9 years |
emillour |
All models: More updates to make planetary codes (+Earth) setups …
9 years |
emillour |
Titan GCM:
- Omitted cleanup relative to previous commit.
9 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs en 1D pour Venus et Titan
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug corrections
10 years |
emillour |
Titan GCM:
Turned the common block "tgmdat.F" into a module …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections in Titan and Venus tools
10 years |
emillour |
Titan and Venus GCMs:
Follow-up to the changes in dynamics/physics …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update of the Venus GCM, + corrections on routines used for …
10 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics/physics interface: fix and add a couple of links …
10 years |
emillour |
All models: Reorganizing the physics/dynamics interface.
* makelmdz …
10 years |
emillour |
Venus/Titan? physics:
Fix typo in iniphysiq.F90
10 years |
emillour |
Some cleanup and tidying on the dynamics/physics interface. …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction of a bug in Titan's chemistry
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: zrecast corrected and tested to be compatible with Venus and …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update to newstart/start2archive tools in Venus+Titan / additional …
11 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics:
Some updates to keep up with LMDZ5 Earth model …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update of Titan photochemical module to include computation of …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs in rcm1d (venus, titan)
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Titan and Venus modifications following a modif in dyn3d[par].
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction of a mistake in previous commit…
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: patch for Titan (optc* routines) + modifs for cpdet module in …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: toujours des corrections oubliees pour 1056
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: still some corrections to version 1056
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: goes with 1056-1057: additional details and bug corrections
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: forgot one change in chimtitan…
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Titan runs ! see DOC/chantiers/commit_importants.log
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small details…
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update pour divers details titan + quelques modifs arch et makelmdz
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: encore une correction sur psi.F90 (posttraitement Venus, Titan)
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small bug in the tool for stream function computation (Venus and Titan)
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: optimisation pour le parallèle suite à tests Venus / petite …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: stupid bug in Titan rcm1d/profile…
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifs on Venus outputs
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifications on rcm1d (Venus, Titan)
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifications to the tools, to Venus default .def files and …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: add rcm1d tool in Venus and Titan physics to run the code in 1D, …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: TITAN, bug correction forgotten in physiq, call of radlwsw…
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction d'un bug pour Titan (zlsm1) + quelques petits ajustements
12 years |
emillour |
Work on common dynamics and interfacing with different physics:
- Put …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modif on angmom (Titan/Venus? Tools)
12 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics:
- updates to keep up with LMDZ5 Earth (rev 1678) …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: amelioration angmom.F90 (Venus, Titan Tools) + correction bug GW …
12 years |
slebonnois |
- newstart-VT.F and start2archive-VT.F added in dyn3d/, their name …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: tools for postprocessing (Veznus and Titan); see …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: petites modifs Titan et Venus pour tableau controle dans la …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections de bugs pour Titan, + suppression de la dependance …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Many changes for VENUS (related to newstart) and TITAN (related to …
13 years |
slebonnois |
SL: follow-up on previous commit for one forgotten file…
13 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug correction for a file specific to Venus and Titan, + Venus …
13 years |
slebonnois |
Mise a jour physique Titan, ajout des forces de marees (dans la …
13 years |
slebonnois |
Update of Titan physics for clouds.
13 years |
slebonnois |
SLebonnois: correction de bugs dans la physique Titan:
- effg.F : Z …
14 years |
slebonnois |
SLebonnois: petite correction pour pouvoir tourner avec clouds=0
sans …
14 years |
slebonnois |
- Revision majeure de la physique Titan => ajout des …
14 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction bug lie a itau_phy pour phytitan et phyvenus
14 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug de position modif dtime dans physiq.F pour Titan et Venus
14 years |
aslmd |
14 years |
aslmd |