8 years |
lfita |
Changing no-value by masked array on `vals_around', pass changes to …
8 years |
lfita |
Adding 'shortmon': list of the 12 months with 3-characters length
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo
8 years |
lfita |
`fillValueD': Fill value for double-precision floats
error …
8 years |
lfita |
`linearint_weights': Function to provide the weights for a …
8 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious printing
8 years |
lfita |
Adding picky character chains checks within mathematical environments …
8 years |
lfita |
`int_to_roman': Convert an integer to Roman numerals
8 years |
lfita |
Setting a `quitval' (default=True) value on 'same_shape' in order to …
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing right larger number of columns than rows in `latex_fig_array'
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `lstring_values': Function to provide a new list-string from a …
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `latex_fig_array' on 'generic.py'
8 years |
lfita |
FLipping Ncol, Nrow distribution only if dist == 'sqr' in `latex_fig_array'
8 years |
lfita |
Adding in 'latex_fig_array'
* `refsize': refernce images size (0.9, …
8 years |
lfita |
Giving the right environment name `figure' !!!
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing `latex_fig_array'
8 years |
lfita |
Adding special case on Nfigs=1 in 'latex_fig_array'
8 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious space
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `latex_fig_array': Function to add an array of figures to an …
8 years |
lfita |
Adding check for existence of `total_seconds' attribute in …
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing `stagger_unstagger' by using the list of dimensions inistead of …
8 years |
lfita |
Improving `compute_opersvarsfiles' with more operations and options …
8 years |
lfita |
Renaming operations' to matoperations'
Adding the `valmod' operations
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `operations': Function to perform different operations to a …
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `ASCII_to': Function to provide the equivalence text to a given …
8 years |
lfita |
Removing spuirous print
8 years |
lfita |
Including the single combinations as option in `combos'
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing `significant_decomposition' by introducing an error message …
8 years |
lfita |
Changing url of web page to remove the accent
Adding warranty and …
8 years |
lfita |
Adding licence and warranty
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `stringS_dictvar': Function to provide a dictionary from a …
8 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious test
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing to include the total combination in `list_norepeatcombos'
8 years |
lfita |
- `list_combos': Function to construct a new list with all …
8 years |
lfita |
Moving `pretty_int' from 'drawing_tools' to 'generic_tools'
8 years |
lfita |
removing spurious print in `remove_list'
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `replace_list': Function to replace a value in a given list
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `&' on 'latex_text'
8 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious test
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing `latex_text' when no math symbols are found
8 years |
lfita |
Fixing an issue on last math pairs in `latex_text'
8 years |
lfita |
Adding `&' to 'latex_text' and fixing it
8 years |
lfita |
- `ASCII_LaTeX': Function to transform from an ASCII …
9 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious prints
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `julday_360d': Function to provide the julian day of a date in …
9 years |
lfita |
Addding python dependency on the existence of dt.deltatime.total_seconds()
9 years |
lfita |
- `changedate360': Class to change a date on a 360 days/yr …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `week' in 'period_information'
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing `dimoper_matrix'
9 years |
lfita |
Enlarging message error of `same_shape'
9 years |
lfita |
- `index_flatten_mat': Function to provide the matrix …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `R' in 'typemod'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding some explanations
9 years |
lfita |
Moving `coincident_CFtimes' from 'drawing_tools.py' to 'generic_tools.py'
9 years |
lfita |
Tiny change
9 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious test
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `str_list_k': Function to obtain a list of types of values from …
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing multiple possible diagnostics for the same CF variable …
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing diagnostics variable retrievals for multiple possibilities …
9 years |
lfita |
- `list_coincidences': Function to provide the coincidences …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding optional values in `files_folder_HMT': …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `var': variance as computed variable (and as 'surname')
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing `std' variable surname
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `list_combos': Function to construct a new list with all …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding None return on `search_sec_list' when nothing is found
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing `dictKeysVals_stringList': when value is not a list
9 years |
lfita |
Adding check of non-emptiness of the dictionary in …
9 years |
lfita |
Removing end of line character `\n' from 'stringList_dictKeysVals'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `dictvar_listS': Function to provide a Dc string separated list …
9 years |
lfita |
Counter modification in `dictKeysVals_stringList'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `search_sec_list': Function to provide the values and indices …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `Capturing': Class to capture the standard output from a function
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `stringList_dictKeysVals': Function to provide a dictionary …
9 years |
lfita |
Changing name from `dictrVeysVals_stringList' to …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `dictVeysVals_stringList': Function to provide strings from a …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `get_specdictionary_HMT': Function to get specific values from …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding description
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `printing_dictionary': Function to print the content of a dictionary
9 years |
lfita |
Closing file in `get_configuration'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding description of `Str_Bool'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `get_configuration': Function to get the configuration from an …
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo in `str_list'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding 'None' option in `str_list'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding description
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `std_stats2Val': two variables standard Statistics class
9 years |
lfita |
- `statsurname': global variable with the possible surnames …
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing `CFUmonths_Udays'
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing fractional months for 'CFUmonhts_Udays'
9 years |
lfita |
Giving the right units to 'CFUmonths_Useconds'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding cyclong `refm' in 'CFmonthU_daysU'
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `CFmonthU_daysU': Function to transform from a CF date series …
9 years |
lfita |
Removing spurious prints
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `files_folder_HMT': Function to retrieve a list of files from a …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `str_list': Function to obtain a list from a string givin a …
9 years |
lfita |
Giving the right '-1' value to some error checks
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing 'files_folder'
9 years |
lfita |
Using dictionary in 'CFvar_DIAGvar'
9 years |
lfita |
Changing in `singleline_printing_class' separation character between …
9 years |
lfita |
Adding `singleline_printing_class': unction to print all the values of …
9 years |
lfita |
Fixing tiny issues