Jul 24, 2024, 2:54:37 PM (2 months ago)

rename modules properly lmdz_*
move ismin, ismax, minmax into new lmdz_libmath.f90
(lint) uppercase fortran keywords

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/lmdz_old_lmdz1d.F90

    r5112 r5116  
    88  SUBROUTINE old_lmdz1d
    10     USE ioipsl, only: ju2ymds, ymds2ju, ioconf_calendar, getin
     10    USE ioipsl, ONLY: ju2ymds, ymds2ju, ioconf_calendar, getin
    1111    USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: phys_state_var_init, phys_state_var_end, &
    1212            clwcon, detr_therm, &
    6969    integer, parameter :: ngrid = 1
    70     real :: zcufi = 1.
    71     real :: zcvfi = 1.
    73     !-      real :: nat_surf
     70    REAL :: zcufi = 1.
     71    REAL :: zcvfi = 1.
     73    !-      REAL :: nat_surf
    7474    !-      logical :: ok_flux_surf
    75     !-      real :: fsens
    76     !-      real :: flat
    77     !-      real :: tsurf
    78     !-      real :: rugos
    79     !-      real :: qsol(1:2)
    80     !-      real :: qsurf
    81     !-      real :: psurf
    82     !-      real :: zsurf
    83     !-      real :: albedo
     75    !-      REAL :: fsens
     76    !-      REAL :: flat
     77    !-      REAL :: tsurf
     78    !-      REAL :: rugos
     79    !-      REAL :: qsol(1:2)
     80    !-      REAL :: qsurf
     81    !-      REAL :: psurf
     82    !-      REAL :: zsurf
     83    !-      REAL :: albedo
    8484    !-
    85     !-      real :: time     = 0.
    86     !-      real :: time_ini
    87     !-      real :: xlat
    88     !-      real :: xlon
    89     !-      real :: wtsurf
    90     !-      real :: wqsurf
    91     !-      real :: restart_runoff
    92     !-      real :: xagesno
    93     !-      real :: qsolinp
    94     !-      real :: zpicinp
     85    !-      REAL :: time     = 0.
     86    !-      REAL :: time_ini
     87    !-      REAL :: xlat
     88    !-      REAL :: xlon
     89    !-      REAL :: wtsurf
     90    !-      REAL :: wqsurf
     91    !-      REAL :: restart_runoff
     92    !-      REAL :: xagesno
     93    !-      REAL :: qsolinp
     94    !-      REAL :: zpicinp
    9595    !-
    96     real :: fnday
    97     real :: day, daytime
    98     real :: day1
    99     real :: heure
    100     integer :: jour
    101     integer :: mois
    102     integer :: an
     96    REAL :: fnday
     97    REAL :: day, daytime
     98    REAL :: day1
     99    REAL :: heure
     100    INTEGER :: jour
     101    INTEGER :: mois
     102    INTEGER :: an
    104104    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    106106    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    108     integer :: kmax = llm
     108    INTEGER :: kmax = llm
    109109    integer llm700, nq1, nq2
    110110    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlev_max = 1000, nqmx = 1000
    117117    real  qprof(nlev_max, nqmx)
    119     !        integer :: forcing_type
     119    !        INTEGER :: forcing_type
    120120    logical :: forcing_les = .FALSE.
    121121    logical :: forcing_armcu = .FALSE.
    136136    logical :: forcing_case2 = .FALSE.
    137137    logical :: forcing_SCM = .FALSE.
