Jul 21, 2024, 1:47:00 PM (2 months ago)

Fix r5093: ship new fcm source

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  • LMDZ6/branches/Amaury_dev/tools/fcm/doc/release_notes/1-1.html

    r1578 r5094  
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    14   <h1>FCM 1.1 Release Notes<br>
    15   06 November 2006</h1>
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     16        <a class="navbar-brand" href=".."><span class="fcm-version">FCM</span></a>
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     20          <li><a href="../installation/">Installation</a></li>
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     30    <h1>FCM 1.1 Release Notes <small>06 November 2006</small></h1>
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     33  <div class="container">
     34  <div class="row">
     35  <div class="col-md-12">
    1737  <p>These are the release notes for FCM release 1.1. You can use this release
    18   of FCM freely under the terms of the <a href="../../LICENSE.html">FCM
    19   LICENSE</a>, which you should receive with this distribution. Release 1.1 is
    20   the first external release of FCM. (Release 1.0, 30 November 2005, was an
    21   internal Met Office release which marked the start of the main migration of
    22   systems into FCM.)</p>
     38  of FCM freely under the terms of the FCM LICENSE, which you should receive
     39  with the distribution of this release. Release 1.1 is the first external
     40  release of FCM.  (Release 1.0, 30 November 2005, was an internal Met Office
     41  release which marked the start of the main migration of systems into FCM.)</p>
    2443  <p>FCM is maintained by the FCM team at the Met Office. Please feedback any
    2645  "mailto:fcm-team@metoffice.gov.uk">e-mail</a>.</p>
    28   <h2>Contents</h2>
    30   <ul>
    31     <li><a href="#new">What's New?</a></li>
    33     <li><a href="#fix">Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</a></li>
    35     <li><a href="#req">System Requirements</a></li>
    37     <li><a href="#ins">Installation</a></li>
    38   </ul>
    40   <h2><a name="new" id="new">What's New?</a></h2>
     47  <h2 id="new">What's New?</h2>
    4249  <p>Build system:</p>
    4451  <ul>
    45     <li>Support building of Fortran <span class="mono">BLOCKDATA</span> program
    46     units.</li>
     52    <li>Support building of Fortran <code>BLOCKDATA</code> program units.</li>
    4854    <li>Option to generate Fortran interface files in lower case names after
    5258    file.</li>
    54     <li>The <span class="mono">fcm_env.ksh</span> file now provides an
    55     environment variable for the <span class="mono">etc/</span> sub-directory
    56     of the build which can be used if you are "building" data files.</li>
     60    <li>The <samp>fcm_env.ksh</samp> file now provides an environment variable
     61    for the <samp>etc/</samp> sub-directory of the build which can be used if
     62    you are <em>building</em> data files.</li>
    5864    <li>The build root directory is now locked while a build is running. This
    5965    prevents multiple instances of build running in the same directory.
    60     However, you can bypass the lock if you specify the new <span class=
    61     "mono">--ignore-lock</span> option with <span class="mono">fcm
    62     build</span>.</li>
     66    However, you can bypass the lock if you specify the new
     67    <code>--ignore-lock</code> option with <code>fcm build</code>.</li>
    6368  </ul>
    6974    running. This prevents multiple instances of extract running in the same
    7075    directory. However, you can bypass the lock if you specify the new
    71     <span class="mono">--ignore-lock</span> option with <span class="mono">fcm
    72     extract</span>.</li>
     76    <code>--ignore-lock</code> option with <code>fcm extract</code>.</li>
    7377  </ul>
    7781  <ul>
    78     <li><span class="mono">fcm merge</span> now supports custom and reverse
    79     modes.</li>
    81     <li><span class="mono">fcm merge</span> now allows automatic merges in
    82     sub-trees if it is safe.</li>
    84     <li><span class="mono">fcm merge</span> now handles automatic merges from
    85     sibling branches that are created at different revisions of the
    86     parent.</li>
    88     <li><span class="mono">fcm branch, fcm diff --branch</span> and
    89     <span class="mono">fcm merge</span> can now handle creation, diff and
