Jul 18, 2016, 9:41:10 PM (8 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead

Merged trunk changes r2545:2589 into testing branch

44 edited
3 copied


  • LMDZ5/branches/testing

  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dyn3d_common/infotrac.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    8686    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: hadv  ! index of horizontal trasport schema
    8787    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vadv  ! index of vertical trasport schema
     89    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: hadv_inca  ! index of horizontal trasport schema
     90    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vadv_inca  ! index of vertical trasport schema
    8992    CHARACTER(len=15), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: tnom_0  ! tracer short name
    206209       nqtrue=nbtr+nqo
     211       ALLOCATE(hadv_inca(nbtr), vadv_inca(nbtr))
    207213    END IF   ! type_trac
    227233    ALLOCATE(tnom_0(nqtrue), hadv(nqtrue), vadv(nqtrue),tnom_transp(nqtrue))
    376383! le module de chimie fournit les noms des traceurs
    377 ! et les schemas d'advection associes.
     384! et les schemas d'advection associes. excepte pour ceux lus
     385! dans traceur.def
     386       IF (ierr .eq. 0) then
     387          DO iq=1,nqo
     389             write(*,*) 'infotrac 237: iq=',iq
     390             ! CRisi: ajout du nom du fluide transporteur
     391             ! mais rester retro compatible
     392             READ(90,'(I2,X,I2,X,A)',IOSTAT=IOstatus) hadv(iq),vadv(iq),tchaine
     393             write(lunout,*) 'iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq)=',iq,hadv(iq),vadv(iq)
     394             write(lunout,*) 'tchaine=',trim(tchaine)
     395             write(*,*) 'infotrac 238: IOstatus=',IOstatus
     396             if (IOstatus.ne.0) then
     397                CALL abort_gcm('infotrac_init','Pb dans la lecture de traceur.def',1)
     398             endif
     399             ! Y-a-t-il 1 ou 2 noms de traceurs? -> On regarde s'il y a un
     400             ! espace ou pas au milieu de la chaine.
     401             continu=.true.
     402             nouveau_traceurdef=.false.
     403             iiq=1
     404             do while (continu)
     405                if (tchaine(iiq:iiq).eq.' ') then
     406                  nouveau_traceurdef=.true.
     407                  continu=.false.
     408                else if (iiq.lt.LEN_TRIM(tchaine)) then
     409                  iiq=iiq+1
     410                else
     411                  continu=.false.
     412                endif
     413             enddo
     414             write(*,*) 'iiq,nouveau_traceurdef=',iiq,nouveau_traceurdef
     415             if (nouveau_traceurdef) then
     416                write(lunout,*) 'C''est la nouvelle version de traceur.def'
     417                tnom_0(iq)=tchaine(1:iiq-1)
     418                tnom_transp(iq)=tchaine(iiq+1:15)
     419             else
     420                write(lunout,*) 'C''est l''ancienne version de traceur.def'
     421                write(lunout,*) 'On suppose que les traceurs sont tous d''air'
     422                tnom_0(iq)=tchaine
     423                tnom_transp(iq) = 'air'
     424             endif
     425             write(lunout,*) 'tnom_0(iq)=<',trim(tnom_0(iq)),'>'
     426             write(lunout,*) 'tnom_transp(iq)=<',trim(tnom_transp(iq)),'>'
     428          END DO !DO iq=1,nqtrue
     429          CLOSE(90) 
     430       ELSE  !! if traceur.def doesn't exist
     431          tnom_0(1)='H2Ov'
     432          tnom_transp(1) = 'air'
     433          tnom_0(2)='H2Ol'
     434          tnom_transp(2) = 'air'
     435          hadv(1) = 10
     436          hadv(2) = 10
     437          vadv(1) = 10
     438          vadv(2) = 10
     439       ENDIF
    379441#ifdef INCA
    380442       CALL init_transport( &
    381             hadv, &
    382             vadv, &
     443            hadv_inca, &
     444            vadv_inca, &
    383445            conv_flg, &
    384446            pbl_flg,  &
    385447            solsym)
    387        tnom_0(1)='H2Ov'
    388        tnom_transp(1) = 'air'
    389        tnom_0(2)='H2Ol'
    390        tnom_transp(2) = 'air'
    391        IF (nqo == 3) then
    392           tnom_0(3)='H2Oi'     !! jyg
    393           tnom_transp(3) = 'air'
    394        endif
    397452       DO iq = nqo+1, nqtrue
     453          hadv(iq) = hadv_inca(iq-nqo)
     454          vadv(iq) = vadv_inca(iq-nqo)
    398455          tnom_0(iq)=solsym(iq-nqo)
    399456          tnom_transp(iq) = 'air'
    400457       END DO
    401 !!       DO iq =3,nqtrue
    402 !!          tnom_0(iq)=solsym(iq-2)
    403 !!       END DO
    404 !!       nqo = 2
    405 !>jyg
    407459    END IF ! (type_trac == 'inca')
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dyn3dmem/dynredem_loc.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    236236!--- Tracers in file "start_trac.nc" (added by Anne)
     237  lread_inca=.FALSE.
    237238!$OMP MASTER
    238   lread_inca=.FALSE.; fil="start_trac.nc"
     239  fil="start_trac.nc"
    239240  IF(type_trac=='inca') INQUIRE(FILE=fil,EXIST=lread_inca)
    240241  IF(lread_inca) CALL err(NF90_OPEN(fil,NF90_NOWRITE,nid_trac),"open")
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phydev/iniphysiq_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    1212                     prad,pg,pr,pcpp,iflag_phys)
    1313  USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy
    14   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo,  & ! number of atmospheric columns (on full grid)
    15                                regular_lonlat  ! regular longitude-latitude grid type
    16   USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp, & ! number of columns (on local omp grid)
    17                                 klon_omp_begin, & ! start index of local omp subgrid
    18                                 klon_omp_end, & ! end index of local omp subgrid
    19                                 klon_mpi_begin ! start indes of columns (on local mpi grid)
    20   USE geometry_mod, ONLY : init_geometry
     14  USE inigeomphy_mod, ONLY: inigeomphy
     15  USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp ! number of columns (on local omp grid)
    2116  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot, type_trac
    2217  USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: init_infotrac_phy
    23 !  USE comcstphy, ONLY: rradius, & ! planet radius (m)
    24 !                       rr, & ! recuced gas constant: R/molar mass of atm
    25 !                       rg, & ! gravity
    26 !                       rcpp  ! specific heat of the atmosphere
    2718  USE inifis_mod, ONLY: inifis
    2819  USE phyaqua_mod, ONLY: iniaqua
    29   USE physics_distribution_mod, ONLY : init_physics_distribution
    30   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : init_regular_lonlat, &
    31                                  east, west, north, south, &
    32                                  north_east, north_west, &
    33                                  south_west, south_east
    34   USE mod_interface_dyn_phys, ONLY :  init_interface_dyn_phys
    3520  USE nrtype, ONLY: pi
    6954  CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: modname='iniphysiq'
    7055  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: abort_message
    71   REAL :: total_area_phy, total_area_dyn
    73   ! boundaries, on global grid
    74   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslon_reg(:,:)
    75   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslat_reg(:,:)
    77   ! global array, on full physics grid:
    78   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: latfi_glo(:)
    79   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: lonfi_glo(:)
    80   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cufi_glo(:)
    81   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cvfi_glo(:)
    82   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: airefi_glo(:)
    83   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslonfi_glo(:,:)
    84   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslatfi_glo(:,:)
     58  ! --> initialize physics distribution, global fields and geometry
     59  ! (i.e. things in phy_common or dynphy_lonlat)
     60  CALL inigeomphy(iim,jjm,nlayer, &
     61               nbp, communicator, &
     62               rlatu,rlatv, &
     63               rlonu,rlonv, &
     64               aire,cu,cv)
    86   ! local arrays, on given MPI/OpenMP domain:
    87   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: latfi(:)
    88   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: lonfi(:)
    89   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cufi(:)
    90   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cvfi(:)
    91   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: airefi(:)
    92   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslonfi(:,:)
    93   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslatfi(:,:)
    94 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (latfi,lonfi,cufi,cvfi,airefi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi)
    96   ! Initialize Physics distibution and parameters and interface with dynamics
    97   CALL init_physics_distribution(regular_lonlat,4, &
    98                                  nbp,iim,jjm+1,nlayer,communicator)
    99   CALL init_interface_dyn_phys
    101   ! init regular global longitude-latitude grid points and boundaries
    102   ALLOCATE(boundslon_reg(iim,2))
    103   ALLOCATE(boundslat_reg(jjm+1,2))
    105   DO i=1,iim
    106    boundslon_reg(i,east)=rlonu(i)
    107    boundslon_reg(i,west)=rlonu(i+1)
    108   ENDDO
    110   boundslat_reg(1,north)= PI/2
    111   boundslat_reg(1,south)= rlatv(1)
    112   DO j=2,jjm
    113    boundslat_reg(j,north)=rlatv(j-1)
    114    boundslat_reg(j,south)=rlatv(j)
    115   ENDDO
    116   boundslat_reg(jjm+1,north)= rlatv(jjm)
    117   boundslat_reg(jjm+1,south)= -PI/2
    119   ! Write values in module regular_lonlat_mod
    120   CALL init_regular_lonlat(iim,jjm+1, rlonv(1:iim), rlatu, &
    121                            boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg)
    123   ! Generate global arrays on full physics grid
    124   ALLOCATE(latfi_glo(klon_glo),lonfi_glo(klon_glo))
    125   ALLOCATE(cufi_glo(klon_glo),cvfi_glo(klon_glo))
    126   ALLOCATE(airefi_glo(klon_glo))
    127   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    128   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    130     ! North pole
    131     latfi_glo(1)=rlatu(1)
    132     lonfi_glo(1)=0.
