Jul 22, 2024, 9:29:09 PM (2 months ago)

Replace most uses of CPP_DUST by the corresponding logical defined in lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper.F90
Convert several files from .F to .f90 to allow Dust to compile w/o rrtm/ecrad
Create lmdz_yoerad.f90
(lint) Remove "!" on otherwise empty line

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/libf/dyn3dmem/getparam.F90

    r2094 r5099  
    1 !
    22! $Id: getparam.F90 1279 2009-12-10 09:02:56Z fairhead $
    3 !
    44MODULE getparam
    55#ifdef CPP_IOIPSL
    2020  SUBROUTINE ini_getparam(fichier)
    2121  USE parallel_lmdz
    22     !
    2323    IMPLICIT NONE
    24     !
    2525    CHARACTER*(*) :: fichier
    2626    IF (mpi_rank==0) OPEN(out_eff,file=fichier,status='unknown',form='formatted')
    3030  SUBROUTINE fin_getparam
    3131  USE parallel_lmdz
    32     !
    3333    IMPLICIT NONE
    34     !
    3535      IF (mpi_rank==0) CLOSE(out_eff)
    3939  SUBROUTINE getparamr(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment)
    4040  USE parallel_lmdz
    41     !
    4242    IMPLICIT NONE
    43     !
    4444    !   Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it
    4545    !   in the database and if not we get it from the run.def
    46     !
    4747    !   getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern
    48     !
    4949    CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET
    5050    REAL :: def_val
    6565  SUBROUTINE getparami(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment)
    6666  USE parallel_lmdz
    67     !
    6868    IMPLICIT NONE
    69     !
    7070    !   Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it
    7171    !   in the database and if not we get it from the run.def
    72     !
    7373    !   getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern
    74     !
    7575    CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET
    7676    INTEGER :: def_val
    9292  SUBROUTINE getparaml(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment)
    9393  USE parallel_lmdz
    94     !
    9595    IMPLICIT NONE
    96     !
    9797    !   Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it
    9898    !   in the database and if not we get it from the run.def
    99     !
    100100    !   getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern
    101     !
    102102    CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET
    103103    LOGICAL :: def_val
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