    90     automatic merge of a branch of a branch.</li>
    92     <li><span class="mono">fcm switch</span> is improved to allow safer
    93     switches of your working copy to point to different branches in your
    94     project.</li>
    96     <li><span class="mono">fcm commit</span> now displays your location in the
    97     branch, and extra warning when you are committing to the trunk of a
    98     project.</li>
    100     <li>New <span class="mono">fcm mkpatch</span> command.</li>
     82    <li><code>fcm merge</code> now supports custom and reverse modes.</li>
     84    <li><code>fcm merge</code> now allows automatic merges in sub-trees if it
     85    is safe.</li>
     87    <li><code>fcm merge</code> now handles automatic merges from sibling
     88    branches that are created at different revisions of the parent.</li>
     90    <li><code>fcm branch, fcm diff --branch</code> and <code>fcm merge</code>
     91    can now handle creation, diff and automatic merge of a branch of a
     92    branch.</li>
     94    <li><code>fcm switch</code> is improved to allow safer switches of your
     95    working copy to point to different branches in your project.</li>
     97    <li><code>fcm commit</code> now displays your location in the branch, and
     98    extra warning when you are committing to the trunk of a project.</li>
     100    <li>New <code>fcm mkpatch</code> command.</li>
    101101  </ul>
    111111  </ul>
    113   <h2><a name="fix" id="fix">Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</a></h2>
     113  <h2 id="fix">Minor Enhancements &amp; Bug Fixes</h2>
    115115  <p>Build system:</p>
    124124    <li>Identify changes in pre-processed source file, the pre-processor
    125     options and "keys" correctly in incremental builds.</li>
     125    options and keys correctly in incremental builds.</li>
    127127    <li>Improve speed of pre-processing in incremental builds by not performing
    138138  <ul>
    139139    <li>Sub-directories are now extracted with the non-recursive mode of
    140     <span class="mono">svn export</span>.</li>
    142     <li>Peg revisions should now be handled correctly in <span class=
    143     "mono">INC</span> extract declarations.</li>
     140    <code>svn export</code>.</li>
     142    <li>Peg revisions should now be handled correctly in <var>INC</var> extract
     143    declarations.</li>
    145145    <li>The command should now fail if a declared source directory does not
    151151  <ul>
    152     <li><span class="mono">fcm branch --info</span> and <span class="mono">fcm
    153     diff</span> can now take a <span class="mono">PATH</span> as an
    154     argument.</li>
    156     <li>The <span class="mono">--ticket</span> option of <span class="mono">fcm
    157     branch --create</span> can now accept multiple tickets.</li>
    159     <li><span class="mono">fcm branch --info</span> and <span class="mono">fcm
    160     diff --branch</span> should now work correctly in a sub-tree of a
     152    <li><code>fcm branch --info</code> and <code>fcm diff</code> can now take a
     153    <code>PATH</code> as an argument.</li>
     155    <li>The <code>--ticket</code> option of <code>fcm branch --create</code>
     156    can now accept multiple tickets.</li>
     158    <li><code>fcm branch --info</code> and <code>fcm diff --branch</code>
     159    should now work correctly in a sub-tree of a branch.</li>
     161    <li><code>fcm branch --create</code> no longer offers to checkout the
    161162    branch.</li>
    163     <li><span class="mono">fcm branch --create</span> no longer offers to
    164     checkout the branch.</li>
    166     <li><span class="mono">fcm commit</span> no longer fails when adding a new
    167     symbolic link.</li>
    169     <li>The <span class="mono">--password</span> option is now supported by the
    170     <span class="mono">fcm branch --create, fcm branch --delete, fcm
    171     commit</span> and <span class="mono">fcm delete</span> commands.</li>
     164    <li><code>fcm commit</code> no longer fails when adding a new symbolic
     165    link.</li>
     167    <li>The <code>--password</code> option is now supported by the <code>fcm
     168    branch --create</code>, <code>fcm branch --delete</code>, <code>fcm
     169    commit</code> and <code>fcm delete</code> commands.</li>
