Changeset 4348 for LMDZ6/trunk/libf/misc
- Timestamp:
- Nov 13, 2022, 10:23:47 PM (2 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ6/trunk/libf/misc
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4334 r4348 220 220 IF(test(fmsg('Invalid format for "' //TRIM(fname)//'"', modname, ierr>0), lerr)) RETURN 221 221 IF(test(fmsg('Not enough lines in "'//TRIM(fname)//'"', modname, ierr<0), lerr)) RETURN 222 l l = strParse(str, ' ', s, n=ns)222 lerr = strParse(str, ' ', s, ns) 223 223 CALL msg('This file is for air tracers only', modname, ns == 3 .AND. it == 1) 224 224 CALL msg('This files specifies the transporting fluid', modname, ns == 4 .AND. it == 1) … … 431 431 CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM=tdb, TO=dBase) 432 432 ELSE !=== TRACER LINE 433 ll = strParse(str,' ', keys = s, vals = v, n = n)!--- Parse <key>=<val> pairs433 ll = strParse(str,' ', s, n, v) !--- Parse <key>=<val> pairs 434 434 tt = dBase(ndb)%trac(:) 435 435 tmp%name = s(1); tmp%keys = keys_type(s(1), s(2:n), v(2:n)) !--- Set %name and %keys … … 549 549 DO it = 1, nt !=== EXPAND TRACERS AND PARENTS NAMES LISTS 550 550 !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 551 ll = strParse(tr(it)%name, ',', ta, n =ntr)!--- Number of tracers552 ll = strParse(tr(it)%parent, ',', pa, n =npr)!--- Number of parents551 ll = strParse(tr(it)%name, ',', ta, ntr) !--- Number of tracers 552 ll = strParse(tr(it)%parent, ',', pa, npr) !--- Number of parents 553 553 DO ipr=1,npr !--- Loop on parents list elts 554 554 DO itr=1,ntr !--- Loop on tracers list elts … … 1308 1308 LOGICAL :: lo 1309 1309 lo=.TRUE.; IF(PRESENT(lOverWrite)) lo=lOverWrite 1310 iky = strIdx(ky%key,key) 1310 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(ky%key)) THEN 1311 ALLOCATE(ky%key(1)); ky%key(1)=key 1312 ALLOCATE(ky%val(1)); ky%val(1)=val 1313 RETURN 1314 END IF 1315 iky = 0; IF(ALLOCATED(ky%key)) iky = strIdx(ky%key,key) 1311 1316 IF(iky == 0) THEN 1312 nky = SIZE(ky%key)1313 ALLOCATE(k(nky+1)); IF(ALLOCATED(ky%key))k(1:nky) = ky%key; k(nky+1) = key; ky%key = k1314 ALLOCATE(v(nky+1)); IF(ALLOCATED(ky%val))v(1:nky) = ky%val; v(nky+1) = val; ky%val = v1317 nky = 0; IF(ALLOCATED(ky%key)) nky = SIZE(ky%key) 1318 ALLOCATE(k(nky+1)); k(1:nky) = ky%key; k(nky+1) = key; ky%key = k 1319 ALLOCATE(v(nky+1)); v(1:nky) = ky%val; v(nky+1) = val; ky%val = v 1315 1320 ELSE IF(lo) THEN 1316 1321 ky%key(iky) = key; ky%val(iky) = val … … 1851 1856 newName = oldName 1852 1857 IF(PRESENT(iPhase)) iPhase = 1 !--- Default: gaseous phase 1853 lerr = strParse(oldName, '_', tmp, n =nt)!--- Parsing: 1 up to 3 elements.1858 lerr = strParse(oldName, '_', tmp, nt) !--- Parsing: 1 up to 3 elements. 1854 1859 ip = strIdx( [('H2O'//old_phases(ix:ix), ix=1, nphases)], tmp(1) ) !--- Phase index 1855 1860 IF(ip /= 0 .AND. PRESENT(iPhase)) iPhase = ip !--- Returning phase index -
r4325 r4348 21 21 INTERFACE strIdx; MODULE PROCEDURE strIdx_1, strIdx_m; END INTERFACE strIdx 22 22 INTERFACE strCount; MODULE PROCEDURE strCount_m1, strCount_11, strCount_1m; END INTERFACE strCount 23 INTERFACE strParse; MODULE PROCEDURE strParse_1, strParse_m; END INTERFACE strParse24 23 INTERFACE strReplace; MODULE PROCEDURE strReplace_1, strReplace_m; END INTERFACE strReplace 25 24 INTERFACE cat; MODULE PROCEDURE horzcat_s1, horzcat_i1, horzcat_r1, & … … 444 443 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: idel !--- Index of the identified delimiter (0 if idx==0) 445 444 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lSc !--- Care about nbs with front sign or in scient. notation 446 445 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 447 446 INTEGER :: idx0 !--- Used to display an identified non-numeric string 448 447 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ii(:) 449 448 LOGICAL :: ll, ls 450 449 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: d 451 ! modname = 'strIdx'452 450 lerr = .FALSE. 453 idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, ibeg, idel) !--- del(idel) appears in "rawList" at position idx451 idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, ibeg, idel) !--- idx/=0: del(idel) is at position "idx" in "rawList" 454 452 IF(.NOT.PRESENT(lSc)) RETURN !--- No need to check exceptions for numbers => finished 455 453 IF(.NOT. lSc ) RETURN !--- No need to check exceptions for numbers => finished 456 IF(idx == 0) THEN !--- No element of "del" in "rawList": 454 455 !=== No delimiter found: the whole string must be a valid number 456 IF(idx == 0) THEN !--- No element of "del" in "rawList" 457 457 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:)) !--- String must be a number 458 IF(lerr) idx = LEN_TRIM(rawList); RETURN !--- Update idx => rawList(ibeg:idx-1) is the whole string 459 END IF 460 idx0 = idx 461 IF(test(idx==1.AND.INDEX('+-',del(idel))/=0, lerr)) RETURN !--- Front separator different from +/-: error 462 IF(idx/=1.AND.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1))) RETURN !--- The input string tail is a valid number 463 idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, idx+1, idel) !