Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#5 Conservation of traceurs in chemistry calchim_mod flefevre task major MARS GCM
#10 calcul de la constante des gas pour mélanges variables defect major MARS GCM
#15 improving photochemistry: Taking into account the changes in surface albedo would be more realistic. flefevre enhancement major MARS GCM
#49 Apply Cp(T) to generic physics jvatant enhancement major GENERIC GCM
#63 Add scavenging of HDO ice by CO2 abierjon task major MARS GCM
#68 Enable lslin after and before zrecast abierjon defect major MARS GCM
#87 transition from F77 to F90 for NetCDF in utilitaries abierjon defect major MARS GCM
#113 Automatic Qext for lifted dust abierjon enhancement major MARS GCM
#146 Fixed dust opacity when using 1d without seasonal cycle jnaar defect major MARS GCM
#147 Erreur write_output xios adastra abierjon defect major MARS GCM
#16 post-processing tool to calculate column quantities: tracercolumn fforget enhancement minor MARS GCM
#48 Coherence of the "long_name"/"title" attribute in the utilitary programs abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
#88 Facilitate modifications of isotopic ratio of perennial ice mvals enhancement minor MARS GCM
#128 Create a folder Dynamico_deftank romain.vande enhancement minor MARS GCM
#133 Translating François' vdfic documentation in Latex and wiki jnaar task minor MARS GCM
#152 Put _FillValue attribute in all util programs abierjon defect minor MARS GCM
#157 Improve outputs (XIOS / diagfi) management emillour enhancement minor GENERIC GCM
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