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- May 14, 2022, 8:13:22 PM (3 years ago)
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r4143 r4149 3 3 4 4 MODULE isotopes_mod 5 USE strings_mod, ONLY: msg, real2str, int2str, bool2str, maxlen, strIdx, strStack 5 USE strings_mod, ONLY: msg, real2str, int2str, bool2str, maxlen, strIdx, strStack 6 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: isoName 6 7 IMPLICIT NONE 7 8 INTERFACE get_in; MODULE PROCEDURE getinp_s, getinp_i, getinp_r, getinp_l; END INTERFACE get_in … … 10 11 !--- Contains all isotopic variables + their initialization 11 12 !--- Isotopes-specific routines are in isotopes_routines_mod to avoid circular dependencies with isotopes_verif_mod. 13 14 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: lOldCode=.TRUE. 12 15 13 16 !--- Isotopes indices (in [1,niso] ; non-existing => 0 index) … … 105 108 alpha_liq_sol, Rdefault, Rmethox 106 109 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(alpha_liq_sol, Rdefault, Rmethox) 107 character*3, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), save :: striso108 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(striso)109 110 REAL, SAVE :: fac_coeff_eq17_liq, fac_coeff_eq17_ice 110 111 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(fac_coeff_eq17_liq, fac_coeff_eq17_ice) … … 136 137 SUBROUTINE iso_init() 137 138 USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY: getin_p 138 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: ntiso, niso, isoName 139 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: ntiso, niso, getKey 140 USE strings_mod, ONLY: maxlen 139 141 IMPLICIT NONE 140 142 … … 149 151 !--- For H2[17]O 150 152 REAL :: fac_kcin, pente_MWL 151 INTEGER :: ierr152 153 153 154 !--- Sensitivity tests … … 160 161 161 162 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: modname, sxt 163 REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tmp(:) 162 164 163 165 modname = 'iso_init' … … 165 167 166 168 !--- Memory allocations 169 IF(lOldCode) THEN 167 170 ALLOCATE(talph1(niso), tkcin0(niso), talps1(niso), tnat(niso)) 168 171 ALLOCATE(talph2(niso), tkcin1(niso), talps2(niso), toce(niso)) 169 172 ALLOCATE(talph3(niso), tkcin2(niso), tdifrel(niso), tcorr(niso)) 170 173 ALLOCATE(alpha_liq_sol(niso), Rdefault(niso), Rmethox(niso)) 171 ALLOCATE(striso(niso))174 END IF 172 175 173 176 … … 184 187 185 188 !--- Type of water isotopes: 186 iso_eau = strIdx(isoName, 'H2[16]O'); CALL msg(' 59:iso_eau='//int2str(iso_eau), modname)187 iso_ O17 = strIdx(isoName, 'H2[17]O');CALL msg('iso_HDO='//int2str(iso_HDO), modname)189 iso_eau = strIdx(isoName, 'H2[16]O'); CALL msg('iso_eau='//int2str(iso_eau), modname) 190 iso_HDO = strIdx(isoName, 'H[2]HO'); CALL msg('iso_HDO='//int2str(iso_HDO), modname) 188 191 iso_O18 = strIdx(isoName, 'H2[18]O'); CALL msg('iso_O18='//int2str(iso_O18), modname) 189 iso_ HDO = strIdx(isoName, 'H[2]HO');CALL msg('iso_O17='//int2str(iso_O17), modname)192 iso_O17 = strIdx(isoName, 'H2[17]O'); CALL msg('iso_O17='//int2str(iso_O17), modname) 190 193 iso_HTO = strIdx(isoName, 'H[3]HO'); CALL msg('iso_HTO='//int2str(iso_HTO), modname) 191 194 … … 229 232 CALL get_in('lat_max_albedo', lat_max_albedo, 100.) 230 233 END IF 234 IF(lOldCode) & 231 235 CALL get_in('deltaO18_oce', deltaO18_oce, 0.0) 232 236 deltaO18_oce=0.0 233 237 CALL get_in('deltaP_BL', deltaP_BL, 10.0) 234 238 CALL get_in('ruissellement_pluie', ruissellement_pluie, 0) … … 298 302 T_cste_surf_cond = 288.0 299 303 304 CALL msg('iso_O18, iso_HDO, iso_eau = '//TRIM(strStack(int2str([iso_O18, iso_HDO, iso_eau]))), modname) 305 300 306 !-------------------------------------------------------------- 301 307 ! Parameters that depend on the nature of water isotopes: 302 308 !-------------------------------------------------------------- 309 310 !=========================================================================================================================== 311 IF(lOldCode) THEN 312 !