Jul 1, 2024, 11:25:05 AM (4 months ago)
  • strings_mod:
    • remove "test()" function (was not very clear)
    • modifications of the "str2bool" function: result is O/1 for .FALSE./.TRUE. and -1 if the string was not a boolean.
    • more general "find()" function (for several numerical types)
    • more general "cat()" function (can append a 2D array with vectors, 1D arrays with scalars)
    • few simplifications (in "strParse") and minor changes
  • readTracFiles_mod:
    • remove internal usage of direct keys ("%" symbol) in favor of the "getKey" function. => moving toward a totally generic tracers derived type.
    • improve the internal management of the error return value "lerr".
    • remove "fGetKey", "fGetKeys", "setDirectKeys" functions
    • new functions to add/remove a phase: "addPhase", "delPhase"
    • more general "addKey(key[(:)], val[(:)], ky(:), [lOverWrite])" function: . input argument "val" can be string/integer/real/logical . (key, val, ky ): add the <key> =<val> pair to ky . (key, val(:), ky(:)): add the <key> =<val(i)> pair to ky(i) for 1<=i<=SIZE(ky) . (key(:), val(:), ky(:)): add the <key(i)>=<val(i)> pair to ky(i) for 1<=i<=SIZE(ky)
    • more general "getKey(key[(:)], val[(:)], itr [, ky(:)][, nam(:)][, def][, lDisp])" (tracer index version)

and "getKey(key[(:)], val[(:)], tname[, ky(:)]. [, def][, lDisp])" (tracer name version) functions:

. output argument "val" can be string/integer/real/logical
. if present, the default value <def> is retained if the corresponding key was not found.
. get values from "ky(:)" if present, otherwise from internal database "tracers(:)" or "isotope ».
. if "keyn" is a vector, try with each element in indices order until a value is found
. (key[(:)], val, itr/tname[,ky(:)][, ...]): get the value <val> of tracer nr. itr or named "tname"
. (key[(:)], val(:), itr/tname[,ky(:)][, ...]): same + parsing of the value with « , », then storage in <val(:)>
. (key[(:)], val(:)[, ky(:)][, nam(:)][, ...]): same for all tracers (optional names list <nam(:)>) of database.
. (key[(:)], val(:), tname(:)[, ky(:)][, ...]): same for the tracers named « tnames(:)"

  • more general "dispTraSection" function
  • much simplified "indexUpdate" function ; "ancestor*" and "idxAncestor" functions are removed.
  • "readIsotopesFile" is renamed to "processIsotopes" for more clarity
  • cosmetic changes
  • fix for isotopes: iq_val and iq_liq are usable for "q" only, not for "q_follow" and "zx_defau_diag" => use hardcoded indices (1 for vapor and 2 for liquid) for these variables
1 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/dyn3d_common/infotrac.F90

    r4984 r5001  
    55   USE       strings_mod, ONLY: msg, fmsg, maxlen, cat, dispTable, int2str, bool2str, strStack, strParse
    66   USE readTracFiles_mod, ONLY: trac_type, readTracersFiles, tracers, setGeneration, itZonIso, nzone, tran0, isoZone, &
    7         delPhase, niso, getKey, isot_type, readIsotopesFile, isotope, maxTableWidth, iqIsoPha, nphas, ixIso, isoPhas, &
    8         addPhase, iH2O, addKey, isoSelect, testTracersFiles, isoKeys, indexUpdate,   isoCheck, nbIso, ntiso, isoName
     7        delPhase, niso, getKey, isot_type, processIsotopes, isotope, maxTableWidth, iqIsoPha, nphas, ixIso, isoPhas, &
     8        addPhase, iH2O, addKey, isoSelect, testTracersFiles, isoKeys, indexUpdate,  iqWIsoPha, nbIso, ntiso, isoName, isoCheck
    225225   ttp = type_trac; IF(fType /= 1) ttp = texp
    227    IF(readTracersFiles(ttp, type_trac == 'repr'))    CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem with tracers file(s)',1)
     227   IF(readTracersFiles(ttp, lRepr=type_trac=='repr')) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem with tracers file(s)',1)
    228228   !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    229229   IF(fType == 0) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Missing tracers file: "traceur.def", "tracer.def" or "tracer_<keyword>.def file.',1)
    348348      IF(nm == 0) CYCLE                                              !--- No higher moments
    349349      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)             = t1
    350       ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%name        = [(TRIM(t1%name)    //'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
    351       ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%parent      = [(TRIM(t1%parent)  //'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
    352       ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%longName    = [(TRIM(t1%longName)//'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
    353       ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%iadv        = [(-iad,    im=1, nm) ]
    354       ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%isAdvected  = [(.FALSE., im=1, nm) ]
     350      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%name        = [ (TRIM(t1%name)    //'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
     351      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%parent      = [ (TRIM(t1%parent)  //'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
     352      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%longName    = [ (TRIM(t1%longName)//'-'//TRIM(suff(im)), im=1, nm) ]
     353      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%iadv        = [ (-iad,    im=1, nm) ]
     354      ttr(jq+1:jq+nm)%isAdvected  = [ (.FALSE., im=1, nm) ]
    355355      jq = jq + nm
    356356   END DO
    360360   !--- SET FIELDS %iqParent, %nqChildren, %iGeneration, %iqDescen, %nqDescen
    361    CALL indexUpdate(tracers)
     361   IF(indexUpdate(tracers)) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem with tracers indices update', 1)
    363363   !=== TEST ADVECTION SCHEME
    384384   !=== READ PHYSICAL PARAMETERS FOR ISOTOPES ; DONE HERE BECAUSE dynetat0 AND iniacademic NEED "tnat" AND "alpha_ideal"
    385385   niso = 0; nzone = 0; nphas = nqo; ntiso = 0; isoCheck = .FALSE.
    386    IF(readIsotopesFile()) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'Problem when reading isotopes parameters', 1)
     386   IF(processIsotopes()) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem when processing isotopes parameters', 1)
    388388   !--- Convection / boundary layer activation for all tracers
    393393   nqtottr = nqtot - COUNT(delPhase(tracers%gen0Name) == 'H2O' .AND. tracers%component == 'lmdz')
    394394   IF(COUNT(tracers%iso_iName == 0) - COUNT(delPhase(tracers%name) == 'H2O' .AND. tracers%component == 'lmdz') /= nqtottr) &
    395       CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'pb dans le calcul de nqtottr', 1)
     395      CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem with the computation of nqtottr', 1)
    397397   !=== DISPLAY THE RESULTS
    408408   t => tracers
    409409   CALL msg('Information stored in infotrac :', modname)
    410    IF(dispTable('isssssssssiiiiiiiii', &
    411       ['iq    ', 'name  ', 'lName ', 'gen0N ', 'parent', 'type  ', 'phase ', 'compon', 'isPhy ', 'isAdv ', &
    412        'iadv  ', 'iGen  ', 'iqPar ', 'nqDes ', 'nqChld', 'iGroup', 'iName ', 'iZone ', 'iPhase'],          &
     411   IF(dispTable('isssssssssiiiiiiiii', ['iq  ', 'name', 'lNam', 'g0Nm', 'prnt', 'type', 'phas', 'comp',    &
     412                'isPh', 'isAd', 'iadv', 'iGen', 'iqPr', 'nqDe', 'nqCh', 'iGrp', 'iNam', 'iZon', 'iPha'],   &
    413413      cat(t%name, t%longName, t%gen0Name, t%parent, t%type, t%phase, t%component, bool2str(t%isInPhysics), &
    414414                                                                                  bool2str(t%isAdvected)), &
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