Changeset 3682 for LMDZ6/trunk

May 26, 2020, 10:03:05 AM (4 years ago)

rad_t* changed from integer to character (0/1/"adv")

3 edited


  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/1DUTILS.h

    r3659 r3682  
    627627      RETURN
    628628      END
     630      SUBROUTINE conf_unicol_std
     632#ifdef CPP_IOIPSL
     633      use IOIPSL
     635! if not using IOIPSL, we still need to use (a local version of) getin
     636      use ioipsl_getincom
     638      USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
     639      IMPLICIT NONE
     641!     Auteurs :   A. Lahellec  - adaptation au format standard.
     643!   Declarations :
     644!   --------------
     646#include "compar1d_std.h"
     647#include "flux_arp.h"
     648#include "tsoilnudge.h"
     649#include "fcg_gcssold.h"
     650#include "fcg_racmo.h"
     653!   local:
     654!   ------
     656!      CHARACTER ch1*72,ch2*72,ch3*72,ch4*12
     659!  -------------------------------------------------------------------
     661!      .........    Initilisation parametres du lmdz1D      ..........
     664!   initialisations:
     665!   ----------------
     667!Config  Key  = lunout
     668!Config  Desc = unite de fichier pour les impressions
     669!Config  Def  = 6
     670!Config  Help = unite de fichier pour les impressions
     671!Config         (defaut sortie standard = 6)
     672      lunout=6
     673!      CALL getin('lunout', lunout)
     674      IF (lunout /= 5 .and. lunout /= 6) THEN
     675        OPEN(lunout,FILE='lmdz.out')
     676      ENDIF
     678!Config  Key  = prt_level
     679!Config  Desc = niveau d'impressions de debogage
     680!Config  Def  = 0
     681!Config  Help = Niveau d'impression pour le debogage
     682!Config         (0 = minimum d'impression)
     683!      prt_level = 0
     684!      CALL getin('prt_level',prt_level)
     687!  Parametres de controle du run:
     690!Config  Key  = restart
     691!Config  Desc = on repart des startphy et start1dyn
     692!Config  Def  = false
     693!Config  Help = les fichiers restart doivent etre renomme en start
     694       restart =.false.
     695       CALL getin('restart',restart)
     698! Parametres de forcage pour les forcages communs:
     699! Voir ici:
     700! Pour les forcages communs: ces entiers valent 0 ou 1
     701! adv_temp= advection tempe, theta ou thetal, qv,qt,rv ou rt
     702! rad_temp= 0 (rayonnement actif) ou 1 (prescrit par tend_rad) ou adv (prescir et contenu dans les adv_temp)
     703! idem rad_theta et rad_thetal 
     704! forcages en omega, w, vent geostrophique ou ustar
     705! Parametres de nudging en u,v,temp, theta, thetal,qv, qt, rv, rt valent 0 ou 1 ou le temps de nudging
     706! p_nudging_xxx pression (Pa) a partir de laquelle appliquer le nudging de xxx
     707! ou z_nudging_xxx hauteur(m) a partir de laquelle appliquer le nudging de xxx
     710!Parametres de forcage
     711!Config  Key  = adv_temp
     712!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de T
     713!Config  Def  = false
     714!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de T
     715       adv_temp =0
     716       CALL getin('adv_temp',adv_temp)
     719!Parametres de forcage
     720!Config  Key  = adv_theta
     721!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de Theta
     722!Config  Def  = false
     723!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de Theta
     724       adv_theta =0
     725       CALL getin('adv_theta',adv_theta)
     728!Parametres de forcage
     729!Config  Key  = adv_thetal
     730!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de Thetal
     731!Config  Def  = false
     732!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de Thetal
     733       adv_thetal =0
     734       CALL getin('adv_thetal',adv_thetal)
     737!Parametres de forcage
     738!Config  Key  = rad_temp
     739!Config  Desc = forcage par tendance radiative en tempe
     740!Config  Def  = false
     741!Config  Help = forcage par tendance radiative en tempe
     742       rad_temp ="0"
     743       CALL getin('rad_temp',rad_temp)
     746!Parametres de forcage
     747!Config  Key  = rad_theta
     748!Config  Desc = forcage par tendance radiative en theta
     749!Config  Def  = false
     750!Config  Help = forcage par tendance radiative en theta
     751       rad_theta ="0"
     752       CALL getin('rad_theta',rad_theta)
     755!Parametres de forcage
     756!Config  Key  = rad_thetal
     757!Config  Desc = forcage par tendance radiative en thetal
     758!Config  Def  = false
     759!Config  Help = forcage par tendance radiative en thetal
     760       rad_thetal ="0"
     761       CALL getin('rad_thetal',rad_thetal)
     764!Parametres de forcage
     765!Config  Key  = adv_qv
     766!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de qv
     767!Config  Def  = false