=========================================================================================================================== 313 303 314 ! Local constants 304 315 fac_enrichoce18 = 0.0005 ! Then: tcorO18 = 1 + fac_enrichoce18 … … 317 328 fac_coeff_eq17_ice = 0.529 318 329 319 CALL msg('iso_O18, iso_HDO, iso_eau = '//TRIM(strStack(int2str([iso_O18, iso_HDO, iso_eau]))), modname)320 321 330 !--- Kinetic factor for surface evaporation: 322 331 ! (cf: kcin = tkcin0 if |V|<tv0cin … … 326 335 DO ixt = 1, niso 327 336 sxt=int2str(ixt) 328 WRITE(*,*) 'iso_init 80: ixt=',ixt337 CALL msg('80: ixt='//TRIM(int2str(ixt)),modname) 329 338 330 339 Rdefault(ixt) = 0.0 … … 343 352 alpha_liq_sol(ixt) = 1. 344 353 Rmethox(ixt) = 0.0 345 striso (ixt) = 'HTO'346 354 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_O17) THEN !=== H2[17]O 347 355 tdifrel(ixt)=1./0.98555 ! Used in 1D and in LdG's model … … 361 369 IF(Rdefault_smow) Rdefault(ixt) = tnat(ixt)*(-3.15/1000.0+1.0) 362 370 Rmethox(ixt) = (230./1000.+1.)*tnat(ixt) ! Zahn et al 2006 363 striso (ixt) = 'O17'364 371 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_O18) THEN !=== H2[18]O 365 372 tdifrel(ixt) = tdifrel_O18 … … 375 382 IF(Rdefault_smow) Rdefault(ixt) = tnat(ixt)*(-6.0/1000.0+1.0) 376 383 Rmethox(ixt) = (130./1000.+1.)*tnat(ixt) ! Zahn et al 2006 377 striso (ixt) = 'O18'378 CALL msg('519: ixt, striso(ixt) = '//TRIM(sxt)//', '//TRIM(striso(ixt)), modname)379 384 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_HDO) THEN !=== H[2]HO 380 385 tdifrel(ixt) = 1./0.9755 … … 395 400 IF(Rdefault_smow) Rdefault(ixt) = tnat(ixt)*((-6.0*pente_MWL+10.0)/1000.0+1.0) 396 401 Rmethox(ixt) = tnat(ixt)*(-25.0/1000.+1.) ! Zahn et al 2006 397 striso (ixt) = 'HDO'398 CALL msg('548: ixt,striso(ixt) = '//TRIM(sxt)//', '//striso(ixt), modname)399 402 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_eau) THEN !=== H2O[16] 400 403 tkcin0(ixt) = 0.0 … … 406 409 tdifrel(ixt) = 1. 407 410 talph1(ixt) = 0. ; talph2(ixt) = 0. ; talph3(ixt) = 0. 408 talps1(ixt) = 0. ; talp h3(ixt) = 0.411 talps1(ixt) = 0. ; talps2(ixt) = 0. 409 412 alpha_liq_sol(ixt)=1. 410 413 IF(Rdefault_smow) Rdefault(ixt) = tnat(ixt)*1.0 411 414 Rmethox(ixt) = 1.0 412 striso(ixt) = 'eau'413 415 END IF 414 416 END DO 417 !=========================================================================================================================== 418 ELSE 419 !=========================================================================================================================== 420 421 IF(getKey('tnat', tnat, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tnat', 1) 422 IF(getKey('toce', toce, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get toce', 1) 423 IF(getKey('tcorr', tcorr, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tcorr', 1) 424 IF(getKey('talph1', talph1, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get talph1', 1) 425 IF(getKey('talph2', talph2, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get talph2', 1) 426 IF(getKey('talph3', talph3, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get talph3', 1) 427 IF(getKey('talps1', talps1, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get talps1', 1) 428 IF(getKey('talps2', talps2, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get talps2', 1) 429 IF(getKey('tkcin0', tkcin0, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tkcin0', 1) 430 IF(getKey('tkcin1', tkcin1, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tkcin1', 1) 431 IF(getKey('tkcin2', tkcin2, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tkcin2', 1) 432 IF(getKey('tdifrel', tdifrel, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get tdifrel', 1) 433 DO ixt = 1, niso 434 IF (ixt == iso_HTO) THEN; tdifrel(ixt) = 1./0.968 435 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_HDO) THEN; tdifrel(ixt) = 1./0.9755 436 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_O17) THEN; tdifrel(ixt) = 1./0.98555 437 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_O18) THEN; tdifrel(ixt) = 1./0.9723 438 ELSE IF(ixt == iso_eau) THEN; tdifrel(ixt) = 1.; END IF 439 END DO 440 IF(getKey('alpha_liq_sol', alpha_liq_sol, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get alpha_liq_sol', 1) 441 IF(getKey('Rdefault',Rdefault,isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get Rdefault',1) 442 IF(getKey('Rmethox', Rmethox, isoName)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'can''t get Rmethox', 1) 443 IF(.NOT.Rdefault_smow) Rdefault(:) = 0.0 444 445 !