2 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Wrong place for END SUBROUTINE statement
END FUNCTION statement missing
2 months |
yann meurdesoif |
- Remove UTF8 character that inihibit fortran parsing with GPU …
3 months |
abarral |
unify abort_gcm
rename wxios -> wxios_mod
3 months |
abarral |
Turn compar1d.h date_cas.h into module
Move fcg_racmo.h to obsolete
3 months |
abarral |
Turn tsoilnudge.h fcg_gcssold.h flux_arp.h into module
4 months |
abarral |
As discussed internally, remove generic ONLY: ... for new _mod_h modules
4 months |
abarral |
Turn alpale.h alpale.f90 YOETHF.h into modules
4 months |
abarral |
Replace yomcst.h by existing module
4 months |
abarral |
Turn paramet.h into a module
4 months |
abarral |
Move dimensions.h into a module
Nb: doesn't compile yet
4 months |
abarral |
Replace F77 netcdf library by F90 netcdf library
4 months |
abarral |
.f90 <-> .F90 depending on cpp key use
4 months |
abarral |
Remove CPP_IOIPSL cpp keys uses
7 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Reverting to r4065. Updating fortran standard broke too much stuff. …
7 months |
abarral |
[continued & end] replace netcdf by lmdz_netcdf.F90 wrapper
"use …
18 months |
evignon |
petite correction de l'initialisation de la Ts forcee dans les cas au …
20 months |
fhourdin |
Retour partiel include -> #include en 1D
20 months |
yann meurdesoif |
Replace #include (c preprocessor) by INCLUDE (fortran keyword)
in …
2 years |
fhourdin |
Suppression de print
3 years |
dcugnet |
First commit for new tracers.
* parser routines readTracFiles, …
4 years |
evignon |
Premiere comission Etienne: changements pour le 1D (forcage en Ts au …
5 years |
fhourdin |
Retropedalage sur le 1D.
Annulation de toutes les modifs de la veille. …
5 years |
fhourdin |
rad_t* changed from integer to character (0/1/"adv")
5 years |
fhourdin |
Lecture de z0 au lieu de rugos pour le format standard DEPHY
5 years |
fhourdin |
Improvement for SCM standard format
5 years |
fhourdin |
Significant progress for the SCM standard format
6 years |
fhourdin |
Gros nettoyage en cours sur le 1D.
Le nouveau lmdz1d.F90 est une …
6 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications needed for "real" calendar in 1D model
6 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour le 1D
7 years |
musat |
Corrections de bugs pour gfortran72
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modification in case theta exists in the forcings but not temperature. …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial import of new LMDZ6 version of the LMDZ model
copied from LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/1DUTILS.h:
7 years |
fhourdin |
Modif 1D, lecture format standard. Interpolation en temperature …