Added... movies !
Example : -f wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_07:11:40 --var upward --lat 50 --time 5 -m 0 -M 10 -c Spectral_r --div 20 --ymax 200
will generate a 2D altitude-latitude plot of upward tracer concentration, whereas : -f wrfout_d01_9999-01-01_07:11:40 --var upward --lat 50 -m 0 -M 10 -c Spectral_r --div 20 --ymax 200
will generate a movie of the previous plot, along the time axis (default axis for movies for now).
Requirements :
The way the movie maker is written is very light-weight and fast, as no intermediary pictures are saved. The data is buffered and streamed right into an encoder.
I could not make this work with ffmpeg... So you MUST have mencoder installed. It is not on the farm... It is on ciclad, and I know that Aymeric installed it on his machine (at least before getting Ulrich).
Known problems :
I spent litteraly all day making this work, but the option is still basic for now, i.e. it is not yea possible to use -w with movies, or 1D plot movies. (several other stuff are not possible yet, like title specification, axis limits (ylim,xlim), etc... I know how to make it work, I just need some time.
Default name for the output movie is "test.avi" for now.
Tested with LES data without projections. Not test on meso or gcm in mapmode 1.
Details :
----------------- New class that contains some routines for video stuff. This could either be transformed in a function in an other .py, or other functions could be added to this class to make it more usefull.
M 427
----------------- New routines to convert figures to RGBA data (4-dimensions arrays of pixel data) and figures to PIL images.
M * 428
----------------- Added support for movies of 2D plots without overlines
M * 428
----------------- Minor stuff about LES and dumpbdy for W. This could be made in a much cleaner way... maybe later.