Changeset 3058

Sep 28, 2023, 10:48:50 AM (16 months ago)

Mars PCM:
Update reference deftank files:

  • remove obsolete callphys.def.notracers
  • rename z2sig.def to z2sig.def.MCD6
  • update callphys.def.GCM6 to include non-oro GW parametrization
  • update callphys.def.MCD6 to disable Frost metamorphism option


1 deleted
5 edited
1 moved


  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/changelog.txt

    r3057 r3058  
    42244224Fix ticket #141 : when doing a log interpolation in zrecast (e.g. for density), negative and null values are changed into a very small positive value (below the numerical precision) so that the log interpolation yields a null value.
    42254225+ add '_FillValue' attribute (redundant with 'missing_value') checks and outputs in zrecast to comply with newest NCO versions (part of ticket #152)
     4227== 28/09/2023 == EM
     4228Update reference deftank files:
     4229- remove obsolete callphys.def.notracers
     4230- rename z2sig.def to z2sig.def.MCD6
     4231- update callphys.def.GCM6 to include non-oro GW parametrization
     4232- update callphys.def.MCD6 to disable Frost metamorphism option
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/deftank/README

    r2807 r3058  
    1515- run.def.lonxlatxalt illustrate cases for different spatial grids
    1616  (typically the GCM is run at 64x48 horizontal resolution)
    17 - z2sig.def is the current standard vertical grid definition (use 54 layers
     17- z2sig.def.MCD6 is the current standard vertical grid definition (use 54 layers
    1818  if running up to ~120km, e.g. water & dust cycle simulations, 73 layers
    19   if including chemistry and thermosphere up to ~300km)
     19  if including chemistry and thermosphere up to ~250km)
    2020- *.GCM5 files correspond to GCM5 version using z2sig.def.MCD5
    2121  up to ~120km (32 levels) or ~300km (49 levels)
    2222- *.MCD5 files correspond to what was used to generate MCDv5.x simulations
    2323- *.GCM6 files correspond to GCM6 version with improved dust and water cycles
    24   up to ~120km (54 levels)
     24  up to ~120km (54 levels) using z2sig.def.MCD6
    2525- *.MCD6 files correspond to what was used to generate MCDv6.1 simulations
     26  up to ~250km (73 levels) using z2sig.def.MCD6
    2728>> XML FILES
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/deftank/callphys.def.GCM6

    r2738 r3058  
    33#Directory where external input files are:
    4 datadir=/users/lmdz/WWW/planets/mars/datadir
    66#Run with or without tracer transport ?
    3838#  ...
    3939#  =35 Mars Year 35 from observers assimilation
    40 iaervar = 35
     40iaervar = 8
    4141# Dust opacity at 610 Pa (when constant, i.e. for the iaervar=1 case)
    8282# call thermal conduction in the soil ?
    8383callsoil = .true.
     85##Gravity Waves
    8486# call Lott's gravity wave/subgrid topography scheme ?
    8587calllott  = .true.
     88# call Lott's non-orographic gravity waves scheme?
     90#Eliassen-Palm FLux(only if calllott_nonoro=.true.)
     92# saturation parameter non-orographic gravity waves(only if calllott_nonoro=.true.)
     94# value of the dissaption coefficiet(only if calllott_nonoro=.true.)
     96# value of the max wave number
     98# value of the min wave number
     100# value to control the launch altitude
    86103# Impose polar cap surface albedos as observed by TES?
    87104TESicealbedo = .true.
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/deftank/callphys.def.MCD6

    r2807 r3058  
    189189frost_albedo_threshold = 0.005
    190190# Frost metamorphism into old ice
    191 refill_watercap = .true.
     191refill_watercap = .false.
    192192frost_metam_threshold = 0.05
    193193# WATER: Water ice thermal inertia (old ice and fresh frost)
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/libf/phymars/vdifc_mod.F

    r3008 r3058  
    831831           else
    833             call dustlift(ngrid,nlay,nq,rho,zcdh_true,zcdh,
     833            call dustlift(ngrid,nlay,nq,rho,zcdh_true,zicdh,
    834834     &                    pqsurf_tmp(:,igcm_co2),pdqsdif_tmp)
    835835#ifndef MESOSCALE
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