=========================================================================================================================== 446 END IF 447 !=========================================================================================================================== 415 448 416 449 !--- Sensitivity test: no kinetic effect in sfc evaporation … … 423 456 CALL msg('285: verif initialisation:', modname) 424 457 DO ixt=1,niso 425 CALL msg(' * striso('//TRIM(sxt)//') = <'//TRIM(striso(ixt))//'>', modname) 426 CALL msg( ' tnat('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tnat(ixt))), modname) 427 ! CALL msg(' alpha_liq_sol('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(alpha_liq_sol(ixt))), modname) 428 ! CALL msg( ' tkcin0('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tkcin0(ixt))), modname) 429 ! CALL msg( ' tdifrel('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tdifrel(ixt))), modname) 458 sxt=int2str(ixt) 459 CALL msg(' * isoName('//TRIM(sxt)//') = <'//TRIM(isoName(ixt))//'>', modname) 460 CALL msg( ' tnat('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tnat(ixt))), modname) 461 ! CALL msg(' alpha_liq_sol('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(alpha_liq_sol(ixt))), modname) 462 ! CALL msg( ' tkcin0('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tkcin0(ixt))), modname) 463 ! CALL msg( ' tdifrel('//TRIM(sxt)//') = '//TRIM(real2str(tdifrel(ixt))), modname) 430 464 END DO 431 465 CALL msg('69: lambda = '//TRIM(real2str(lambda_sursat)), modname) -
r4143 r4149 16525 16525 !USE write_field_phy 16526 16526 USE indice_sol_mod, only: nbsrf 16527 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: striso,iso_HDO,iso_eau16527 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: isoName,iso_HDO,iso_eau 16528 16528 #ifdef ISOVERIF 16529 16529 USE isotopes_verif_mod … … 16563 16563 CHARACTER*5 str5 16564 16564 real xmin,xmax 16565 CHARACTER*50 striso_sortie16565 CHARACTER*50 outiso 16566 16566 integer lnblnk 16567 16567 LOGICAL :: found,phyetat0_get,phyetat0_srf … … 16581 16581 write(*,*) 'phyiso_etat0_fichier 3' 16582 16582 write(*,*) 'niso=',niso 16583 write(*,*) ' striso(1)=',striso(1)16583 write(*,*) 'isoName(1)='//TRIM(isoName(1)) 16584 16584 16585 16585 do ixt=1,ntraciso 16586 16586 16587 if (ixt.le.niso) then 16588 striso_sortie=striso(ixt) 16589 else 16590 #ifdef ISOTRAC 16591 iiso=index_iso(ixt) 16592 izone=index_zone(ixt) 16593 striso_sortie=striso(iiso)//strtrac(izone) 16594 #else 16595 write(*,*) 'phyredem 546: ixt,ntraciso=', ixt,ntraciso 16596 stop 16597 #endif 16598 endif !if (ixt.le.niso) then 16599 write(*,*) 'phyiso_etat0_fichier 16621: ixt,striso_sortie=',ixt,striso_sortie(1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)) 16587 outiso=TRIM(isoName(ixt)) 16588 i = INDEX(outiso, '_', .TRUE.) 16589 outiso = outiso(1:i-1)//outiso(i+1:LEN_TRIM(outiso)) 16590 write(*,*) 'phyiso_etat0_fichier 16621: ixt,outiso=',ixt,TRIM(outiso) 16600 16591 16601 16592 … … 16606 16597 #endif 16607 16598 16608 found=phyetat0_srf(1,iso_tmp_lonsrf,"XTSNOW"//striso_sortie(1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)), & 16609 & "Surface snow",0.) 16610 if (.NOT.found) then 16611 CALL abort_physic('isotopes_routines_mod', & 16612 'phyiso_etat0_fichier 16581: variable isotopique not found',1) 16613 endif 16599 found=phyetat0_srf(1,iso_tmp_lonsrf,"XTSNOW"//TRIM(outiso),"Surface snow",0.) 