Jun 13, 2024, 2:39:53 PM (4 months ago)

(WIP) update spirit arch
update script_SIMU env
fix setup.sh, add netcdf option
fix aerosols detection

1 edited


  • BOL/LMDZ_Setup_amaury/setup.sh

    r4978 r4980  
    1313  #   add "-debug" to the compilation options in the compile.sh script created in the present folder, and run it (./compile.sh gcm)
    1414  #   ALTERNATIVELY : you can remove $optim in the definition of "LMDZname" below
    15   optim=""
    16   #optim="-debug"
     15  #optim=""
     16  optim="-debug"  # TODO temp
    1818  #NOTE : "testmode=y" is for running in test mode :
    4141  # - number: orchidee version number : only rev 7983 on branch _2_2, and 7994 on trunk, are available
    4242  veget="CMIP6"
     43  veget="none"  # TODO temp
    4344  #AS : If you have installed the model with a given "veget" option, and you want to change it :
    4445  #   --> RECOMMENDED : re-install the model from scratch in a new TEST_PROD folder
    6465  #          For aerosols=n, the corresponding flags will automatically be set to "n".
    6566  #   With XIOS : adjust DEF/XMLfiles*/file*xml
     68  netcdf=0  # TODO set back to 0
    209212  # (Temporary) Constraints for aerosols=spla :
    210213  # --> resolution 128x88x79 and rad=rrtm
    211   if [[ $aerosols = 1 && $resol != "128x88x79" ]]; then
     214  if [[ $aerosols = "spla" && $resol != "128x88x79" ]]; then
    212215    echo 'STOP: For now, <aerosols=spla> requires <resol=128x88x79>, and uses the zoomed grid from gcm.def_zNAfrica_BiJe, for which forcing & initial files are available'
    213216    echo "Right now resol=<$resol>"
    235238  cp "$local/install_lmdz.sh" .
    236239  chmod +x install_lmdz.sh
    237   echo "./install_lmdz.sh -noclean $optim -v $version $svnopt -d $resol -rad $rad -bench 0 -parallel mpi_omp $ins_cosp $ins_xios $ins_aero $ins_inlandsis -name $LMDZname -veget $veget -netcdf 0 -arch $ARCH" >> install_lmdz_options.$$.sh
     240  echo "./install_lmdz.sh -noclean $optim -v $version $svnopt -d $resol -rad $rad -bench 0 -parallel mpi_omp $ins_cosp $ins_xios $ins_aero $ins_inlandsis -name $LMDZname -veget $veget -netcdf $netcdf -arch $ARCH" >> install_lmdz_options.$$.sh
    238241  chmod +x install_lmdz_options.$$.sh
    239242  echo "Running install_lmdz_options.$$.sh"
    286289  # TEMPORAIREMENT pour spla on force l'utilisation de gcm.def_zNAfrica_BiJe (avec resolution 128x88x79)
    287290  #----------------------------------------------------------------------
    288   if [[ $aerosols = spla ]]; then cp DEF/gcm.def_zNAfrica_BiJe DEF/gcm.def; fi
     291  if [[ $aerosols = "spla" ]]; then cp DEF/gcm.def_zNAfrica_BiJe DEF/gcm.def; fi
    290293  # Inscription du choix ok_guide dans DEF/guide.def
    302305  #   cf options veget, aerosols, cosp, xios
    303306  #---------------------------------------------------------------------
    304   if [[ $veget = none ]]; then  VEGET="n"; else VEGET="y"; fi
     307  if [[ $veget = "none" ]]; then  VEGET="n"; else VEGET="y"; fi
    305308  sed -i'' -e 's/VEGET=.*.$/VEGET='$VEGET'/' DEF/config.def
    603606#@JZ#SBATCH --job-name=Init         # nom du job
    604607#@JZ#SBATCH --ntasks=1              # Nombre de processus MPI
    605 #@JZ#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16      # nombre de threads OpenMP
     608#@JZ#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1      # nombre de threads OpenMP
    606609#@JZ# /!\ Attention, la ligne suivante est trompeuse mais dans le vocabulaire
    607610#@JZ# de Slurm "multithread" fait bien référence à l'hyperthreading.
    615618#@SP#SBATCH --job-name=Init
    616619#@SP#SBATCH --ntasks=1
    617 #@SP#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
     620#@SP#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    618621#@SP#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
    619622#@SP#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
    623626#@ADS#SBATCH --job-name=Init
    624627#@ADS#SBATCH --ntasks=1
    625 #@ADS#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
     628#@ADS#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
    626629#@ADS#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
    627630#@ADS#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
    636639. lmdz_env.sh
    637640ulimit -s unlimited
    638 export OMP_STACKSIZE=800M
    639 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
    640641cd $SIMRUNDIR/$INIT
    641642echo "Executable : $ce0l"
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