    133     cufi_glo(1) = cu(1)
    134     cvfi_glo(1) = cv(1)
    135     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_east)=0
    136     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_east)=PI/2
    137     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_west)=2*PI
    138     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_west)=PI/2
    139     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_west)=2*PI
    140     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlatv(1)
    141     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_east)=0
    142     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlatv(1)
    143     DO j=2,jjm
    144       DO i=1,iim
    145         k=(j-2)*iim+1+i
    146         latfi_glo(k)= rlatu(j)
    147         lonfi_glo(k)= rlonv(i)
    148         cufi_glo(k) = cu((j-1)*(iim+1)+i)
    149         cvfi_glo(k) = cv((j-1)*(iim+1)+i)
    150         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlonu(i)
    151         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlatv(j-1)
    152         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    153         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlatv(j-1)
    154         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    155         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlatv(j)
    156         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlonu(i)
    157         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlatv(j)
    158       ENDDO
    159     ENDDO
    160     ! South pole
    161     latfi_glo(klon_glo)= rlatu(jjm+1)
    162     lonfi_glo(klon_glo)= 0.
    163     cufi_glo(klon_glo) = cu((iim+1)*jjm+1)
    164     cvfi_glo(klon_glo) = cv((iim+1)*jjm-iim)
    165     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= 0
    166     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= rlatv(jjm)
    167     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= 2*PI
    168     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= rlatv(jjm)
    169     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= 2*PI
    170     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= -PI/2
    171     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= 0
    172     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= -Pi/2
    174     ! build airefi(), mesh area on physics grid
    175     CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iim+1,jjm+1,klon_glo,aire,airefi_glo)
    176     ! Poles are single points on physics grid
    177     airefi_glo(1)=sum(aire(1:iim,1))
    178     airefi_glo(klon_glo)=sum(aire(1:iim,jjm+1))
    180     ! Sanity check: do total planet area match between physics and dynamics?
    181     total_area_dyn=sum(aire(1:iim,1:jjm+1))
    182     total_area_phy=sum(airefi_glo(1:klon_glo))
    183     IF (total_area_dyn/=total_area_phy) THEN
    184       WRITE (lunout, *) 'iniphysiq: planet total surface discrepancy !!!'
    185       WRITE (lunout, *) '     in the dynamics total_area_dyn=', total_area_dyn
    186       WRITE (lunout, *) '  but in the physics total_area_phy=', total_area_phy
    187       IF (abs(total_area_dyn-total_area_phy)>0.00001*total_area_dyn) THEN
    188         ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 0.001%
    189         abort_message = 'planet total surface discrepancy'
    190         CALL abort_gcm(modname, abort_message, 1)
    191       ENDIF
    192     ENDIF
     66  ! --> now initialize things specific to the phydev physics package
    19468!$OMP PARALLEL
    195   ! Now generate local lon/lat/cu/cv/area/bounds arrays
    196   ALLOCATE(latfi(klon_omp),lonfi(klon_omp),cufi(klon_omp),cvfi(klon_omp))
    197   ALLOCATE(airefi(klon_omp))
    198   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi(klon_omp,4))
    199   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi(klon_omp,4))
    202   offset = klon_mpi_begin - 1
    203   airefi(1:klon_omp) = airefi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    204   cufi(1:klon_omp) = cufi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    205   cvfi(1:klon_omp) = cvfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    206   lonfi(1:klon_omp) = lonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    207   latfi(1:klon_omp) = latfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    208   boundslonfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
    209   boundslatfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslatfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
    211   ! copy over local grid longitudes and latitudes
    212   CALL init_geometry(klon_omp,lonfi,latfi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi, &
    213                      airefi,cufi,cvfi)
    21570  ! Initialize physical constants in physics:
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phylmd/iniphysiq_mod.F90

    r2471 r2594  
    1212                     prad,pg,pr,pcpp,iflag_phys)
    1313  USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy
    14   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo,  & ! number of atmospheric columns (on full grid)
    15                                regular_lonlat, &  ! regular longitude-latitude grid type
    16                                nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev
    17   USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp, & ! number of columns (on local omp grid)
    18                                 klon_omp_begin, & ! start index of local omp subgrid
    19                                 klon_omp_end, & ! end index of local omp subgrid
    20                                 klon_mpi_begin ! start indes of columns (on local mpi grid)
    21   USE geometry_mod, ONLY : init_geometry
     14  USE inigeomphy_mod, ONLY: inigeomphy
     15  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo ! number of atmospheric columns (on full grid)
     16  USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp ! number of columns (on local omp grid)
    2217  USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY : init_vertical_layers
    2318  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot,nqo,nbtr,tname,ttext,type_trac,&
    3934  USE phystokenc_mod, ONLY: init_phystokenc
    4035  USE phyaqua_mod, ONLY: iniaqua
    41   USE physics_distribution_mod, ONLY : init_physics_distribution
    42   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : init_regular_lonlat, &
    43                                  east, west, north, south, &
    44                                  north_east, north_west, &
    45                                  south_west, south_east
    46   USE mod_interface_dyn_phys, ONLY :  init_interface_dyn_phys
    4736#ifdef INCA
    4837  USE indice_sol_mod, ONLY: nbsrf, is_oce, is_sic, is_ter, is_lic
    9281  CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: modname = 'iniphysiq'
    9382  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: abort_message
    94   REAL :: total_area_phy, total_area_dyn
    96   ! boundaries, on global grid
    97   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslon_reg(:,:)
    98   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslat_reg(:,:)
    100   ! global array, on full physics grid:
    101   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: latfi_glo(:)
    102   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: lonfi_glo(:)
    103   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cufi_glo(:)
    104   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cvfi_glo(:)
    105   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: airefi_glo(:)
    106   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslonfi_glo(:,:)
    107   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslatfi_glo(:,:)
    109   ! local arrays, on given MPI/OpenMP domain:
    110   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: latfi(:)
    111   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: lonfi(:)
    112   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cufi(:)
    113   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cvfi(:)
    114   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: airefi(:)
    115   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslonfi(:,:)
    116   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslatfi(:,:)
    117 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (latfi,lonfi,cufi,cvfi,airefi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi)
    11985#ifndef CPP_PARA
    125   ! Initialize Physics distibution and parameters and interface with dynamics
    126   IF (ii*jj>1) THEN ! general 3D case
    127     CALL init_physics_distribution(regular_lonlat,4, &
    128                                  nbp,ii,jj+1,nlayer,communicator)
    129   ELSE ! For 1D model
    130     CALL init_physics_distribution(regular_lonlat,4, &
    131                                  1,1,1,nlayer,communicator) 
    132   ENDIF
    133   CALL init_interface_dyn_phys
     91  ! --> initialize physics distribution, global fields and geometry
     92  ! (i.e. things in phy_common or dynphy_lonlat)
     93  CALL inigeomphy(ii,jj,nlayer, &
     94               nbp, communicator, &
     95               rlatu,rlatv, &
     96               rlonu,rlonv, &
     97               aire,cu,cv)
     99  ! --> now initialize things specific to the phylmd physics package
    135   ! init regular global longitude-latitude grid points and boundaries
    136   ALLOCATE(boundslon_reg(ii,2))
    137   ALLOCATE(boundslat_reg(jj+1,2))
    139   DO i=1,ii
    140    boundslon_reg(i,east)=rlonu(i)
    141    boundslon_reg(i,west)=rlonu(i+1)
    142   ENDDO
    144   boundslat_reg(1,north)= PI/2
    145   boundslat_reg(1,south)= rlatv(1)
    146   DO j=2,jj
    147    boundslat_reg(j,north)=rlatv(j-1)
    148    boundslat_reg(j,south)=rlatv(j)
    149   ENDDO
    150   boundslat_reg(jj+1,north)= rlatv(jj)
    151   boundslat_reg(jj+1,south)= -PI/2
    153   ! Write values in module regular_lonlat_mod
    154   CALL init_regular_lonlat(ii,jj+1, rlonv(1:ii), rlatu, &
    155                            boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg)
    157   ! Generate global arrays on full physics grid
    158   ALLOCATE(latfi_glo(klon_glo),lonfi_glo(klon_glo))
    159   ALLOCATE(cufi_glo(klon_glo),cvfi_glo(klon_glo))
    160   ALLOCATE(airefi_glo(klon_glo))
    161   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    162   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    165   IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! general case
    166     ! North pole
    167     latfi_glo(1)=rlatu(1)
    168     lonfi_glo(1)=0.
