6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `CFtimeU_inf' right retrieval of timeref
6 years |
lfita |
Removing test
6 years |
lfita |
Adding CFtime format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS] in `fromanydate_CFYmd'
6 years |
lfita |
- `provide_vals_fromsecs_inlist': Function to provide a list …
6 years |
lfita |
- `ntimesHval_inlist': Function to count how many times a list …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `stats2Val' linear regression computation
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing right name for value in class
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing use of `datetimeStr_conversion' in 'generic.py'
Removing …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding '360_day' as possible calendar
6 years |
lfita |
Adding `calendar_type' as accepted calendar attribute
6 years |
lfita |
Improving `gen_impose_gregorian' by making use of 'CFtimeU_inf' class
6 years |
lfita |
Adding '365_day' as noleap calendar
6 years |
lfita |
Working version of CFfile_fixTime' and from360d_reg' with negative …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding message when reference date is < 1900 in `CFtimeU_inf' and …
6 years |
lfita |
- `from360d_reg': Function to transform from 360d = 12 * 30d …
6 years |
lfita |
- `from360d_reg': Function to transform from 360d = 12 * 30d …
6 years |
lfita |
- `CFtimeU_inf': Classs to provide information of CFtime units
6 years |
lfita |
6 years |
lfita |
Adding `proleptic_gregorian' to 'atetimeStr_conversion'
6 years |
lfita |
- `fromanydate_CFYmd': Function to transform from any string …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing a comeout of a function
6 years |
lfita |
- `change_CFcalendar': Changing CF-time values to a new calendar
6 years |
lfita |
- `change_CFRefdate': Change CF-time values with a new …
6 years |
lfita |
Removing test
6 years |
lfita |
- `fix_CFdates': Fixing CF-time values with wrong setting
6 years |
lfita |
- `gen_leapdays': Function to provide how many leap days are …
6 years |
lfita |
- `juliandate': Function to provide the julian date (in days …
6 years |
lfita |
- `sign': Function to provide the sign of a number
6 years |
lfita |
- `leapyr': Function to determine if it is a leap year …
6 years |
lfita |
Removing test
6 years |
lfita |
Adding `fix_CFdates'
6 years |
lfita |
Removing test
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `impose_generic' when yr < yrref
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing order of functions, fixing minor errors
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `impose_gregorian'
Adding 'calendar' on timref_datetime
6 years |
lfita |
Changing to integer timedeltas in seconds
6 years |
lfita |
- `impose_gregorian': Function to impose gregorian calendar …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing 'datetimeStr_conversion' for `cfTimeCal' output
6 years |
lfita |
Removing test
6 years |
lfita |
Working version with noleap calendar
6 years |
lfita |
- `leapdays': Function to provide how many leap days are …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing last changes tacking into account calnder attribute
6 years |
lfita |
- `advance_cfDate': Fucntion to advance a time object using a …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding 'cfTimeCal' into `datetimeStr_conversion' in order to take into …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing error
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `temporal_stats' by fixing the 'aggday', 'agghour'
6 years |
lfita |
Adding the depoyment of all the possible values on 'agg'
6 years |
lfita |
Minor fix
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing right end of reading section in `values_fortran_fmt'
6 years |
lfita |
- `remove_extraspaces': Function to remove from a string any …
6 years |
lfita |
- `stringS_dictvark': Function to provide a dictionary from a …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing right length of the slicing along the dimension in ordder to …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding new version of 'pinterp' using `range_slicing' !!
6 years |
lfita |
- `range_slicing': Function to provide a list of slices for a …
6 years |
lfita |
- `Nloops_1D': Function to compress a series of multiples …
6 years |
lfita |
- `typemod': Providing right behaviour when a string argument …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding more characters in `ASCII_to'
6 years |
lfita |
Adding more symbols to 'ASCII_to'
6 years |
lfita |
Adding: Different additional turkish 'i'
6 years |
lfita |
- `oneGB = 1024 3': 1 GB amount
6 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious test prints
6 years |
lfita |
- `almost_zero': Function to provide if two real values are …
6 years |
lfita |
- `remove_monotones': Function to remove the monotones …
6 years |
lfita |
- 'Y-m-d H' format into 'datetimeStr_conversion'
6 years |
lfita |
Adding into `realdatetime1_CFcompilant':
- Fixing on empty dates to …
6 years |
lfita |
- `draw_river_pattern: Function to plot rivers' patterns from …
6 years |
lfita |
Working version with arguments of `read_grib.py'
Fixing error message …
6 years |
lfita |
- `join_NOstrlist': Function to join a non-string list of values
6 years |
lfita |
Working version with 'aggregation' of `time_slices'
6 years |
lfita |
Finally fixing `cycle_within'?
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `cyclevar_within'
6 years |
lfita |
Getting close to there for `time_slices'
6 years |
lfita |
- `temporal_desc': Function to provide the description of a …
6 years |
lfita |
- `all_consecutive_combs': Function to provide all the …
6 years |
lfita |
- `multi_index_vec': Function to provide the coordinates of …
6 years |
lfita |
- `make_colors': Function to create a palette of colors from …
6 years |
lfita |
6 years |
lfita |
- `mat_dimreshape': Function to reshape a matrix on a new one …
6 years |
lfita |
Working in merging masks
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing comment in `coincident_CFtimes'
6 years |
lfita |
Removing duplicated `coincident_CFtimes'
6 years |
lfita |
- `get_right_CFtimeunits': Function to get the right CFtime …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding management of dates in `coincident_CFtimes'
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `mindist'
6 years |
lfita |
Moving mindist' from 'nc_var_tools' to 'generic_tools'
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `generate_CFtimes', not overpassing end of period
6 years |
lfita |
- `generate_CFtimes': Function to generate CFtimes for a …
6 years |
lfita |
- `advance_date': Function to advance a date object a certain …
6 years |
lfita |
- `consecutive_list': Function to provide a list of …
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `stats_time2D'
6 years |
lfita |
Adding percentiles to `stats_time2D'
6 years |
lfita |
- fillValueR
- removing spurious prints
6 years |
lfita |
Workin version of:
- `time_slices': Function to return temporal …
6 years |
lfita |
Working on:
- time_slices': Function to return temporal slices of a …
6 years |
lfita |
Adding change of year in `days_month'
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing `cyclevar_within', assuming independently overpassing cycles
6 years |
lfita |
- `cyclevar_within': Function to tell if a given value is …
6 years |
lfita |
- `# cyclevar: Function to provide the given index of a cycle …
6 years |
lfita |
- 'CFtimesvar_datetime': Provide date/time array from a …
6 years |
lfita |
Providing the right definition of normalization for 'min/max'