14 months |
asima |
Updating "version" to the new testing :
LMDZ rev 4729, …
14 months |
asima |
Updating "version" to the new testing
14 months |
fhourdin |
Corrections phydev.
14 months |
idelkadi |
Update of ecrad in the LMDZ_ECRad branch of LMDZ:
- version 1.6.1 of …
14 months |
idelkadi |
Merged trunk changes -r4488:4726 LMDZ_ECRad branch
14 months |
lguez |
Always use option -fallow-argument-mismatch
We need this option for …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Bug that prevented numeric convergence with old physics
14 months |
evignon |
debut du travail de replayisation des routines de neige soufflee
+ …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot phylmdiso modifications
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modification by O. Torres to the cdrag routines to include different …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Needed for convergence
14 months |
jghattas |
Added a new set of arch files for JEAN-ZAY. These uses openmpi instead …
14 months |
asima |
1/ Bug correction : removed the "sed" for "INIT" done by setup.sh in …
14 months |
asima |
Copy SPLA_Init (initial and forcing files) folder only if it doesn't …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
There's a bug in icefrac_lsc_mod that did not appear previously …
14 months |
jghattas |
Added new version of arch files for LSCE cluster/obelix. These new …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Final (hopefully) commit from the newmicro replayisation workshop. The …
14 months |
evignon |
ajout nouvelle option du calcul de la longueur de melange en fonction …
14 months |
fhourdin |
ajouts physiq.def papier ECS
14 months |
asima |
Adding tracer.def for SPLA (next to the old-format traceur.def_spla)
14 months |
asima |
Variables to be renamed as U10M and V10M (with ncrename) are in …
14 months |
fhourdin |
Ajout du physiq.def d'une simulation L95 tunee
Première simulation …
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Need to define mysvn earlier
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
LMDZ revision > 4618 needs xios2.6 or trunk
14 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Continuing on from the morning's poihl workshop: getting rid of the …
15 months |
fhourdin |
Errer identiques sur le format standard
15 months |
fhourdin |
Correction bug lecture 1D ancien format
15 months |
evignon |
nettoyage + commentaires + renommages divers
suite a latelier de …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Moving around some variable declarations to their right place
15 months |
musat |
Mise a jour script principal pour spirit
Modifs appels axes 2 et 4. …
15 months |
musat |
Adaptation script make_axe4.sh (AXE4) a spirit2
Mise a jour html axe3 …
15 months |
musat |
Adaptation scripts AXE4 a spirit2
15 months |
musat |
Ajout AXE4
15 months |
musat |
Ajout environnement AXE4
15 months |
musat |
Enlevement tests "Mise en attente" de scripts cmor et season
pour …
15 months |
musat |
Creation png si pas existants
15 months |
jyg |
Bug fix in lmdz_wake.F90 and associated flag ok_bug_gfl
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
How did it pass previous test?
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot modifications to phylmdiso for lmdz_cloud_optics_prop
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Continuing work from poihl workshop on replayisation of routines: …
15 months |
fhourdin |
15 months |
fhourdin |
Preparation/test de convergence num en temps
15 months |
asima |
Small correction in ce0l related to rev 4619 by Yann M.
(missing …
15 months |
evignon |
correction formulation nombre de Prandlt dans ATKE pour atelier de demain
15 months |
evignon |
je renomme les routines atke suivant la convention decidee
pour la …
15 months |
evignon |
petits ajustements dans lmdz_lscp:
- ajout de commentaires pour …
15 months |
evignon |
correction commit de ce matin pour les isotopes
15 months |
fhourdin |
Noms de variables plus explicites
15 months |
evignon |
debut de replayisation de newmicro en atelier:
-on renomme la routine …
15 months |
fhourdin |
Suppression d'un print
15 months |
fhourdin |
15 months |
fhourdin |
Correction isotopes
15 months |
fhourdin |
Supression d'un print
15 months |
fhourdin |
Petits nettoyages sur les thermiques
15 months |
idelkadi |
Implementation in the LMDZ code of the double call of the ECRAD …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Checking for parallel distribution in debug mode now
15 months |
evignon |
correction option numerique 1 pour ATKE
15 months |
fhourdin |
Declarations intent pour replayisation
15 months |
evignon |
correction commit precedent
15 months |
evignon |
inclusion des recents developpements sur la neige soufflee
15 months |
fhourdin |
Pour les isotopes
15 months |
Ehouarn Millour |
Fix for ifort compiler which fails to compile unless implicit inlined …
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged with trunk revision 4586 corresponding to june 2023 testing
15 months |
fhourdin |
Mise a jour pour lscp et fisrtilp
15 months |
fhourdin |
Test de replay OK pour lscp et fisrtilp
15 months |
fhourdin |
Replayisation lmdz_lscp_old
15 months |
fhourdin |
Oublie dans la commission precedente
15 months |
fhourdin |
standardisatio des noms pour lscp et fisrtilp
fisrtilp passe dans le …
15 months |
evignon |
ajout d'une longueur de melange sensible au cisaillement de vent dans atke
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Debugging stuff
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Inclusion and merge of Olivier's modifications
15 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Provisionnal branch for inclusion and testing of modifications made by …
15 months |
fhourdin |
Ajout de ustarhb
15 months |
fhourdin |
Petite correction de la commission precedente.
15 months |
fhourdin |
Poursuite nettoyage replauisation
15 months |
fhourdin |
Nouvelle routines disponibles (lscp, vdif_kcay)
15 months |
fhourdin |
Retour en arriere sur une commission intempestive
15 months |
fhourdin |
Replayisation de lscp_mod et vdif_kcay.F90
15 months |
evignon |
prise en compte de l'humidite pour le calcul du flux de flottabilite …
15 months |
fhourdin |
Petite correction de la commission precedente
15 months |
fhourdin |
Pre-replayisation pour cloudth
Cration de lmdz_cloudth_ini …
15 months |
evignon |
petite correction de l'initialisation de la Ts forcee dans les cas au …
15 months |
fhourdin |
Supression de depassements de tableaux
Routines non utilisees dans …
16 months |
idelkadi |
Correction: variable allocation already done.
16 months |
idelkadi |
Implementation in the LMDZ code of the double call of the ECRAD …
16 months |
idelkadi |
Further updates and cleaning of the Lmdz-Ecrad interface.
16 months |
acozic |
modify name of parameter to read in case we want to coupled dms …
17 months |
evignon |
modifications en vue de la reprise de l'atelier tke a la rentree
17 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Somebody forgot to link in the new routine
17 months |
acozic |
remove a typo error
17 months |
acozic |
add use of wxios, only: using_xios need for the compilation
17 months |
acozic |
add a flag for the dms cycle between ocean and atmosphere
remove cpp …
17 months |
evignon |
modification de Lea pour inclure une dependance de la phase a la …
17 months |
acozic |
Add a fix to homogenize type_trac between lmdz and dynamico
LMDZ had …
17 months |
lfalletti |
Update xml files def for StratAer?.
17 months |
lfalletti |
REPROBUS update: to use a copy of StratAer? emission (volcanic eruption)
17 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Problem if there are several LMDZ* directories in the tmp space
17 months |
Laurent Fairhead |
Problem with authentification. All post-commit tests over the last …
17 months |
evignon |
fix bug in phylmdiso
17 months |
evignon |
petits ajustements suite a la derniere commission