    138     integer :: type_ts_forcing ! 0 = SST constant; 1 = SST read from a file
     138    INTEGER :: type_ts_forcing ! 0 = SST constant; 1 = SST read from a file
    139139    !                                                            (cf read_tsurf1d.F)
    159159    !  Declarations related to nudging
    160160    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    161     integer :: nudge_max
     161    INTEGER :: nudge_max
    162162    parameter (nudge_max = 9)
    163     integer :: inudge_RHT = 1
    164     integer :: inudge_UV = 2
     163    INTEGER :: inudge_RHT = 1
     164    INTEGER :: inudge_UV = 2
    165165    logical :: nudge(nudge_max)
    166     real :: t_targ(llm)
    167     real :: rh_targ(llm)
    168     real :: u_targ(llm)
    169     real :: v_targ(llm)
     166    REAL :: t_targ(llm)
     167    REAL :: rh_targ(llm)
     168    REAL :: u_targ(llm)
     169    REAL :: v_targ(llm)
    171171    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    172172    !  Declarations related to vertical discretization:
    173173    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    174     real :: pzero = 1.e5
    175     real :: play (llm), zlay (llm), sig_s(llm), plev(llm + 1)
    176     real :: playd(llm), zlayd(llm), ap_amma(llm + 1), bp_amma(llm + 1)
     174    REAL :: pzero = 1.e5
     175    REAL :: play (llm), zlay (llm), sig_s(llm), plev(llm + 1)
     176    REAL :: playd(llm), zlayd(llm), ap_amma(llm + 1), bp_amma(llm + 1)
    178178    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    180180    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    182     real :: phi(llm)
    183     real :: teta(llm), tetal(llm), temp(llm), u(llm), v(llm), w(llm)
     182    REAL :: phi(llm)
     183    REAL :: teta(llm), tetal(llm), temp(llm), u(llm), v(llm), w(llm)
    184184    REAL rot(1, llm) ! relative vorticity, in s-1
    185     real :: rlat_rad(1), rlon_rad(1)
    186     real :: omega(llm + 1), omega2(llm), rho(llm + 1)
    187     real :: ug(llm), vg(llm), fcoriolis
    188     real :: sfdt, cfdt
    189     real :: du_phys(llm), dv_phys(llm), dt_phys(llm)
    190     real :: dt_dyn(llm)
    191     real :: dt_cooling(llm), d_t_adv(llm), d_t_nudge(llm)
    192     real :: d_u_nudge(llm), d_v_nudge(llm)
    193     real :: du_adv(llm), dv_adv(llm)
    194     real :: du_age(llm), dv_age(llm)
    195     real :: alpha
    196     real :: ttt
     185    REAL :: rlat_rad(1), rlon_rad(1)
     186    REAL :: omega(llm + 1), omega2(llm), rho(llm + 1)
     187    REAL :: ug(llm), vg(llm), fcoriolis
     188    REAL :: sfdt, cfdt
     189    REAL :: du_phys(llm), dv_phys(llm), dt_phys(llm)
     190    REAL :: dt_dyn(llm)
     191    REAL :: dt_cooling(llm), d_t_adv(llm), d_t_nudge(llm)
     192    REAL :: d_u_nudge(llm), d_v_nudge(llm)
     193    REAL :: du_adv(llm), dv_adv(llm)
     194    REAL :: du_age(llm), dv_age(llm)
     195    REAL :: alpha
     196    REAL :: ttt
    198198    REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :) :: q
    206206    !  Initialization of surface variables
    207207    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    208     real :: run_off_lic_0(1)
    209     real :: fder(1), snsrf(1, nbsrf), qsurfsrf(1, nbsrf)
    210     real :: tsoil(1, nsoilmx, nbsrf)
    211     !     real :: agesno(1,nbsrf)
     208    REAL :: run_off_lic_0(1)
     209    REAL :: fder(1), snsrf(1, nbsrf), qsurfsrf(1, nbsrf)
     210    REAL :: tsoil(1, nsoilmx, nbsrf)
     211    !     REAL :: agesno(1,nbsrf)
    213213    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    215215    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    216216    logical :: ok_writedem = .TRUE.
    217     real :: sollw_in = 0.
    218     real :: solsw_in = 0.
     217    REAL :: sollw_in = 0.
     218    REAL :: solsw_in = 0.
    220220    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    223223    logical :: firstcall = .TRUE.
    224224    logical :: lastcall = .FALSE.
