Nov 30, 2018, 12:55:49 AM (6 years ago)

Major radiative transfer contribution : Add the 'corrk_recombin' option that allows to use
correlated-k for single species instead of pre-mix and enables more flexiblity for variable species.
-> Algorithm inspired from Lacis and Oinas 1991 and Amundsen et al 2016

+ Added 'recombin_corrk.F90' - Important improvements in 'sugas_corrk.90' and 'callcork.F90'

  • Must have the desired variable species as tracers -> TBD : Enable to force composition even if no tracers
  • To have decent CPU time recombining is not done on all gridpoints and wavelenghts but we calculate a gasi/v_recomb variable on the reference corrk-k T,P grid (only for T,P values who match the atmospheric conditions ) which is then processed as a standard pre-mix in optci/v routines, but updated every time tracers on the ref P grid have varied > 1%.


  • In case of 'corrk_recombin', the variable L_NREFVAR doesn't have the same meaning as before and doesn't stand for the different mixing ratios but the different species.
  • Input corr-k should be found in corrkdir within 'corrk_gcm_IR/VI_XXX.dat' and can contain a 'fixed' specie ( compulsory if you include self-broadening ) that MUST have been created with correct mixing ratios, or a variable specie for which mixing ratio MUST have been set to 1 ( no self-broadening then, assume it's a trace sepecie ) -> You can't neither have CIA of variable species included upstream in the corr-k
1 edited


  • trunk/LMDZ.TITAN/libf/phytitan/callkeys_mod.F90

    r2046 r2050  
    1414      logical,save :: strictboundcorrk
    1515!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(strictboundcorrk)
     16      logical,save :: corrk_recombin
    1618      logical,save :: seashaze,uncoupl_optic_haze
    1719!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(seashaze,uncoupl_optic_haze)
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