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16th December2021

Duration: 1h25mn

Participants: Christophe, Ehouarn, Romain, Siteng, Gabriella, Jiandong, Francois, Lucas, Antoine,
              Jorge, Aymeric, Deborah
Guest star: Tanguy

- Occigen Haswell (24 cores/node) nodes will be turned off starting January 3rd 2022.
  Only Broadwell (28 cores/node) will be available from now on.
- Chrsitophe is "joining" LMD in January for 3 months
- No POULDP Mars in the next 2 weeks (X-mas break!)

Recent commits:
- r2593: Account for the effect of kinetics in the fractionation by condensation of HDO at the surface
- r2594: Fixes and improvements in the Non-orographic GW scheme

Recent tickets:
- #87 : Move from "F77" calls to Netcdf to "F90" to alleviate problems with gfortran10+
- #88 : Make D/H ratio of northern cap water ice a parameter (used set?) rather than have it hard coded in hdo_surfex_mod
- #89 : Make Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) a constant parameter (in comcstfi_h) rather than have it hard coded
        to 155.76E-6 in various routines
- #90 : Cleanup use of rnew, cpnew from module conc_mod : because these change at every time step they should not
        be set/read as module variables but passed to routines as arguments

-TODO: clean up the tickets (some are old and obsolete but not closed)

Hot topics:

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)
- all the bugs in the parametrization are now fixed (confusion between tendencies and increments,
  using rho in EPflux computation and including rho at launch altitude)
- Now will run the GCM and retune the parameters by comparing to MCS.

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- Did some simulations to compare with Joseph's with his start files.
  But with new dust cycle => got different results than previously
  Now finds a drier water cycle. Differences come from the scavenging parametrization
  with adds water to the system... => there is a big in the scavenging which adds water...
  (scavco2cond flag, which is .false. by default)

* Water conservation...
- To be continued...

* OpenMP:(Romain)
- most routines OK in OpenMP
- Latest tests show that 1/=1 with MPI with thermosphere... related to  euv heating

- is stuck as starts from Joseph contain NaNs...

- working on Mars2020 (supercam + microphone measurements)
- some NASA AMES GCM work (coagulation of dust)
- Bob Haberle is investigating temperature non-equilibrium between dust & atmospheric surroundings (AGU poster)

- will organize a group meeting of MAMO local organisers on the first week of January

Jiandong: Here is the nonoro PDF I have show today second.pdf.

9th December 2021

Duration: 30mn

Participants: Antoine, Romain, Jorge, Lucas, Jiandong, Thomas

News: None

Recent commits:
- r2590: correction on concatnc for handling input missing values (Loic)
- r2592: update input file for meteoritic particles flux (Christophe)

Recent tickets:
- None

Issues gitlab:
- None

Hot topics:

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- the test with I=1500 and albedo of ice/frost of 0.4/0.6 (7MY for now, still running) returned a very DRYING water cycle
  => maybe some room for a frost albedo between 0.4 and 0.6 to stabilize the water cycle at a reasonable level
- in parallel, he is running simulations at 54 and 26 levels to strictly compare the effect of the new dust cycle (Joseph is running these with the old dust cycle)
  /!\ compared to Antoine's previous simulations, these :
       use revision r2592 of the model (versus r2577) ;
       use converged state start files for the water cycle ;
       don't use non-orographic gravity waves ;
       don't use scavenging by CO2 ice ;
       have some differences on the dissipation and sponge layer.
  => still running, but seems to result in a drying water cycle, at the opposite of his previous simulations... to be confirmed
- Gathering his work for the annual CNES report

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)
- achieves to run a whole MY under some circumstances, but with extreme variations (8e5K !!) for temperature during month 8, when the breaking level goes up 20-40km higher than usual (because dusty season)
  These extreme variations appears only in stats file, not diagfi...?? Month 9 normal.
  Sometimes it crashes at month 10, when these extreme variations reappear...
- will compare first months with MCS

- OpenMP le GCM : only thermosphere left to do ! but gets some issues when he tries to implement it
- PEM : simulations with current ice caps and obliquity 40. converge well toward an equilibrium state, without oscillations !

- Analysed simulations around Ls120 at Ascraeus Mons, where obs detect elongated cloud
- On Arsia Mons : cloud pocket in the model, but bad representation of the cloud itself -> working on the microphysics with Francois (contact parameter)

- Looks at the mesoscale model to better compare with its MCD slope winds model
- Web page for retrieving full MCD version almost ready
- waiting for comments on his papers (solar panels)

- Has a bug in his subslope parametrization : sometimes atm temperature too low around the surface.
  + thinking on how to account for subslopes when going back to the whole cell : mean/sum, TCO2cond...?
- Would love physiq_mod to be cleaned up

2nd December 2021

Duration: 1h15mn

Participants: Siteng, Thomas, Joseph, Romain, Lucas, Francois, Francois, Ehouarn, Aymeric, Antony, Antoine

- Luca has provided a "final" version of the MY35 dust scenario; will very soon be added on the reference "datadir"
  (overwriting the current beta version)
- Christophe will join LMD for 3 months starting 01/01/2022

Recent commits:
- r2589: Add meteoritic particles as CCNs for CO2 clouds (extra input file to be added to the reference "datadir")

Recent tickets:
- None

Issues gitlab:
- None

Hot topics:

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- ran tests for 10 Mars Years (with different thermal inertias, with albedo=0.4).
  Does not dry the water cycle enough,
  we are still too wet.
- tries with I=1500 and albedo of ice/frost of 0.4/0.6
- maybe test an GCM 5.3 configuration and/or go back to another choice of contact parameter

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)

- updated page with Luca's latest versions.
- will generate new "clim/cold/warm" synthetic scenarios using MY24->MY35
- actively preparing next week's LMDZ tutorial sessions

- Armin might come and stay at LMD after MAMO.
- making mesoscale simulations for Jorge

- Updated data from EMM. Some weird warm temperatures near the surface around 4 am.
  Compares with MY36 simulations. Tests whether binning or not the data. Binning is probably not a good idea.

- reruns the supersaturation study (1D & 3D) with the generic GCM for Early Mars
- working on hydrology

- Has a prototype of a webpage to order the full version
- slope winds in the MCD: found the bug, now it converges well.

25th November 2021

Duration: 1h35mn

Participants: Francois, Thomas, Romain, Antony, Siteng, Jiandong, Ehouarn,Christophe, Jorge, Aymeric
              Joseph, Lucas

Recent commits:
- r2587: Fix water conservation issue in vdifc

Recent tickets:
- #86: Improve checks & error messages in initracer.F

Issues gitlab:
- None

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- OK now. At least in physics.

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)
- working on the various parameter values.

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)

- with Lucas, adding slopes (added dimension for the 7 slopes) to some variables (tsurf, tsoil, q_surf etc.)
  this will be the opportunity to clean the code. Possibly also add the incrementation of tendencies throughout
  the parametrizations called by the physics at the same time.
- Question for Christophe about an if/else in co2condens_mod.F which could be cleaned up.

- simulations including meteoritic flux. Crashes at month#8. Added thermosphere & chemistry for a full test.
- paper almost submitted

- still a (large) effect of the dynamics on the water conservation: a few % over a year...
- worth more cross-checking.
- simulations at high obliquity have run. Ready to hand them to Gabriella.

- works on vdifc

- working slope winds in the MCD. Wants to add some improvements.
  some numerical issues as the results don't converge. Check the scheme? Check the intermediate precision
  (double vs simple)
- MCD interface: requesting the full version, try a new interface/submit approach.

- got some new data from EMIRS.

18th November 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Ehouarn, Antoine, Joseph, Jean-Yves, Jiandong, Christophe, Romain, Antony, Vincent, Thomas
              Gabriella, Lucas


Recent commits:
- r2584: further OpenMP implementations in the physics
- r2586: more OpenMP implementations

Recent tickets:
- No new tickets
- suggestion by Christophe & Vincent: some miissing error messages in initracer.F; additional checks needed
 + mention by Romain of misleading mesage when some tracers in traceur.def don't match the flags in callphys.def

Issues gitlab:
- #25 closed

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- bug with watercaptag and sub-timestepping identified (in 1D). There might be other issues.
  Joseph will commit the correction.

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- tuning the combined dust & water cycle. For now too wet. Drying the water cycle will involve changing
  thermal inertia and albedo of frost towards more realistic values. The contact parameter function could
  also be improved.

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)
- Looked thoroughly at the equations and way they are written and used in the code.
  Proposes some improvements about intermediate computations of altitudes and BV and scale height,
  and more stable evaluation of rho (including variation of r).
  Overall yields a good impact on the effect of the parametrization (more constrained to act on
  lower altitudes in the thermosphere than the model top).
- Other big problem: there was a mix-up between increment and tendency due to the problem.
- Retuning of the parametrization required, versus MCS and Maven data.

- working on the ionosperic version of the GCM to compute escape.

- running with iphysiq=5 or 10, several Mars Years. Looking at the water at given altitudes
  with some spikes in the north during summer, but perhaps looking at columns to confirm/invalidate
  might be better.

4th November 2021

Duration: 1h15mn

Participants: Joseph, Jorge, Jiandong, Margaux, Thomas, Siteng, Lucas, Franck L., Francois, Antoine,
              Romain, Antony

- EMM science team meeting next week (Francois and Siteng will attend in person)
- The "debug" wiki page by Antoine: (using gdb)

Recent commits:
- r2578: First steps towards integrating OpenMP in the physics
- r2579: Fix missing case for hdo_ice in inichim_newstart

Recent tickets:
- #84: Cleanup physiq (as discussed last week)
- #85: Compatibility with gfortran 10+

Issues gitlab:
- r2579 should resolve Issue #25

Hot topics:

* Non-orographic GW with the thermosphere setup (Jiandong)
- tests with the non-oro GW scheme: crashes right away (at first physics step) as it generates crazy winds
  at the top of the atmosphere because the tendencies become too large as one goes up.
- testing behaviour due to other parameters (Cmax, Sc)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- running 10 year-long simulations (currently 5 years done). For now most runs see to be getting too wet.