    169     cufi_glo(1) = cu(1)
    170     cvfi_glo(1) = cv(1)
    171     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_east)=0
    172     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_east)=PI/2
    173     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_west)=2*PI
    174     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_west)=PI/2
    175     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_west)=2*PI
    176     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlatv(1)
    177     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_east)=0
    178     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlatv(1)
    179     DO j=2,jj
    180       DO i=1,ii
    181         k=(j-2)*ii+1+i
    182         latfi_glo(k)= rlatu(j)
    183         lonfi_glo(k)= rlonv(i)
    184         cufi_glo(k) = cu((j-1)*(ii+1)+i)
    185         cvfi_glo(k) = cv((j-1)*(ii+1)+i)
    186         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlonu(i)
    187         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlatv(j-1)
    188         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    189         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlatv(j-1)
    190         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    191         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlatv(j)
    192         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlonu(i)
    193         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlatv(j)
    194       ENDDO
    195     ENDDO
    196     ! South pole
    197     latfi_glo(klon_glo)= rlatu(jj+1)
    198     lonfi_glo(klon_glo)= 0.
    199     cufi_glo(klon_glo) = cu((ii+1)*jj+1)
    200     cvfi_glo(klon_glo) = cv((ii+1)*jj-ii)
    201     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= 0
    202     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= rlatv(jj)
    203     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= 2*PI
    204     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= rlatv(jj)
    205     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= 2*PI
    206     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= -PI/2
    207     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= 0
    208     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= -Pi/2
    210     ! build airefi_glo(), mesh area on physics grid
    211     CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,ii+1,jj+1,klon_glo,aire,airefi_glo)
    212     ! Poles are single points on physics grid
    213     airefi_glo(1)=sum(aire(1:ii,1))
    214     airefi_glo(klon_glo)=sum(aire(1:ii,jj+1))
    216     ! Sanity check: do total planet area match between physics and dynamics?
    217     total_area_dyn=sum(aire(1:ii,1:jj+1))
    218     total_area_phy=sum(airefi_glo(1:klon_glo))
    219     IF (total_area_dyn/=total_area_phy) THEN
    220       WRITE (lunout, *) 'iniphysiq: planet total surface discrepancy !!!'
    221       WRITE (lunout, *) '     in the dynamics total_area_dyn=', total_area_dyn
    222       WRITE (lunout, *) '  but in the physics total_area_phy=', total_area_phy
    223       IF (abs(total_area_dyn-total_area_phy)>0.00001*total_area_dyn) THEN
    224         ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 0.001%
    225         abort_message = 'planet total surface discrepancy'
    226         CALL abort_gcm(modname, abort_message, 1)
    227       ENDIF
    228     ENDIF
    229   ELSE ! klon_glo==1, running the 1D model
    230     ! just copy over input values
    231     latfi_glo(1)=rlatu(1)
    232     lonfi_glo(1)=rlonv(1)
    233     cufi_glo(1)=cu(1)
    234     cvfi_glo(1)=cv(1)
    235     airefi_glo(1)=aire(1,1)
    236     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_east)=rlonu(1)
    237     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_east)=PI/2
    238     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_west)=rlonu(2)
    239     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_west)=PI/2
    240     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlonu(2)
    241     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlatv(1)
    242     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlonu(1)
    243     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlatv(1)
    244   ENDIF ! of IF (klon_glo>1)
    247   ! Now generate local lon/lat/cu/cv/area/bounds arrays
    248   ALLOCATE(latfi(klon_omp),lonfi(klon_omp),cufi(klon_omp),cvfi(klon_omp))
    249   ALLOCATE(airefi(klon_omp))
    250   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi(klon_omp,4))
    251   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi(klon_omp,4))
    254   offset = klon_mpi_begin - 1
    255   airefi(1:klon_omp) = airefi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    256   cufi(1:klon_omp) = cufi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    257   cvfi(1:klon_omp) = cvfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    258   lonfi(1:klon_omp) = lonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    259   latfi(1:klon_omp) = latfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    260   boundslonfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
    261   boundslatfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslatfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
    263   ! copy over local grid longitudes and latitudes
    264   CALL init_geometry(klon_omp,lonfi,latfi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi, &
    265                      airefi,cufi,cvfi)
    267103  ! copy over preff , ap(), bp(), etc
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phylmd/limit_netcdf.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    117117    ALLOCATE(pctsrf(klon,nbsrf))
    118118    CALL start_init_subsurf(.FALSE.)
     119  !--- TO MATCH EXACTLY WHAT WOULD BE DONE IN etat0phys_netcdf
     120    WHERE(   masque(:,:)<EPSFRA) masque(:,:)=0.
     121    WHERE(1.-masque(:,:)<EPSFRA) masque(:,:)=1.
    119122  END IF
    336339  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champan(:,:,:)
    337340!--- input files
     341  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: fnam_m, fnam_p     ! previous/next files names
    338342  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: cal_in             ! calendar
    339343  CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: unit_sic           ! attribute unit in sea-ice file
    345349  LOGICAL           :: extrp              ! flag for extrapolation
    346350  REAL              :: chmin, chmax
    347   INTEGER ierr
     351  INTEGER ierr, idx
    348352  integer n_extrap ! number of extrapolated points
    349353  logical skip
    360364  END SELECT
    361365  extrp=.FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(flag).AND.mode=='SST') extrp=flag
     366  idx=INDEX(fnam,'.nc')-1
    363368!--- GETTING SOME DIMENSIONAL VARIABLES FROM FILE -----------------------------
    393398!--- Time (variable is not needed - it is rebuilt - but calendar is)
    394399  CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, dids(3), name=dnam, len=lmdep), fnam)
    395   ALLOCATE(timeyear(MAX(lmdep,14)))
     400  ALLOCATE(timeyear(lmdep+2))
    396401  CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam)
    397402  cal_in=' '
    412417  IF(lmdep==12) THEN
    413418    timeyear=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in, ndays_in)
    414     CALL msg(0,'Monthly periodic input file (perpetual run).')
    415   ELSE IF(lmdep==14) THEN
    416     timeyear=mid_month(anneeref, cal_in, ndays_in)
    417     CALL msg(0,'Monthly 14-records input file (interannual run).')
     419    CALL msg(0,'Monthly input file(s) for '//TRIM(title)//'.')
    418420  ELSE IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
    419     timeyear=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=1,ndays_in)]
     421    timeyear=[(REAL(k)-0.5,k=0,ndays_in+1)]
    420422    CALL msg(0,'Daily input file (no time interpolation).')
    421423  ELSE
    422424    WRITE(mess,'(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Mismatching input file: found',lmdep,        &
    423       ' records, 12/14/',ndays_in,' (periodic/interannual/daily) needed'
     425      ' records, 12/',ndays_in,' (monthly/daily needed).'
