7 years |
lfita |
Adgin variable slicing and improving in-line help
7 years |
lfita |
`mrso': total soil moisture
`slw': total liquid water
7 years |
lfita |
Final working version of cape from AFWA
7 years |
lfita |
Adding HGT for afwa's CAPE
7 years |
lfita |
- CAPE, CIN, ZLFC, PLFC, LI from WRF phys/module_diag_afwa.F
7 years |
lfita |
Adding computation of:
- 'Forcompute_psl_ptarget': Function to …
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing generic use of 'datetimeStr_conversion' to take into account …
7 years |
lfita |
Final fixed version `getting_fixedline'
7 years |
lfita |
- `sund:' sunshine length
- `pr_code': precipitation code …
7 years |
lfita |
Improving 'getting_fixedline'
7 years |
lfita |
- `getting_fixedline': Function to get the values from a line …
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing on `printing_dictionary' the possibility for non character keys
7 years |
lfita |
Adding checking of inverse color bars
7 years |
lfita |
Final working version of the script with multiple attributes
7 years |
lfita |
Final version:
- Adding year attribution as argument
- Adding time-units
7 years |
lfita |
Final version of the script with fast Fortran
7 years |
lfita |
- `fill3DI_2Dvec': Subroutine to fill a 3D integer matrix …
7 years |
lfita |
Working version of the script!!
7 years |
lfita |
Working on make it fine
7 years |
lfita |
Improving an getting there…
7 years |
lfita |
Giving a -1 value when no closest point is found in 'reconstruct_matrix'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing example
7 years |
lfita |
Adding closure of files... !!
7 years |
lfita |
Completting script
7 years |
lfita |
Changing name of the script to reconstruct ORCHIDEE's forcing files
7 years |
lfita |
Adding script to reconstruct as a matrix ORCHIDEE's forcing files
7 years |
lfita |
Adding user providing resolution on `reconstruct_matrix_from_vector'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing right call to Fortran function
7 years |
lfita |
Using right function to get an attribute
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing call of right function
7 years |
lfita |
Adding `reconstruct_matrix_from_vector'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing errors on 'reconstruct_matrix_from_vector'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing error on an `if' in 'reconstruct_matrix_from_vector'
7 years |
lfita |
Adding compilation for hydra with ifort
7 years |
lfita |
- `econstruct_matrix_from_vector': Function to reconstruct a …
7 years |
lfita |
Adding compilation in CIMA's 'ypy' server
7 years |
lfita |
Removing re-scaling to kg/kg of 'ws' in `var_hus_Uhus'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing name on Cvars
7 years |
lfita |
Adding the new available Cdiagnostics
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing again the same…
7 years |
lfita |
Providing the right names to check for already diagnosted
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing retrieval of variable name for 'C_' calculation
7 years |
lfita |
- `var_td_Uhus': Function to compute dew-point air …
7 years |
lfita |
Adding 'C_hur_Uhus'
7 years |
lfita |
- `var_hur_Uhus': Function to compute relative humidity …
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing right order of variables to compute `var_hur'
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing variable issues from 'var_hur'
7 years |
lfita |
Finally understanding RH formula!
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing `var_rh' p in [Pa]
7 years |
lfita |
Adding 'hur' as avaialble diagnostic
7 years |
lfita |
Adding 'C_hur' as variable to be computed
7 years |
lfita |
- `var_rh': Function to compute relative humidity following …
7 years |
lfita |
- `compute_WRFhur': Function to compute WRF relative humidity …
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing typos
7 years |
lfita |
Updating installation procedure
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo
7 years |
lfita |
Adding includion of time values!!
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing `addvals' with extra 'gen' module calls
7 years |
lfita |
Adding capture of right size of dt from the existence of file
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing the right config files and the right variable/dimensions to use
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing and working copy of the script
7 years |
lfita |
Adding more general generation of 2D X,Y variables
7 years |
lfita |
Adding filling of 4D pressure variable for computation of 'td'
7 years |
lfita |
- `fill_Narray': Function to fill a n-dimensional array with …
7 years |
lfita |
Adding creation of 4D pressure variable
7 years |
lfita |
Adding configuration for 'NCEP_NNRP' re-analysis for get_stations.py
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing computation of 'C_td' it requires 'hus'
7 years |
lfita |
Improving and fixing `addvals'
7 years |
lfita |
Removing WRF-related actions
7 years |
lfita |
Adding skogul gcc compilation
7 years |
lfita |
Adding station's height from file
7 years |
lfita |
Removing `drawing_tools.py'
7 years |
lfita |
Removing matplotlib
7 years |
lfita |
Adding 'None' for each of the possible files with the list of stations
7 years |
lfita |
Final working version of the scripts and its configuration for WRF
7 years |
lfita |
- WRF computinf of Individual wind components
- …
7 years |
lfita |
Upgrading the program with the use of an external python srcript to …
7 years |
lfita |
- `var_td': Function to compute dew-point air temperature …
7 years |
lfita |
Adding Compilation for hydra with gcc
7 years |
lfita |
Removing number after 'STOP' statment
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing typo
7 years |
lfita |
Improved/Generalized? version of the Makefil for `llamp'
7 years |
lfita |
Fix typo
7 years |
lfita |
Python script to get a series of surface and sounding stations from a …
7 years |
lfita |
Adding the creation of the new python package `module_ForDef' as …
7 years |
lfita |
tiny type correction
7 years |
lfita |
Adding atmospheric constants
7 years |
lfita |
Advancing diagnostics by creation of an independent module with all …
7 years |
lfita |
Changing CF variable name
- 'p' to 'plev' for air_pressure
7 years |
lfita |
- `compute_WRFtime': function to copmute CFtimes from WRFtime …
7 years |
lfita |
Fixing error message issues
7 years |
lfita |
Settingup the right fillValue for `mask_quantiles'
7 years |
lfita |
Adding compilation for skogul, CIMA server
7 years |
lfita |
Sorting PyNCplot global attributes information adding (IFAECI)
7 years |
lfita |
Add list with the full name of months
7 years |
lfita |
Adding new units
7 years |
lfita |
Adding the right debug flags
7 years |
lfita |
Adding compilation for Skogul (CIMA)
7 years |
lfita |
Making use of the new module `module_NCgeneric.f90'