Jan 2, 2019, 7:44:20 PM (5 years ago)

Create subdirectory Ocean_skin in libf. For now, Ocean_skin is under
control of git, not subversion.

Add variable eps_w to common YOMCST.

For now, continue to read ocean skin parameters from a namelist in

The parameterisation is called from procedure surf_ocean.

Add two prognostic variables for the parameterisation: dt_ns and
ds_ns. Add eight diagnostic variables: t_int, s_int, dter, dser, tkt,
tks, rf, taur. The ten variables are only defined on ocean surface,
elsewhere they are set to nf90_fill_real. In pbl_surface, we can
initialize the eight diagnostic variables to nf90_fill_real before the
loop on sub-surfaces, but we need to keep the old values of dt_ns and
ds_ns as input of the parameterisation so we set dt_ns and ds_ns to
nf90_fill_real after the call to surf_ocean. Define ten corresponding
compressed variables in pbl_surface. Define ten corresponding NetCDF
output variables in phys_output_ctrlout_mod.

In procedure pbl_surface_newfrac, for an appearing ocean sub-surface,
dt_ns and ds_ns are set to 0. In phyetat0, also set initial dt_ns and
ds_ns to 0 if they are not in start file.

In procedure surf_ocean, for now, we use a constant specific latent
heat of vaporization, as elsewhere in LMDZ, and a constant bulk

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/Ocean_skin/libf/phylmd/phyredem.F90

    r3317 r3429  
    2727                                ale_wake, ale_bl_stat,                       &
    2828                                du_gwd_rando, du_gwd_front, u10m, v10m,      &
    29                                 treedrg
     29                                treedrg, ds_ns, dt_ns
    3030  USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg
    3131  USE iostart, ONLY: open_restartphy, close_restartphy, put_field, put_var
    337337       "tendency on zonal wind due to acama gravity waves", du_gwd_front)
     339  CALL put_field("ds_ns", "delta salinity near surface", ds_ns)
     340  CALL put_field("dT_ns", "delta temperature near surface", dT_ns)
    339342  CALL close_restartphy
    340343  !$OMP BARRIER
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