Jul 24, 2024, 1:17:08 PM (2 months ago)

Rename modules in misc from *_mod > lmdz_*
Put cbrt.f90, ch*.f90, pch*.f90 in new lmdz_libmath_pch.f90

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/caldyn_loc.f90

    r5105 r5113  
    6666  !--------------------------------
    68   ! ! compute contravariant winds ucont() and vcont
     68  ! compute contravariant winds ucont() and vcont
    6969  CALL covcont_loc  (llm, ucov, vcov, ucont, vcont)
    70   ! ! compute pressure p()
     70  ! compute pressure p()
    7171  CALL pression_loc (ip1jmp1, ap, bp, ps, p)
    7272  !ym      CALL psextbar (   ps   , psexbarxy                          )
    7373  !$OMP BARRIER
    74   ! ! compute mass in each atmospheric mesh: masse()
     74  ! compute mass in each atmospheric mesh: masse()
    7575  CALL massdair_loc (p, masse)
    76   ! ! compute X and Y-averages of mass, massebx() and masseby()
     76  ! compute X and Y-averages of mass, massebx() and masseby()
    7777  CALL massbar_loc  (masse, massebx, masseby)
    78   ! ! compute XY-average of mass, massebxy()
     78  ! compute XY-average of mass, massebxy()
    7979  CALL massbarxy_loc(masse, massebxy)
    80   ! ! compute mass fluxes pbaru() and pbarv()
     80  ! compute mass fluxes pbaru() and pbarv()
    8181  CALL flumass_loc  (massebx, masseby, vcont, ucont, pbaru, pbarv)
    82   ! ! compute dteta() , horizontal converging flux of theta
     82  ! compute dteta() , horizontal converging flux of theta
    8383  CALL dteta1_loc   (teta, pbaru, pbarv, dteta)
    84   ! ! compute convm(), horizontal converging flux of mass
     84  ! compute convm(), horizontal converging flux of mass
    8585  CALL convmas1_loc  (pbaru, pbarv, convm)
    8686  !$OMP BARRIER
    105105  ijb = ij_begin
    106106  ije = ij_end
    107   ! ! compute pressure variation due to mass convergence
     107  ! compute pressure variation due to mass convergence
    108108  DO ij = ijb, ije
    109109    dp(ij) = convm(ij, 1) / airesurg(ij)
    112112  !$OMP BARRIER
    114   ! ! compute vertical velocity w()
     114  ! compute vertical velocity w()
    115115  CALL vitvert_loc (convm, w)
    116   ! ! compute potential vorticity vorpot()
     116  ! compute potential vorticity vorpot()
    117117  CALL tourpot_loc (vcov, ucov, massebxy, vorpot)
    118   ! ! compute rotation induced du() and dv()
     118  ! compute rotation induced du() and dv()
    119119  CALL dudv1_loc   (vorpot, pbaru, pbarv, du, dv)
    126126  END IF
    128   ! ! compute kinetic energy ecin()
     128  ! compute kinetic energy ecin()
    129129  CALL enercin_loc (vcov, ucov, vcont, ucont, ecin)
    130   ! ! compute Bernouilli function bern()
     130  ! compute Bernouilli function bern()
    131131  CALL bernoui_loc (ip1jmp1, llm, phi, ecin, bern)
    132   ! ! compute and add du() and dv() contributions from Bernouilli and pressure
     132  ! compute and add du() and dv() contributions from Bernouilli and pressure
    133133  CALL dudv2_loc   (teta, pkf, bern, du, dv)
    155155  !$OMP END DO
    157   ! ! compute vertical advection contributions to du(), dv() and dteta()
     157  ! compute vertical advection contributions to du(), dv() and dteta()
    158158  CALL advect_new_loc(ang, vcov, teta, w, massebx, masseby, du, dv, dteta)
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