--- => TO THE NEXT DELIMITER 458 IF(lerr) idx = LEN_TRIM(rawList); RETURN !--- Set idx so that rawList(ibeg:idx-1) = whole string 459 END IF 460 461 IF(test(idx == 1 .AND. INDEX('+-',del(idel)) /= 0, lerr)) RETURN !--- The front delimiter is different from +/-: error 462 IF( idx /= 1 .AND. is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1))) RETURN !--- The input string head is a valid number 463 464 !=== The string part in front of the 1st delimiter is not a valid number: search for next delimiter index "idx" 465 idx0 = idx ; idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, idx+1, idel) !--- Keep start index because idx is recycled 464 466 IF(idx == 0) THEN 465 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:)) !--- No delimiter detected: string must be a number467 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:)) !--- No other delimiter: whole string must be a valid numb 466 468 IF(lerr) idx = idx0; RETURN 467 469 END IF 468 idx0 = idx 469 IF(is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1))) RETURN !--- The input string tail is a valid number 470 IF(test( INDEX('eE',rawList(idx-1:idx-1)) /= 0 & !--- Sole possible exception: scientific notation: E+/- 471 .OR. INDEX('+-',del(idel)) /=0, lerr)) RETURN 472 idx = strIdx1(rawList, del, idx+1, idel) !--- => TO THE NEXT DELIMITER 473 IF(idx == 0) THEN 474 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:)) !--- No separator detected: string must be a number 475 IF(lerr) idx = idx0; RETURN 476 END IF 477 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1)) 470 lerr = .NOT.is_numeric(rawList(ibeg:idx-1)) !--- String before second delimiter is a valid number 471 478 472 CONTAINS 479 473 474 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 480 475 INTEGER FUNCTION strIdx1(str, del, ib, id) RESULT(idx) 481 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str 482 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: del(:) 476 !--- Get the index of the first appereance of one of the delimiters "del(:)" in "str" starting from position "ib". 477 !--- "id" is the index in "del(:)" of the first delimiter found. 478 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str, del(:) 483 479 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ib 484 480 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: id 485 486 INTEGER :: nd, ns, i 487 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ii(:) 488 489 nd = SIZE(del) !--- Number of separators 490 ns = LEN_TRIM(str) !--- Length of the raw chain 491 ii = [(INDEX( str(ib:ns), del(i) ), i = 1, nd)] !--- Determine the next separator start index 492 id = MINLOC( ii, MASK = ii /= 0, DIM = 1 ) !--- Current delimiter index in the "delimiter(:)" list 493 idx = 0 494 IF(ANY(ii /= 0)) idx = MINVAL( ii, MASK = ii /= 0 ) + ib - 1 !--- Index in "str(1:ns)" of the delimiter first character 495 IF(idx == 0) id = 0 481 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 482 INTEGER :: i, ix 483 idx = 0; id = 0 484 DO id = 1, SIZE(del) !--- Test for delimiter "del(id)" 485 ix = INDEX(str(ib:LEN_TRIM(str)), del(id)) !--- "del(id)" appears at position "idx" in "str(ib:ns)" 486 IF(ix /= 0 .AND. (ix < idx .OR. idx == 0 )) idx = ix 487 END DO 488 IF(idx /= 0) idx = idx + ib - 1 !--- Index counted from first character of "str" 496 489 END FUNCTION strIdx1 497 490 498 491 END FUNCTION strIdx_prv 499 !==============================================================================================================================500 501 502 !==============================================================================================================================503 !=== Return the index of first appearance of "del" in "str" starting from index "ib"504 !==============================================================================================================================505 INTEGER FUNCTION strIndex(str, del, ib) RESULT(idx)506 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: str507 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: del508 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ib509 idx = INDEX( str(ib:LEN_TRIM(str)), del ) + ib -1510 END FUNCTION strIndex511 492 !============================================================================================================================== 512 493 … … 572 553 !=== Corresponding "vals" remains empty if the element does not contain "=" sign. ==================================== 573 554 !============================================================================================================================== 574 LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse _1(rawList, delimiter, keys, lSc, vals, n) RESULT(lerr)555 LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse(rawList, delimiter, keys, n, vals) RESULT(lerr) 575 556 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList, delimiter 576 557 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) 577 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lSc !