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- Two issues: 1) the thermals don't conserve total water and 2) the watercaptag=.true. case generates mass loss (in vdifc)

- there will be reports for CNES contract to write soon (end of december)

- In Edinburgh they work on chemistry with the 1D version of the GCM and will move to 3D.
  About installation/setup of the model: see the user manual + ask LMD!

- doing the sub-slope statistics.

- Update on the PEM setup/simulations: looking at the reference 32x24 reference simulations which converges after 77 calls
  Presumably on a stable solution?
  Tests with various iteration criteria for the PEM steps.

28th October 2021


Participants: Jiandong, Ehouarn, Jorge, Franck L., Siteng, Margaux, Gabriella, Loic, Romain,
              Antony, Lucas, Francois, Joseph, Thomas, Antoine
- Occigen will be off-line from Nov 1st 23:00 to November 2nd end of day.
- There might be some I/O issues on Occigen's workdir... (at least for Ehouarn)

Recent commits:
- r2570: improve "check_physics_fields" to also look for negative values of tracers.
- r2571: comments about usage of "extract" and its "offset" parameter for the Time axis
- r2572-73: Fixes for the picky gfortran v10+ compiler which identifies using a scalar
            instead of a one-element array as an error (thanks Mike)
- r2575-76: remove old nucleaco2.F routine ; nucleaco2_mod.F90 is used instead
- r2577: Fixes for the picky gfortran v10+ compiler which identifies using a scalar
         instead of a one-element array as an error (thanks Jiandong)

Recent tickets:
- #83: add possibility to keep 1D variables in zrecasted output files
Suggestion: clean up physiq, especially around the writediagfi in physiq (1d/3d) and many if(flag)

Issues gitlab:
- #25: add hdo_ice in inichim_newstart.F90 => Loic

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- there is a problem in the diagnosis
- more testing required; multiple problems (1D case, 3D case over a long run)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- we have a satisfactory setting, will do dedicated long run simulations to check the water cycle
  the main parameter is the ice albedo; injection is 24h/24h

- starting to add OpenMP in the Martian physics.
- PEM: made tests with 32x32x26 or 32x32x26 simulations over 100 years (vs full simulations)
       testing with various stop criterion for the PEM iterations between GCM calls

- simulations with thermosphere (49 "old" z2sig.def), find a strong increase of water around Ls=100
  around 80°N (as Francisco did) with iphysiq=10, MY26 dust scenario; possibly linked to the first dust
  events at that time of year which increase density (at fixed altitude)? Plus using microphysics and
  radiatively active clouds.

- runing MY36 simulations with thermosphere&ionosphere for EMM & TGO (Ls=0-90).

21th October 2021

Duration: 1h19

Participants: Antoine, Lucas, Margaux, Christophe, Francois, Siteng, Romain, Thomas, Antony, Aymeric,
              Sandrine, Jorge, Jiandong

- Ehouarn is at the IDRIS users comittee
- Siteng and Francois go to Dubai for the next EMM science team meeting (8-11th November)

Recent commits:
- r2569: update of the documentation (mostly better handling of http links)

Recent tickets:
- No new tickets.

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- Looks a the diurnal cycle with injection at all local times

* Dynamico (Romain)
- meeting planned with Antoine and Ehouarn for an OpenMP parallelisation of the GCM (also useful for LMDZ)
- meeting with Ehouarn and T. Dubos to discuss about the coordinates and how to deal with them (i.e. how to create newstart for Dynamico)

- updated the reference "datadir" ( ?) to include scenario and daily EUV values for MY35 (Francisco also provided EUV values for the beginning of MY36)
- working on improving checks at beginning/end of physics to also identify negative tracer values.  => the follow-up question is what to do about these then...

- ran the mesoscale model w/ Aymeric around Tharsis (w/o water ice in initial state from the GCM). They see in the relative humidity a really strong feature around Arsia, which looks more like the AMEC than their water ice field => look in the microphysics the effect of supersaturation (require a strong one to nucleii), play with the contact parameter (0.90), do some Lagrangian experiment ?
- is looking for observations to compare to the model and IUVS, especially concerning the expansion velocity (advection? wave propagation?)

- runs a simulation to reproduce Gabriella's results
- will then play with the parameters

- worked mainly on the VCD web interface
- asked for rover's data, will not be on the PBS before some time

- tries to reproduce the results from Etienne (intern in 2018) on Martian microslopes, define some statistics from MOLA32 (test with MOLA64?)

- writing a manuscript on thermal tides (submission in early November)
- will run a MY36 soon

- was in Marseille for the exobiology conference last week
- Dynamico Generic: create start files and will try to run simulations

- writing the reference paper for CO2 clouds microphysics w/ Anni

- will send Mars Through Time meeting notes
- was in Marseille for the exobiology conference last week


14th October 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Aymeric, Thomas, Lucas, Jorge, Margaux, Ehouarn, Gabriella, Siteng,

- Antoine and Romain are at the IDRIS OpenMP training

Recent commits:
- r2568: minor fix in inichim_newstart (format potential issue identified by gfortran)

Recent tickets:
- No new tickets. Ticket #82 closed!

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- problem identified even in 1D (says Ehouarn)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)

* Dynamico (Romain)

- generated new reference start_archive files (from MCDv5.3 GCM runs). Closes ticket #82
- contacted Francisco to set up a "final reference" E10.7 EUV input file for MY35 (and early MY36?)

- want to change the dust forcing in the polar night in the dust scenarios (during global dust storm)
- looking at the statistics on slopes (for ERC project Mrs through time)

- investigating thermal tides from TGO/EMM missions. Running GCM  (MY35 & soon MY36) to compare.

- running the GCM on Ciclad (and home computers) with full thermosphere to study upper atmosphere.
  (density of various species to compare to Maven observations).
- will run with the non-orographic GW scheme and try to tune it

- Vincent Caillé is updating the physics in the Mesoscale model to test the CO2 microphysics.

- tested the water cycle (Joseph's version), gets a slightly different (dryer) water cycle than him
  after having run 10 years; looses water ~1% per year. Finds occasional ~1e-7 values of q_h2o.

- mostly working on the VCD and the web interfaces of both MCD and VCD.

- runs with Joseph's tuned water cycle + chemistry ("old" 49 layers discretization).
  Note that chemistry can be initialized from scratch and should converge in less than
  a year (says Franck L.)
- for speed, will run with iphysiq=10.
- is the "thermochem" flag still active/needed or "photochem" flag suffices for chemistry everywhere?
  Most likely yes, but confirmation from Franck/Francisco would be nice.

- running the mesocale model (with Aymeric) around Tharsis to compare with GCM and camera images.

07th October 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Christophe, Antony, Joseph, Jorge, Antoine, Aymeric, Gabriella, Romain, Lucas, Siteng, Thomas,
              Sandrine, Jiandong

- LMDZ training on december 8-10
- new /dataproj/planeto disk (on LMD network)

Recent commits:
- r2567: minor fixes for picky gfortran 10 ("incorrect" calls to NetCDF or stop"" statements) in utilities

Recent tickets:
- None
=> better documentation needed (says Lucas) about fields to output and/or def keywords.

Hot topics:

* Water cycle conservation & stability (Joseph)
- Joseph did some tests in 1D (with all added parametrizations and without sub-timesteps)
  Possibly the problem is there also with a simpler setup...
- is writing the clean references def files for the water cycle
- it seems that with the new settings, the water cycle is less sensitive to vertical discretization

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- ran with injection at all local times... it does not seem to change results much. A bit better
  for temperatures. Vertical structure of dust overall not different. will look at the diurnal cycle of dust.

* Dynamico (Romain)
- Overall the setup works (tracers, restarts, etc.) temperatures, winds, etc compare well to TES & MCS.
- dynamico "newstart" is still needed; making stats-like outputs as well.
- pb: needs a smaller time-step with Dynamico than LMDZ
- tested the scaling (MPI-only) and finds, as expected, than domains should no be smaller than 10*10.

- will make some from MCDv5.3 runs, but has problems getting the files
  back from the storedir on Occigen...

- needs to decide to use low/high vertical resolution files

- interested in looking into how changing the dust (total amount) will change the phasing of the thermal tides

- working on MCD6 Web interface. Not compiling with f2py.
  but also has issues with MCDv5 compiled with f2py

30th Septembre 2021


Participants: Loic, Franck L. Siteng, Jiandong, Joseph, Christophe, Ehouarn, Thomas, Jorge, Sandrine

- Romain and Antoine are taking the IDRIS MPI course this week.
- Luca has produced a dust scenario for MY36 up to Ls=90.

Recent commits:
- r2566: merge co2condens_mod4micro into co2condens

Recent tickets:
- #82: Make reference (MCDv5.3) files.

Hot topics:

* Dynamico (Romain)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)

- Interested in updates on the water cycle. Will soon resume running the GCM.

- Water cycle tuning. Reference page is still
  where you can find all the default setings.
  will put a reference "callphys.def" for his case in deftank

- runs CO2 simlations based on Joseph's water cycle and has run 28 months; the total water is
  still decreasing with time, even without co2 microphysics, with iphysiq=10.

- EMM-EMIRS observations Ls=60-80 MY36. Temperature anomaly very different from GCM...

- Worked on the design of the new MCD web interface
- Looked at the latest values of panel current from Insight (until end of MY35)

23th September 2021


Participants: Aymeric, Ehouarn, Christophe, Margaux, Siteng, Joseph, Thomas, Sandrine, Antoine, Jorge
- ESA PM on GCM/MCD Tuesday 28th afternoon.