    225     real :: phis(1) = 0.0
    226     real :: dpsrf(1)
     225    REAL :: phis(1) = 0.0
     226    REAL :: dpsrf(1)
    228228    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    243243    !  Fichiers et d'autres variables
    244244    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    245     integer :: k, l, i, it = 1, mxcalc
    246     integer :: nsrf
     245    INTEGER :: k, l, i, it = 1, mxcalc
     246    INTEGER :: nsrf
    247247    integer jcode
    248248    INTEGER read_climoz
    250     integer :: it_end ! iteration number of the last call
     250    INTEGER :: it_end ! iteration number of the last call
    251251    !Al1
    252252    integer ecrit_slab_oc !1=ecrit,-1=lit,0=no file
    293293    close(1)
    294294    !Al1
    295     write(*, *) 'lmdz1d.def lu => unicol.def'
     295    WRITE(*, *) 'lmdz1d.def lu => unicol.def'
    297297    ! forcing_type defines the way the SCM is forced:
    485485    !      calend = 'earth_365d'
    486     if (calend == 'earth_360d') then
     486    if (calend == 'earth_360d') THEN
    487487      CALL ioconf_calendar('360_day')
    488       write(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre a 360 jours/an'
    489     else if (calend == 'earth_365d') then
     488      WRITE(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre a 360 jours/an'
     489    else if (calend == 'earth_365d') THEN
    490490      CALL ioconf_calendar('noleap')
    491       write(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre a 365 jours/an'
    492     else if (calend == 'earth_366d') then
     491      WRITE(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre a 365 jours/an'
     492    else if (calend == 'earth_366d') THEN
    493493      CALL ioconf_calendar('all_leap')
    494       write(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre bissextile'
    495     else if (calend == 'gregorian') then
     494      WRITE(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Terrestre bissextile'
     495    else if (calend == 'gregorian') THEN
    496496      stop 'gregorian calend should not be used by normal user'
    497497      CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') ! not to be used by normal users
    498       write(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Gregorien'
     498      WRITE(*, *)'CALENDRIER CHOISI: Gregorien'
    499499    else
    500500      write (*, *) 'ERROR : unknown calendar ', calend
    509509    !      Le numero du jour est dans "day". L heure est traitee separement.
    510510    !      La date complete est dans "daytime" (l'unite est le jour).
    511     if (nday>0) then
     511    if (nday>0) THEN
    512512      fnday = nday
    513513    else
    627627    CALL phys_state_var_init(read_climoz)
    629     if (ngrid/=klon) then
     629    if (ngrid/=klon) THEN
    630630      PRINT*, 'stop in inifis'
    631631      PRINT*, 'Probleme de dimensions :'
    640640    !!      surf_Planck = 0.
    641641    !!      surf_Conv   = 0.
    642     !!      write(*,*) 'Gateaux-dif Planck,Conv:',surf_Planck,surf_Conv
     642    !!      WRITE(*,*) 'Gateaux-dif Planck,Conv:',surf_Planck,surf_Conv
    643643    !!! a mettre dans le lmdz1d.def ou autre
    644644    !!
    692692    IF (forcing_type == 59) THEN
    693693      ! pour forcing_sandu, on cherche l'indice le plus proche de 700hpa#3000m
    694       write(*, *) '***********************'
     694      WRITE(*, *) '***********************'
    695695      do l = 1, llm
    696         write(*, *) 'l,play(l),presnivs(l): ', l, play(l), presnivs(l)
    697         if (trouve_700 .and. play(l)<=70000) then
     696        WRITE(*, *) 'l,play(l),presnivs(l): ', l, play(l), presnivs(l)
     697        if (trouve_700 .and. play(l)<=70000) THEN
    698698          llm700 = l
    699699          print *, 'llm700,play=', llm700, play(l) / 100.
    701701        endif
    702702      enddo
    703       write(*, *) '***********************'
     703      WRITE(*, *) '***********************'
    704704    ENDIF
    710710    INCLUDE "old_1D_read_forc_cases.h"
    712   IF (forcing_GCM2SCM) then
     712  IF (forcing_GCM2SCM) THEN
    713713  write (*, *) 'forcing_GCM2SCM not yet implemented'
    714714  stop 'in initialization'
    773773        ! On le met juste avant pour avoir acces a tous les champs
    775         IF (ok_writedem) then
     775        IF (ok_writedem) THEN
    777776        !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    778777        ! pbl_surface_init (called here) and pbl_surface_final (called by phyredem)
    813812        PRINT*, 'avant phyredem'
    814813        pctsrf(1, :) = 0.