16600 if (.NOT.found) CALL abort_physic('isotopes_routines_mod', & 16601 'phyiso_etat0_fichier 16581: variable isotopique not found',1) 16614 16602 xtsnow(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonsrf(:,:) 16615 16603 16616 found=phyetat0_srf(1,iso_tmp_lonsrf,"XTEVAP"//striso_sortie & 16617 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"evaporation",0.) 16604 found=phyetat0_srf(1,iso_tmp_lonsrf,"XTEVAP"//TRIM(outiso),"evaporation",0.) 16618 16605 fxtevap(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonsrf(:,:) 16619 16606 16620 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"xtrain_f"//striso_sortie & 16621 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"xrain fall",0.) 16607 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"xtrain_f"//TRIM(outiso),"xrain fall",0.) 16622 16608 xtrain_fall(ixt,:)=iso_tmp(:) 16623 16609 16624 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"xtsnow_f"//striso_sortie & 16625 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"snow fall",0.) 16610 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"xtsnow_f"//TRIM(outiso),"snow fall",0.) 16626 16611 xtsnow_fall(ixt,:)=iso_tmp(:) 16627 16612 16628 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTANCIEN"//striso_sortie & 16629 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"QANCIEN",0.) 16613 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTANCIEN"//TRIM(outiso),"QANCIEN",0.) 16630 16614 xt_ancien(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonlev(:,:) 16631 16615 16632 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTLANCIEN"//striso_sortie & 16633 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"QLANCIEN",0.) 16616 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTLANCIEN"//TRIM(outiso),"QLANCIEN",0.) 16634 16617 xtl_ancien(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonlev(:,:) 16635 16618 16636 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTSANCIEN"//striso_sortie & 16637 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"QSANCIEN",0.) 16619 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"XTSANCIEN"//TRIM(outiso),"QSANCIEN",0.) 16638 16620 xts_ancien(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonlev(:,:) 16639 16621 16640 16641 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"XTRUNOFFLIC0"//striso_sortie(1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)), & 16642 & "RUNOFFLIC0",0.) 16622 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"XTRUNOFFLIC0"//TRIM(outiso),"RUNOFFLIC0",0.) 16643 16623 xtrun_off_lic_0(ixt,:)=iso_tmp(:) 16644 16624 16645 16646 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"WAKE_DELTAXT"//striso_sortie & 16647 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"Delta hum. wake/env",0.) 16625 found=phyetat0_get(klev,iso_tmp_lonlev,"WAKE_DELTAXT"//TRIM(outiso),"Delta hum. wake/env",0.) 16648 16626 wake_deltaxt(ixt,:,:)=iso_tmp_lonlev(:,:) 16649 16627 … … 16687 16665 ! ces variables n'ont pas de traceurs: 16688 16666 if (ixt.le.niso) then 16689 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"XTSOL"//striso_sortie(1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)), & 16690 & "Surface hmidity / bucket",0.) 16667 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"XTSOL"//TRIM(outiso),"Surface hmidity / bucket",0.) 16691 16668 xtsol(ixt,:)=iso_tmp(:) 16692 16669 16693 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"Rland_ice"//striso_sortie & 16694 & (1:lnblnk(striso_sortie)),"R land ice",0.) 16670 found=phyetat0_get(1,iso_tmp,"Rland_ice"//TRIM(outiso),"R land ice",0.) 16695 16671 Rland_ice(ixt,:)=iso_tmp(:) 16696 16672 -