Recent commits:
- r2562: CO2 clouds microphysics improvements
- r2563: Improve writting the file, can now be controlled by a stats.def file
         And no need to encapsulate calls to wstats with if (callstats) anymore
         (closes tickets #7 and #81)
- r2564: Look for a run.def file at runtime and stop if it is not there (closes ticket #71)
- r2565: Follow-up of r2562 (adaptations to newstart, start2archive & testphys1d)

Recent tickets:
- None

Hot topics:

* Dynamico (Romain)

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- ran tests for multiple years to check water cycle stability (3rd year ongoing)
  getting wetter an wetter...
- other tests with changing rocketstorm fractions, does not seem to have much impact
- tested injecting at all local times,

- made a wiki page about tuning the water cycle

- the right parameters for the CO2 number of bins for nucleation ? Changed from 100 to 5
  (like what is done for water), runs much faster, will check the impact on the results.
- analyses simulation over many years (10) and has a converged
  water cycle but converged state is way too dry (and overall decreasing with years?)

- updates from EMM. Results from MY35, good LT coverage, as expected.
  The temperature anomalies look different from MY35 (Ls=60-80).

16th September 2021


Participants: Jiandong, Christophe, Francois, Romain, Antony, Antoine, Siteng, Margaux, Sandrine, Joseph, Jorge, Loic

- Science fair on 8-10 October with Mars stuff. Volunteers needed!
- Jorge has arrived from Bilbao for 4 months
- Planeto is dead

Recent commits:
- r2561: (Joseph) changes for water caps
Recent tickets:
- None

Hot topics:

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- ratio of column opacities (median OK but not mean)
  occurs for low latitudes/high altitudes for low dust columns

  impact of the dust scenario ? might be wrong for high opacity 
  comparisons with MY30 MY33 
  Suggestion from François: extend the timeframe of injection                              

* Dynamico (Romain)
- Running npb=40, 30 days (short dt, iphysiq=1), trying to continue with a longer timestep

Siteng: Writing
        First MES T° profiles may be next week

Margaux: presentation EPSC comparison ACS/gcm: more water vapor in the model
                                               + higher T° in the upper atm in particular (NH at LS 245°)
                      --> use new param. for icecaps, dissip ?, 

Loic: also doing comparisons but with Juan's data

François: Diurnal mean wind for Insight, gcm is close to obs! but a strange point in Y2, a problem from instrument ? 
          Is seismic noise also lower ?

Sandrine submitted her paper!!!

9th September 2021


Participants: Jiandong, Christophe, Lucas, Francois, Romain, Antony, Ehouarn, Antoine, Siteng, Sandrine, Margaux,
              Joseph, Aymeric

- Jiandong Liu arrived at LMD for his 1 year long postdoc.
- Science fair on 8-10 October with Mars stuff. Volunteers needed!

Recent commits:
- r2558: MCS observables simulator, now computes column-integrated dod
- r2559: Cleanup of the wstats routines to generate the GCM's "" file
         (a first step towards fixing ticket #81)

Recent tickets:
- None

Hot topics:

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- cdod ratio between MCS column and GCM column normalized
 looking at median valies (means can be quite large)
 much more dust in GCM than MCS in the clear season (in daytime)
 more comparable ratios during nighttime

* Dynamico (Romain)
- Nothing new (Occigen off-line this week)

- Planetary Evolution Model: stop substep criterion on surface ice change
  seems to work fine
- tests using lower resolution GCM to run faster (and to compare to full GCM-only run)

- 8 year simulation seems converged. To be further analyzed.

- ACS Tirvim observations: thermal tides, looking at zonal
  temperatures => diurnal & semi-diurnal modes,
  compares well to GCM, increasing amplitude with altitude
  phase difference between GCM and Tirvim (by 2-3 hours)
  also compares during Global storm => larger amplitudes (up to 40k)

- will commit soon his last changes
- started writing his paper

2nd September 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Lucas, Ehouarn, Margaux, Antoine, Romain, Thomas, Francois, Siteng, Joseph, Aymeric

- NASA Ames will organize a training session on its legacy GCM

Recent commits:
- None

Recent tickets:
- #81: some "call writediagfi" (vmr_xxx, num_xxx) end up skipped because
  in an IF(callstats) section in physiq.

Hot topics:

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- removed the "brighter dust" modification
- test simulations with reduced mountain fraction for topflows
- test simulation with lower maximum for dustradadjust (set to 3)
In both cases gets warmer temperatures than before and the
water cycle is better (due to changes in water albedo parameters)
- thinking about issues due to the extrapolation of MCS profiles
  when building column values in the dusty season. One could
  think of adding a correction.
- working on the MCs-normalization post-processing in the simulator
  (to match integrated dust between MCS and GCM outputs)

* Dynamico (Romain)
- Tracer initialization in the start files now using the start-archive files
  Still the model crashes after 0.5° of Ls

- PEM: tests having substeps (of 1 year) in the extrapolation.
  with a stop criterion (surface ice amount change) when change is too large

- preparing EPSC. Water cycle tuning with frost albedo.

- work on improvement of the online MCD interface following the brainstorm session
  last Monday.

- writing his internship report

- EPSC presentation about HDO modelling with comparisons with ACS.
  GCM too wet overall. Too dry when supersaturation is removed.

- Thermal tides EPSC presentation, comparisons between TIRVIM and GCM
  Mode decomposition of the modes

- bug in "seedout" in the MCD, at least with python interface

- writing up a report for TAS-I on the LMD work done for ExoMars 2022 EDL

26th August 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Romain, Ehouarn, Joseph, Antoine, Siteng, Thomas, Francois, Lucas

- Jiandong Liu will start his year long postdoc at LMD on Wednesday September 8th.
- We will have to start organizing MAMO (and EMM meeting in the following week)

Recent commits:
- r2554: Make NO and O2 Nightglow emissions computations more flexible
         (indexes no longer hard coded)
- r2555: added arch files and IOIPSL install script for Irene-Rome

Recent tickets:
- None.
  But from Gitlab Issues #23 by Gabriella:
  some "call writediagfi" (vmr_xxx, num_xxx) end up skipped because
  in an IF(callstats) section in physiq.

Hot topics:

* Dynamico (Romain)
- Test with low resolution work well. Now testing higher resolution (nbp=40) but crashes after a couple of days
  Most likely linked to the initialization of tracers.

* Improving the dust cycle (Antoine)
- comparisons with ACS dust (and ice) profiles at low latitudes.
  Looks at the impact of the injected dust radius.
  ACS (quite noisy looking profiles...) sees high radius near the surface ~ 2um ,
  and detached layers at ~20 km
  Injection in the GCM of 3um dust works less well than using 2.5um
  Will test this configuration for other Mars years / scenarios.

- Thermal tides study with TIRVIM. Focused on MY35 Ls~100, LT 9am/9pm
  Looks at the dayly anomaly in data and GCM+averaging kernels
  Decomposition in various wave modes. reasonable agreement between data and GCM
  Impact of the sampling on the decomposition can be significant

- looking with Antoine at the MCD web interface: let's meet to discuss about some improvement
  next Monday 4pm or Wednesday 4pm? (if Aymeric is also available)
- finished the MCD6.1 beta ready to be delivered to ESA.

- just back from vacation. Has lots of commits to make in the near future.

- working on EPSC presentation and has a first draft of a paper on CO2 caps evolution

- Planetary Evolution Model: in-between GCM simulations interpolation with a
  time step of 100 years. Finds local accumulation (with strongly unequilibrated
  initial conditions). Tests using 3 GCM simulated years rather than 2.
  Also needs to investigate how to constrain physically the extrapolation step.

- Will be looking for 2 postdocs for "Mars through Time" in the coming months.

15th July 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Antony, Siteng, Ehouarn, Francois, Margaux, Romain, Lucas, Thomas

- Summer break: no more POULDP Mars until 26th of August!
- GENCI A11 call (deadline sept 3rd), we will request access to TGCC for the extra
  computation time, and test GCMs run fine on Irene-Rome in the Summer.

Recent commits:
- r2544: fix calendar when outputing multiple time steps in restart
- r2545: output tab_cntrl with XIOS
- r2546: adapt utilities concat/localtime/zrecast to XIOS files
- r2547: update deftank reference xml files
- r2551: undo unwanted changes in physiq from 2545

Recent tickets:
- #79: check if run.def is there and stop if not
- #80: zrecast should spot if "pressure" (or other field) is requested twice
>> Add "area" to zrecast outputs (Francois)

Hot topics:
* Time keeping in the start files
Should be solved (waiting for Roland's feedback, just in case)

* Dynamico (Romain)
- the water cycle is now reasonable.
- comparisons with MCS temperatures are promising (better in polar regions than LMDZ).
- winds are quite different between LMDZ and dynamico.

* Improving the Dust Cycle (Antoine)

- slope winds parametrization for MCD: comparisons with HR mesoscale simulations
  around Korolev: fails to well reproduce slope winds during the day.

- correcting for the seasonal change using GCM outputs doesn't work well
- at 10 Pa the model is overall cooler (~5-10K) than obs.

- surface pressure comparisons with landers. MSL deficit around Ls 180-270.
  mesocale prediction better than GCM (local circulation effects?); but
  differences also at Insight landing site.

- comparing GCM and ACS data (H2O) from Anna, during the storm, more high altitude
  H2O in the GCm than in the observations.

8th July 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Lucas, Ehouarn, Siteng, Christophe, Romain, Thomas, Antoine, Antony

Recent commits:
- None

Recent tickets:
- None
=> suggestion (Antoine): improve zrecast when user requests "pressure" which is also computed.
=> in some cases (Romain) the model crashes/stops but job continues until killed
=> when run.def is missing, the model should stop with a clean error message.

Hot topics:

* Time keeping in the start files
Romain made the modifications & test and will commit.