    815         if (nat_surf==0.) then
     814        if (nat_surf==0.) THEN
    816815        pctsrf(1, is_oce) = 1.
    817816        pctsrf(1, is_ter) = 0.
    818817        pctsrf(1, is_lic) = 0.
    819818        pctsrf(1, is_sic) = 0.
    820         else if (nat_surf == 1) then
     819        else if (nat_surf == 1) THEN
    821820        pctsrf(1, is_oce) = 0.
    822821        pctsrf(1, is_ter) = 1.
    823822        pctsrf(1, is_lic) = 0.
    824823        pctsrf(1, is_sic) = 0.
    825         else if (nat_surf == 2) then
     824        else if (nat_surf == 2) THEN
    826825        pctsrf(1, is_oce) = 0.
    827826        pctsrf(1, is_ter) = 0.
    828827        pctsrf(1, is_lic) = 1.
    829828        pctsrf(1, is_sic) = 0.
    830         else if (nat_surf == 3) then
     829        else if (nat_surf == 3) THEN
    831830        pctsrf(1, is_oce) = 0.
    832831        pctsrf(1, is_ter) = 0.
    857856                pbl_tke(:, 2, :) = 1.e-2
    858857                PRINT *, ' pbl_tke dans lmdz1d '
    859                 if (prt_level >= 5) then
     858                if (prt_level >= 5) THEN
    860859                DO nsrf = 1, 4
    861860                PRINT *, 'pbl_tke(1,:,', nsrf, ') ', pbl_tke(1, :, nsrf)
    937936                CALL getin('iflag_physiq', iflag_physiq)
    939                 if (.not.restart) then
     938                if (.not.restart) THEN
    940939                iflag_pbl = 5
    941940                CALL phyredem ("startphy.nc")
    978977                CALL phys_state_var_end
    979978                !Al1
    980                 IF (restart) then
     979                IF (restart) THEN
    981980                PRINT*, 'CALL to restart dyn 1d'
    982981                Call dyn1deta0("start1dyn.nc", plev, play, phi, phis, presnivs, &
    10071006        END IF
    10081007        !Al1 ================  end restart =================================
    1009         IF (ecrit_slab_oc==1) then
     1008        IF (ecrit_slab_oc==1) THEN
    10101009        open(97, file = 'div_slab.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN')
    1011                 elseif (ecrit_slab_oc==0) then
     1010                elseif (ecrit_slab_oc==0) THEN
    10121011                open(97, file = 'div_slab.dat', STATUS = 'OLD')
    10131012                END IF
    10161015                !    Initialize target profile for RHT nudging if needed
    10171016                !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    1018                 IF (nudge(inudge_RHT)) then
     1017                IF (nudge(inudge_RHT)) THEN
    10191018        CALL nudge_RHT_init(plev, play, temp, q(:, 1), t_targ, rh_targ)
    10201019                END IF
    1021                 IF (nudge(inudge_UV)) then
     1020                IF (nudge(inudge_UV)) THEN
    10221021                CALL nudge_UV_init(plev, play, u, v, u_targ, v_targ)
    10231022                END IF
    10341033                DO while(it<=it_end)
    1036                 if (prt_level>=1) then
     1035                if (prt_level>=1) THEN
    10371036        PRINT*, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ITAP,day,time=', &
    10381037        it, day, time, it_end, day_step
    10581057                INCLUDE "old_1D_interp_cases.h"
    1060                 IF (forcing_GCM2SCM) then
     1059                IF (forcing_GCM2SCM) THEN
    10611060        write (*, *) 'forcing_GCM2SCM not yet implemented'
    10621061        stop 'in time loop'
    10761075                ! Listing output for debug prt_level>=1
    10771076                !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    1078                 IF (prt_level>=1) then
     1077                IF (prt_level>=1) THEN
    10791078                print *, ' avant physiq : -------- day time ', day, time
    1080                 write(*, *) 'firstcall,lastcall,phis', &
     1079                WRITE(*, *) 'firstcall,lastcall,phis', &
