Jul 24, 2024, 4:23:34 PM (2 months ago)

rename modules properly lmdz_*
move some unused files to obsolete/
(lint) uppercase fortran keywords

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phydev/physiq_mod.F90

    r5116 r5117  
    2525      USE lmdz_xios, ONLY: xios_update_calendar, using_xios
    26       USE wxios, ONLY: wxios_add_vaxis, wxios_set_cal, wxios_closedef
     26      USE lmdz_wxios, ONLY: wxios_add_vaxis, wxios_set_cal, wxios_closedef
    2727      USE iophy, ONLY: histwrite_phy
    3131! Routine argument:
    33       integer,intent(in) :: nlon ! number of atmospheric colums
    34       integer,intent(in) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels (should be =klev)
    35       logical,intent(in) :: debut ! signals first CALL to physics
    36       logical,intent(in) :: lafin ! signals last CALL to physics
    37       real,intent(in) :: pdtphys ! physics time step (s)
    38       real,intent(in) :: paprs(klon,klev+1) ! interlayer pressure (Pa)
    39       real,intent(in) :: pplay(klon,klev) ! mid-layer pressure (Pa)
    40       real,intent(in) :: pphi(klon,klev) ! geopotential at mid-layer
    41       real,intent(in) :: pphis(klon) ! surface geopotential
    42       real,intent(in) :: presnivs(klev) ! pseudo-pressure (Pa) of mid-layers
    43       real,intent(in) :: u(klon,klev) ! eastward zonal wind (m/s)
    44       real,intent(in) :: v(klon,klev) ! northward meridional wind (m/s)
    45       real,intent(in) :: t(klon,klev) ! temperature (K)
    46       real,intent(in) :: qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracers (.../kg_air)
    47       real,intent(in) :: flxmass_w(klon,klev) ! vertical mass flux
    48       real,intent(out) :: d_u(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on u (m/s/s)
    49       real,intent(out) :: d_v(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on v (m/s/s)
    50       real,intent(out) :: d_t(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on t (K/s)
    51       real,intent(out) :: d_qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! physics tendency on tracers
    52       real,intent(out) :: d_ps(klon) ! physics tendency on surface pressure
     33      INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlon ! number of atmospheric colums
     34      INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels (should be =klev)
     35      logical,INTENT(IN) :: debut ! signals first CALL to physics
     36      logical,INTENT(IN) :: lafin ! signals last CALL to physics
     37      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys ! physics time step (s)
     38      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: paprs(klon,klev+1) ! interlayer pressure (Pa)
     39      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pplay(klon,klev) ! mid-layer pressure (Pa)
     40      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pphi(klon,klev) ! geopotential at mid-layer
     41      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pphis(klon) ! surface geopotential
     42      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: presnivs(klev) ! pseudo-pressure (Pa) of mid-layers
     43      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: u(klon,klev) ! eastward zonal wind (m/s)
     44      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: v(klon,klev) ! northward meridional wind (m/s)
     45      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: t(klon,klev) ! temperature (K)
     46      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracers (.../kg_air)
     47      REAL,INTENT(IN) :: flxmass_w(klon,klev) ! vertical mass flux
     48      REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: d_u(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on u (m/s/s)
     49      REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: d_v(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on v (m/s/s)
     50      REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: d_t(klon,klev) ! physics tendency on t (K/s)
     51      REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: d_qx(klon,klev,nqtot) ! physics tendency on tracers
     52      REAL,INTENT(OUT) :: d_ps(klon) ! physics tendency on surface pressure
    54 integer,save :: itau=0 ! counter to count number of calls to physics
     54INTEGER,save :: itau=0 ! counter to count number of calls to physics
    5555!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itau)
    5656REAL :: temp_newton(klon,klev)
    6464REAL :: dtime
    6565INTEGER :: nhori ! horizontal coordinate ID
    66 integer,save :: nid_hist ! output file ID
     66INTEGER,save :: nid_hist ! output file ID
    6767!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nid_hist)
    6868INTEGER :: zvertid ! vertical coordinate ID
    69 integer,save :: iwrite_phys ! output every iwrite_phys physics step
     69INTEGER,save :: iwrite_phys ! output every iwrite_phys physics step
    7070!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(iwrite_phys)
    71 integer,save :: iwrite_phys_omp ! intermediate variable to read iwrite_phys
     71INTEGER,save :: iwrite_phys_omp ! intermediate variable to read iwrite_phys
    7272                                ! (must be shared by all threads)
    7373REAL :: t_ops ! frequency of the IOIPSL operations (eg average over...)
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