    424426    CALL abort_physic('mid_months',TRIM(mess),1)
    425427  END IF
    427429!--- GETTING THE FIELD AND INTERPOLATING IT ----------------------------------
    428   ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, MAX(lmdep,14)))
     430  ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, lmdep+2))
    429431  IF(extrp) ALLOCATE(work(imdep, jmdep))
    430432  CALL msg(5,'')
    446448      WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
    447449    END IF
    448     !--- Special case for periodic input file: index shifted
    449     ll = l; IF(lmdep==12) ll = l + 1
    450     champtime(:, :, ll)=champint
     450    champtime(:, :, l+1)=champint
    451451  END DO
    452   IF(lmdep==12) THEN
    453     champtime(:,:, 1)=champtime(:,:,13)
    454     champtime(:,:,14)=champtime(:,:, 2)
    455   END IF
    456452  CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam)
     455  fnam_m=fnam(1:idx)//'_m.nc'
     456  IF(NF90_OPEN(fnam_m,NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)==NF90_NOERR) THEN
     457    CALL msg(0,'Reading previous year file ("'//TRIM(fnam_m)//'") last record for '//TRIM(title))
     458    CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid),fnam_m)
     459    CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE(ncid, varid, dimids=dids),fnam_m)
     460    CALL ncerr(NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(ncid, dids(3), len=l), fnam_m)
     461    CALL ncerr(NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,varid,champ,[1,1,l],[imdep,jmdep,1]),fnam_m)
     462    CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam_m)
     463    CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
     464    IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ,imdep,jmdep,999999.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,2,work)
     465    IF(mode=='RUG') champ=LOG(champ)
     466    CALL inter_barxy(dlon,dlat(:jmdep-1),champ,rlonu(:iim),rlatv,champint)
     467    IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
     468      champint=EXP(champint)
     469      WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
     470    END IF
     471    champtime(:, :, 1)=champint
     472  ELSE
     473    CALL msg(0,'Using current year file ("'//TRIM(fnam)//'") last record for '//TRIM(title))
     474    champtime(:, :, 1)=champtime(:, :, lmdep+1)
     475  END IF
     478  fnam_p=fnam(1:idx)//'_p.nc'
     479  IF(NF90_OPEN(fnam_p,NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)==NF90_NOERR) THEN
     480    CALL msg(0,'Reading previous year file ("'//TRIM(fnam_p)//'") first record for '//TRIM(title))
     481    CALL ncerr(NF90_INQ_VARID(ncid, varname, varid),fnam_p)
     482    CALL ncerr(NF90_GET_VAR(ncid,varid,champ,[1,1,1],[imdep,jmdep,1]),fnam_p)
     483    CALL ncerr(NF90_CLOSE(ncid), fnam_p)
     484    CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.)
     485    IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ,imdep,jmdep,999999.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,2,work)
     486    IF(mode=='RUG') champ=LOG(champ)
     487    CALL inter_barxy(dlon,dlat(:jmdep-1),champ,rlonu(:iim),rlatv,champint)
     488    IF(mode=='RUG') THEN
     489      champint=EXP(champint)
     490      WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint=0.001
     491    END IF
     492    champtime(:, :, lmdep+2)=champint
     493  ELSE
     494    CALL msg(0,'Using current year file ("'//TRIM(fnam)//'") first record for '//TRIM(title))
     495    champtime(:, :, lmdep+2)=champtime(:, :, 2)
     496  END IF
    458497  DEALLOCATE(dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ)
    459498  IF(extrp) DEALLOCATE(work)
    477516     END IF
    478517  END IF
    479   ALLOCATE(yder(MAX(lmdep,14)), champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays))
     518  ALLOCATE(yder(lmdep+2), champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays))
    480519  IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN
    481520     champan(1:iim,:,:)=champtime
     587  USE grid_noro_m, ONLY: grid_noro0
    548588  IMPLICIT NONE
    600640END SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0
    601 !
    602 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    605 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    606 !
    607 SUBROUTINE grid_noro0(xd,yd,zd,x,y,zphi,mask)
    608 !
    609 !===============================================================================
    610 ! Purpose: Extracted from grid_noro to provide geopotential height for dynamics
    611 !          without any call to physics subroutines.
    612 !===============================================================================
    614 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    615 ! Arguments:
    616   REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: xd(:), yd(:) !--- INPUT  COORDINATES     (imdp) (jmdp)
    617   REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: zd(:,:)      !--- INPUT  FIELD           (imdp,jmdp)
    618   REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: x(:), y(:)   !--- OUTPUT COORDINATES     (imar+1) (jmar)
    619   REAL, INTENT(OUT)  :: zphi(:,:)    !--- GEOPOTENTIAL           (imar+1,jmar)
    620   REAL, INTENT(INOUT):: mask(:,:)    !--- MASK                   (imar+1,jmar)
    621 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    622 ! Local variables:
    623   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname="grid_noro0"
    624   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: xusn(:), yusn(:)           ! dim (imdp+2*iext) (jmdp+2)
    625   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zusn(:,:)                  ! dim (imdp+2*iext,jmdp+2)
    626   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: weight(:,:)                ! dim (imar+1,jmar)
    627   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mask_tmp(:,:), zmea(:,:)   ! dim (imar+1,jmar)
    628   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: num_tot(:,:), num_lan(:,:) ! dim (imax,jmax)
    629   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a(:), b(:)                 ! dim (imax)
    630   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: c(:), d(:)                 ! dim (jmax)
    631   LOGICAL :: masque_lu
    632   INTEGER :: i, ii, imdp, imar, iext
    633   INTEGER :: j, jj, jmdp, jmar, nn
    634   REAL    :: xpi, zlenx, weighx, xincr,  zbordnor, zmeanor, zweinor, zbordest
    635   REAL    :: rad, zleny, weighy, masque, zbordsud, zmeasud, zweisud, zbordoue
    636 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    637   imdp=assert_eq(SIZE(xd),SIZE(zd,1),TRIM(modname)//" imdp")
    638   jmdp=assert_eq(SIZE(yd),SIZE(zd,2),TRIM(modname)//" jmdp")
    639   imar=assert_eq(SIZE(x),SIZE(zphi,1),SIZE(mask,1),TRIM(modname)//" imar")-1
    640   jmar=assert_eq(SIZE(y),SIZE(zphi,2),SIZE(mask,2),TRIM(modname)//" jmar")
    641   IF(imar/=iim)   CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'imar/=iim'  ,1)
    642   IF(jmar/=jjm+1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'jmar/=jjm+1',1)
    643   iext=imdp/10
    644   xpi = ACOS(-1.)
    645   rad = 6371229.
    647 !--- ARE WE USING A READ MASK ?
    648   masque_lu=ANY(mask/=-99999.); IF(.NOT.masque_lu) mask=0.0
    649   WRITE(lunout,*)'Masque lu: ',masque_lu
    652   ALLOCATE(xusn(imdp+2*iext))
    653   xusn(1     +iext:imdp  +iext)=xd(:)
    654   xusn(1          :       iext)=xd(1+imdp-iext:imdp)-2.*xpi
    655   xusn(1+imdp+iext:imdp+2*iext)=xd(1          :iext)+2.*xpi
    657   ALLOCATE(yusn(jmdp+2))
    658   yusn(1       )=yd(1)   +(yd(1)   -yd(2))
    659   yusn(2:jmdp+1)=yd(:)
    660   yusn(  jmdp+2)=yd(jmdp)+(yd(jmdp)-yd(jmdp-1))
    662   ALLOCATE(zusn(imdp+2*iext,jmdp+2))
    663   zusn(1       +iext:imdp  +iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (:                   ,     :)
    664   zusn(1            :       iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (imdp-iext+1:imdp    ,     :)
    665   zusn(1+imdp  +iext:imdp+2*iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (1:iext              ,     :)
    666   zusn(1            :imdp/2+iext,       1)=zusn(1+imdp/2:imdp  +iext,     2)
    667   zusn(1+imdp/2+iext:imdp+2*iext,       1)=zusn(1       :imdp/2+iext,     2)
    668   zusn(1            :imdp/2+iext,  jmdp+2)=zusn(1+imdp/2:imdp  +iext,jmdp+1)
    669   zusn(1+imdp/2+iext:imdp+2*iext,  jmdp+2)=zusn(1       :imdp/2+iext,jmdp+1)
    672   ALLOCATE(a(imar+1),b(imar+1))
    673   b(1:imar)=(x(1:imar  )+ x(2:imar+1))/2.0
    674   b(imar+1)= x(  imar+1)+(x(  imar+1)-x(imar))/2.0
    675   a(1)=x(1)-(x(2)-x(1))/2.0
    676   a(2:imar+1)= b(1:imar)
    678   ALLOCATE(c(jmar),d(jmar))
    679   d(1:jmar-1)=(y(1:jmar-1)+ y(2:jmar))/2.0
    680   d(  jmar  )= y(  jmar  )+(y(  jmar)-y(jmar-1))/2.0
    681   c(1)=y(1)-(y(2)-y(1))/2.0
    682   c(2:jmar)=d(1:jmar-1)
    685   ALLOCATE(weight(imar+1,jmar)); weight(:,:)= 0.0
    686   ALLOCATE(zmea  (imar+1,jmar)); zmea  (:,:)= 0.0
    689   zleny=xpi/REAL(jmdp)*rad
    690   xincr=xpi/REAL(jmdp)/2.