* Dynamico
Romain: Too dry dynamico => the problem was in the initial conditions in
Fixes the problem for the beginning of the year. But way too much water is second half of year.
Checked that water is globally conserved until month #9, where watercaptag decreases in the south

* Improving the Dust Cycle
Antoine: looking at ACS data around global dust storm of MY34 (paper by M. Luginin and Anna Fedorava )
and will compare mass loading and effective radius with those computed by the GCM.
Plans to zrecast (high vertical resolution) or maybe use "profiles" utility

Sees large seasonal changes in the tides
Sharp change at the rim of Hellas in the waves from model.
Looks at substracting the seasonal effect from the tides.

Negative values of h2o_ice at he surface: re-ran 5 years from scratch, no negative values
But water cycle clearly not converged yet.

1st July 2021

Duration:  43 min

Participants:  Ehouarn, Siteng, Romain, Thomas, Christophe, Antoine, Margaux, Antony, Lucas, Sandrine, François

Roland Young is looking for a postdoc

Recent commits:
- r2550: Make simu_MCS.F90 compatible with DYNAMICO lon-lat output files, with a check on the latitude array order when doing the interpolation
- r2551:  Add possibility of additional tests (NaNs?, but also of unrealistic values) of fields at the begining of physics (i.e. coming from the dynamics) and at the
                 end of the physics integration

Recent tickets:
- None

Wiki updates:
- None

Ongoing discussions:

- Romain : did some comparison between DYNAMICO-LMDZ-MCS : tsurf seems similar between DYNAMICO-LMDZ
                   some difference in wind between DYNAMICO and LMDZ, could it be the sponge layer?
                   big difference in water cycle: dryer in DYNAMICO than LMDZ, why?

- Siteng: continue to work on diurnal cycle in the observations, difference at 15 h local time between GCM and obs

- Antoine : work on dust cycle to match with MCS temperature, added the Joseph water, improvements are in the good way

- Thomas : new version of MCD 6.1.alpha: slop winds in high resolution mode.
                    Good agreements between mesoscale and MCD on winds
                    Delivery soon

- Christophe : new work on co2clouds => debugging step

17th June 2021


Participants: Antony, Ehouarn, Siteng, Christophe, Francois, Joseph, Adrien, Lucas, Margaux,
              Romain, Thomas, Loic

- TGO SWT#23 next week (Wednesday-Thursday), ask Francois if you want to attend.

Recent commits:
- None

Recent tickets:
- #78: add some checking the validity of input fields coming from the dynamics
      at the beginning of the physics. => Ehouarn

Hot topics:

* Time keeping in the start files
- Roland reports some problems when storing multiple time steps in restart/restartfi:
  I ran the GCM from sol 422 h 02 to sol 422 h 04, saving the start dump every hour. has day_ini = 422, hour_ini = 0, and Time = 0.083333 (=2h) is the same. OK I think.
  After running for two hours, has day_ini = 422, hour_ini = 0.0833333, and Time = [0.04166667 0.08333333 0.125     ] has day_ini = 422, hour_ini = 0, and Time = [0.04166667 0.08333333 0.125     ]
- we should probably just get rid of hour_ini altogether? => Romain

* Dynamico
- Crazy behaviour if optim -O3 or -O2 ... (-O1 seems to work)
- strange unphysical patches of surface temperature in test run (seems to depend on physics call frequency)
  => check again in debug?

- "solved" his problem (crash at month#9) re-running the code (updated version)
  => move on to iphysiq=5 (instead of iphysiq=10)
- convergence of results over 8 years of simulations with CO2 clouds, looking at the last 3 years

- Simulations with the "old" (32 level + iphysiq=10) model with HDO, move on to "new" (54 levels+iphysiq=5)
  or not?

- Water cycle tuning: influence of the contact parameter => temperature-dependent parameter
  Anni recommends the tanh() formulation rather than linear dependence
  But for now results are not better...
- Wonders about the possibility of having long term evolution of the aldebo of the long-term water cap
  (when frost becomes perennial cap)

- IR-vis opacty conversion coefficient computed online => ranges from 0.1-8 ! (instead of 2.6)
  Better (colder) temperatures (compared to MCS) but still not cold enough...
- looks at the brightness of dust in the visible (test with higher +1% omegaVIS wrt reference)
  => perhaps to test with constant dust ?

10th June 2021

Duration: 1h25mn

Participants: Francois, Christophe, Siteng, Thomas, Ehouarn, Margaux, Lucas, Romain, Antoine, Antony

- EnVision!
- MAMO dates: June 14-17 2022 (confirmed); ice-breaker on Monday 13 evening in Zamansky tower.
- Jiandong Liu will come to LMD on september 1st 2021 (1 year postdoc)

Recent commits:
- 2530: re-commit of r2526 for testphys1d
- 2531: fix bug in vdifc that was introduced in r2515
- 2532-33: newstart2icosa update

Recent tickets:
- None
=> make a ticket about checking the validity of input fields coming from the dynamics
   at the beginning of the physics.

Hot topics:

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux, Ehouarn)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics.
To be continued...

* 1=1 : (seq == parallel)
- Now OK, as of rev 2531

- some crashes with negative geopotential when entering physics (after 6 years of simulation).
- nighttime CO2 clouds occur ~lon=-45 lat=0, but not when removing topography and diurnal cycles

- comparing Dynamico & LMDZ with water/dust/co2 cycles on. => strangely the initial
  conditions mismatch
- dissipation fac_up =30 needed for dynamico whilst =10 works for LMDZ

- small study on the MY34 dust storm simulations, compared to MCS.
  vertical dust distribution => does not go high enough compared
  to observations (worsen by the microphysics), so tried injecting
  more dust in altitude to try to match MCS, but doesn't go the right
  way in 3D.
- option to try: use prescribed (Conrath) profile with microphysics

- conversion coeff from IRAbs to VisibleExtinction is usually taken to 2.6 inthe GCM.
  investigates other values (3.4 ==> 1 um dust, or 1.8 ==> 2 um dust)
  Significant effect on the temperatures ~10K; depending on the season
  Is running computations where the coeff is computed online based on
  GCM column opacities vs dust scenarios columns
- will do a sensitivity study on the brightness of the dust (omega)

- impact of temperature-dependent contact parameter: not much impact on the saturation
  => better water cycle, closer to observations, thins the polar hood.
- tested linear temperature dependence, but will check with hyperbolic formulation.

- compared Insight opacity and dust scenarios (updated to lastest versions);
  the decrease after the stormsis steeper in the scenarios than observed.
  And overall observed opacities are much higher than in the scenario most of the time.

3rd June 2021


Participants: Ehouarn, Joseph, Christophe, Siteng, Antoine, Romain, Lucas, Thomas, Francois, Margaux
              Loic, Sandrine
- selection of VERTIAS and Da-VINCI+ ; Venus rules!

Recent commits:
- None

Recent tickets:
- None

Hot topics:

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux, Ehouarn)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics.
To be continued...

* 1=1 : (seq == parallel)
- doesn't work with r2519 , but was OK with r2511 (Ehouarn)

- Dynamico: added tab-control in the XIOS outputs + adapted concatnc , zrecast & localtime
            => to be committed

- TIRVIM retrievals  good between 5Pa and 200Pa

- registered to IDRIS MPI & OpenMP trainings (september - october)
- dust scaling story: "dustradadjust" & tau_GCM reaches huge values locally
  dustradadjustis computed at 14LT and evolves linearly
  and at some locations tau_GCM changes by orders of magnitude over a day in the
  polar region where extreme values are obtained
  Also find the (lesser) problem in the tropics on the volcanoes
  => importance of topflows on volcanoes
  Tests with an upper limit of 5 for dustradadjust

- will have an intern work on HDO observable simulator of ACS or plain GCM/observations
  comparison (as follow up to Loic's current work), or some "tagging" of water

- writing paper on present day water cycle. Temperature dependent contact parameter
  improves things; will  look at how this changes saturation profiles.

- slope winds in the MCD: comparisons with mesoscale work on the full wind
  or on the anomaly?

- works on improvedco2cloud routine to separate meteoritic dust from the rest

- 1=1 ?
- News from Chao Wang : has implemented the dust lifting (Mulholland) scheme

27th May 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Joseph, Francois, Siteng, Thomas, Romain, Margaux, Antoine, Lucas, Aymeric, Christophe, Antony

MAMO workshop now tentatively planned on June 14-17. Francois is waiting for confirmation from Sorbone University for the Auditorium.

Recent commits:
@2525  abierjon Mars GCM: Make a cleaner initialization of some variables in some logial variables in MCS simulator

@2526  mvals     Mars GCM: testphys1d.F: Fix for the 1D, follow up from previous modifications of phys_state_var_init subroutine.

@2527  jnaar     Bug correction in the 1d GCM, not compiling because of the of the "phys_state_var_init" routine

@2528  cmathe     MARS: update zrecast utility

Recent tickets:
- None

Ongoing discussions:

- Antoine: Fix erroneous dust opacities appearing in the southern polar night when using "dustradadjust". These opacities follow the baroclinic waves structure. Suggestion : work at the fortran code level from a appropriate start files, output with write(*,*) when and where there is the bug, end with "STOP" and try again and again...

- Thomas : Slope winds. Struggle with the coriolis forces. Need to remove the sensitivity of friction to stability (Richardson). The fit is not yet perfect but not bad. Francois suggests to use anomaly (diurnal mean ave - instantaneous) even for the computed slope winds for comparison

- Siteng : analysis of the role or a priori in the TIRVIM inversion and comparison with GCM

- Antony and Romain : fixed the problems with tracers in Dynamico - Mars. Soon will do realistic Mars simulations ! Work on XIOS output

- Antony : test on the effect of the dissipation on warming early Mars.