    173171    <li>Empty arguments to code management commands are now parsed
    174172    correctly.</li>
    176     <li>The <span class="mono">fcm diff --graphical</span> option no longer
    177     fails with binary files.</li>
    179     <li>FCM will always set the environment variable <span class=
    180     "mono">LANG=en_GB</span> before running Subversion commands. This prevents
    181     failure of FCM when it attempts to parse output from Subversion commands
    182     when a different <span class="mono">LANG</span> setting is used.</li>
     174    <li>The <code>fcm diff --graphical</code> option no longer fails with
     175    binary files.</li>
     177    <li>FCM will always set the environment variable <var>LANG=en_GB</var>
     178    before running Subversion commands. This prevents failure of FCM when it
     179    attempts to parse output from Subversion commands when a different
     180    <var>LANG</var> setting is used.</li>
    183181  </ul>
    189187  </ul>
    191   <h2><a name="req" id="req">System Requirements</a></h2>
    193   <h3><a name="req_perl" id="req_perl">Perl</a></h3>
     189  <h2 id="req">System Requirements</h2>
     191  <h3 id="req_perl">Perl</h3>
    195193  <p>The core part of FCM is a set of Perl scripts and modules. For the build
    198196  <ul>
    199     <li class="mono">Carp</li>
    201     <li class="mono">Cwd</li>
    203     <li class="mono">File::Basename</li>
    205     <li class="mono">File::Compare</li>
    207     <li class="mono">File::Find</li>
    209     <li class="mono">File::Path</li>
    211     <li class="mono">File::Spec::Functions</li>
    213     <li class="mono">File::Spec</li>
    215     <li class="mono">FindBin</li>
    217     <li class="mono">Getopt::Long</li>
    219     <li class="mono">POSIX</li>
     197    <li>Carp</li>
     199    <li>Cwd</li>
     201    <li>File::Basename</li>
     203    <li>File::Compare</li>
     205    <li>File::Find</li>
     207    <li>File::Path</li>
     209    <li>File::Spec::Functions</li>
     211    <li>File::Spec</li>
     213    <li>FindBin</li>
     215    <li>Getopt::Long</li>
     217    <li>POSIX</li>
    220218  </ul>
    225223  <ul>
    226     <li class="mono">File::Temp</li>
    228     <li class="mono">Getopt::Long</li>
    230     <li class="mono">HTTP::Date</li>
    232     <li class="mono">XML::DOM</li>
     224    <li>File::Temp</li>
     226    <li>Getopt::Long</li>
     228    <li>HTTP::Date</li>
     230    <li>XML::DOM</li>
    233231  </ul>
    238236  <ul>
    239     <li class="mono">Tk::ROText</li>
    241     <li class="mono">Tk</li>
     237    <li>Tk::ROText</li>
     239    <li>Tk</li>
    242240  </ul>
    245243  5.8.x. In addition the build system is being used with Perl 5.6.x.</p>
    247   <h3><a name="req_svn" id="req_svn">Subversion</a></h3>
     245  <h3 id="req_svn">Subversion</h3>
    249247  <p>To use the code management commands (and relevant parts of the extract
    265263  Subversion installed on these platforms.</p>
    267   <h3><a name="req_trac" id="req_trac">Trac</a></h3>
    269   <p>The use of <a href="http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/">Trac</a> is
    270   entirely optional (although highly recommended if you are using Subversion).
    271   At the Met Office we are currently using version 0.9.6.</p>
    273   <h3><a name="req_other" id="req_other">Other Requirements</a></h3>
    275   <p>The <tt>fcm diff --graphical</tt> and <tt>fcm conflicts</tt> commands
    276   require <a href="http://furius.ca/xxdiff/">xxdiff</a>. At the Met Office we
    277   are currently using version 3.1.</p>
     265  <h3 id="req_trac">Trac</h3>
     267  <p>The use of <a href="http://trac.edgewall.org/">Trac</a> is entirely
     268  optional (although highly recommended if you are using Subversion). At the
     269  Met Office we are currently using version 0.9.6.</p>
     271  <h3 id="req_other">Other Requirements</h3>
     273  <p>The <code>fcm diff --graphical</code> and <code>fcm conflicts</code>
     274  commands require <a href="http://furius.ca/xxdiff/">xxdiff</a>. At the Met
     275  Office we are currently using version 3.1.</p>
    279277  <p>The build system requires <a href=
    283281  <p>Optionally, the build system can use <a href=
    284   "http://www.ifremer.fr/ditigo/molagnon/fortran90">f90aib</a> to generate
     282  "http://www.ifremer.fr/ditigo/molagnon/fortran90/">f90aib</a> to generate
