Sep 20, 2024, 12:32:04 PM (5 days ago)
Laurent Fairhead

Updating cirrus branch to trunk revision 5171

2 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/cirrus

  • LMDZ6/branches/cirrus/libf/phylmd/ecrad/radiation/radiation_tripleclouds_lw.F90.or

    r4773 r5202  
    170170    logical :: is_clear_sky_layer(0:nlev+1)
     172    ! Temporaries to speed up summations
     173    real(jprb) :: sum_dn, sum_up
    172175    ! Index of the highest cloudy layer
    173176    integer :: i_cloud_top
    249252        call calc_ref_trans_lw(ng*nlev, &
    250253             &  od(:,:,jcol), ssa(:,:,jcol), g(:,:,jcol), &
    251              &  planck_hl(:,1:jlev,jcol), planck_hl(:,2:jlev+1,jcol), &
     254             &  planck_hl(:,1:nlev,jcol), planck_hl(:,2:nlev+1,jcol), &
    252255             &  ref_clear, trans_clear, &
    253256             &  source_up_clear, source_dn_clear)
    261264      if (config%do_clear) then
    262265        ! Sum over g-points to compute broadband fluxes
    263         flux%lw_up_clear(jcol,:) = sum(flux_up_clear,1)
    264         flux%lw_dn_clear(jcol,:) = sum(flux_dn_clear,1)
     266        do jlev = 1,nlev+1
     267          sum_up = 0.0_jprb
     268          sum_dn = 0.0_jprb
     269          !$omp simd reduction(+:sum_up, sum_dn)
     270          do jg = 1,ng
     271            sum_up = sum_up + flux_up_clear(jg,jlev)
     272            sum_dn = sum_dn + flux_dn_clear(jg,jlev)
     273          end do
     274          flux%lw_up_clear(jcol,jlev) = sum_up
     275          flux%lw_dn_clear(jcol,jlev) = sum_dn
     276        end do
    265278        ! Store surface spectral downwelling fluxes / TOA upwelling
    266         flux%lw_dn_surf_clear_g(:,jcol) = flux_dn_clear(:,nlev+1)
    267         flux%lw_up_toa_clear_g (:,jcol) = flux_up_clear(:,1)
     279        do jg = 1,ng
     280          flux%lw_dn_surf_clear_g(jg,jcol) = flux_dn_clear(jg,nlev+1)
     281          flux%lw_up_toa_clear_g (jg,jcol) = flux_up_clear(jg,1)
     282        end do
    268283        ! Save the spectral fluxes if required
    269284        if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
    453468          end if
    454469        else
    455           flux%lw_dn(jcol,:) = sum(flux_dn_clear(:,jlev))
     470          sum_dn = 0.0_jprb
     471          !$omp simd reduction(+:sum_dn)
     472          do jg = 1,ng
     473            sum_dn = sum_dn + flux_dn_clear(jg,jlev)
     474          end do
     475          flux%lw_dn(jcol,jlev) = sum_dn
    456476          if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
    457477            call indexed_sum(flux_dn_clear(:,jlev), &
    470490           &  + total_albedo(:,1,i_cloud_top)*flux_dn_clear(:,i_cloud_top)
    471491      flux_up(:,2:) = 0.0_jprb
    472       flux%lw_up(jcol,i_cloud_top) = sum(flux_up(:,1))
     493      sum_up = 0.0_jprb
     494      !$omp simd reduction(+:sum_up)
     495      do jg = 1,ng
     496        sum_up = sum_up + flux_up(jg,1)
     497      end do
     498      flux%lw_up(jcol,i_cloud_top) = sum_up
    473500      if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
    474501        call indexed_sum(flux_up(:,1), &
    478505      do jlev = i_cloud_top-1,1,-1
    479506        flux_up(:,1) = trans_clear(:,jlev)*flux_up(:,1) + source_up_clear(:,jlev)
    480         flux%lw_up(jcol,jlev) = sum(flux_up(:,1))
     507        sum_up = 0.0_jprb
     508        !$omp simd reduction(+:sum_up)
     509        do jg = 1,ng
     510          sum_up = sum_up + flux_up(jg,1)
     511        end do
     512        flux%lw_up(jcol,jlev) = sum_up
    481513        if (config%do_save_spectral_flux) then
    482514          call indexed_sum(flux_up(:,1), &
    529561        ! Store the broadband fluxes
    530         flux%lw_up(jcol,jlev+1) = sum(sum(flux_up,1))
    531         flux%lw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) = sum(sum(flux_dn,1))
     562        sum_up = 0.0_jprb
     563        sum_dn = 0.0_jprb
     564        do jreg = 1,nregions
     565          !$omp simd reduction(+:sum_up, sum_dn)
     566          do jg = 1,ng
     567            sum_up = sum_up + flux_up(jg,jreg)
     568            sum_dn = sum_dn + flux_dn(jg,jreg)
     569          end do
     570        end do
     571        flux%lw_up(jcol,jlev+1) = sum_up
     572        flux%lw_dn(jcol,jlev+1) = sum_dn
    533574        ! Save the spectral fluxes if required
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