- Margaux Vals : new results on D/H cycle and the model. 2 papers in preparation...

- Christophe : Find a sensitivity of mesospheric CO2 ice clouds to dust scenario (MY28 vs clim scenario). See CO2 clouds in the afternoon at last!

20th May 2021

Duration: 1h

Participants: Francois, Siteng, Francisco, Christophe, Lucas, Thomas, Romain, Antoine, Ehouarn, Margaux

- Gabriella will join IAA, 1st June (escape of water on Mars).
- EPSC deadline is next week!

Recent commits:
- r2516: set reasonable minimal threshold value for water ice/vap in watercloud
- r2517: update of Ciclad arch files
- r2519: Follow-up of r2500, longitude boundaries were offset wrt cell center
- r2522: Adding the possibility of a temperature-dependent water contact parameter
- r2524: CO2 clouds; minor fix on diagnostics.

Recent tickets:
- None

Ongoing discussions:

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux, Ehouarn)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics.
To be continued...

* Finalizing work on the dust cycle parametrizations (Antoine)
- tuning of topflows "19 mountains" (using MY29), still no detached layers
  during the clear season.
- Temperatures are better (wrt GCM 5.3) during clear season
  but too warm during the dusty season (compared to MCS) in the lower tropo
- finds weird high "dustadjust" values in the polar night
- tests simulations assuming injection relative to 1um opacities
=> test MY26 case vs TES dust & temperature

* Dynamico Mars (Romain, Antony)
- run dynamico + co2 traceur; NaNs appear in prod mode (maybe from the dynamics?) for Romain
  failure to output tracers from within the dynamics
- Antony will commit the latest startarchive2icosa tool

- works on estimation of the 32um CO2 ice obs based on the radiative transfer in the GCM
  for Christophe

- comparisons between GCM outputs and TIRVIM, including effect of averaging kernels
  the smoothing due to kernel will affect the possibly to check amplitude of the tides.

- Insight solar panel data update and comparison to the 1D model of dust deposition.
  not so good agreement over the last 100 sols...
- Draft of a paper by Ralf Lorenz on this topic is circulating
- MCD slope winds: still some tuning of the parameters to do.

- calibration of Insight pressure sensor.

- runs simulations to evaluate evolution of water, will submit an abstract to EPSC

6th May 2021


Participants: Ehouarn, Lucas, Margaux, Christophe, Siteng, Romain, Joseph, Antoine, Thomas, Antony,

- Luca downloaded the latest MCS products and will make an updated MY35 dust scenario.
- Ciclad has been updated with very recent versions of gfortran and ifort.

Recent commits:
- r2509: scripts to sync git&svn repositories
- r2510: fix example run_month1 script for Ciclad
- r2511: follow-up of r2507 which broke physics/dynamics separation
- r2512: adding "cap_albedo" flag (default .false.)
- r2513: streamfunction utility, look for cu,cv in => NB by Francois: it could be
         coded/computed based on lon/lat coordinate values. Ticket?
- r2514: update of r2507 to write the correct ztime in files (dynamico case)
         avoid writing diagfi with dynamico + XIOS calendar
- r2515: vdifc update. (latent heat of sublimation + implicit scheme +
         adaptative sub-timestep + handling hdo as well)

Recent tickets:
- #76: make a utility to compute 32-um surface emissivity to compare to MCS data

Ongoing discussions:

* Brutal drying up in the thermosphere issue: (Francisco, Margaux, Francois)
From Francois's checks, lowering the threshold in watercloud_mod to 1.e-16 is OK.
It should not be a hard coded number...e.g. real,parameter :: qpere_min = 1.e-16 which
is in traceur_mod.F
Margaux ran some simulations and confirms 1.e-16 works well. => Margaux will commit the update

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux, Ehouarn)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics.
To be continued...

* Dynamico-Mars:
- XIOS output calendar: To keep it "clean" we tell it a timestep is 1s and that the
  number of physics time steps is the length of the day. And impose an output time axis
  labelled in days and fraction thereof.
- Loading tracers from start file now OK; requires reading a (new generation) tracer.def file

- MSL/REM pressure data & Insight surface pressure investigations
  will compare with GCM runs provided by Francois

- compiled outputs from various simulations for Lucas.
- updated zrecast sent to Ehouarn & Christophe

- ran GCM for MY35, comparing with TIRVIM temperatures, larger diurnal variations in the GCM
  compared to TIRVIM. runs with iphysiq=10; will test with iphysiq=5

- topflow runs. Ran a second year; seems quite converged wrt first year.
- MCS-GCM ratio when comparing DSO: does the extrapolation/column recomputation of
  GCM outputs to test versus MCS product to find if their is a constant ratio,
  but there doesn't seem to be...

- is putting tab_control in XIOS outputs
- will now test Dynamico with tracers (i.e CO2, water, dust cycles included)
- PEM (Planetary Evolution Model) reads/writes start files.

- present day water cycle tuning: work in progress.
- testing taking a water contact parameter temperature dependence into account

29th April 2021

Duration: 1h30mn

Participants: Lucas, Joseph, Siteng, Ehouarn, Romain, Thomas, Francisco, Antoine, Francois, Antony
Margaux, Aymeric, Christophe

Recent commits:
- r2502: set icelocationmode=4 as default mode (set watercaptags as before) in surfini
- r2505: code clean-up (remove obsolete files in LMDZ.MARS/libf/dynphy_lonlat)
- r2507: modifications in the calendar values stored in restart files for 1+1=2
- r2508: separating water ice deposit albedo cases between "cap" and "frost"

Recent tickets:
- None

Wiki updates:
- None

Ongoing discussions:

* Brutal drying up in the thermosphere issue: (Francisco, Margaux, Francois)
Francisco found the problem comes from a drastic 1.e-8 threshold correction in waterclouds
Strong improvement in the upper atmosphere when setting this threshold to 1.e-12
Francois did some tests with 1.e-16 => does influence the polar hood, but the later is
quite variable from a week to the next
It also makes sens for HDO computations to lower this threshold.
=> All agree we should lower the threshold to 1.e-16
=> Francois will check saturation at 90K to target the value

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux, Ehouarn)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics

* Comparing GCM runs with TIRVIM (& MCS): (Antoine, Sandrine, Siteng)

* Dynamico-Mars:
- what time to set when calling the physics from dynamico?
- what calendar setup to use in XIOS? Still needs to be checked due to restarts, etc.

- someone should make a utility to compute surface emissivity at 32um
=> open a ticket

- work on the present day water cycle: strong impact on the physics time step
  (as found by Margaux) which makes the water cycle drier. Some retuning needed
  frost albedo, contact parameter, variance of the distribution (won't play with that one)
- new vdifc for Margaux to test.

- started with the GCM on Ciclad.

- mountain slope flows parametrization => only the biggest mountains are now used (6)
  also did a test run with 19 biggest mountains (converges to similar results)
  still not very good in terms of detached layers at the beginning of the year...
- NB: for computations of DSO there is some latitude on choice of underlying factors
  for comparisons with MCS
- run more years to check convergence.

- Insight surface pressure measurement drift. Add a correction for sensor temperature
  and then 1st and 2nd years match
- some divergence with the model around Ls=300-360 to further investigate
- also looks at MSL pressure data over 4-5 Mars years
- checks the VL data and its interpolated derivation that is used to rescale the MCD

- MCD slope winds parametrization: putting it all together for all times of day
  and location. Still some problems in the night.

22th April 2021

Duration: 1h35mn

Participants: Francois, Lucas, Ehouarn, Antony, Antoine, Romain, Christophe, Margaux, Thomas, jean-Yves,
Guest star: Sandrine

Recent commits:
- r2496-99 : Mesoscale work flow
- r2500: Mesh boundaries definitions fix
- r2501: change definition/value of ztime_fin written to (when using dynamico)

Recent tickets:
- None

Wiki updates:
- None

Ongoing discussions:

* Comparing GCM runs with TIRVIM (& MCS): (Antoine, Sandrine)
Sandrine: obs TIRVIM vs "old" GCM (32 layers) and "new" GCM (54 layers) at 30 Pa, worse agreement in the latter.
          NB comparison is on observations grid (up to 1Pa); evolution of the diurnal cycle worse with "new" GCM
          => will use "old" (MCDv5.3 like) simulations for now. => rerun and output temp, wind, water, dust 24 times/day
Antoine: Comparions with MCS; "new" run seems slightly warmer (looking at 3am+3pm diurnal ave). Overall a difference
         in the phases seems slightly better in the "new" run.

* Brutal drying up in the thermosphere issue: (Francisco, Margaux)
Francisco is focusing on the simulation where it happens
Margaux is checking in various past revisions if the problem is still there. So far the problem always arises (even in 4 year old models). Has a test with 32 layers showing that the problem seems correlated to using the photochemistry...

* Crash with unexpected unrealistic HDO ratio: (Jean-Yves, Margaux)
HDO_ice ratio of 4000 from the dynamics
Problem identified (with isotopes) to comes from the dynamics

* 1+1=2:
Correction to the time axis / housekeeping needed (Romain)

* Dynamico-Mars:
- what time to set when calling the physics from dynamico?

* Calendar:
- ptime sent to the physics in LMDZ == end of physics time step minus1 dynamical step...
  e.g. first time the physics is called ptime=dt_phys-dt_dyn (andnot 0 or dt_phys)
  why not sent the beginning or the end date of the physical time step date?

- committed at noon today (r2502)the icelocation mode=4 case.
- the new vdifc doesn't reproduce old results exactly. Check if this is linked to the sub-time stepping
- investing the water cycle in current Mars changing mtot and albedo, always too dry during the second half of the year

- pb de calibration of pressure measurements on  Insight; also checking 4 MSL data over 4 Mars years.

slope winds in the MCD. had some problems (projection issues) with the Coriolis parameter. Fixed now.
Now uses the PBL heigh (with a min threshold of 300m) to compute reference parameter zfree0 for slope winds to
account for diurnal evolution, but results not that good. Perhaps add a multiplicative factor to the buoyancy?