    10811080                firstcall, lastcall, phis
    10821081                end if
    1083                 IF (prt_level>=5) then
    1084         write(*, '(a10,2a4,4a13)') 'BEFOR1 IT=', 'it', 'l', &
     1082                IF (prt_level>=5) THEN
     1083        WRITE(*, '(a10,2a4,4a13)') 'BEFOR1 IT=', 'it', 'l', &
    10851084        'presniv', 'plev', 'play', 'phi'
    1086         write(*, '(a10,2i4,4f13.2)') ('BEFOR1 IT= ', it, l, &
     1085        WRITE(*, '(a10,2i4,4f13.2)') ('BEFOR1 IT= ', it, l, &
    10871086        presnivs(l), plev(l), play(l), phi(l), l = 1, llm)
    1088                 write(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,6a8)') 'BEFOR2', 'it', 'l', &
     1087                WRITE(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,6a8)') 'BEFOR2', 'it', 'l', &
    10891088                'presniv', 'u', 'v', 'temp', 'q1', 'q2', 'omega2'
    1090         write(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2,e10.2)') ('BEFOR2 IT= ', it, l, &
     1089        WRITE(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2,e10.2)') ('BEFOR2 IT= ', it, l, &
    10911090        presnivs(l), u(l), v(l), temp(l), q(l, 1), q(l, 2), omega2(l), l = 1, llm)
    10921091                END IF
    11051104                ! Listing output for debug
    11061105                !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    1107                 IF (prt_level>=5) then
    1108         write(*, '(a11,2a4,4a13)') 'AFTER1 IT=', 'it', 'l', &
     1106                IF (prt_level>=5) THEN
     1107        WRITE(*, '(a11,2a4,4a13)') 'AFTER1 IT=', 'it', 'l', &
    11091108        'presniv', 'plev', 'play', 'phi'
    1110         write(*, '(a11,2i4,4f13.2)') ('AFTER1 it= ', it, l, &
     1109        WRITE(*, '(a11,2i4,4f13.2)') ('AFTER1 it= ', it, l, &
    11111110        presnivs(l), plev(l), play(l), phi(l), l = 1, llm)
    1112                 write(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,6a8)') 'AFTER2', 'it', 'l', &
     1111                WRITE(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,6a8)') 'AFTER2', 'it', 'l', &
    11131112                'presniv', 'u', 'v', 'temp', 'q1', 'q2', 'omega2'
    1114                 write(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2,e10.2)') ('AFTER2 it= ', it, l, &
     1113                WRITE(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2,e10.2)') ('AFTER2 it= ', it, l, &
    11151114                presnivs(l), u(l), v(l), temp(l), q(l, 1), q(l, 2), omega2(l), l = 1, llm)
    1116         write(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,5a8)') 'AFTER3', 'it', 'l', &
     1115        WRITE(*, '(a11,2a4,a11,5a8)') 'AFTER3', 'it', 'l', &
    11171116        'presniv', 'du_phys', 'dv_phys', 'dt_phys', 'dq1', 'dq2'
    1118         write(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2)') ('AFTER3 it= ', it, l, &
     1117        WRITE(*, '(a11,2i4,f11.2,5f8.2)') ('AFTER3 it= ', it, l, &
    11191118        presnivs(l), 86400 * du_phys(l), 86400 * dv_phys(l), &
    11201119        86400 * dt_phys(l), 86400 * dq(l, 1), dq(l, 2), l = 1, llm)
    1121                 write(*, *) 'dpsrf', dpsrf
     1120                WRITE(*, *) 'dpsrf', dpsrf
    11221121                END IF
    11231122                !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    11271126                fcoriolis = 2. * sin(rpi * xlat / 180.) * romega
    1128         IF (forcing_radconv .or. forcing_fire) then
     1127        IF (forcing_radconv .or. forcing_fire) THEN
    11291128        fcoriolis = 0.0
    11301129        dt_cooling = 0.0
    11361135                IF (forcing_toga .or. forcing_GCSSold .or. forcing_twpice            &
    1137                 .or.forcing_amma .or. forcing_type==101) then
     1136                .or.forcing_amma .or. forcing_type==101) THEN
    11381137                fcoriolis = 0.0 ; ug = 0. ; vg = 0.