     768!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de qv
     769       adv_qv =0
     770       CALL getin('adv_qv',adv_qv)
     773!Parametres de forcage
     774!Config  Key  = adv_qt
     775!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de qt
     776!Config  Def  = false
     777!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de qt
     778       adv_qt =0
     779       CALL getin('adv_qt',adv_qt)
     782!Parametres de forcage
     783!Config  Key  = adv_rv
     784!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de rv
     785!Config  Def  = false
     786!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de rv
     787       adv_rv =0
     788       CALL getin('adv_rv',adv_rv)
     791!Parametres de forcage
     792!Config  Key  = adv_rt
     793!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de rt
     794!Config  Def  = false
     795!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de rt
     796       adv_rt =0
     797       CALL getin('adv_rt',adv_rt)
     800!Parametres de forcage
     801!Config  Key  = nudging_temp
     802!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de tempe
     803!Config  Def  = false
     804!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de tempe
     805       nudging_temp =0
     806       CALL getin('nudging_temp',nudging_temp)
     809!Parametres de forcage
     810!Config  Key  = nudging_theta
     811!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de theta
     812!Config  Def  = false
     813!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de theta
     814       nudging_theta =0
     815       CALL getin('nudging_theta',nudging_theta)
     818!Parametres de forcage
     819!Config  Key  = nudging_thetal
     820!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de thetal
     821!Config  Def  = false
     822!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de thetal
     823       nudging_thetal =0
     824       CALL getin('nudging_thetal',nudging_thetal)
     827!Parametres de forcage
     828!Config  Key  = nudging_qv
     829!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de qv
     830!Config  Def  = false
     831!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de qv
     832       nudging_qv =0
     833       CALL getin('nudging_qv',nudging_qv)
     836!Parametres de forcage
     837!Config  Key  = nudging_qt
     838!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de qt
     839!Config  Def  = false
     840!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de qt
     841       nudging_qt =0
     842       CALL getin('nudging_qt',nudging_qt)
     845!Parametres de forcage
     846!Config  Key  = nudging_rv
     847!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de rv
     848!Config  Def  = false
     849!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de rv
     850       nudging_rv =0
     851       CALL getin('nudging_rv',nudging_rv)
     854!Parametres de forcage
     855!Config  Key  = nudging_rt
     856!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de rt
     857!Config  Def  = false
     858!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de rt
     859       nudging_rt =0
     860       CALL getin('nudging_rt',nudging_rt)
     863!Parametres de forcage
     864!Config  Key  = nudging_u
     865!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de u wind
     866!Config  Def  = false
     867!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de u wind
     868       nudging_u =0
     869       CALL getin('nudging_u',nudging_u)
     872!Parametres de forcage
     873!Config  Key  = nudging_v
     874!Config  Desc = forcage ou non par advection de v wind
     875!Config  Def  = false
     876!Config  Help = forcage ou non par advection de v wind
     877       nudging_v =0
     878       CALL getin('nudging_v',nudging_v)
     881!Parametres de forcage
     882!Config  Key  = p_nudging_temp
     883!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which tempe should be nudged
     884!Config  Def  = false
     885!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which tempe should be nudged
     886       p_nudging_temp =11000.
     887       CALL getin('p_nudging_tempe',p_nudging_temp)
     890!Parametres de forcage
     891!Config  Key  = p_nudging_theta
     892!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which theta should be nudged
     893!Config  Def  = false
     894!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which theta should be nudged
     895       p_nudging_theta =11000.
     896       CALL getin('p_nudging_theta',p_nudging_theta)
     899!Parametres de forcage
     900!Config  Key  = p_nudging_thetal
     901!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which thetal should be nudged
     902!Config  Def  = false
     903!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which thetal should be nudged
     904       p_nudging_thetal =11000.
