Feb 18, 2014, 11:28:02 AM (11 years ago)

MESOSCALE MANUAL. mistake in previous commit, erased latest version, fixed now

1 edited


  • trunk/MESOSCALE/MANUAL/SRC/advance.tex

    r653 r1182  
    104104\paragraph{Inputs/outputs} Large-Eddy Simulations need four input files \ttt{input\_coord}, \ttt{input\_sounding}, \ttt{input\_more}, \ttt{input\_therm} which define initial pressure, temperature, density, winds profiles at the location/season for which simulations are run, along with information about this location/season. Typical files are available upon request, or you might simply build your own profiles using the Mars Climate Database (see the sample \ttt{scilab} script \ttt{wrf\_sounding.sci} in \ttt{\$MMM/SIMU/RUN}). Examples for \ttt{input\_*} files are provided in \ttt{\$MMM/SRC/LES/modif\_mars/DEF} and correspond to the cases run in the study by \textit{Spiga et al.} [2010].
    106107%% now python inimeso.py in UTIL/PYTHON
     119%%% le modele supporte en fait 5 nests
     120%%% ne pas oublier que mars doit etre dupliquee dans la namelist...
    119124%\section{Idealized test cases} [such as GW case]
    125 %\mk
    126 %\section{Running simulations with the new physics}
    127 %different callphys.def
    128 %the step datafile.h is not needed anymore ! use callphys.def.
    129 %traceur.def
    130 %run.def
    131 %different callphys.def
    132 %makemeso -p
    133 %%             mars = 3   ---> cycle poussieres : dustq + dustn [NOUVELLE PHYS seulement]
    134 %%             mars = 11  ---> cycle de l'eau + poussieres [1+3] [NOUVELLE PHYS seulement]
    135 %% LES LES
    136 %%[set to 18 for newphys]
     131\section{Running simulations with the new physical parameterizations}
    138 %% attention init_TI n'est plus separable... il faut run real.exe a cause du modele sous surface
    139 %% il faut ajouter init_Z0 ! ou il n'y a pas besoin de re executer real.exe
     134Using the most recent physical parameterizations means using a version of the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model that is still under development (thus experimental). It is therefore recommended to contact developers to run simulations in this mode.
    141 %% si z0 n est pas dans le wrfinput on prend la valeur par defaut
     137For advanced users who learnt with the LMD team how to use the new physical parameterizations, here are a few differences with the physical parameterizations natively provided with the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model that must be kept in mind
     139\item a folder \ttt{LMDZ\_MARS} containing the latest sources of the Mars LMD GCM must be located in the same repository which contains \ttt{MESOSCALE} (easy to do with SVN)
     140\item GCM runs used to produce initial and boundary conditions for the mesoscale model must be done in \ttt{MESOSCALE/LMDZ.MARS.new}
     141\item \ttt{makemeso} must be used with option \ttt{-p}
     142\item the \ttt{callphys.def} file is different
     143\item modifying the \ttt{datafile.h} is not necessary anymore, this can be done in \ttt{callphys.def}
     144\item an additional \ttt{run.def} file is needed
     145\item the number of scatterers must be given when compiling, standard simulation uses 1 scatterer (2 is used for radiatively active water ice clouds)
     146\item in \ttt{namelist.input}, the soil model must set to 18 levels
     147\item additional \ttt{mars} modes can be accessed (e.g. for interactive dust or the radiative effect of clouds)
     148\item if \ttt{init\_TI} is modified, \ttt{real.exe} must be run again (because of subsurface modeling)
     149\item a varying map for surface roughness~$z_0$ can be used -- or a constant value can be set with \ttt{init\_Z0} in \ttt{namelist.input} (if there is a problem, the old reference of 1cm is chosen)
     150\item (versions later than late 2013) the model does not need to be recompiled if the number of tracers is changed
     151\item (experimental) cases with tracers and water cycle should use \ttt{diff\_6th\_opt = 0} for better stability
    143158%% cas test THARSIS
    145 %% parler de diff_6th_opt = 0 obligatoire pour les cas avec traceurs
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