Jul 23, 2024, 3:29:36 PM (8 weeks ago)

Handle CPP_INLANDSIS in lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper.F90
Remove obsolete key wrgrads_thermcell, _ADV_HALO, _ADV_HALLO, isminmax
Remove redundant uses of CPPKEY_INCA (thanks acozic)
Remove obsolete misc/write_field.F90
Remove unused ioipsl_* wrappers
Remove calls to WriteField_u with wrong signature
Convert .F -> .[fF]90
(lint) uppercase fortran operators
[note: 1d and iso still broken - working on it]

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/phylmd/regr_pr_time_av_m.F90

    r5101 r5103  
    4242!      adjustment is activated, to avoid "strairs shape effect" on profiles.
    4343!  * All the fields are regridded as a single multi-dimensional array, so it
    44 !    saves CPU time to call this procedure once for several NetCDF variables
     44!    saves CPU time to CALL this procedure once for several NetCDF variables
    4545!    rather than several times, each time for a single NetCDF variable.
    4646!  * The input file pressure at tropopause can be (in decreasing priority):
    9191  LOGICAL, SAVE :: lPrTfile                        !--- Tropopause pressure flag
    9292  LOGICAL, SAVE :: lO3Tfile                        !--- Tropopause ozone flag
    93   LOGICAL, SAVE :: lfirst=.TRUE.                   !--- First call flag
     93  LOGICAL, SAVE :: lfirst=.TRUE.                   !--- First CALL flag
    9494!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lfirst)
    9595  REAL,    PARAMETER :: pTropUp=9.E+3 !--- Value  <  tropopause pressure (Pa)
    482482  CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID, TRIM(var), vID)
    483483  CALL nf95_inquire_variable(fID, vID, ndims=n_dim)
    484   IF(n_dim==2) call nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(1,:), start=[  1,irec])
    485   IF(n_dim==3) call nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(:,:), start=[1,1,irec])
     484  IF(n_dim==2) CALL nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(1,:), start=[  1,irec])
     485  IF(n_dim==3) CALL nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(:,:), start=[1,1,irec])
    487487  !--- Flip latitudes: ascending in input file, descending in "rlatu".
    513513    CALL nf95_inq_varid(fID, TRIM(nam(i)), vID)
    514514    CALL nf95_inquire_variable(fID, vID, ndims=n_dim)
    515     IF(n_dim==3) call nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(1,:,:,i), start=[  1,1,irec])
    516     IF(n_dim==4) call nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(:,:,:,i), start=[1,1,1,irec])
     515    IF(n_dim==3) CALL nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(1,:,:,i), start=[  1,1,irec])
     516    IF(n_dim==4) CALL nf95_get_var(fID,vID,v(:,:,:,i), start=[1,1,1,irec])
    517517  END DO
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