     905       CALL getin('p_nudging_thetal',p_nudging_thetal)
     908!Parametres de forcage
     909!Config  Key  = p_nudging_qv
     910!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which qv should be nudged
     911!Config  Def  = false
     912!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which qv should be nudged
     913       p_nudging_qv =11000.
     914       CALL getin('p_nudging_qv',p_nudging_qv)
     917!Parametres de forcage
     918!Config  Key  = p_nudging_qt
     919!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which qt should be nudged
     920!Config  Def  = false
     921!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which qt should be nudged
     922       p_nudging_qt =11000.
     923       CALL getin('p_nudging_qt',p_nudging_qt)
     926!Parametres de forcage
     927!Config  Key  = p_nudging_rv
     928!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which rv should be nudged
     929!Config  Def  = false
     930!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which rv should be nudged
     931       p_nudging_rv =11000.
     932       CALL getin('p_nudging_rv',p_nudging_rv)
     935!Parametres de forcage
     936!Config  Key  = p_nudging_rt
     937!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which rt should be nudged
     938!Config  Def  = false
     939!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which rt should be nudged
     940       p_nudging_rt =11000.
     941       CALL getin('p_nudging_rt',p_nudging_rt)
     944!Parametres de forcage
     945!Config  Key  = p_nudging_u
     946!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which u should be nudged
     947!Config  Def  = false
     948!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which u should be nudged
     949       p_nudging_u =11000.
     950       CALL getin('p_nudging_u',p_nudging_u)
     953!Parametres de forcage
     954!Config  Key  = p_nudging_v
     955!Config  Desc = Pressure (Pa) above which v should be nudged
     956!Config  Def  = false
     957!Config  Help = Pressure (Pa) above which v should be nudged
     958       p_nudging_v =11000.
     959       CALL getin('p_nudging_v',p_nudging_v)
     962!Parametres de forcage
     963!Config  Key  = z_nudging_temp
     964!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which tempe should be nudged
     965!Config  Def  = false
     966!Config  Help = Height (m) above which tempe should be nudged
     967       z_nudging_temp=0.
     968       CALL getin('z_nudging_tempe',z_nudging_temp)
     971!Parametres de forcage
     972!Config  Key  = z_nudging_theta
     973!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which theta should be nudged
     974!Config  Def  = false
     975!Config  Help = Height (m) above which theta should be nudged
     976       z_nudging_theta=0.
     977       CALL getin('z_nudging_theta',z_nudging_theta)
     980!Parametres de forcage
     981!Config  Key  = z_nudging_thetal
     982!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which thetal should be nudged
     983!Config  Def  = false
     984!Config  Help = Height (m) above which thetal should be nudged
     985       z_nudging_thetal=0.
     986       CALL getin('z_nudging_thetal',z_nudging_thetal)
     989!Parametres de forcage
     990!Config  Key  = z_nudging_qv
     991!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which qv should be nudged
     992!Config  Def  = false
     993!Config  Help = Height (m) above which qv should be nudged
     994       z_nudging_qv=0.
     995       CALL getin('z_nudging_qv',z_nudging_qv)
     998!Parametres de forcage
     999!Config  Key  = z_nudging_qt
     1000!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which qt should be nudged
     1001!Config  Def  = false
     1002!Config  Help = Height (m) above which qt should be nudged
     1003       z_nudging_qt=0.
     1004       CALL getin('z_nudging_qt',z_nudging_qt)
     1007!Parametres de forcage
     1008!Config  Key  = z_nudging_rv
     1009!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which rv should be nudged
     1010!Config  Def  = false
     1011!Config  Help = Height (m) above which rv should be nudged
     1012       z_nudging_rv=0.
     1013       CALL getin('z_nudging_rv',z_nudging_rv)
     1016!Parametres de forcage
     1017!Config  Key  = z_nudging_rt
     1018!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which rt should be nudged
     1019!Config  Def  = false
     1020!Config  Help = Height (m) above which rt should be nudged
     1021       z_nudging_rt=0.
     1022       CALL getin('z_nudging_rt',z_nudging_rt)
     1025!Parametres de forcage
     1026!Config  Key  = z_nudging_u
     1027!Config  Desc = Height (m) above which u should be nudged
     1028!Config  Def  = false
     1029!Config  Help = Height (m) above which u should be nudged
     1030       z_nudging_u=0.
