abarral |
Fix bug if nc-config & nf-config paths are different
11 days |
evignon |
petite correction liee a la specificite des variables ozone
11 days |
evignon |
meme chose dans phylmdiso
11 days |
evignon |
ajout de omp threadprivate manquants
11 days |
Laurent Fairhead |
forgot a test on the installation directory
11 days |
abarral |
- Export used netcdf bin path in arch.env to ensure same path …
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix typo in CPP_Dust
(also minor: properly import _spl modules)
2 weeks |
evignon |
ajout de ql_seri et qi_seri dans lmdz_lscp
2 weeks |
evignon |
suite precedent commit
2 weeks |
evignon |
ecriture de certaines declarations sur plusieurs lignes par souci de clarté
2 weeks |
evignon |
mise à jour readtracfiles suite à l'update de la param d'Audran
2 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Wrong place for END SUBROUTINE statement
END FUNCTION statement missing
2 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Add arch files for nvidia compiler (GPU) on IRENE.
2 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
- Remove UTF8 character that inihibit fortran parsing with GPU …
2 weeks |
abarral |
2 weeks |
abarral |
Add --no-cache to wget to avoid caching issues
Hotfix JZ arch
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix error if MPI missing
2 weeks |
abarral |
Add -verbose option
Add wrapper to display generic error message if we …
2 weeks |
abarral |
Add #!/bin/bash to compile.sh
Use do_compile_sh for IOIPSL
2 weeks |
evignon |
ajout de diagnostiques des tendances de precip, Audran Borella
2 weeks |
evignon |
update de la paramétrisation de phase des nuages de Lea et nettoyage …
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix arch for xios @JZ
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix arch for xios @JZ
2 weeks |
evignon |
modification readtracfiles pour inclure les variables d'eau de la …
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix arch for xios @JZ
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fix fpp_flags for orchidee @JZ
2 weeks |
abarral |
Move check_available_software after init_arch to ensure proper modules …
2 weeks |
abarral |
bump default modipsl version
fix forwarding svn rev between main.sh …
2 weeks |
abarral |
Fetch compiler from arch after lmdz update rather than from the modipsl tar
2 weeks |
abarral |
Add temp arch to fix path in ORCHIDEE archs on JZ
2 weeks |
abarral |
Use new install_lmdz from BOL/script_install
2 weeks |
abarral |
2 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Declaring some variables that were implicit
2 weeks |
lebasn |
StratAer? bugfix: import klon from dimphy that wasn't defined.
3 weeks |
abarral |
Add -fimplicit-none to arch
Remove leftover obsolete flags from …
3 weeks |
abarral |
(WIP) Turn implicit into explicit declarations
Turn 1dconv.h into a …
3 weeks |
abarral |
(WIP) Turn implicit into explicit declarations
3 weeks |
abarral |
Remove redundant base fflags
3 weeks |
abarral |
Merge r5342 from script_install_amaury branch
3 weeks |
evignon |
Valentin Wiener, Etienne Vignon: remplacement de la cle z0h_landice …
3 weeks |
evignon |
Valentin Wiener, Etienne Vignon: ustar dans les sorties n'est plus un …
3 weeks |
abarral |
(fix previous) remove nonexisting imported vars
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Switching to modular install_lmdz.sh and new testing version (r5244)
3 weeks |
abarral |
(fix previous) remove obsolete versions of paramet_mod_h.f90
3 weeks |
abarral |
delete merged branch
3 weeks |
abarral |
Merged from Amaury_posttrusting
Unify paramet_mod_h.f90
Removed unused …
3 weeks |
idelkadi |
Modifications to have more choice for archiving time frequencies in …
3 weeks |
idelkadi |
Modifications to have more choice for archiving time frequencies in …
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
move .git ecrad => .gitx to avoid git conflict, considering it like a …
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
function isnan() is a non-standard gnu extension and it is not …
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Nvidia compiler has some difficulties to compile correctly some …
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Rollback (in a way) of previous commit : Frederic is rewriting the …
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Add arch files for nvidia compiler on jeanzay, and activating openACC …
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Add arch files for nvidia compiler on jeanzay
3 weeks |
yann meurdesoif |
Remove obsolete link in lmdziso due to previous commit (deleted …
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Encore …
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Bug fix dernier commit (Fredho)
3 weeks |
fhourdin |
Debut de replaysation de la convection profonde.
Regroupement de …
3 weeks |
musat |
Correction bug: manquait le $
3 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Temporary fix on value of index so that the code does not crash in …
3 weeks |
Sebastien Nguyen |
modified file_def_histday_lmdz.xml file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml to use _AUTO_
3 weeks |
abarral |
Add message if modipsl tar retrieval fails
4 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Rollback, not needed
4 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications necessary so that phylmd can be compiled as a library …
4 weeks |
Laurent Fairhead |
Getting rid of dependance to dynamics, needs some more work