    11391138                END IF
    1141                 IF(forcing_rico) then
     1140                IF(forcing_rico) THEN
    11421141                dt_cooling = 0.
    11431142                END IF
    11451144                !CRio:Attention modif sp??cifique cas de Caroline
    1146 IF (forcing_type==-1) then
     1145IF (forcing_type==-1) THEN
    11471146        fcoriolis = 0.
    11481147        !Nudging
    11501149        !on calcule dt_cooling
    11511150        do l = 1, llm
    1152         if (play(l)>=20000.) then
     1151        if (play(l)>=20000.) THEN
    11531152        dt_cooling(l) = -1.5 / 86400.
    1154         elseif ((play(l)>=10000.).and.((play(l)<20000.))) then
     1153        elseif ((play(l)>=10000.).and.((play(l)<20000.))) THEN
    11551154        dt_cooling(l) = -1.5 / 86400. * (play(l) - 10000.) / (10000.) - 1. / 86400. * (20000. - play(l)) / 10000. * (temp(l) - 200.)
    11561155                else
    11611160        END IF
    11621161                !RC
    1163                 IF (forcing_sandu) then
     1162                IF (forcing_sandu) THEN
    11641163                ug(1:llm) = u_mod(1:llm)
    11651164                vg(1:llm) = v_mod(1:llm)
    11981197        d_u_nudge(:) = 0.
    11991198        d_v_nudge(:) = 0.
    1200         IF (nudge(inudge_RHT)) then
     1199        IF (nudge(inudge_RHT)) THEN
    12011200        CALL nudge_RHT(timestep, plev, play, t_targ, rh_targ, temp, q(:, 1), &
    12021201        d_t_nudge, d_q_nudge(:, 1))
    12031202        END IF
    1204         IF (nudge(inudge_UV)) then
     1203        IF (nudge(inudge_UV)) THEN
    12051204        CALL nudge_UV(timestep, plev, play, u_targ, v_targ, u, v, &
    12061205        d_u_nudge, d_v_nudge)
    12181217        d_q_adv = 0.
    12191218        do l = 2, llm - 1
    1220         if (zlay(l)<=1100) then
     1219        if (zlay(l)<=1100) THEN
    12211220        wwww = -0.00001 * zlay(l)
    12221221                d_t_adv(l) = -wwww * (teta(l) - teta(l + 1)) / (zlay(l) - zlay(l + 1)) / (pzero / play(l))**rkappa
    12431242        ! pour les cas sandu et astex, on reclacule u,v,q,temp et teta dans 1D_nudge_sandu_astex.h
    12441243        ! au dessus de 700hpa, on relaxe vers les profils initiaux
    1245         if (forcing_sandu .OR. forcing_astex) then
     1244        if (forcing_sandu .OR. forcing_astex) THEN
    12461245        INCLUDE "1D_nudge_sandu_astex.h"
    12471246        else
    12591258        + d_q_nudge(1:mxcalc, :))
    1261                 if (prt_level>=3) then
     1260                if (prt_level>=3) THEN
    12621261                print *, &
    12631262                'physiq-> temp(1),dt_phys(1),d_t_adv(1),dt_cooling(1) ', &
    13161315                !   Air temperature :
    13171316                !---------------------------------------------------------------------
    1318                 IF (lastcall) then
     1317                IF (lastcall) THEN
    13191318                PRINT*, 'Pas de temps final ', it
    13201319                CALL ju2ymds(daytime, an, mois, jour, heure)
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