Jul 14, 2011, 3:37:47 AM (14 years ago)

MESOSCALE: user manual. finished a much corrected version for preprocessing chapter.

1 edited


  • trunk/MESOSCALE_DEV/MANUAL/SRC/user_manual_txt.tex

    r221 r223  
    3 \mk
    4 \subsubsection{Meteorological data}
    6 \ttt{launch\_gcm}
    8 \mk
    9 The preprocessing tools generate initial and boundary conditions
    10 from the \ttt{diagfi.nc} outputs of LMD-MGCM simulations.
    11 %
    12 If you would like to run a mesoscale simulation at a given
    13 season, you need to first run a GCM simulation and output
    14 the meteorological fields at the considered season.
    15 %
    16 For optimal forcing at the boundaries, we advise you
    17 to write the meteorological fields to the
    18 \ttt{diagfi.nc} file at least each two hours.
    19 %
    20 Please also make sure that the following fields
    21 are stored in the NETCDF \ttt{diagfi.nc} file:
    23 \footnotesize
    24 \codesource{contents_diagfi}
    26 \normalsize
    27 \begin{finger}
    28 \item If the fields
    29 \ttt{emis},
    30 \ttt{co2ice},
    31 \ttt{q01},
    32 \ttt{q02},
    33 \ttt{tsoil}
    34 are missing in the \ttt{diagfi.nc} file,
    35 they are replaced by respective default
    36 values $0.95$, $0$, $0$, $0$, tsurf.
    37 \end{finger}
    39 \mk
    40 \marge An example of input meteorological file
    41 \ttt{diagfi.nc} file can be downloaded
    42 at \url{http://web.lmd.jussieu.fr/~aslmd/LMD_MM_MARS/diagfi.nc.tar.gz}.
    43 %
    44 Please deflate the archive and copy the \ttt{diagfi.nc} file
    45 in \ttt{\$LMDMOD/TMPDIR/GCMINI}.
    46 %
    47 Such a file can then be used to define the initial
    48 and boundary conditions, and we will go
    49 through the three preprocessing steps.
    51 \mk
    52 \subsection{Preprocessing steps}
    54 \mk
    55 \subsubsection{Step 1: Converting GCM data}
    57 \mk
    58 The programs in the \ttt{PREP\_MARS} directory
    59 convert the data from the NETCDF \ttt{diagfi.nc}
    60 file into separated binary datafiles for each
    61 date contained in \ttt{diagfi.nc}, according to
    62 the formatting needed by the
    63 preprocessing programs at step 2.
    64 %
    65 These programs can be executed by the following
    66 commands:
    67 \begin{verbatim}
    68 cd $LMDMOD/LMD_MM_MARS/your_install_dir/PREP\_MARS
    69 echo 1 | ./create_readmeteo.exe     # drop the "echo 1 |" if you want control
    70 ./readmeteo.exe < readmeteo.def
    71 \end{verbatim}
    72 %
    73 \marge If every went well with the conversion,
    74 the directory \ttt{\$LMDMOD/TMPDIR/WPSFEED}
    75 should contain files named \ttt{LMD:}.
    77 \mk
    78 \subsubsection{2: Interpolation on the regional domain}
    80 \mk
    81 In the \ttt{WPS} directory, the \ttt{geogrid.exe} program allows
    82 you to define the mesoscale simulation domain
    83 to horizontally interpolate the topography,
    84 thermal inertia and albedo fields at the domain
    85 resolution and to calculate useful fields
    86 such as topographical slopes.%\pagebreak
    88 \mk
    89 \marge Please execute the commands:
    90 %
    91 \begin{verbatim}
    92 cd $LMDMOD/LMD_MM_MARS/your_install_dir/WPS
    93 ln -sf ../../TESTCASE/namelist.wps .   # test case
    94 ./geogrid.exe
    95 \end{verbatim}
    96 %
    97 \marge The result of \ttt{geogrid.exe}
    98 -- and thus the definition of the mesoscale
    99 domain -- can be checked in the NETCDF
    100 file \ttt{geo\_em.d01.nc}.
    101 %
    102 A quick check can be performed using the command line
    103 \begin{verbatim}
    104 ncview geo_em.d01.nc
    105 \end{verbatim}
    106 \marge if \ttt{ncview} is installed, or the \ttt{IDL}
    107 script \ttt{out\_geo.pro}
    108 \begin{verbatim}
    109 idl
    110 IDL> out_geo, field1='TOPO'
    111 IDL> out_geo, field1='TI'
    112 IDL> SPAWN, 'ghostview geo_em.d01_HGT_M.ps &'
    113 IDL> SPAWN, 'ghostview geo_em.d01_THERMAL_INERTIA.ps &'
    114 IDL> exit
    115 \end{verbatim}
    116 \marge if the demo version of \ttt{IDL} is installed.
