5 years |
lfita |
Fixing name again
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing list name
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing arguments
5 years |
lfita |
- `netcdf_fold_slice_concatenation_HMT': Function to …
5 years |
lfita |
Doing it well when 'unicode' (not working in hydra) in `numVector_String'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding '!' onto outcome of `numVector_String'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding detection of unicode/string values
5 years |
lfita |
Adding a better printing and all the options in `stations_values'
5 years |
lfita |
Testing the print out
5 years |
lfita |
Adding 'kfind' option (how to look into string variables) in …
5 years |
lfita |
Removing checking print
5 years |
lfita |
Improving explanation
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing lambert projection
5 years |
lfita |
Adding 'longrid', 'latgrid'
5 years |
lfita |
Starting to add unichar transformation
5 years |
lfita |
Last changes ?!
5 years |
lfita |
Adding new variables
5 years |
lfita |
Adding when values have only 1 value in `draw_2Dshad_map'
5 years |
lfita |
- `had_simple': Function to plot using pcolormesh
- …
5 years |
lfita |
Adding 'multikinds-multivars'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing 'netcdf_fold_slice_concatenated_HMT.nc'
5 years |
lfita |
- `netcdf_fold_slice_concatenation_HMT': Function to …
5 years |
lfita |
Adding `Shallow-cumulus' precipitation
5 years |
lfita |
General 'generic_tools' using
5 years |
lfita |
- `gradient2Dh': 1st order Horizontal 2D-gradient of any variable
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing 2Dhgradient
5 years |
lfita |
- `1st order 2D horizontal gradient'
5 years |
lfita |
Updating Makefile for ypy
5 years |
lfita |
Updating Makefile for ypy
5 years |
lfita |
Adding number of columns in legend output function in …
5 years |
lfita |
- `get_multindices_lonlat': Subroutine to provide the …
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing minor errors
Adding provided values in case of error in `DefineMap?'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing `stations_values' for String value
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing `begend_spoaces'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing errors
- `begend_spaces': Function to remove any …
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing right Argentinean antartic bases
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing right position of bar labels in `plot_landuse'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing new colors for land-use
5 years |
lfita |
Adding new land-use colorations: 'oldUSGS', 'SiB'
5 years |
lfita |
- `to:_OBSstations.py': Python to transform from a given …
5 years |
lfita |
- `draw_geogrid_landuse': plotting land-use data from …
5 years |
lfita |
- `stations_values'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding Antartic stations and giving the right sign to the stations
5 years |
lfita |
Centering the labels in `drawpolygon_map'
5 years |
lfita |
Right calculation of the coordinates for 'c'
5 years |
lfita |
- `add_legend_topofix': Function to add the legend on a …
5 years |
lfita |
- `extS': Function to provide figure name extensionextS: …
5 years |
lfita |
Adding into `mapFigure', the use of 'DefineMap?'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding 'auto' option into labels in 'drawpolygon_map'
5 years |
lfita |
- `DefineMap?': Function to provide the evnrionment for the …
5 years |
lfita |
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing the right values for 'qsurf'
5 years |
lfita |
- masking of values in `draw_2D_shad' if variable has …
5 years |
lfita |
Making use of `linvals'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding check on 1D variables with a miminum name's length
5 years |
lfita |
Adding another condition to continuing transforming data
5 years |
lfita |
Addin 'U' on output file name
5 years |
lfita |
- `stations_values.csv' on 'lin_essentials.bash'
- error …
5 years |
lfita |
- `list_rmchar': Function to remove a list of characters from …
5 years |
lfita |
- `stations_values': Function to provide information from a …
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing wrong end of line
5 years |
lfita |
- `list_listKs': Function to provide a new list transforming …
5 years |
lfita |
Adding a csv file with information from stations to be used by …
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing too small values and adding last value in `pretty_int'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing zero indices analysis
5 years |
lfita |
Adding missval
5 years |
lfita |
Adding missing value in index_samevals1D_RK
5 years |
lfita |
- `fill_matrix2DRK_winmat2D_list1D': Subroutine to fill a 2D …
5 years |
lfita |
- `HistogramRK': Subroutine to provide the histogram of a …
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing CFtimes_plot', right rounding of dates for day' in 'exct'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding availunits in 'CFtims_plot' error message
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing wrong units labels
5 years |
lfita |
Adding: `diag_tools.py'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding Lluis' MAIN
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing None polygon label case in `drawpolygon_map'
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing None lab case for `drawpolygon_map'
5 years |
lfita |
- `snr_K08': Function to compute the signal-to-noise-ratio …
5 years |
lfita |
- `fixedvalues_cbar': Function to provide a color bar atr …
5 years |
lfita |
Adding topographycal topographyc fixed values are color bar
5 years |
lfita |
Adding into `equal_units': '$K$', '$kt$'
5 years |
lfita |
- `equal_units': Function to provide the same units of two …
5 years |
lfita |
Moving `units_lunits' from drawing_tools.py to generic_tools.py
5 years |
lfita |
Fliping dimensions of nearest point
5 years |
lfita |
Fixing True
5 years |
lfita |
Making use of new file name from DataSetSection_multidims in …
5 years |
lfita |
- `DegMinSec_angle': Function to transform Degrees Minutes …
5 years |
lfita |
Dealing with lowering time-units
5 years |
lfita |
Adding lowcase' into time-units in class CFtimeU_inf'
5 years |
lfita |
Adding middle East region
5 years |
lfita |
Adding environtment of get_UWyoming_snd.py
5 years |
lfita |
Adding documentation for get_UWyoming_snd.py
5 years |
lfita |
Adding documentation for 'topofix_geogrid_boxes'
6 years |
lfita |
- `draw_topofix_geogrid_boxes': plotting different …
6 years |
lfita |
- `pastel_deccolor': Transforming a decimal color to a …
6 years |
lfita |
Starting to include 'geo_topo_boxes' with nice-fixed topography
6 years |
lfita |
Fixing plot
6 years |
lfita |
- `prsh': shallow-cumulus precipitation
6 years |
lfita |
Making use in different places of `CFtimeU_inf'
6 years |
lfita |
Using `CFtimeU_inf' in 'CFtimesvar_datetime'