     1031       CALL getin('z_nudging_u',z_nudging_u)
     1034!Parametres de forcage
     1035!Config  Key  = z_nudging_v
     1036!config  desc = height (m) above which v should be nudged
     1037!config  def  = false
     1038!config  help = height (m) above which v should be nudged
     1039       z_nudging_v=0.
     1040       call getin('z_nudging_v',z_nudging_v)
     1042!config  key  = ok_flux_surf
     1043!config  desc = forcage ou non par les flux de surface
     1044!config  def  = false
     1045!config  help = forcage ou non par les flux de surface
     1046       ok_flux_surf =.false.
     1047       call getin('ok_flux_surf',ok_flux_surf)
     1049!config  key  = ok_prescr_ust
     1050!config  desc = ustar impose ou non
     1051!config  def  = false
     1052!config  help = ustar impose ou non
     1053       ok_prescr_ust = .false.
     1054       call getin('ok_prescr_ust',ok_prescr_ust)
     1056!config  key  = ok_old_disvert
     1057!config  desc = utilisation de l ancien programme disvert0 (dans 1dutils.h)
     1058!config  def  = false
     1059!config  help = utilisation de l ancien programme disvert0 (dans 1dutils.h)
     1060       ok_old_disvert = .false.
     1061       call getin('ok_old_disvert',ok_old_disvert)
     1063!config  key  = time_ini
     1064!config  desc = meaningless in this  case
     1065!config  def  = 0.
     1066!config  help =
     1067       tsurf = 0.
     1068       call getin('time_ini',time_ini)
     1070!config  key  = rlat et rlon
     1071!config  desc = latitude et longitude
     1072!config  def  = 0.0  0.0
     1073!config  help = fixe la position de la colonne
     1074       xlat = 0.
     1075       xlon = 0.
     1076       call getin('rlat',xlat)
     1077       call getin('rlon',xlon)
     1079!config  key  = airephy
     1080!config  desc = grid cell area
     1081!config  def  = 1.e11
     1082!config  help =
     1083       airefi = 1.e11
     1084       call getin('airephy',airefi)
     1086!config  key  = nat_surf
     1087!config  desc = surface type
     1088!config  def  = 0 (ocean)
     1089!config  help = 0=ocean,1=land,2=glacier,3=banquise
     1090       nat_surf = 0.
     1091       call getin('nat_surf',nat_surf)
     1093!config  key  = tsurf
     1094!config  desc = surface temperature
     1095!config  def  = 290.
     1096!config  help = not used if type_ts_forcing=1 in lmdz1d.f
     1097       tsurf = 290.
     1098       call getin('tsurf',tsurf)
     1100!config  key  = psurf
     1101!config  desc = surface pressure
     1102!config  def  = 102400.
     1103!config  help =
     1104       psurf = 102400.
     1105       call getin('psurf',psurf)
     1107!config  key  = zsurf
     1108!config  desc = surface altitude
     1109!config  def  = 0.
     1110!config  help =
     1111       zsurf = 0.
     1112       call getin('zsurf',zsurf)
     1114!config  key  = rugos
     1115!config  desc = coefficient de frottement
     1116!config  def  = 0.0001
     1117!config  help = calcul du cdrag
     1118       rugos = 0.0001
     1119       call getin('rugos',rugos)
     1120! fh/2020/04/08/confinement: pour le nouveau format standard, la rugosite s'appelle z0
     1121       call getin('z0',rugos)
     1123!config  key  = rugosh
     1124!config  desc = coefficient de frottement
     1125!config  def  = rugos
     1126!config  help = calcul du cdrag
     1127       rugosh = rugos
     1128       call getin('rugosh',rugosh)
     1130!config  key  = snowmass
     1131!config  desc = mass de neige de la surface en kg/m2
     1132!config  def  = 0.0000
     1133!config  help = snowmass
     1134       snowmass = 0.0000
     1135       call getin('snowmass',snowmass)
     1137!config  key  = wtsurf et wqsurf
     1138!config  desc = ???