r4143 r4149 1939 1939 1940 1940 function iso_verif_tracpos_choix_nostop(x,err_msg,seuil) 1941 use isotrac_mod, only: index_iso,strtrac,index_zone 1942 use isotopes_mod, only: striso 1941 use isotopes_mod, only: isoName 1943 1942 implicit none 1944 1943 … … 1959 1958 1960 1959 do ixt=niso+1,ntraciso 1961 iiso=index_iso(ixt)1962 1960 if (iso_verif_positif_choix_nostop(x(ixt),seuil,err_msg// & 1963 & ', verif positif, iso'//striso(iiso) & 1964 & //strtrac(index_zone(ixt))).eq.1) then 1961 & ', verif positif, iso'//TRIM(isoName(ixt))).eq.1) then 1965 1962 iso_verif_tracpos_choix_nostop=1 1966 1963 endif … … 1971 1968 1972 1969 function iso_verif_traceur_noNaN_nostop(x,err_msg) 1973 use isotrac_mod, only: index_iso 1974 use isotopes_mod, only: striso 1970 use isotopes_mod, only: isoName 1975 1971 implicit none 1976 1972 … … 1991 1987 1992 1988 do ixt=niso+1,ntraciso 1993 iiso=index_iso(ixt)1994 1989 ! write(*,*) 'iso_verif_traceurs 154: iiso,ixt=',iiso,ixt 1995 1990 if (iso_verif_noNaN_nostop(x(ixt),err_msg// & 1996 & ', verif trac no NaN, iso'// striso(iiso)) &1991 & ', verif trac no NaN, iso'//TRIM(isoName(ixt))) & 1997 1992 & .eq.1) then 1998 1993 iso_verif_traceur_noNaN_nostop=1 … … 2005 2000 & errmaxin,errmaxrelin) 2006 2001 2007 use isotopes_mod, ONLY: ridicule, striso2002 use isotopes_mod, ONLY: ridicule,isoName 2008 2003 ! on vérifie juste bilan de masse 2009 2004 implicit none … … 2033 2028 2034 2029 if (iso_verif_egalite_choix_nostop(xtractot,x(iiso), & 2035 & err_msg//', verif trac egalite, iso '//striso(iiso), & 2030 & err_msg//', verif trac egalite, iso '// & 2031 & TRIM(isoName(iiso)), & 2036 2032 & errmaxin,errmaxrelin).eq.1) then 2037 2033 write(*,*) 'iso_verif_traceur 202: x=',x … … 2044 2040 & (abs(x(iiso)).gt.ridicule)) then 2045 2041 write(*,*) err_msg,', verif masse traceurs, iso ', & 2046 & striso(iiso)2042 & TRIM(isoName(iiso)) 2047 2043 write(*,*) 'iso_verif_traceur 209: x=',x 2048 2044 ! iso_verif_tracm_choix_nostop=1 … … 2371 2367 subroutine iso_verif_trac_masse_vect(x,n,m,err_msg, & 2372 2368 & errmax,errmaxrel) 2373 use isotopes_mod, only: striso2369 use isotopes_mod, only: isoName 2374 2370 implicit none 2375 2371 … … 2402 2398 call iso_verif_egalite_std_vect( & 2403 2399 & xtractot,xiiso, & 2404 & err_msg//', verif trac egalite, iso '//striso(iiso), & 2400 & err_msg//', verif trac egalite, iso ' & 2401 & //TRIM(isoName(iiso)), & 2405 2402 & n,m,errmax,errmaxrel) 2406 2403 enddo !do iiso=1,niso -
r4143 r4149 489 489 USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf 490 490 USE iostart, ONLY: put_field 491 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: striso,iso_eau491 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: isoName,iso_eau 492 492 #ifdef ISOVERIF 493 493 USE isotopes_verif_mod … … 568 568 do ixt=1,ntiso 569 569 570 if (ixt.le.niso) then 571 outiso=striso(ixt) 572 else 573 #ifdef ISOTRAC 574 iiso=index_iso(ixt) 575 izone=index_zone(ixt) 576 outiso=striso(iiso)//strtrac(izone) 577 #else 578 write(*,*) 'phyredem 546: ixt,ntiso=', ixt,ntiso 579 stop 580 #endif 581 endif !if (ixt.le.niso) then 570 outiso = TRIM(isoName(ixt)) 571 i = INDEX(outiso, '_', .TRUE.) 572 outiso = outiso(1:i-1)//outiso(i+1:LEN_TRIM(outiso)) 582 573 write(*,*) 'phyredem 550: ixt,outiso=',ixt,TRIM(outiso) 583 574 -
r4143 r4149 52 52 #endif 53 53 #ifdef ISO 54 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: striso,iso_HTO54 USE isotopes_mod, ONLY: isoName,iso_HTO 55 55 #ifdef ISOTRAC 56 56 use isotrac_mod, only: index_zone,index_iso,strtrac … … 122 122 123 123 #ifdef ISO 124 CHARACTER(LEN= LEN(striso)) :: outiso124 CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: outiso 125 125 CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: unit 126 126 #endif … … 546 546 write(*,*) 'phys_output_mid 589' 547 547 do ixt=1,ntraciso 548 if (ixt <= niso) then 549 outiso=striso(ixt) 550 else 551 #ifdef ISOTRAC 552 iiso=index_iso(ixt) 553 izone=index_zone(ixt) 554 outiso=striso(iiso)//strtrac(izone) 555 #else 556 write(*,*) 'phys_output_mod 546: ixt,ntraciso=', ixt,ntraciso 557 stop 558 #endif 559 endif 548 outiso = TRIM(isoName(ixt)) 549 i = INDEX(outiso, '_', .TRUE.) 550 outiso = outiso(1:i-1)//outiso(i+1:LEN_TRIM(outiso)) 560 551 561 552 flag = [1, 1, 1, 10, 5, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]; unit = 'kg/(s*m2)'
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