Dec 15, 2017, 8:36:29 AM (7 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead

Added a couple of dynamic variables

1 edited


  • LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.14/DefLists/CMIP6_ping_atmos.xml

    r3127 r3128  
    277277   <field id="CMIP6_swtoafluxaerocs" field_ref="dummy_not_provided"         /> <!-- P1 (W m-2) shortwave_flux_due_to_volcanic_aerosols_at_TOA_under_clear_sky : downwelling shortwave flux due to volcanic aerosols at TOA under clear sky to be diagnosed through double radiation call -->
    278278   <field id="CMIP6_sza"           field_ref="sza"              /> <!-- P1 (degree) solar_zenith_angle : The angle between the line of sight to the sun and the local vertical -->
    279    <field id="CMIP6_t2"            field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P2 (K2) square_of_air_temperature : Air temperature squared -->
     279   <field id="CMIP6_t2"            field_ref="temp"> temp*temp   </field> <!-- P2 (K2) square_of_air_temperature : Air temperature squared -->
    280280   <field id="CMIP6_ta"            field_ref="temp"             /> <!-- P3 (K) air_temperature : Air Temperature -->
    281281   <field id="CMIP6_tas"           field_ref="t2m"              /> <!-- P1 (K) air_temperature : near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature -->
    341341   <field id="CMIP6_vwap"          field_ref="vitv"> vitv*vitw  </field> <!-- P2 (Pa m s-2) product_of_northward_wind_and_omega : v*omega -->
    342342   <field id="CMIP6_wap"           field_ref="vitw"             /> <!-- P1 (Pa s-1) lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure : Omega (vertical velocity in pressure coordinates, positive downwards) -->
    343    <field id="CMIP6_wap2"          field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P2 (Pa2 s-2) square_of_lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure : omega*omega -->
     343   <field id="CMIP6_wap2"          field_ref="vitw"> vitw*vitw  </field> <!-- P2 (Pa2 s-2) square_of_lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure : omega*omega -->
    344344   <field id="CMIP6_wbptemp"       field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P1 (K) wet_bulb_potential_temperature : Wet bulb potential temperature -->
    345345   <field id="CMIP6_wtem"          field_ref="dummy_XYA"        /> <!-- P1 (m s-1) unset : Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics w*, meridional component of the residual meridional circulation (v*, w*) derived from 6 hr or higher frequency data fields (use instantaneous daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr data are not available). Scale height: 6950 m -->
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