    285283  interface files. However, there is also a built in Perl based interface file
    286284  generator which is quicker and better in most cases so you are unlikely to
    291289  11.00.</p>
    293   <h2><a name="ins" id="ins">Installation</a></h2>
     291  <h2 id="ins">Installation</h2>
    295293  <p>FCM is distributed in the form of a compressed tar file. Un-pack the tar
    296   file into an appropriate location on your system. Then add the <tt>bin</tt>
    297   directory into your PATH. Once you have done this you should now have full
    298   access to the FCM system, assuming that you have met the requirements
    299   described in the previous section.</p>
     294  file into an appropriate location on your system. Then add the
     295  <samp>bin/</samp> directory into your <var>PATH</var>. Once you have done this
     296  you should now have full access to the FCM system, assuming that you have met
     297  the requirements described in the previous section.</p>
    301299  <p>If you wish to define keywords for your systems you will need to create a
    302   file <tt>etc/fcm.cfg</tt>. An example file, <tt>fcm.cfg.eg</tt>, is provided
    303   which is a copy of the file currently used at the Met Office. For further
    304   details please refer to the section <a href=
     300  file <samp>etc/fcm.cfg</samp>. An example file, <samp>fcm.cfg.eg</samp>, is
     301  provided which is a copy of the file currently used at the Met Office. For
     302  further details please refer to the section <a href=
    305303  "../user_guide/system_admin.html#fcm-keywords">FCM keywords</a> in the System
    306304  Admin chapter of the User Guide.</p>
    308   <p>The <tt>doc</tt> directory contains all the system documentation.</p>
    310   <ul>
    311     <li><tt>doc/release_notes</tt> contains these release notes. It also
     306  <p>The <samp>doc/</samp> directory contains all the system documentation.</p>
     308  <ul>
     309    <li><samp>doc/release_notes/</samp> contains these release notes. It also
    312310    contains the release notes for all previous versions which may be useful if
    313311    you have skipped any versions.</li>
    315     <li><tt>doc/user_guide</tt> contains the FCM User Guide in both <a href=
    316     "../user_guide/index.html">HTML</a> and <a href=
     313    <li><samp>doc/user_guide/</samp> contains the FCM User Guide in both
     314    <a href="../user_guide/">HTML</a> and <a href=
    317315    "../user_guide/fcm-user-guide.pdf">PDF</a> form.</li>
    319     <li><tt>doc/design</tt> contains the <a href="../design/index.html">FCM
    320     Detailed Design</a> document (currently in draft form).</li>
    322     <li><tt>doc/standards</tt> contains the FCM <a href=
     317    <li><samp>doc/design/</samp> contains the <a href="../design/">FCM Detailed
     318    Design</a> document (currently in draft form).</li>
     320    <li><samp>doc/standards/</samp> contains the FCM <a href=
    323321    "../standards/perl_standard.html">Perl</a> and <a href=
    324322    "../standards/fortran_standard.html">Fortran</a> coding standards. The Perl
    330328  </ul>
    332   <p>The <tt>tutorial</tt> directory contains the files necessary to set up a
    333   tutorial repository. This will allow you to follow the <a href=
     330  <p>The <samp>tutorial/</samp> directory contains the files necessary to set
     331  up a tutorial repository. This will allow you to follow the <a href=
    334332  "../user_guide/getting_started.html#tutorial">tutorial section</a> in the
    335333  User Guide.</p>
    337335  <ul>
    338     <li>The file <tt>tutorial/repos/tutorial.dump</tt> should be loaded into an
    339     empty repository using the <tt>svnadmin load</tt> command.</li>
    341     <li>The hook scripts in <tt>tutorial/hook</tt> should then be installed in
    342     this repository in order to prevent any commits to the trunk. Note that the
    343     configuration file <tt>svnperms.conf</tt> assumes that the tutorial
    344     repository is called <tt>tutorial_svn</tt>. Please edit this file if you
    345     use a different name.</li>
     336    <li>The file <samp>tutorial/repos/tutorial.dump</samp> should be loaded
     337    into an empty repository using the <code>svnadmin load</code> command.</li>
     339    <li>The hook scripts in <samp>tutorial/hook/</samp> should then be
     340    installed in this repository in order to prevent any commits to the trunk.