15th April 2021

Duration: 1h25mn

Participants: Franck L., Christophe, Francisco, Francois, Romain, Siteng, Loic, Thomas, Ehouarn, Lucas,
               Antony, Antoine, Joseph


Recent commits:

Recent tickets:
- None

Wiki updates:
- Debug page initiated by Christophe:

- investigates crash about dried-up atmosphere: Appearance of a cloud at 120km that spreads.
  no huge saturation there, nor weird ccns...
  => Check if seting a minimum CCN number helps. Maybe check alsoif problem is reproduced in 1D

- toplows: setting up presence of "big mountains"
- looking at simulations (run_Insight 32 layers, old version of the model) and (run_TGO, 73layers, more recent)
  which give different temperatures. Differences in setup (apart altitudes): non_lte param is different,
  dissipation is different.
  run_TGO calls physics more often, sponge layer is also different...
  Largest difference between the two is the water ice column (more in run_Insight)
  Tides are a bit better in the run_TGO, compared to MCS.
  => Check the vertical distribution of clouds. Look more closelyat 30 Pa, 10 Pa.

- Dynamico runs : modifications for Dynamico (calendar) to implement and commit.
  Dynamico (pseudo-random) crashes; happens for Ehouarn too (when asking for averaged outputs).
  Antony makes some new initial conditions files with 32 layers + albedo, etc.
  =>  to be used for future tests

- XIOS: tests outputing every 2hours, but has repetitive issues for the first step of the day.

- making a reference water cycle simulation (+latent heat of water) for the present day case.
  Checking if the water albedo frost value can be improved.
- implementation: vdifc , icelocationmode=4 => to be committed! 

8th April 2021

Durée: 30mn + ...

En visio: Christophe, Francois, Lucas, Thomas, Romain, Ehouarn, Antoine, Aymeric, Joseph

- Debut de stage de Lucas Lange avec Francois (cycle du CO2, Insight)

Commissions récentes:
- r2494-95: improved CO2clouds: (effet radiatif des nuages de CO2)

Tickets récents:

- besoin de travailler sur co2snow.

- vents de pente pour la MCD pb: doit changer u* pour le jour ou la nuit pour
  mieux coller au mésoéchelle. Faire varier le zfree en fonction de l'heure (et la latitude)?
- a ajouté le scénario MY35 dans le modèle 1D pour comparer le dépot de poussière sur Insight

- discute avec Luca Montabone a propos des facteurs de conversion abs IR / ext. visible
- entrainement sur les flancs de montagnes, en cours.

- cycle de l'eau: réglages du icelocationmode=4 . Va committer.
- effet de la résolution temporelle de la dynamique sur le cycle de l'eau augmenter day_step
  (à iphysiq fixé) assèche encore le cycle de l'eau.


1st April 2021

Durée: 1h30mn

En visio: Antoine, Christophe, Antony, Thomas, Ehouarn, Romain, Margaux, Francois, Joseph
          Franck L.


Commissions récentes:
- r2488: interface dynamico pour les coeff multiplicatif de la dissipation suivant la
         verticale à la LMDZ (flag: vert_prof_dissip_type=plugin et co.)
- r2489-90: photochimie: cosmétique + coefficients plus à jour pour
            ho2 +ho2 -> h2o2 + o2
- r2491: ajout d'initialisation pour le mésoéchelle
- r2492-93: ajouts workflow mésoéchelle

Tickets récents:
=> fermer le #75?

- ajout d'une page Wiki pour raconter comment faire du profiling.
- NB: wiki git vs wiki trac? Faire des refs de l'un vers l'autre.

Chantier sur l'assèchement du GCM:
- Margaux/Francisco regardent; Margaux remonte les versions svn pour tenter d'isoler le basculement
  La transition arrive à différents moments de la simu.
  Il y a clairement un gros effet de seuil (lorsque la satu > 1000?)
  Faut-il ajouter un minimum de CCN (météoritiques) pour éviter d'en avoir trop peu? A tester.
- Franck regarde aussi en remontant les versions.

Chantier HDO:
- Jean-Yves a un pb avec HDO, dans advtrac de la dynamique?

- surfini: détermination des zones watercaptag => option icelocationmode=4 pour
  indique les zones (bornes lon et lat, basés sur le 64x48 de référence)
  Pour le diagnostique : donner la surface cumulée en "distance au pole (latitude)"
  Va dans le bon sens pour des simus en 32x32
  => mettre icelocationmode dans callphys.def?
- haute obliquité (en 32x24), le système se stabilise en ~30 ans, avec chaleur latente
  tourne aussi en 64x48 => va comparer avec TES sur des simus actuelles
- vdifc... à commettre (dernier tests hdo pour validation)

- pb sur Occigen avec Dynamico simulations pas stable (alors que OK sur 10 sols pour Ehouarn)
- calendrier: pour 1+1=2 OK avec quelques modifs. A commettre.

25th March 2021

Durée: 1h35mn

En visio: Franck L., Francois, Francisco, Joseph, Ehouarn, Franck M., Romain, Christophe,
          Jean-Yves, Margaux, Antoine, Aymeric

- Penser à faire le ménage sur Occigen
- Trouver une nouvelle date pour le prochain MAMO, mai-juin 2022 ?

Commissions récentes:

Tickets récents:
- #75: interaction entre utilitaires localtime et lslin. Si lslin repart d'une sortie localtime,
       la variable "time" n'est pas adaptée, a priori. Mais au final, pas de soucis si ca
       ne reste vrai qu'à lon=0.

Cycle de l'eau & chimie:
- Pb remarqué par Franciso perte de H2O vap dans la haute atmosphère entre sols 150-300,
  lié à l'apparition de glace d'eau (et températures basses); à toutes les latitudes
- Margaux: simulations 32 niveaux à 120km : ne retrouve pas les mêmes structures (le
           minimum en V) => lié à la thermosphère?
- Franck L: n'avait pas ce pb en mai 2019 (49 niveaux svn ???)
            et déjà le pb en septembre 2019 (svn 2157),
            comme pour en 73 niveaux (novembre 2019 svn 2313)
- Francois suggère de regarder la sursaturation et les quelques sols clés ou le pb s'installe.
           regarder aussi les ccn

- comparaisons opacités MCS: réunion dédiée cet après-midi à 15h
- mountain flows: repère les "grosses montagnes" pour isoler où on appliquera la paramétrisation
- NB: le du datadir continet des valeurs hsmons datant de Chao et pas la
      version de Margaux...

- watercaptag: va coder une version ou les domaines des réservoirs sont donné dans le code
               pour que ça marche à toutes les résolutions (et avec dynamico)
- vdifc: à venir.

- va commettre des corrections pour les nuages de CO2 radiativement actifs.
  updatemicroco2 utilise la température en entrée pour calculer la densité de co2
- reste peut-être des pb avec "co2useh2o"

- possibilité d'injecter la poussière en altitude (e.g. forcée par les obs MCS)? Pour regarder
  le hdo en haute altitude.
  suggestion de Francois: plutôt imposer le profil de poussière (à la Conrath) pour explorer
  la sensibilité.

11th March 2021

Durée: 1h30mn

En visio: Francois, Christophe, Jean-Yves, Margaux, Romain, Joseph, Ehouarn, Thomas, Antony,
          Antoine, Aymeric

- EPSC 2021 sera virtuel
- Bonne anniversaire Christophe!

Commissions récentes:

Tickets récents:
- #73: 1+1=2 => binairement faut pour des raisons de calendrier (Time/controle())

- emballement du cycle de l'eau à basse résolution même en basse résolution
  avec Mars actuel. Teste changement du paramètre de contact (m) pour voir
  si ça peut se corriger et en réduisant le pas de temps physique.
  => très grosse influence tu pas de temps physiue à basse résolution!
  Penser aussi au sous-pas de temps de la microphysique
- vdifc... à commettre (suites aux modifs/validation de Margaux)

- données MCS et comment bien les représenter dans le GCM.
  Les fichiers binnés de Lucas donnent bien la même colonne que les scénarios
  Arrive à un désaccord entre colonne recalculé dans le GCM via le mmr/reff du GCM.
  => regarde l'évolution des rayons effectifs dans le GCM
- chantier "topdust" qui génère de la poussière en début d'année vers -30° de lat.
  tests ponctuels sans dynamique => l'origine de cette bande semble être Hellas.

- Dynamico Mars: ça tourne avec qqs corrections pour tourner en prod.
  doit faire une commission pour le calendrier
- orographie sous-maille: besoin d'un fichier d'entrée dédié à la "bonne" résolution
  (celle de la simulation) qui seront ré-interpolé par XIOS.

- pb à 73 niveaux: plantages à cause du hdo, alors que avec 49 niveaux
 (ancienne résolution) pas de soucis... reste à voir d'où vient le pb.

- zrecast : il y a bien extrapolation dans le cas zs... (mais pas dans le cas za)
  => à corriger dans zrecast, par exemple sur la version à commettre de Francois.
- 1+1=2: a des pb sur les coordonnées (lon, lat, aire) mais aussi avec les nuages radiativement

- se fait une base d'états initiaux pour MY34. Attention, si il n'y a pas de traceur.def lors
  d'un start2archive on perd les traceurs.... => ticket pour qu'on teste l’existence du
  traceur.def lorsque start2archive s'exécute.

4th March 2021


En visio: Antony, Christophe, Francisco, Thomas, Margaux, Joseph, Ehouarn, Romain,
          Jean-Yves, Francois

- Arrivée de Romain (CDD IR sur l'ERC Mars Through Time).
- EGU 2021: le programme est disponible.

