Aug 2, 2011, 11:13:07 AM (14 years ago)

Generic GCM

  • Massive update to version 0.7


1 edited



    r135 r253  
    401401== 31/03/2010 ==
    402 ==> call this version LMDZ.GENERIC.v0.5 
     402==> call this version LMDZ.GENERIC.v0.5
    403403-- OLR --
    404404   The .nc functions were implemented and tested. It was necessary to add
    441441   major change, but there are enough cases where it will be useful to
    442442   make it worthwhile in the universal code. I have done the same with rcp.
     444== 10/10/2010 ==
     445==> call this version LMDZ.GENERIC.v0.6
     446-- startup --
     447   We now check water tracers exist in newstart.F before all watery initialisation options.
     448   Added an option 'autozlevs' to run.def (and logic.h). When true this recalculates the scale
     449   height in z2sig.def in order to get the same minimum pressure for any resolution.
     450   Currently, this is only useful for one-d simulations.
     451   Pressure is now distributed better in newstart.F. There was a bug before when the global mean of phi
     452   was not equal to zero and the surface pressure was changed with topography still present.
     453   In initracer, we no longer automatically set h2o_vap=h2o_ice.   
     455-- general --
     456   periheli, apheli --> periastr, apoastr. Note this necessitates a change in start_planet too.
     457   testphys1d.F --> rcm1d.F
     458   physiq.F, callcorrk.F upgraded to Fortran 90 to remove evil zerophys.
     459   I cleaned up the method of displaying energy balance and temperature range in the model a bit.
     460   Pure H2 atmospheres are now permitted, although the code is _untested_. Rayleigh scattering,
     461   specific heat capacities and molar masses are varied, and the H2-H2 collision-induced data
     462   of Grushka et al. is used for the radiative transfer.
     464-- boundary layer --
     465   An improved version of vdifc.F has been created that includes the latent heat effect of water vapor,
     466   following the method used in 'clmain' in the LMDZ terrestrial model.
     468-- water cycle --
     469   Benjamin's improvements have been added, namely the hydrology, and reevaporation.
     470   Variable cloud fractions are allowed, or a global fixed value may be chosen
     471   for use in aeropacity. Surface wetness (beta) is now calculated in a simple way, and
     472   outputed as a diagnostic, along with the atmospheric relative humidity.
     474   mol/mol to kg/kg bug in callcorrk corrected.
     476-- radiative transfer --
     477   A major bug in gfluxv.F was corrected. It involved BSURF, the radiation reflected upwards from
     478   the ground.
     479   In aeropacity, we now set the cloud opacity in the top layer of the atmosphere to zero. This solves
     480   an instability problem that was occurring when CO2 clouds formed.
     481   Dust is back! Only fixed profiles allowed for now. It is assigned "naerkind=3" in aeropacity.F90.
     482   If 'CLFvarying' is enabled, the corrk subroutine is now called twice per timestep - once for clear
     483   skies and once for cloudy. This slows things down but is effective for Earth-like simulations.
     484   An optional Newtonian cooling scheme has been implemented that can replace the correlated-k method
     485   for dynamical tests etc. It is pretty experimental and has not been extensively tested.
     487-- Dynamics --
     488   callgroupeun in gcm.F has been set to FALSE, as it does not conserve tracers.
     489   The coefficient facup has been set to 1 in inidissip.F. We may need to mess
     490   with this later if it makes the model too unstable.
     492== 1/08/2011 ==
     493==> call this version LMDZ.GENERIC.v0.7
     495   Main change: a new file 'gases.def' now required at startup. This tells us which gases are in
     496   the planet's atmosphere. It is used to calculate fundamental quantities like cpp and mugaz.
     497   A check is made against the radiative transfer data to make sure they correspond.
     499   Code has been tested successfully using the 'gfortran compiler'.
     501-- startup --
     502   a bug involving tsoil interpolation in lect_start_archive.F was corrected.   
     504-- aerosols --
     505   gauss integration number 5-->10 in aeroptproperties.F90
     507-- water cycle --
     508   Big fat bug in rain.F90 corrected. The routine internally updated the temperature
     509   with new tendencies before it was supposed to happen!
     510   Bug in oborealis where phi not properly updated was corrected.
     511   Improvements to hydrol.F90: zdtsurf_hyd --> pdtsurf_hyd
     512   A 'sourceevol' option was added (accessed in callphys.def) that allows us to track the
     513   evolution of the surface distribution over time.
     514   Another bug in rain corrected involving evaporation - it was heating the atmosphere
     515   rather than cooling it...
     517-- convection --
     518   I found a bug in convadj.F that breaks tracer conservation when convection stops at one layer
     519   and immediately restarts in the next one.
     521-- diagnostics --
     522   Some bugs corrected in the computation of 3D averages for the H2O / energy conservation
     523   diagnostics.
     525-- radiative transfer --
     526   A bug involving continuum opacities (variable DCONT) was corrected in optci.F90 and optcv.F0.
     527   H2-H2 warming now in theory reliable and correct (60-1000 K).
     528   A bug involving the definition of the Planck function boundaries was corrected in sfluxi.F90
     529   and gfluxi.F.
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