     1139!config  def  = 0.0 0.0
     1140!config  help =
     1141       wtsurf = 0.0
     1142       wqsurf = 0.0
     1143       call getin('wtsurf',wtsurf)
     1144       call getin('wqsurf',wqsurf)
     1146!config  key  = albedo
     1147!config  desc = albedo
     1148!config  def  = 0.09
     1149!config  help =
     1150       albedo = 0.09
     1151       call getin('albedo',albedo)
     1153!config  key  = agesno
     1154!config  desc = age de la neige
     1155!config  def  = 30.0
     1156!config  help =
     1157       xagesno = 30.0
     1158       call getin('agesno',xagesno)
     1160!config  key  = restart_runoff
     1161!config  desc = age de la neige
     1162!config  def  = 30.0
     1163!config  help =
     1164       restart_runoff = 0.0
     1165       call getin('restart_runoff',restart_runoff)
     1167!config  key  = qsolinp
     1168!config  desc = initial bucket water content (kg/m2) when land (5std)
     1169!config  def  = 30.0
     1170!config  help =
     1171       qsolinp = 1.
     1172       call getin('qsolinp',qsolinp)
     1174!config  key  = zpicinp
     1175!config  desc = denivellation orographie
     1176!config  def  = 0.
     1177!config  help =  input brise
     1178       zpicinp = 0.
     1179       call getin('zpicinp',zpicinp)
     1181!config key = nudge_tsoil
     1182!config  desc = activation of soil temperature nudging
     1183!config  def  = .false.
     1184!config  help = ...
     1185       nudge_tsoil=.false.
     1186       call getin('nudge_tsoil',nudge_tsoil)
     1188!config key = isoil_nudge
     1189!config  desc = level number where soil temperature is nudged
     1190!config  def  = 3
     1191!config  help = ...
     1192       isoil_nudge=3
     1193       call getin('isoil_nudge',isoil_nudge)
     1195!config key = tsoil_nudge
     1196!config  desc = target temperature for tsoil(isoil_nudge)
     1197!config  def  = 300.
     1198!config  help = ...
     1199       tsoil_nudge=300.
     1200       call getin('tsoil_nudge',tsoil_nudge)
     1202!config key = tau_soil_nudge
     1203!config  desc = nudging relaxation time for tsoil
     1204!config  def  = 3600.
     1205!config  help = ...
     1206       tau_soil_nudge=3600.
     1207       call getin('tau_soil_nudge',tau_soil_nudge)
     1209!config  key  = forc_omega
     1210!config  desc = forcage ou non par omega
     1211!config  def  = false
     1212!config  help = forcage ou non par omega
     1213       forc_omega =0
     1214       call getin('forc_omega',forc_omega)
     1216!config  key  = forc_w
     1217!config  desc = forcage ou non par w
     1218!config  def  = false
     1219!config  help = forcage ou non par w
     1220       forc_w =0
     1221       call getin('forc_w',forc_w)
     1223!config  key  = forc_geo
     1224!config  desc = forcage ou non par geo
     1225!config  def  = false
     1226!config  help = forcage ou non par geo
     1227       forc_geo =0
     1228       call getin('forc_geo',forc_geo)
     1230! meme chose que ok_precr_ust
     1231!config  key  = forc_ustar
     1232!config  desc = forcage ou non par ustar
     1233!config  def  = false
     1234!config  help = forcage ou non par ustar
     1235       forc_ustar =0
     1236       call getin('forc_ustar',forc_ustar)
     1237       if (forc_ustar .eq. 1) ok_prescr_ust=.true.