Commissions récentes:
- r2467: bug fix sur diagnostiques d'échappements de H, H2 et D

Tickets récents:

- bug avec nuages CO2 rad. actifs. => plantages mais pas facile à reproduire car
  n'a pas 1+1=2 (même sans les nuages de co2!)
- zrecast: en coordonnées pression est limité par la aps du GCM. En altitude au dessus de
           la surface (e.g. 120km) des valeurs sont encore présentes... pb dans zrecast
           ou sur le pipeline de calcul?

- Obtiens bien 1+1=2 dans le cas test du bench (nuages d'h2o+poussière+traceur co2)
  ou presque (? quelques différences très localisées et minimes...)

- nouveau zrecast (qui peut travailler sans avoir la température en entrée +
                   interpolation des espèces en log + ...)
- Rob Lillis trouve des différences en estimant la température dans la thermosphère
  pour différentes espèces par rapport à la température GCM...
  Francois ne retrouve pas de telles différences + penser au fait que la dynamique agit aussi
  Francisco confirme qu'on récupère le bon profil de Température via les espèces
  Jean-Yves mentionne que la grille de la diffusion peut jouer un peu.
- rappel "zlay" dans le modèle (physique) devient vite faux à haute altitude
  (par contre est mieux estimé dans aeronomars)

- teste l'effect de la chimie ionosphérique sur l’échappement de H et H2.
  par moments la différence (par rapport avec simu sans chimie iono) peut
  être d'un facteur 4 (parfois bien moins, par ex en fin d'année)

- simulations avec D et hdo. plantages dans la diffusion moléculaire lors de
  la reconstruction de l'altitude lorsque hdo_vap devient non-physique en bas
  du modèle (pb de conversion hdo_vap et hdo_ice ?) peut-être lié au fait de
  tourner avec 73 niveaux?

- toujours sur les vents de pente pour la MCD.
  regarde la sensibilité aux paramètres (dz/zlim, pentes, U*) et
  compare à des simulations mésoéchelle.
  Reste à trouver la bonne échelles des pentes à considérer suivant
  l'horizontale (à mettre dans une carte prédéfinie à interroger).

- article hdo est accepté!
- cycle de l'eau: stabilité/conservation sur plusieurs années.
  avec 18 années: variabilité de la colonne de glace d'un an à l'autre
  surtout entre sols 200 et 300
- conservation de l'eau d'une année à l'autre: légère dérive de 1e-5 relatif par an
  tests sans dynamique: meilleur conservation; ce qui nous rappelle que la dynamique
  ne conserve pas bien les traceurs... les thermiques sont apparemment aussi source
  d'un peu de non-conservation des traceurs...

25th Ferbuary 2021

Durée: 1h05

En visio:Thomas, Antony, Antoine, Margaux, Joseph

- Nouveau filet de ping pong!

Commissions récentes:
- v2466 : transmission de watercap au start_archive

Tickets récents:

- RAS / travaille sur amélioration de la convergence du modèle 1D

Joseph: cycle eau à basse résolution : problème lié à la résolution ?
        avec nuages radiativement actifs à LR: zones où les nuages créent un refroidissement localement, ce qu'on ne voit pas en 64x48

- Travail en cours sur les vents de pente: grande annonce la semaine prochaine

- Conservation top dust: bande d'opacité avant LS=120° dans GCM qu'on ne voit pas dans scénario.
- MCS: comparaison dso intégrée aux tau scénarios: sensibilité au rayon effectif ?
- Part se dorer la pilule

- Attends d'avoir 20 ans de simulations 

18th February 2021


En visio: Antony, Antoine, Joseph, Francisco, Margaux, Ehouarn, Thomas, Francois, André

- Atterrissage de Perseverance ce soir

Commissions récentes:
- r2454-55: pour/dans le mésoéchelle
- r2456: modifs pour imposer le type "double" pour les nuages de co2 (?)
- r2457-58: scripts mésoéchelle
- r2459: suite du r2456 (imposer des variables en double même si GCM compilé en simple precision)
- r2460: "fix" mésoéchelle
- r2461-63: Ajout de la chimie du deuterium

Tickets récents:

- vdifc nouveau: se concerte avec Margaux pour validation finale.
- cycle de l'eau instable a basse résolution: regarde aussi sans les nuages radiativement actifs,
  et là les différences sont plus subtiles.
 Etude de l'emballement à basse résolution, en regardant ce qui se passe au pole (taux de sublimation
 et transport par l'écoulement moyen)

- regarder le cycle de l'eau et son évolution sur plusieurs années (32 niveaux ou 54 niveaux). Pas
  de convergence nette, mais pas de divergence. Variabilité interannuelle? Regarder les ondes
  baroclines sur les années assez différentes
- remarque sur la poussière des simus MY34 (tempête globale); ne s'améliore pas avec les nuages actifs

- regarde l'évolution du cycle du CO2 sur plusieurs années. Sensibilité à la condition initiale
  sur les premières années.

- propriétés optiques des poussières (pour bien comparer à MCS) calculées pour des populations
  (et pas à un seul reff donné), ça change des choses... influence du nu_eff (largeur de la

- vents de pente dans la MCD: comparaisons au simus Mésoéchelle. Pb sur le choix de l'échelle
  de longueur de la pente de référence...

- dynamico Mars: la simu plante (mais pas en débug).

11th February 2021

Durée: 40mn

En visio: Ehouarn, Christophe, Thomas, Antony, Antoine, Loic, Margaux

- missions Hope (EMM) et Tianwen-1 en orbite autour de Mars
- demande DARI planéto déposée (6.37Mh! Ca commence à faire un gros bébé...)

Commissions récentes:

Tickets récents:


- plantage dans une simulation avec H2O comme ccn + nuages radiativement actifs.
  tester 1+1=2.
- réunion nuages CO2 jeudi 4 mars 10h.


- L'outil aeroptical utilise les mêmes propriétés optiques que le GCM, mais devrait plutôt utiliser
  les rayons effectifs et distribution obtenues par le GCM.

- A ressoumis le papier HDO. Va reprendre les comparaisons avec ACS.

- Regarde les modifs sur vdifc de Joseph
- HDO: le code de Francisco (chimie HDO) tourne avec ou sans photochimie et ionosphère.
- Convergence du cycle de l'eau: à lancé des sim 32 niveaux ou 54 niveaux sur des décennies pour voir
  si il y a dérive.

- evolution du cycle du CO2 sur plusieurs années. C'était plus probablement un pb de conditions initiales.
  mais pense regarder plus longtemps que 5 ans.
- doit voir avec Francisco et Jean-Yves si les corrections qui ont circulé sont à commettre.

4th February 2021


En visio: Francois, Margaux, Thomas, Francisco, Christophe, Antoine, Antony, Aymeric

- MY36 commence ce dimanche!

Commissions récentes:
- r2452: interface dynamico pour lire un z2sig.def (comme LMDZ) pour la discrétisation verticale

Tickets récents:
- #71 : changer la dénomination "slope winds" en "mountain top dust flows"? Plutôt "mountaintop flow"

Tour d'écrans:

- travail sur la chimie du D. Tout est en place et Ehouarn/Margaux doivent valider et commettre.
  Encore un changement à faire "à la main" pour tourner avec/sans le HDO.
- effet de la chimie sur le haute atmosphère (échapement de H lié à la chimie des ions d'eau): impact
  pas énorme mais significatif quand même.
- compare T,rho avec les occulations IUVS: le GCM semble ~20K trop chaud vers 40-50km.
  Suggestion de Francois: Est-ce un pb du aux obs (bias chaud à haute pression vu avec SPICAM)

- Tests de la version de Francisco. Ca tourne. A lancé une simu 1 an.
- revue du papier HDO avec Loic; demande de comparer aux obs.
- a regardé le vdifc de Joseph; en cours de test.

- comparaison des "slope winds MCD" avec des simus mésoéchelle. Besoin d'évaluer les pentes à
  plus grande échelle et donc avec une méthode un peu plus lourde (3 triangles au lieu de 1)
  le but est de soustraire les vents de pente grande échelle résolus par le GCM
- comparaison des accumulations de poussière sur les panneaux Insight et du modèle 1D. Marche bien.

- difficultés à raccrocher le méso-échelle avec les versions récentes de la physique.

- Première simu avec Dynamico Mars+ champs SSO avec start_archive. Pb avec le restartfi.

- il faut préparer la BDD pour la mission des EMM. Quels fichiers et champs, à quelle fréquence
  de sortie, etc.

- regarde l'évolution pluri-annuelle du cycle du CO2 et on dirait que ça n'est pas bien convergé.
  Problème lié au start utilisé? A la nouvelle résolution verticale qui rend le système plus sensible?
  Suggestion de Francois: faire en test sans nuages radiativement actif pour voir...

28th January 2021


En visio: Margaux, Antony, Christophe, Thomas, Antoine, Joseph, Francois, Ehouarn

- N'oubliez pas la demande DARI A10!

Commissions récentes:
- r2449: Ajout de la possibilité d'utiliser le dust scenario 35 (mais attention, un
         définitif n'est pas encore disponible)
- r2450: utilitaire lslin: prise en compte des "missing_values" + nettoyage + attention au changement de format d'entrées (lslin.def) si delta Ls automatique
- r2451: util/compile : ajout en commentaire d'un exemple pour compiler sur Occigen

Tickets récents:
- #68: réouverture du ticket (utilisation de lsin avant ou après zrecast) car pb avec les missing_value
       dans le cas interpolé (alors que le cas average était OK).=> réparé avec la r2450 mais
       pas forcément nécessaire (dixit Francois) car trompeur dans certaines conditions (cycle diurne)
       Penser à supprimer la génération du fichier Grads *.ctl (pas trop utile pour la plupart et
       Francois a un utilitaire externe qui fait l'équivalent)

Tour d'écrans:

- Modification de zrecast pour les cas où la température n'est pas dispo (+ traitement des espèces num_*) à tester puis commettre.
- Pour Rob Lillis: réinterpolation des sorties GCM; différences avec les obs dans les températures thermosphériques à élucider...
- Pour EMM (insertion à 16h42, le 9 février) : on doit faire une base de données GCM en ligne pour l'équipe. A suivre.
- Siteng Fan (postdoc) commence au 1er février, mais à distance.