    691   ALLOCATE(num_tot(imar+1,jmar)); num_tot(:,:)=0.
    692   ALLOCATE(num_lan(imar+1,jmar)); num_lan(:,:)=0.
    693   DO ii = 1, imar+1
    694     DO jj = 1, jmar
    695       DO j = 2,jmdp+1
    696         zlenx  =zleny  *COS(yusn(j))
    697         zbordnor=(xincr+c(jj)-yusn(j))*rad
    698         zbordsud=(xincr-d(jj)+yusn(j))*rad
    699         weighy=AMAX1(0.,AMIN1(zbordnor,zbordsud,zleny))
    700         IF(weighy/=0) THEN
    701           DO i = 2, imdp+2*iext-1
    702             zbordest=(xusn(i)-a(ii)+xincr)*rad*COS(yusn(j))
    703             zbordoue=(b(ii)+xincr-xusn(i))*rad*COS(yusn(j))
    704             weighx=AMAX1(0.,AMIN1(zbordest,zbordoue,zlenx))
    705             IF(weighx/=0)THEN
    706               num_tot(ii,jj)=num_tot(ii,jj)+1.0
    707               IF(zusn(i,j)>=1.)num_lan(ii,jj)=num_lan(ii,jj)+1.0
    708               weight(ii,jj)=weight(ii,jj)+weighx*weighy
    709               zmea  (ii,jj)=zmea  (ii,jj)+zusn(i,j)*weighx*weighy !--- MEAN
    710             END IF
    711           END DO
    712         END IF
    713       END DO
    714     END DO
    715   END DO
    718   IF(.NOT.masque_lu) THEN
    719     WHERE(weight(:,1:jmar-1)/=0.0) mask=num_lan(:,:)/num_tot(:,:)
    720   END IF
    721   nn=COUNT(weight(:,1:jmar-1)==0.0)
    722   IF(nn/=0) WRITE(lunout,*)'Problem with weight ; vanishing occurrences: ',nn
    723   WHERE(weight/=0.0) zmea(:,:)=zmea(:,:)/weight(:,:)
    726   ALLOCATE(mask_tmp(imar+1,jmar)); mask_tmp(:,:)=0.0
    727   WHERE(mask>=0.1) mask_tmp = 1.
    728   WHERE(weight(:,:)/=0.0)
    729     zphi(:,:)=mask_tmp(:,:)*zmea(:,:)
    730     zmea(:,:)=mask_tmp(:,:)*zmea(:,:)
    731   END WHERE
    732   WRITE(lunout,*)'  MEAN ORO:' ,MAXVAL(zmea)
    734 !--- Values at poles
    735   zphi(imar+1,:)=zphi(1,:)
    737   zweinor=SUM(weight(1:imar,   1),DIM=1)
    738   zweisud=SUM(weight(1:imar,jmar),DIM=1)
    739   zmeanor=SUM(weight(1:imar,   1)*zmea(1:imar,   1),DIM=1)
    740   zmeasud=SUM(weight(1:imar,jmar)*zmea(1:imar,jmar),DIM=1)
    741   zphi(:,1)=zmeanor/zweinor; zphi(:,jmar)=zmeasud/zweisud
    743 END SUBROUTINE grid_noro0
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phymar/iniphysiq_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    1212                     prad,pg,pr,pcpp,iflag_phys)
    1313  USE dimphy, ONLY: init_dimphy
    14   USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY: klon_glo,  & ! number of atmospheric columns (on full grid)
    15                                regular_lonlat  ! regular longitude-latitude grid type
    16   USE mod_phys_lmdz_para, ONLY: klon_omp, & ! number of columns (on local omp grid)
    17                                 klon_omp_begin, & ! start index of local omp subgrid
    18                                 klon_omp_end, & ! end index of local omp subgrid
    19                                 klon_mpi_begin ! start indes of columns (on local mpi grid)
    20   USE geometry_mod, ONLY : init_geometry
     14  USE inigeomphy_mod, ONLY: inigeomphy
    2115  USE infotrac, ONLY: nqtot
    2216  USE comcstphy, ONLY: rradius, & ! planet radius (m)
    2418                       rg, & ! gravity
    2519                       rcpp  ! specific heat of the atmosphere
    26 !  USE phyaqua_mod, ONLY: iniaqua
    27   USE physics_distribution_mod, ONLY : init_physics_distribution
    28   USE regular_lonlat_mod, ONLY : init_regular_lonlat, &
    29                                  east, west, north, south, &
    30                                  north_east, north_west, &
    31                                  south_west, south_east
    32   USE mod_interface_dyn_phys, ONLY :  init_interface_dyn_phys
    3320  USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: init_infotrac_phy
    3421  USE nrtype, ONLY: pi
    6855  CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: modname='iniphysiq'
    6956  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: abort_message
    70   REAL :: total_area_phy, total_area_dyn
    72   ! boundaries, on global grid
    73   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslon_reg(:,:)
    74   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslat_reg(:,:)
    76   ! global array, on full physics grid:
    77   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: latfi_glo(:)
    78   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: lonfi_glo(:)
    79   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cufi_glo(:)
    80   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: cvfi_glo(:)
    81   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: airefi_glo(:)
    82   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslonfi_glo(:,:)
    83   REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: boundslatfi_glo(:,:)
    85   ! local arrays, on given MPI/OpenMP domain:
    86   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: latfi(:)
    87   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: lonfi(:)
    88   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cufi(:)
    89   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: cvfi(:)
    90   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: airefi(:)
    91   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslonfi(:,:)
    92   REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: boundslatfi(:,:)
    93 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (latfi,lonfi,cufi,cvfi,airefi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi)
    95   ! Initialize Physics distibution and parameters and interface with dynamics
    96   CALL init_physics_distribution(regular_lonlat,4, &
    97                                  nbp,ii,jj+1,nlayer,communicator)
    98   CALL init_interface_dyn_phys
    100   ! init regular global longitude-latitude grid points and boundaries
    101   ALLOCATE(boundslon_reg(ii,2))
    102   ALLOCATE(boundslat_reg(jj+1,2))
    104   DO i=1,ii
    105    boundslon_reg(i,east)=rlonu(i)
    106    boundslon_reg(i,west)=rlonu(i+1)
    107   ENDDO
    109   boundslat_reg(1,north)= PI/2
    110   boundslat_reg(1,south)= rlatv(1)
    111   DO j=2,jj
    112    boundslat_reg(j,north)=rlatv(j-1)
    113    boundslat_reg(j,south)=rlatv(j)
    114   ENDDO
    115   boundslat_reg(jj+1,north)= rlatv(jj)
    116   boundslat_reg(jj+1,south)= -PI/2
    118   ! Write values in module regular_lonlat_mod
    119   CALL init_regular_lonlat(ii,jj+1, rlonv(1:ii), rlatu, &
    120                            boundslon_reg, boundslat_reg)
    122   ! Generate global arrays on full physics grid
    123   ALLOCATE(latfi_glo(klon_glo),lonfi_glo(klon_glo))
    124   ALLOCATE(cufi_glo(klon_glo),cvfi_glo(klon_glo))
    125   ALLOCATE(airefi_glo(klon_glo))
    126   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    127   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,4))
    129   IF (klon_glo>1) THEN ! general case
    130     ! North pole
    131     latfi_glo(1)=rlatu(1)
    132     lonfi_glo(1)=0.
    133     cufi_glo(1) = cu(1)
    134     cvfi_glo(1) = cv(1)
    135     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_east)=0
    136     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_east)=PI/2
    137     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_west)=2*PI
    138     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_west)=PI/2
    139     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_west)=2*PI
    140     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlatv(1)
    141     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_east)=0
    142     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlatv(1)
    143     DO j=2,jj
    144       DO i=1,ii
    145         k=(j-2)*ii+1+i
    146         latfi_glo((j-2)*ii+1+i)= rlatu(j)
    147         lonfi_glo((j-2)*ii+1+i)= rlonv(i)
    148         cufi_glo((j-2)*ii+1+i) = cu((j-1)*(ii+1)+i)
    149         cvfi_glo((j-2)*ii+1+i) = cv((j-1)*(ii+1)+i)
    150         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlonu(i)
    151         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_east)=rlatv(j-1)
    152         boundslonfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    153         boundslatfi_glo(k,north_west)=rlatv(j-1)
    154         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlonu(i+1)
    155         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_west)=rlatv(j)
    156         boundslonfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlonu(i)
    157         boundslatfi_glo(k,south_east)=rlatv(j)
    158       ENDDO
    159     ENDDO
    160     ! South pole
    161     latfi_glo(klon_glo)= rlatu(jj+1)
    162     lonfi_glo(klon_glo)= 0.
