Sep 18, 2024, 11:22:37 PM (3 days ago)

The "readTracFiles_mod" module usage is restricted to "infotrac" and" infotrac_phy" routines.
The internal routines or quantities of this module are now accessible through these these two routines:

addPhase, delPhase, new2oldH2O, newHNO3, oldHNO3

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/dyn3d/dynetat0.F90

    r5190 r5199  
    66! Purpose: Initial state reading.
    8   USE infotrac,    ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso, iqIsoPha, iH2O, isoName
     8  USE infotrac,    ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso, iqIsoPha, iH2O, isoName, &
     9                         new2oldH2O, newHNO3, oldHNO3, getKey
    910  USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen, msg, strStack, real2str, int2str
    1011  USE netcdf,      ONLY: NF90_OPEN,  NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_INQ_VARID, &
    1112                         NF90_CLOSE, NF90_GET_VAR, NF90_NoErr
    12   USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: new2oldH2O, newHNO3, oldHNO3, getKey
    1313  USE control_mod, ONLY: planet_type
    1414  USE assert_eq_m, ONLY: assert_eq
    116116  var="temps"
    117117  IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID)/=NF90_NoErr) THEN
    118     CALL msg('missing field <temps> ; trying with <Time>', modname)
     118    CALL msg('Missing field <temps> ; trying with <Time>', modname)
    119119    var="Time"
    120120    CALL err(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID,var,vID),"inq",var)
    148148    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    149149    ELSE IF(NF90_INQ_VARID(fID, oldVar, vID) == NF90_NoErr) THEN                         !=== TRY WITH ALTERNATE NAME
    150       CALL msg('Tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> is missing => initialized to <'//TRIM(oldVar)//'>', modname)
     150      CALL msg('Missing tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> => initialized to <'//TRIM(oldVar)//'>', modname)
    151151      CALL err(NF90_GET_VAR(fID,vID,q(:,:,:,iq)),"get",oldVar)
    152152    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    164164            CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname), 'missing isotopic parameters', 1)
    165165         endif
    166          CALL msg('Tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> is missing => initialized with a simplified Rayleigh distillation law.', modname)
     166         CALL msg('Missing tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> => initialized with a simplified Rayleigh distillation law.', modname)
    167167         q(:,:,:,iq) = q(:,:,:,iqParent)*tnat*(q(:,:,:,iqParent)/30.e-3)**(alpha_ideal-1.)
    168168      ELSE
    169          CALL msg('Tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> is missing => initialized to its parent isotope concentration.', modname)
     169         CALL msg('Missing tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> => initialized to its parent isotope concentration.', modname)
    170170         ! Camille 9 mars 2023: attention!! seuls les tags qui correspondent à
    171171         ! izone=izone_init (définie dans isotrac_mod) sont initialisés comme
    181181    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    182182    ELSE                                                                                 !=== MISSING: SET TO 0
    183       CALL msg('Tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> is missing => initialized to zero', modname)
     183      CALL msg('Missing tracer <'//TRIM(var)//'> => initialized to zero', modname)
    184184      q(:,:,:,iq)=0.
    185185    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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