     341    Note that the configuration file <samp>svnperms.conf</samp> assumes that
     342    the tutorial repository is called <samp>tutorial_svn</samp>. Please edit
     343    this file if you use a different name.</li>
    347345    <li>The repository should be configured to allow users write access. You
    353351  </ul>
    355   <p>The <tt>templates</tt> directory contains various example scripts which
    356   you may find useful. Note that these scripts are all specific to the Met
    357   Office and may contain hard coded paths and email addresses. They are
     353  <p>The <samp>templates/</samp> directory contains various example scripts
     354  which you may find useful. Note that these scripts are all specific to the
     355  Met Office and may contain hard coded paths and email addresses. They are
    358356  provided in the hope that you may find them useful as templates for setting
    359357  up similar scripts of your own. However, they should only be used after
    361359  follows:</p>
    363   <table summary="list of template scripts" border="1" width="100%">
    364     <tr>
    365       <th>Script</th>
    367       <th>Description</th>
    368     </tr>
    370     <tr>
    371       <th>templates/hook/pre-commit</th>
    373       <td>
    374         This script restricts write-access to the repository by checking the
    375         following:
    377         <ul>
    378           <li>It executes the Subversion utility <tt>svnperms.py</tt> if it
    379           exists. This utility checks whether the author of the current
    380           transaction has enough permission to write to particular paths in the
    381           repository.</li>
    383           <li>It checks the disk space required by the current transaction. It
    384           fails the commit if it requires more than 5Mb of disk space.</li>
    385         </ul>
    386       </td>
    387     </tr>
    389     <tr>
    390       <th>templates/hook/post-commit</th>
    392       <td>A simple post-commit hook script which runs the script
    393       <tt>post-commit-background</tt> in the background.</td>
    394     </tr>
    396     <tr>
    397       <th>templates/hook/post-commit-background</th>
    399       <td>
    400         This script runs in the background after each commit
    402         <ul>
    403           <li>It updates a <tt>&lt;repos&gt;.latest</tt> file with the latest
    404           revision number.</li>
    406           <li>It creates a dump of the new revision.</li>
    408           <li>It calls the script <tt>background_updates.pl</tt> if it
    409           exists.</li>
    410         </ul>This script is installed as standard in all our repositories.
    411       </td>
    412     </tr>
    414     <tr>
    415       <th>templates/hook/background_updates.pl</th>
    417       <td>An example of how you may want to set up a
    418       <tt>background_updates.pl</tt> script to perform post-commit tasks for a
    419       specific repository. This script uses a lock file to prevent multiple
    420       commits in quick succession from causing problems.</td>
    421     </tr>
    423     <tr>
    424       <th>templates/hook/pre-revprop-change</th>
    426       <td>A simple pre-revprop-change hook script which runs the script
    427       <tt>pre-revprop-change.pl</tt>.</td>
    428     </tr>
    430     <tr>
    431       <th>templates/hook/pre-revprop-change.pl</th>
    433       <td>If a user attempts to modify the log message of a changeset and
    434       he/she is not the original author of the changeset, this script will
    435       e-mail the original author. You can also set up a watch facility to
    436       monitor changes of log messages that affect particular paths in the
    437       repository. For further details please refer to the section <a href=
    438       "../user_guide/system_admin.html#svn_watch">Watching changes in log
    439       messages</a> in the System Admin chapter of the User Guide.</td>
    440     </tr>
    442     <tr>
    443       <th>templates/hook/post-revprop-change</th>
    445       <td>A simple post-revprop-change hook script which runs the script
    446       <tt>post-revprop-change.py</tt>.</td>
    447     </tr>
    449     <tr>
    450       <th>templates/hook/post-revprop-change.py</th>
    452       <td>This hook script updates the Trac SQLite database following a
    453       successful change in the log message.</td>
    454     </tr>
    456     <tr>
    457       <th>templates/utils/cron_template.ksh</th>
    459       <td>An example of how you might set up a cron job to make use of the
    460       <tt>&lt;repos&gt;.latest</tt> file.</td>
    461     </tr>
    463     <tr>
    464       <th>templates/utils/daily_cron</th>
    466       <td>The cron job which we run each night. It verifies and backs up each
    467       of our repositories, housekeeps the revision dumps created by
    468       <tt>post-commit-background</tt> and backs up each of our Trac systems. It
    469       also handles the distribution of FCM to various platforms at the Met
    470       Office.</td>
    471     </tr>
    473     <tr>
    474       <th>templates/utils/fcm_add_trac.pl</th>
    476       <td>This script sets up a new Trac system and applies some configuration
    477       options which we use by default at the Met Office.</td>
    478     </tr>
    480     <tr>
    481       <th>templates/utils/recover_svn.pl</th>
    483       <td>This script allows us to recover all of our Subversion repositories
    484       by using the nightly backups and the repository dumps.</td>
    485     </tr>
    486   </table>
     361  <dl>
     362    <dt>templates/hook/pre-commit</dt>
     364    <dd>
     365      This script restricts write-access to the repository by checking the
     366      following:
     368      <ul>
     369        <li>It executes the Subversion utility <code>svnperms.py</code> if it
     370        exists. This utility checks whether the author of the current
     371        transaction has enough permission to write to particular paths in the
     372        repository.</li>
     374        <li>It checks the disk space required by the current transaction. It
     375        fails the commit if it requires more than 5Mb of disk space.</li>
     376      </ul>
     377    </dd>
     379    <dt>templates/hook/post-commit</dt>
     381    <dd>A simple post-commit hook script which runs the script
     382    <code>post-commit-background</code> in the background.</dd>
     384    <dt>templates/hook/post-commit-background</dt>
     386    <dd>
     387      This script runs in the background after each commit.
     389      <ul>
     390        <li>It updates a <samp>&lt;repos&gt;.latest</samp> file with the latest
     391        revision number.</li>
     393        <li>It creates a dump of the new revision.</li>
     395        <li>It calls the script <code>background_updates.pl</code> if it
     396        exists.</li>
     397      </ul>This script is installed as standard in all our repositories.
     398    </dd>
     400    <dt>templates/hook/background_updates.pl</dt>
     402    <dd>An example of how you may want to set up a
     403    <code>background_updates.pl</code> script to perform post-commit tasks for
     404    a specific repository. This script uses a lock file to prevent multiple
     405    commits in quick succession from causing problems.</dd>
     407    <dt>templates/hook/pre-revprop-change</dt>
     409    <dd>A simple pre-revprop-change hook script which runs the script
     410    <code>pre-revprop-change.pl</code>.</dd>
     412    <dt>templates/hook/pre-revprop-change.pl</dt>
     414    <dd>If a user attempts to modify the log message of a changeset and he/she
     415    is not the original author of the changeset, this script will e-mail the
     416    original author. You can also set up a watch facility to monitor changes of
     417    log messages that affect particular paths in the repository. For further
     418    details please refer to the section <a href=
     419    "../user_guide/system_admin.html#svn_watch">Watching changes in log
     420    messages</a> in the System Admin chapter of the User Guide.</dd>
     422    <dt>templates/hook/post-revprop-change</dt>
     424    <dd>A simple post-revprop-change hook script which runs the script
     425    <code>post-revprop-change.py</code>.</dd>
     427    <dt>templates/hook/post-revprop-change.py</dt>
     429    <dd>This hook script updates the Trac SQLite database following a
     430    successful change in the log message.</dd>
     432    <dt>templates/utils/cron_template.ksh</dt>
     434    <dd>An example of how you might set up a cron job to make use of the
     435    <samp>&lt;repos&gt;.latest</samp> file.</dd>
     437    <dt>templates/utils/daily_cron</dt>
     439    <dd>The cron job which we run each night. It verifies and backs up each of
     440    our repositories, housekeeps the revision dumps created by
     441    <code>post-commit-background</code> and backs up each of our Trac systems.
     442    It also handles the distribution of FCM to various platforms at the Met
     443    Office.</dd>
     445    <dt>templates/utils/fcm_add_trac.pl</dt>
     447    <dd>This script sets up a new Trac system and applies some configuration
     448    options which we use by default at the Met Office.</dd>
     450    <dt>templates/utils/recover_svn.pl</dt>
     452    <dd>This script allows us to recover all of our Subversion repositories by
     453    using the nightly backups and the repository dumps.</dd>
     454  </dl>
     456  </div>
     457  </div>
     458  </div>
     460  <hr/>
     461  <div class="container-fluid text-center">
     462    <div class="row"><div class="col-md-12">
     463    <address><small>
     464      Copyright &copy; 2006-2021 British Crown (Met Office) &amp; Contributors.
     465      <a href="http://www.metoffice.gov.uk">Met Office</a>.
     466      See <a href="../etc/fcm-terms-of-use.html">Terms of Use</a>.<br />
     467      This document is released under the British <a href=
     468      "http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/" rel=
     469      "license">Open Government Licence</a>.<br />
     470    </small></address>
     471    </div></div>
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     474  <script type="text/javascript" src="../etc/jquery.min.js"></script>
     475  <script type="text/javascript" src="../etc/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
     476  <script type="text/javascript" src="../etc/fcm.js"></script>
     477  <script type="text/javascript" src="../etc/fcm-version.js"></script>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.