- Injection de poussières rds: la sédimentation prend le pas sur la vitesse radiative vers ~80km
  questions sur la vitesse de sédimentation différente entre masse et nombre...
- simulation "best guess" avec injection 8h-18h. Toujours des DSO plus élevées que MCS.
  en générale trop de poussière, qui semble fortement déplacées des zones d'injection

- vents de pente dans le MCD: tests en Real*8 donnent les mêmes problèmes donc va imposer le profil
  en log de vent pour calculer K.
- a contacté Ralph Lorenz pour les mesures de déposition de la poussière sur Insight.
- préparation du progress meeting ESA-CNES

- vdifc nettoyé et commenté envoyé à Margaux et Loic.
- simus du cyle de l'eau avec nuages radiativement actifs trop humide même à résolution "normale"

- dynamico-mars: choix/utilisation des calendriers à finaliser. Simulations avec l'orographie sous-maille (ré-interpolée de start_archive) à venir. En attendant un retour de David sur l'outil SSO.

- simulations en cours d'analyse. Flux SW en haut de l'atm plus étendu (en latitude) avec les nuages CO2 radiativement actifs (par rapport au cas non radiativement actif). Les rayons des particules de CO2 sont de ~100 microns (sous la limite imposée à 500).

- dynamico-mars: mise en place de la lecture du z2sig.def via un système de plugin dans l'interface en cours; fera de même pour la dissip.
- simulations pluri-annelles : est-ce que le cycle de CO2 est stable sur n années de simulation avec MY34 (et clim?). Ca pourra rejoindre le stage de Luca sur le cycle du CO2 Insight.
- Francisco a envoyé une mise à jour de la chimie incluant le HDO. A valider et commettre.
- Contacté par Wuhu Feng (travaille avec John Plane) qui fait la modélisation de la chimie Mg, Fe, Na et obtient de bon résultats comparé à MAVEN.

21th January 2021

Durée: 1h30

En visio: Antony, Christophe, Jean-Yves, Francois, Thomas, Ehouarn, Aymeric, Antoine

- demande DARI A10 planéto à faire

Commissions récentes:
- r2441: Ajout dans makelmdz_fcm d'une vérification de l'existence du script "make_scatterers"
         lorsqu'on utilise l'option "-s #" (rappel elle est obsolète pour Mars)
- r2442: Modif pour faire tourner "mesoini": le GCM en mode initialisation du mésoéchelle
- r2443: Utilitaire aeroptical: traitement de plus gros fichiers ("64 bit offset mode" NetCDF)
         calcul des opacités séparées des poussières (background,storm,..)
         calcul des opacités en absorption
- r2444-45: updates "mesoini" + mésoéchelle
- r2447-48: Updates nuages de CO2 (correction du rayon de sédimentation CO2ice) et effet
            radiatif des nuages de CO2

Tickets récents:

Tour d'écrans:

- Commissions CO2. Ca tourne 1 an avec les améliorations mais sans activer l'effet radiatif des
  nuages de CO2.

- comparaisons densité GCM vs NGIMS (2 deep dips). Simu MY32 (avec correction dist Mars-Soleil)
  bon accord vers 130km, puis surestimation à plus haute alt. (N2, CO2 et Ar)
  sous-estimation légère pour He.
  rapport Ar/CO2 et N2/CO2 en bon accord
  va poursuivre avec comparaisons avec d'autres deep-dips en MY33 et MY34, et regarder He et O
  plus en détail

- comparaisons Nomad-MCS avec Mike: graphes des comparaisons à analyser. Regarder si il y a de
  la poussière très haut (~80km). Pour Nomad l'erreur devient de plus en plus grande près de la surface
  mais pas trop grande à ~20-30km (dans les couches).
- simulation de référence lancée avec injection 8h-18h pour MY33 en cours.


- les vents de pente dans la MC: schémas itératif amélioré (résolution simultané de u_l et v_l)
  marche avec Coriolis et K fixé => besoin de fixer un profil de K, mais solution très sensible
  à K. Mais oscillations entre 2 solutions et besoin d'ajouter un rappel vers l'une.
  Peut-être se contenter de K constant?

- finalise article Mars primitif avec Martin
- article Insight en finalisation

- travaille sur la mise à jour du mésoéchelle
- a créé de "tags" sous git pour référencer des rev précises.


14th January 2021

Durée: 1h10mn

En visio: Margaux, Antony, Thomas, Ehouarn, Francois, Antoine, Joseph, Aymeric, Christophe

- arrivée des stagiaires de L3
- Romain Vandemeulebrouck (IR CDD "Mars Through Time") commencera au 1er mars

Commissions récentes:
- r2440: Ajouts sur les utilitaires concatnc et localtime: homogénéisation
         (et tests sur le "long_name" de Time pour savoir si sol/Ls)

Tickets récents:
- #68: Ouvert puis fermé, utilisation enchainée des utilitaires zrecast -> lslin avec
       gestion des "missing values". C'est en fait OK depuis la r2432
- #69: Pb à la compilation, mais en fait lié à "makelmdz_fcm" lorsqu'on
       utilise (à tort) l'option "-s ..." alors qu'elle est obsolète pour Mars
       => corriger makelmdz_fcm

Tour d'écrans:

- version nouvelle de zrecast à transmettre (gestion des traceurs num_**) pour commission.
- à propos des Rocket Dust Storm: est ce que dans le mésoéchelle on a de la poussière qui
  monte jusqu'à 80km comme dans le GCM?
- a mis a jour le solar occultation database pour TGO + documentation (en ligne sur

- commence la mise à niveau du mésoéchelle sur les révisions récentes
- mise en place de tags sur git pour identifier les versions "utilisable" mesoscale

- aeroptical: calcul des opacités d'absorptions fait. A commettre.
- occultations solaires sur TGO: A priori pas de pb sur le sza.
- comparaisons Nomad-MCS: à reprendre.

- pb avec la création des paramètres d'orographies sous-maille. Vois avec David Cugnet.
- teste en attendant en utilisant l'interpolation des paramètres mis dans le

- le rayon de sédimentation du CO2: le pb vient avec un flux négatif dans le sédimentation à la
  surface. A élucider.
- a lancé un run pour tester l'ajout de l’effet radiatif des nuages de CO2

- regarde l'emballement du cycle de l'eau à basse résolution. La calotte de CO2 se sublime
  d'année en année avec l'accumulation de l'eau dans l'atmosphère.
- vdifc nouveau à commettre....

- finalise les livrables pour TAS-I pour l'EDL ExoMars
- travaille sur les retours sur le papier HDO; ajouter des comparaisons aux obs?

- les vents de pente dans la MCD: recherche d'une nouvelle façon d'approximer le vent
  pour initialiser le processus itératif.

- a fond sur TAS-I EDL ExoMars 2022. Progress meeting Vendredi 15h.

7th January 2021

Durée: 1h35

En visio: Antony, Aymeric, Ehouarn, Antoine, Margaux, Thomas, Christophe, Francois

- Relance des "bocal" des jeudis après-midi sur le de la formation LMDZ:
- Dépot svn: petit (re-)changement: https n'est plus accessible que par login/mdp
  (lmdz-users/lmdz2020 ou vos login/mdp svn)
  Mais le dépôt est à jour, dispo et ouvert à tous
  (comme avant; seuls ceux qui ont un compte svn peuvent commettre)
- Les présentations de la formation LMDZ ont été enregistrées et sont en ligne:
- CDD IR "Mars Through Time": en attente de la réponse du sélectionné

Commissions récentes:
- r2439: Vérification de la périodicité (longitude ±180) des champs dans le dynamique
         et correction si besoin (c'est ce qui posait problème pour Vénus; pb. dans newstart Vénus

Tickets récents:

Tour d'écrans:

- problèmes parfois sur l'ordre des utilitaires à utiliser; ex. localtime => zrecast
  => à préciser (ticket)
- simulation en changeant le rayon de sédimentation CO2cloud (utilisation du "vrai" rayon) et CO2snow
  ça tourne, reste à nettoyer et analyser l'impact du changement.
- transfert radiatif dans les nuages de CO2 à venir.

- travaille sur aeroptical pour calculer des opacités d'absorption (plutôt qu'extinction)
- occultations solaires de TGO => le solar zenith angle est il bien calculé? Et y a t'il
  un effet en altitude (soleil rasant à la surface, mais plus élevé en altitude)
- regarde l'impact du rayon effectif de la stormdust injectée (e.g. 1 micron au lieu de 3)

- newstart dynamico: orographie sous-maille => pb avec le prog de David à élucider
- penser à faire un vrai "newstart" pour dynamico

- préparation pour EDL ExoMars 2022. 3 simus mésoéchelle faites + celle de MY35 à venir
  résolution 10km car avec 5-6km ça plante
- simulation LES déjà faite
- reviews pour l'article HDO reçues.

- préparation pour TAS-I , scénario "customisé" MY35 => scenario 201 dédié pour la MCD

- sur Vénus pour la VCD => schémas et prototypage en cours
- livrables ESA sur la déposition de poussière. Voudrait comparer à Insight sur 1 an.
- vents de pente dans la MCD. Tenter de rechercher une solution stationnaire via un
  pseudo schémas temporel n'est pas idéal; reste à trouver comment améliorer la convergence.
Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Jan 17, 2022, 5:19:23 PM

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