    163     cufi_glo(klon_glo) = cu((ii+1)*jj+1)
    164     cvfi_glo(klon_glo) = cv((ii+1)*jj-ii)
    165     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= 0
    166     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_east)= rlatv(jj)
    167     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= 2*PI
    168     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,north_west)= rlatv(jj)
    169     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= 2*PI
    170     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_west)= -PI/2
    171     boundslonfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= 0
    172     boundslatfi_glo(klon_glo,south_east)= -Pi/2
    174     ! build airefi(), mesh area on physics grid
    175     CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,ii+1,jj+1,klon_glo,aire,airefi_glo)
    176     ! Poles are single points on physics grid
    177     airefi_glo(1)=sum(aire(1:ii,1))
    178     airefi_glo(klon_glo)=sum(aire(1:ii,jj+1))
    180     ! Sanity check: do total planet area match between physics and dynamics?
    181     total_area_dyn=sum(aire(1:ii,1:jj+1))
    182     total_area_phy=sum(airefi_glo(1:klon_glo))
    183     IF (total_area_dyn/=total_area_phy) THEN
    184       WRITE (lunout, *) 'iniphysiq: planet total surface discrepancy !!!'
    185       WRITE (lunout, *) '     in the dynamics total_area_dyn=', total_area_dyn
    186       WRITE (lunout, *) '  but in the physics total_area_phy=', total_area_phy
    187       IF (abs(total_area_dyn-total_area_phy)>0.00001*total_area_dyn) THEN
    188         ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 0.001%
    189         abort_message = 'planet total surface discrepancy'
    190         CALL abort_gcm(modname, abort_message, 1)
    191       ENDIF
    192     ENDIF
    193   ELSE ! klon_glo==1, running the 1D model
    194     ! just copy over input values
    195     latfi_glo(1)=rlatu(1)
    196     lonfi_glo(1)=rlonv(1)
    197     cufi_glo(1)=cu(1)
    198     cvfi_glo(1)=cv(1)
    199     airefi_glo(1)=aire(1,1)
    200     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_east)=rlonu(1)
    201     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_east)=PI/2
    202     boundslonfi_glo(1,north_west)=rlonu(2)
    203     boundslatfi_glo(1,north_west)=PI/2
    204     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlonu(2)
    205     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_west)=rlatv(1)
    206     boundslonfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlonu(1)
    207     boundslatfi_glo(1,south_east)=rlatv(1)
    208   ENDIF ! of IF (klon_glo>1)
    210 !$OMP PARALLEL
    211   ! Now generate local lon/lat/cu/cv/area/bounds arrays
    212   ALLOCATE(latfi(klon_omp),lonfi(klon_omp),cufi(klon_omp),cvfi(klon_omp))
    213   ALLOCATE(airefi(klon_omp))
    214   ALLOCATE(boundslonfi(klon_omp,4))
    215   ALLOCATE(boundslatfi(klon_omp,4))
    218   offset = klon_mpi_begin - 1
    219   airefi(1:klon_omp) = airefi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    220   cufi(1:klon_omp) = cufi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    221   cvfi(1:klon_omp) = cvfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    222   lonfi(1:klon_omp) = lonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    223   latfi(1:klon_omp) = latfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end)
    224   boundslonfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslonfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
    225   boundslatfi(1:klon_omp,:) = boundslatfi_glo(offset+klon_omp_begin:offset+klon_omp_end,:)
     59  ! --> initialize physics distribution, global fields and geometry
     60  ! (i.e. things in phy_common or dynphy_lonlat)
     61  CALL inigeomphy(ii,jj,nlayer, &
     62               nbp, communicator, &
     63               rlatu,rlatv, &
     64               rlonu,rlonv, &
     65               aire,cu,cv)
    227   ! copy over local grid longitudes and latitudes
    228   CALL init_geometry(klon_omp,lonfi,latfi,boundslonfi,boundslatfi, &
    229                      airefi,cufi,cvfi)
     67  ! --> now initialize things specific to the phymar physics package
    23271  ! Initialize tracer names, numbers, etc. for physics
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phydev/iophy.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    4444                                jj_nb, jj_begin, jj_end, ii_begin, ii_end, &
    4545                                mpi_size, mpi_rank, klon_mpi, &
    46                                 is_sequential, is_south_pole
     46                                is_sequential, is_south_pole_dyn
    4747  USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, klon_glo
    4848  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout, prt_level
    141141      write(lunout,*) "init_iophy_new: mpirank=",mpi_rank," data_ibegin=",data_ibegin," data_iend=",data_iend
    142142      write(lunout,*) "init_iophy_new: mpirank=",mpi_rank," data_ibegin=",data_ibegin," data_iend=",data_iend
    143       write(lunout,*) "init_iophy_new: mpirank=",mpi_rank," is_south_pole=",is_south_pole
     143      write(lunout,*) "init_iophy_new: mpirank=",mpi_rank," is_south_pole=",is_south_pole_dyn
    144144    endif
    148148                            1, nbp_lon, ii_begin, ii_end, jj_begin, jj_end,             &
    149149                            klon_mpi+2*(nbp_lon-1), data_ibegin, data_iend,             &
    150                             io_lat, io_lon,is_south_pole,mpi_rank)
     150                            io_lat, io_lon,is_south_pole_dyn,mpi_rank)
    152152!$OMP END MASTER
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/aero_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    8989! Number of diagnostics wavelengths (5 SW + 1 LW @ 10 um)
    90   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nwave = 5
     90  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nwave_sw = 5
    9191  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nwave_lw = 1
     92  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nwave = nwave_sw + nwave_lw
    9394! Number of modes spectral bands
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/aeropt_2bands.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    11281128  ENDDO
    1130   inu=1
     1130  inu=1         ! visible wavaband
     1131  mrfspecies=2  ! total aerosol AER     
    11311132  DO i=1, KLON
    1132      absvisaer(i)=SUM((1-piz_allaer(i,:,:,inu))*tau_allaer(i,:,:,inu))
     1133     absvisaer(i)=SUM((1-piz_allaer(i,:,mrfspecies,inu))*tau_allaer(i,:,mrfspecies,inu))
    11331134  ENDDO
     1135  STOP
    11351137  DEALLOCATE(aerosol_name)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/aeropt_5wv.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    7474  ! Local
    7575  !
    76   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: las = nwave
     76  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: las = nwave_sw
    7777  LOGICAL :: soluble
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/alpale.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    44                    wake_pe, wake_fip,  &
    55                    Ale_bl, Ale_bl_trig, Alp_bl, &
    6                     Ale, Alp )
     6                    Ale, Alp, Ale_wake, Alp_wake )
    88! **************************************************************
    4747  REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)                         :: Ale, Alp
     48  REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)                         :: Ale_wake, Alp_wake
    4950  include "thermcell.h"
    5556  INTEGER                                                    :: i, k
    5657  REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: www
    57   REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: ale_wake, alp_wake
    5858  REAL, SAVE                                                 :: ale_max=1000.
    5959  REAL, SAVE                                                 :: alp_max=2.
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/alpale_th.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    1 SUBROUTINE alpale_th ( dtime, lmax_th, t_seri, &
     1SUBROUTINE alpale_th ( dtime, lmax_th, t_seri, cell_area, &
    22                       cin, s2, n2,  &
    33                       ale_bl_trig, ale_bl_stat, ale_bl,  &
    4                        alp_bl, alp_bl_stat )
     4                       alp_bl, alp_bl_stat, &
     5                       proba_notrig, random_notrig)
    67! **************************************************************
    2829  REAL, INTENT(IN)                                           :: dtime
     30  REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)                          :: cell_area
    2931  INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)                       :: lmax_th
    3032  REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev), INTENT(IN)                     :: t_seri
    3739  REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(INOUT)                       :: alp_bl_stat
     41  REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)                         :: proba_notrig, random_notrig
    3943  include "thermcell.h"
    4448  LOGICAL, SAVE                                              :: first = .TRUE.
    4549  REAL, SAVE                                                 :: random_notrig_max=1.
    46   REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: proba_notrig, tau_trig, random_notrig
     50  REAL, SAVE                                                 :: cv_feed_area
     51  REAL                                                       :: birth_number
     52  REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: ale_bl_ref
     53  REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: tau_trig
     54  REAL, DIMENSION(klon)                                      :: birth_rate
    4856    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(random_notrig_max)
     57    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(cv_feed_area)
    4958    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first)
     60 REAL umexp  ! expression of (1.-exp(-x))/x valid for all x, especially when x->0
     61 REAL x
     62 umexp(x) = max(sign(1.,x-1.e-3),0.)*(1.-exp(-x))/max(x,1.e-3) + &
     63            (1.-max(sign(1.,x-1.e-3),0.))*(1.-0.5*x*(1.-x/3.*(1.-0.25*x)))
     66!  JYG, 20160513 : Introduction of the Effective Lifting Power (ELP), which
     67! takes into account the area (cv_feed_area) covered by thermals contributing
     68! to each cumulonimbus.
     69!   The use of ELP prevents singularities when the trigger probability tends to
     70! zero. It is activated by iflag_clos_bl = 3.