--- Take care about numbers in scientific notation558 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n 578 559 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) 579 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n 580 LOGICAL :: ll 581 ! modname = 'strParse' 582 ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc 583 IF(.NOT.PRESENT(vals)) lerr = strParse_m(rawList, [delimiter], keys, ll) 584 IF( PRESENT(vals)) lerr = strParse_m(rawList, [delimiter], keys, ll, vals) 585 IF(PRESENT(n)) n = SIZE(keys) 586 END FUNCTION strParse_1 587 !============================================================================================================================== 588 LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse_m(rawList, delimiter, keys, lSc, vals, n, id) RESULT(lerr) 560 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 561 CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: r 562 INTEGER :: nr, ik, nk, ib, ie 563 lerr = .FALSE. 564 r = TRIM(ADJUSTL(rawList)) 565 nr = LEN_TRIM(r); IF(nr == 0) THEN; keys = ['']; RETURN; END IF 566 CALL strParse_prv(nk) !--- COUNT THE ELEMENTS 567 ALLOCATE(keys(nk)); IF(PRESENT(vals)) ALLOCATE(vals(nk)) 568 CALL strParse_prv(nk, keys, vals) !--- PARSE THE KEYS 569 IF(PRESENT(n)) n = nk 570 571 CONTAINS 572 573 SUBROUTINE strParse_prv(nk, keys, vals) 574 !--- * Get the number of elements after parsing ("nk" only is present) 575 !--- * Parse the <key>=<val> pairs and store result in "keys" and "vals" (already allocated) 576 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nk 577 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) 578 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) 579 nk = 1; ib = 1 580 DO 581 ie = INDEX(rawList(ib:nr), delimiter)+ib-1 !--- Determine the next separator start index 582 IF(ie == ib-1) EXIT 583 IF(PRESENT(keys)) keys(nk) = r(ib:ie-1) !--- Get the ikth key 584 IF(PRESENT(vals)) CALL parseKeys(keys(ik), vals(ik)) !--- Parse the ikth <key>=<val> pair 585 ib = ie + LEN(delimiter) 586 DO WHILE(r(ib:ib) == ' ' .AND. ib < nr); ib = ib + 1; END DO !--- Skip spaces before next chain 587 nk = nk+1 588 END DO 589 IF(PRESENT(keys)) keys(nk) = r(ib:nr) !--- Get the last key 590 IF(PRESENT(vals)) CALL parseKeys(keys(ik), vals(ik)) !--- Parse the last <key>=<val> pair 591 END SUBROUTINE strParse_prv 592 593 SUBROUTINE parseKeys(key, val) 594 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: key 595 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: val 596 INTEGER :: ix 597 ix = INDEX(key, '='); IF(ix == 0) RETURN !--- First "=" index in "key" 598 val = ADJUSTL(key(ix+1:LEN_TRIM(key))) 599 key = ADJUSTL(key(1:ix-1)) 600 END SUBROUTINE parseKeys 601 602 END FUNCTION strParse 603 !============================================================================================================================== 604 LOGICAL FUNCTION strParse_m(rawList, delimiter, keys, n, vals, lSc, id) RESULT(lerr) 589 605 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: rawList, delimiter(:) 590 606 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: keys(:) !--- Parsed keys vector 607 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n !--- Length of the parsed vector 608 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), OPTIONAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) !--- Values for <name>=<value> keys 591 609 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: lSc !--- Take care about numbers in scientific notation 592 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen), OPTIONAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: vals(:) !--- Values for <name>=<value> keys593 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: n !--- Length of the parsed vector594 610 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: id(:) !--- Indexes of the separators in "delimiter(:)" vector 595 611 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 596 612 CHARACTER(LEN=1024) :: r 597 613 INTEGER :: nr, ik, nk, ib, ie, jd 598 614 LOGICAL :: ll 599 600 ! modname = 'strParse'601 615 ll = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(lSc)) ll = lSc 602 616 IF(test(fmsg("Couldn't parse list: non-numerical strings were found", ll=strCount_1m(rawList, delimiter, nk, ll)),lerr)) RETURN … … 1252 1266 op = ['^','/','*','+','-'] !--- List of recognized operations 1253 1267 s = str 1254 IF(test(strParse_m(s, op, ky, .TRUE., id = id), lerr)) RETURN!--- Parse the values1268 IF(test(strParse_m(s, op, ky, lSc=.TRUE., id = id), lerr)) RETURN !--- Parse the values 1255 1269 vl = str2dble(ky) !--- Conversion to doubles 1256 1270 lerr = ANY(vl >= HUGE(1.d0)) … … 1301 1315 READ(str,fmt,IOSTAT=e) x 1302 1316 out = e==0 .AND. INDEX('Ee',str(LEN_TRIM(str):LEN_TRIM(str)))==0 1303 IF(str == '') out = .FALSE.1304 1317 END FUNCTION is_numeric 1305 1318 !==============================================================================================================================
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