Feb 18, 2014, 11:28:02 AM (11 years ago)

MESOSCALE MANUAL. mistake in previous commit, erased latest version, fixed now

1 edited


  • trunk/MESOSCALE/MANUAL/SRC/installation.tex

    r493 r1182  
     91\item If you would like to use several versions of the model in separate folders, remember to change the \ttt{\$MESO} and \ttt{\$MMM} environment variables accordingly.
    9094\paragraph{Method 2: You were given a \ttt{svn} link \ttt{the\_link}} \emph{You must have Subversion (\ttt{svn}) installed on your system to follow this method}. Please use the name of our server repository combined to an \ttt{svn checkout} command to get the model sources\footnote{At this stage, it is essential to have registered to the WRF website (see foreword) because our server contains some part of the ARW-WRF sources.}. Please also set the environment variables \ttt{\$MESO} and \ttt{\$MMM} as is detailed below. The first download of the model sources could be a bit long. Compared to method~$1$, this method~$2$ using \ttt{svn} would allow you to easily get the latest updates and bug fixes done on the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model by the development team\footnote{If you are not interested by this feature, please replace the command line featuring \ttt{svn checkout} by the command line \ttt{svn export the\_link/LMDZ.MARS the\_link/MESOSCALE} }.
    109113Parallel computations with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard are supported by the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model. If you want to use this capability, you would have to add the installation of \ttt{MPICH2} or \ttt{openMPI} as a additional prerequisite. Once the installation is completed, it is required to define the environment variable \ttt{\$WHERE\_MPI} to point in your MPI \ttt{bin} directory, even if you added this directory to your \ttt{\$PATH} variable.
    111 \begin{finger}
    112 \scriptsize
    113 \item An installation script for openMPI is available upon request (and information can be easily retrieved from the web).
    114 \item Here is a brief ``how-to" to install MPICH2, although this surely does not replace reading carefully installation notes and choosing which installation suits best your system. Please download the current stable version of the sources (e.g. we choose here an old version \ttt{mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz} for the sake of illustration) on the MPICH2 website \url{http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2} and install the MPICH2 utilities by the following commands:
    115 \begin{verbatim}
    116 mkdir $your_software_dir/MPI ; mv mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz $your_software_dir/MPI/ ; cd $your_software_dir/MPI
    117 tar xzvf mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz ; cd mpich2-1.0.8
    118 ./configure --prefix=$PWD --with-device=ch3:nemesis > conf.log 2> conferr.log &
    119 make > mk.log 2> mkerr.log &
    120 declare -x WHERE_MPI=$your_software_dir/MPI/mpich2-1.0.8/bin
    121 \end{verbatim}
    122 \normalsize
    123 \end{finger}
     117%\item An installation script for openMPI is available upon request (and information can be easily retrieved from the web).
     118%\item Here is a brief ``how-to" to install MPICH2, although this surely does not replace reading carefully installation notes and choosing which installation suits best your system. Please download the current stable version of the sources (e.g. we choose here an old version \ttt{mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz} for the sake of illustration) on the MPICH2 website \url{http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2} and install the MPICH2 utilities by the following commands:
     120%mkdir $your_software_dir/MPI ; mv mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz $your_software_dir/MPI/ ; cd $your_software_dir/MPI
     121%tar xzvf mpich2-1.0.8.tar.gz ; cd mpich2-1.0.8
     122%./configure --prefix=$PWD --with-device=ch3:nemesis > conf.log 2> conferr.log &
     123%make > mk.log 2> mkerr.log &
     124%declare -x WHERE_MPI=$your_software_dir/MPI/mpich2-1.0.8/bin
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