     71!   The ELP values are stored in the ALP_bl variable.
     76  IF (iflag_clos_bl .LT. 3) THEN
     79!      Original code (Nicolas Rochetin)
     80!     --------------------------------
    5182    IF (first) THEN
     83       random_notrig_max=1.
    5284       CALL getin_p('random_notrig_max',random_notrig_max)
    5385       first=.FALSE.
    155187          endif !(iflag_clos_bl)
     191  ELSEIF (iflag_clos_bl .EQ. 3) THEN  ! (iflag_clos_bl .LT. 3)
     194!      New code with Effective Lifting Power
     195!     -------------------------------------
     196    IF (first) THEN
     197       cv_feed_area = 1.e10   ! m2
     198       CALL getin_p('cv_feed_area', cv_feed_area)
     199       first=.FALSE.
     200    ENDIF
     202          !-----------Stochastic triggering-----------
     203     if (iflag_trig_bl.ge.1) then
     204        !
     205        IF (prt_level .GE. 10) THEN
     206           print *,'cin, ale_bl_stat, alp_bl_stat ', &
     207                cin, ale_bl_stat, alp_bl_stat
     208        ENDIF
     210        ! Use ale_bl_stat (Rochetin's code) or ale_bl (old code) according to
     211        ! iflag_trig_bl value.
     212        IF (iflag_trig_bl.eq.1) then         ! use ale_bl_stat (Rochetin computation)
     213         do i=1,klon
     214              ale_bl_ref(i)=ale_bl_stat(i)
     215         enddo
     216        ELSE IF (iflag_trig_bl.ge.2) then    ! use ale_bl (old computation)
     217         do i=1,klon
     218              ale_bl_ref(i)=Ale_bl(i)
     219         enddo
     220        ENDIF ! (iflag_trig_bl.eq.1)
     223        !----Initializations and random number generation
     224        do i=1,klon
     225           proba_notrig(i)=1.
     226           random_notrig(i)=1e6*ale_bl_stat(i)-int(1e6*ale_bl_stat(i))
     227           if ( ale_bl_trig(i) .lt. abs(cin(i))+1.e-10 ) then
     228              tau_trig(i)=tau_trig_shallow
     229           else
     230              tau_trig(i)=tau_trig_deep
     231           endif
     232        enddo
     233        !
     234        IF (prt_level .GE. 10) THEN
     235           print *,'random_notrig, tau_trig ', &
     236                random_notrig, tau_trig
     237           print *,'s_trig,s2,n2 ', &
     238                s_trig,s2,n2
     239        ENDIF
     241        !----alp_bl computation
     242        do i=1,klon
     243           if ( (ale_bl_ref(i) .gt. abs(cin(i))+1.e-10) )  then
     244              birth_number = n2(i)*exp(-s_trig/s2(i))
     245              birth_rate(i) = birth_number/(tau_trig(i)*cell_area(i))
     246              proba_notrig(i)=exp(-birth_number*dtime/tau_trig(i))
     247              Alp_bl(i) = Alp_bl(i)* &
     248                          umexp(-birth_number*cv_feed_area/cell_area(i))/ &
     249                          umexp(-birth_number*dtime/tau_trig(i))*  &
     250                          tau_trig(i)*cv_feed_area/(dtime*cell_area(i))
     251          else
     252              proba_notrig(i)=1.
     253              random_notrig(i)=0.
     254              alp_bl(i)=0.
     255           endif
     256        enddo
     258        !----ale_bl_trig computation
     259         do i=1,klon
     260           if (random_notrig(i) .ge. proba_notrig(i)) then
     261              ale_bl_trig(i)=ale_bl_ref(i)
     262           else
     263              ale_bl_trig(i)=0.
     264           endif
     265         enddo
     267        !
     268        IF (prt_level .GE. 10) THEN
     269           print *,'proba_notrig, ale_bl_trig ', &
     270                proba_notrig, ale_bl_trig
     271        ENDIF
     273     endif !(iflag_trig_bl .ge. 1)
     276  ENDIF ! (iflag_clos_bl .LT. 3)
    157279          IF (prt_level .GE. 10) THEN
    158280             print *,'ale_bl_trig, alp_bl_stat ',ale_bl_trig, alp_bl_stat
    161283          !cc fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012
    163           ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
    164           ! Transport de la TKE par les panaches thermiques.
    165           ! FH : 2010/02/01
    166           !     if (iflag_pbl.eq.10) then
    167           !     call thermcell_dtke(klon,klev,nbsrf,pdtphys,fm_therm,entr_therm,
    168           !    s           rg,paprs,pbl_tke)
    169           !     endif
    170           ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
    171285          !IM/FH: 2011/02/23
    172286          ! Couplage Thermiques/Emanuel seulement si T<0
    180294                endif
    181295             enddo
     296    print *,'In order to run with iflag_coupl=2, you have to comment out the following stop'
     297             STOP
    182298          endif
    183 !
    184299   RETURN
    185300   END
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/clesphys.h

    r2542 r2594  
    4040!IM, MAFo fmagic, pmagic : parametres - additionnel et multiplicatif -
    4141!                          pour regler l albedo sur ocean
     42       REAL pbl_lmixmin_alpha
    4243       REAL fmagic, pmagic
    4344! Hauteur (imposee) du contenu en eau du sol
    7778       REAL ecrit_LES
    7879       REAL freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP
    79        REAL freq_COSP
     80       REAL freq_COSP, freq_AIRS
    8081       LOGICAL :: ok_cosp,ok_mensuelCOSP,ok_journeCOSP,ok_hfCOSP
     82       LOGICAL :: ok_airs
    8183       INTEGER :: ip_ebil_phy, iflag_rrtm, iflag_ice_thermo, NSW, iflag_albedo
    8284       LOGICAL :: ok_chlorophyll
    9496     &     , CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt                     &
    9597     &     , CH4_ppb_per, N2O_ppb_per, CFC11_ppt_per, CFC12_ppt_per     &
    96      &     , cdmmax, cdhmax, ksta, ksta_ter, f_ri_cd_min                &
     98     &     , cdmmax,cdhmax,ksta,ksta_ter,f_ri_cd_min,pbl_lmixmin_alpha  &
    9799     &     , fmagic, pmagic                                             &
    98100     &     , f_cdrag_ter,f_cdrag_oce,f_rugoro,z0min                     &
    101103     &     , pasphys            , freq_outNMC, freq_calNMC              &
    102104     &     , lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins             &
    103      &     , freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP, freq_COSP                         &
     105     &     , freq_ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP, freq_COSP, freq_AIRS              &
    104106     &     , cvl_corr                                                   &
    105107     &     , qsol0,albsno0,evap0                                        &
    120122     &     , lev_histins, lev_histLES, lev_histdayNMC, levout_histNMC   &
    121123     &     , ok_histNMC                                                 &
    122      &     , type_run, ok_regdyn, ok_cosp                               &
     124     &     , type_run, ok_regdyn, ok_cosp, ok_airs                      &
    123125     &     , ok_mensuelCOSP,ok_journeCOSP,ok_hfCOSP                     &
    124126     &     , ip_ebil_phy                                                &
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cloudth.F90

    r2544 r2594  
    7       USE IOIPSL, ONLY : getin
    87      IMPLICIT NONE
    2019#include "FCTTRE.h"
    2120#include "thermcell.h"
     21#include "nuage.h"
    2323      INTEGER itap,ind1,ind2
    5454      REAL sth,senv,sigma1s,sigma2s,xth,xenv
    5555      REAL Tbef,zdelta,qsatbef,zcor
    56       REAL alpha,qlbef 
     56      REAL qlbef 
    5757      REAL ratqs(ngrid,klev) ! determine la largeur de distribution de vapeur
    6262      REAL erf
    64       REAL, SAVE :: iflag_cloudth_vert, iflag_cloudth_vert_omp=0
    67       LOGICAL, SAVE :: first=.true.
    74 ! Astuce pour gérer deux versions de cloudth en attendant
    75 ! de converger sur une version nouvelle
     68! Gestion de deux versions de cloudth
    77       IF (first) THEN
    78      !$OMP MASTER
    79      CALL getin('iflag_cloudth_vert',iflag_cloudth_vert_omp)
    80      !$OMP END MASTER
    81      !$OMP BARRIER
    82      iflag_cloudth_vert=iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
    83       first=.false.