    117 %
    118 Of course if your favorite graphical tool supports
    119 the NETCDF standard, you might use it to check the
    120 domain definition in \ttt{geo\_em.d01.nc}.
    122 \mk
    123 \marge If you are unhappy with the results or
    124 you want to change
    125 the location of the mesoscale domain on the planet,
    126 the horizontal resolution,
    127 the number of grid points \ldots,
    128 please modify the parameter
    129 file \ttt{namelist.wps} and execute again \ttt{geogrid.exe}.
    130 %
    131 Here are the contents of \ttt{namelist.wps}:
    132 %
    133 \codesource{namelist.wps_TEST}
    135 \begin{finger}
    136 %
    137 \item No input meteorological data
    138 are actually needed to execute \ttt{geogrid.exe}.
    139 %
    140 \item More details about the database and
    141 more options of interpolation could be
    142 found in the file \ttt{geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL}.
    143 %
    144 \item Defining several domains yields
    145 distinct files
    146 \ttt{geo\_em.d01.nc},
    147 \ttt{geo\_em.d02.nc},
    148 \ttt{geo\_em.d03.nc}\ldots
    149 \end{finger}
    151 \mk
    152 \marge Once the \ttt{geo\_em} file(s) are generated,
    153 the \ttt{metgrid.exe} program performs
    154 a similar horizontal interpolation
    155 of the meteorological fields to the mesoscale
    156 domain as the one performed by \ttt{geogrid.exe}
    157 for the surface data.
    158 %
    159 Then the program writes the results in
    160 \ttt{met\_em} files and also collects
    161 the static fields and domain parameters
    162 included in the \ttt{geo\_em} file(s)
    163 %
    164 Please type the following commands:
    165 \begin{verbatim}
    166 cd $LMDMOD/LMD_MM_MARS/your_install_dir/WPS
    167 ./metgrid.exe
    168 \end{verbatim}
    169 %
    170 \marge If every went well,
    171 the directory \ttt{\$LMDMOD/TMPDIR/WRFFEED}
    172 should contain the \ttt{met\_em.*} files.
    174 \mk
    175 \subsubsection{Step 3: Vertical interpolation on mesoscale levels}
    177 \mk
    178 \marge The last step is to execute \ttt{real.exe}
    179 to perform the interpolation from the vertical
    180 levels of the GCM to the vertical levels
    181 defined in the mesoscale model.
    182 %
    183 This program also prepares the final initial
    184 state for the simulation in files called
    185 \ttt{wrfinput} and the boundary conditions
    186 in files called \ttt{wrfbdy}.
    188 \mk
    189 \marge To successfully execute \ttt{real.exe},
    190 you need the \ttt{met\_em.*} files
    191 and the \ttt{namelist.input} file
    192 to be in the same directory as \ttt{real.exe}.
    193 %
    194 Parameters in \ttt{namelist.input}
    195 controlling the behavior of the vertical interpolation
    196 are those labelled with \ttt{(p3)} in the detailed
    197 list introduced in the previous chapter.
    199 \mk
    200 \marge Please type the following commands
    201 to prepare files for the Arsia Mons test case
    202 (or your personal test case if you changed
    203 the parameters in \ttt{namelist.wps}):
    204 \begin{verbatim}
    206 ln -sf $LMDMOD/WRFFEED/met_em* .
    207 ./real.exe
    208 \end{verbatim}
    210 \mk
    211 \marge The final message of the \ttt{real.exe}
    212 should claim the success of the processes and you
    213 are now ready to launch the integrations
    214 of the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model again
    215 with the \ttt{wrf.exe} command as in section
    216 \ref{sc:arsia}.
    218 \begin{finger}
    219 \item When you modify either
    220 \ttt{namelist.wps} or \ttt{namelist.input},
    221 make sure that the common parameters
    222 are exactly similar in both files
    223 (especially when running nested simulations)
    224 otherwise either \ttt{real.exe} or \ttt{wrf.exe}
    225 command will exit with an error message.
    226 \end{finger}
    227 %\pagebreak
    24921\section{Grid nesting}\label{nests}
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