     1240      write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
     1241      write(lunout,*)' configuration des parametres du gcm1d: '
     1242      write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
     1243      write(lunout,*)' restart = ', restart
     1244      write(lunout,*)' forcing_type = ', forcing_type
     1245      write(lunout,*)' time_ini = ', time_ini
     1246      write(lunout,*)' rlat = ', xlat
     1247      write(lunout,*)' rlon = ', xlon
     1248      write(lunout,*)' airephy = ', airefi
     1249      write(lunout,*)' nat_surf = ', nat_surf
     1250      write(lunout,*)' tsurf = ', tsurf
     1251      write(lunout,*)' psurf = ', psurf
     1252      write(lunout,*)' zsurf = ', zsurf
     1253      write(lunout,*)' rugos = ', rugos
     1254      write(lunout,*)' snowmass=', snowmass
     1255      write(lunout,*)' wtsurf = ', wtsurf
     1256      write(lunout,*)' wqsurf = ', wqsurf
     1257      write(lunout,*)' albedo = ', albedo
     1258      write(lunout,*)' xagesno = ', xagesno
     1259      write(lunout,*)' restart_runoff = ', restart_runoff
     1260      write(lunout,*)' qsolinp = ', qsolinp
     1261      write(lunout,*)' zpicinp = ', zpicinp
     1262      write(lunout,*)' nudge_tsoil = ', nudge_tsoil
     1263      write(lunout,*)' isoil_nudge = ', isoil_nudge
     1264      write(lunout,*)' tsoil_nudge = ', tsoil_nudge
     1265      write(lunout,*)' tau_soil_nudge = ', tau_soil_nudge
     1266      write(lunout,*)' adv_temp =      ', adv_temp
     1267      write(lunout,*)' adv_theta =      ', adv_theta
     1268      write(lunout,*)' adv_thetal =      ', adv_thetal
     1269      write(lunout,*)' rad_temp =      ', rad_temp
     1270      write(lunout,*)' rad_theta =      ', rad_theta
     1271      write(lunout,*)' rad_thetal =      ', rad_thetal
     1272      write(lunout,*)' adv_qv =      ', adv_qv
     1273      write(lunout,*)' adv_qt =      ', adv_qt
     1274      write(lunout,*)' adv_rv =      ', adv_rv
     1275      write(lunout,*)' adv_rt =      ', adv_rt
     1276      write(lunout,*)' nudging_temp =      ', nudging_temp
     1277      write(lunout,*)' nudging_theta =      ', nudging_theta
     1278      write(lunout,*)' nudging_thetal =      ', nudging_thetal
     1279      write(lunout,*)' nudging_qv =      ', nudging_qv
     1280      write(lunout,*)' nudging_qt =      ', nudging_qt
     1281      write(lunout,*)' nudging_rv =      ', nudging_rv
     1282      write(lunout,*)' nudging_rt =      ', nudging_rt
     1283      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_temp =      ', p_nudging_temp
     1284      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_theta =      ', p_nudging_theta
     1285      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_thetal =      ', p_nudging_thetal
     1286      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_qv =      ', p_nudging_qv
     1287      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_qt =      ', p_nudging_qt
     1288      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_rv =      ', p_nudging_rv
     1289      write(lunout,*)' p_nudging_rt =      ', p_nudging_rt
     1290      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_temp =      ', z_nudging_temp
     1291      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_theta =      ', z_nudging_theta
     1292      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_thetal =      ', z_nudging_thetal
     1293      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_qv =      ', z_nudging_qv
     1294      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_qt =      ', z_nudging_qt
     1295      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_rv =      ', z_nudging_rv
     1296      write(lunout,*)' z_nudging_rt =      ', z_nudging_rt
     1297      write(lunout,*)' forc_omega = ', forc_omega
     1298      write(lunout,*)' forc_w     = ', forc_w
     1299      write(lunout,*)' forc_geo   = ', forc_geo
     1300      write(lunout,*)' forc_ustar = ', forc_ustar
     1301      IF (forcing_type .eq.40) THEN
     1302        write(lunout,*) '--- Forcing type GCSS Old --- with:'
     1303        write(lunout,*)'imp_fcg',imp_fcg_gcssold
     1304        write(lunout,*)'ts_fcg',ts_fcg_gcssold
     1305        write(lunout,*)'tp_fcg',Tp_fcg_gcssold
     1306        write(lunout,*)'tp_ini',Tp_ini_gcssold
     1307        write(lunout,*)'xturb_fcg',xTurb_fcg_gcssold
     1308      ENDIF
     1310      write(lunout,*)' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
     1311      write(lunout,*)
     1313      RETURN
     1314      END
    6301316! $Id: dyn1deta0.F 1279 2010/07/30 A Lahellec$
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/1D_interp_cases.h

    r3680 r3682  
    173         if (rad_temp.eq.1) then
     173        if (rad_temp=="1") then
    174174           tend_rayo=1
    175175           dt_cooling(l) = dtrad_mod_cas(l)
  • LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/compar1d_std.h

    r3681 r3682  
    4040! Parametres de nudging en u,v,t,q valent 0 ou 1 ou le temps de nudging
    42       integer :: adv_temp, adv_theta, adv_thetal, rad_temp, rad_theta, rad_thetal
     42      integer :: adv_temp, adv_theta, adv_thetal
     43      character*20 :: rad_temp, rad_theta, rad_thetal
    4344      integer :: adv_qv, adv_qt, adv_rv, adv_rt
    4445      integer :: forc_omega, forc_u, forc_v, forc_w, forc_geo, forc_ustar
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