    84       ENDIF
    85        IF (iflag_cloudth_vert==1) THEN
    86        CALL cloudth_vert(ngrid,klev,ind2,  &
     71      IF (iflag_cloudth_vert.GE.1) THEN
     72      CALL cloudth_vert(ngrid,klev,ind2,  &
    8773     &           ztv,po,zqta,fraca, &
    8874     &           qcloud,ctot,zpspsk,paprs,ztla,zthl, &
    8975     &           ratqs,zqs,t)
    90        RETURN
    91        ENDIF
     76      RETURN
     77      ENDIF
    185170      cenv(ind1,ind2)=0.5*(1.+1.*erf(xenv))
    186171      ctot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*cth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*cenv(ind1,ind2)   
    187 !      ctot(ind1,ind2)=alpha*cth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*alpha)*cenv(ind1,ind2)
    191173      qlth(ind1,ind2)=sigma2s*((exp(-1.*xth**2)/sqrt2pi)+xth*sqrt(2.)*cth(ind1,ind2))
    192174      qlenv(ind1,ind2)=sigma1s*((exp(-1.*xenv**2)/sqrt2pi)+xenv*sqrt(2.)*cenv(ind1,ind2))   
    193175      qltot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
    194 !      qltot(ind1,ind2)=alpha*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*alpha)*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
    197 !      print*,senv,sth,sigma1s,sigma2s,fraca(ind1,ind2),'senv et sth et sig1 et sig2 et alpha'
    269247     &           ratqs,zqs,t)
    272       IMPLICIT NONE
    276250! Auteur : Arnaud Octavio Jam (LMD/CNRS)
     256      USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p
     258      IMPLICIT NONE
    282260#include "YOMCST.h"
    283261#include "YOETHF.h"
    284262#include "FCTTRE.h"
    285263#include "thermcell.h"
     264#include "nuage.h"
    287266      INTEGER itap,ind1,ind2
    288267      INTEGER ngrid,klev,klon,l,ig
    320299      REAL IntJ,IntI1,IntI2,IntI3,coeffqlenv,coeffqlth
    321300      REAL Tbef,zdelta,qsatbef,zcor
    322       REAL alpha,qlbef 
     301      REAL qlbef 
    323302      REAL ratqs(ngrid,klev) ! determine la largeur de distribution de vapeur
     303      ! Change the width of the PDF used for vertical subgrid scale heterogeneity
     304      ! (J Jouhaud, JL Dufresne, JB Madeleine)
     305      REAL,SAVE :: vert_alpha
     306      LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall = .TRUE.
    325308      REAL zpdf_sig(ngrid),zpdf_k(ngrid),zpdf_delta(ngrid)
    327310      REAL zqs(ngrid), qcloud(ngrid)
    328311      REAL erf
    355334      sqrtpi=sqrt(pi)
     336      IF (firstcall) THEN
     337        vert_alpha=0.5
     338        CALL getin_p('cloudth_vert_alpha',vert_alpha)
     339        WRITE(*,*) 'cloudth_vert_alpha = ', vert_alpha
     340        firstcall=.FALSE.
     341      ENDIF
    425409      cenv(ind1,ind2)=0.5*(1.+1.*erf(xenv))
    426410      ctot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*cth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*cenv(ind1,ind2)   
    427 !      ctot(ind1,ind2)=alpha*cth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*alpha)*cenv(ind1,ind2)
    431412      qlth(ind1,ind2)=sigma2s*((exp(-1.*xth**2)/sqrt2pi)+xth*sqrt(2.)*cth(ind1,ind2))
    432413      qlenv(ind1,ind2)=sigma1s*((exp(-1.*xenv**2)/sqrt2pi)+xenv*sqrt(2.)*cenv(ind1,ind2))   
    433414      qltot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
    434 !      qltot(ind1,ind2)=alpha*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*alpha)*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
    437 !      print*,senv,sth,sigma1s,sigma2s,fraca(ind1,ind2),'senv et sth et sig1 et sig2 et alpha'
     416       IF (iflag_cloudth_vert == 1) THEN
    441418!  Version 2: Modification selon J.-Louis. On condense ?? partir de qsat-ratqs
    479456      qltot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
     458      ELSE IF (iflag_cloudth_vert == 2) THEN
     461!  Version 3: Modification Jean Jouhaud. On condense a partir de -delta s
     463!      deltasenv=aenv*ratqs(ind1,ind2)*po(ind1)
     464!      deltasth=ath*ratqs(ind1,ind2)*zqta(ind1,ind2)
     465!      deltasenv=aenv*ratqs(ind1,ind2)*zqsatenv(ind1,ind2)
     466!      deltasth=ath*ratqs(ind1,ind2)*zqsatth(ind1,ind2)
     467      deltasenv=aenv*vert_alpha*sigma1s
     468      deltasth=ath*vert_alpha*sigma2s
     470      xenv1=-(senv+deltasenv)/(sqrt(2.)*sigma1s)
     471      xenv2=-(senv-deltasenv)/(sqrt(2.)*sigma1s)
     472      xth1=-(sth+deltasth)/(sqrt(2.)*sigma2s)
     473      xth2=-(sth-deltasth)/(sqrt(2.)*sigma2s)
     474!     coeffqlenv=(sigma1s)**2/(2*sqrtpi*deltasenv)
     475!     coeffqlth=(sigma2s)**2/(2*sqrtpi*deltasth)
     477      cth(ind1,ind2)=0.5*(1.-1.*erf(xth1))
     478      cenv(ind1,ind2)=0.5*(1.-1.*erf(xenv1))
     479      ctot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*cth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*cenv(ind1,ind2)
     481      IntJ=0.5*senv*(1-erf(xenv2))+(sigma1s/sqrt2pi)*exp(-1.*xenv2**2)
     482      IntI1=(((senv+deltasenv)**2+(sigma1s)**2)/(8*deltasenv))*(erf(xenv2)-erf(xenv1))
     483      IntI2=(sigma1s**2/(4*deltasenv*sqrtpi))*(xenv1*exp(-1.*xenv1**2)-xenv2*exp(-1.*xenv2**2))
     484      IntI3=((sqrt2*sigma1s*(senv+deltasenv))/(4*sqrtpi*deltasenv))*(exp(-1.*xenv1**2)-exp(-1.*xenv2**2))
     486!      IntI1=0.5*(0.5*sqrtpi*(erf(xenv2)-erf(xenv1))+xenv1*exp(-1.*xenv1**2)-xenv2*exp(-1.*xenv2**2))
     487!      IntI2=xenv2*(exp(-1.*xenv2**2)-exp(-1.*xenv1**2))
     488!      IntI3=0.5*sqrtpi*xenv2**2*(erf(xenv2)-erf(xenv1))
     490      qlenv(ind1,ind2)=IntJ+IntI1+IntI2+IntI3
     491!      qlenv(ind1,ind2)=IntJ
     492!      print*, qlenv(ind1,ind2),'VERIF EAU'
     494      IntJ=0.5*sth*(1-erf(xth2))+(sigma2s/sqrt2pi)*exp(-1.*xth2**2)
     495      IntI1=(((sth+deltasth)**2+(sigma2s)**2)/(8*deltasth))*(erf(xth2)-erf(xth1))
     496      IntI2=(sigma2s**2/(4*deltasth*sqrtpi))*(xth1*exp(-1.*xth1**2)-xth2*exp(-1.*xth2**2))
     497      IntI3=((sqrt2*sigma2s*(sth+deltasth))/(4*sqrtpi*deltasth))*(exp(-1.*xth1**2)-exp(-1.*xth2**2))
     499      qlth(ind1,ind2)=IntJ+IntI1+IntI2+IntI3
     500!      qlth(ind1,ind2)=IntJ
     501!      print*, IntJ,IntI1,IntI2,IntI3,qlth(ind1,ind2),'VERIF EAU2'
     502      qltot(ind1,ind2)=fraca(ind1,ind2)*qlth(ind1,ind2)+(1.-1.*fraca(ind1,ind2))*qlenv(ind1,ind2)
     507      ENDIF ! of if (iflag_cloudth_vert==1 or 2)
    482511      if (cenv(ind1,ind2).lt.1.e-10.or.cth(ind1,ind2).lt.1.e-10) then
    483512      ctot(ind1,ind2)=0.
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/coef_diff_turb_mod.F90

    r2408 r2594  
    164164               iflag_pbl)
    165165       ELSE IF (iflag_pbl<20) THEN
    166           CALL yamada4(knon,dtime,RG,RD,ypaprs,yt, &
     166          CALL yamada4(ni,nsrf,knon,dtime,RG,RD,ypaprs,yt, &
    167167               yzlev,yzlay,yu,yv,yteta, &
    168168               ycdragm,yq2,ykmm,ykmn,ykmq,yustar, &
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r2544 r2594  
    9898    REAL,SAVE           :: bl95_b0_omp, bl95_b1_omp
    9999    REAL,SAVE           :: freq_ISCCP_omp, ecrit_ISCCP_omp
    100     REAL,SAVE           :: freq_COSP_omp
     100    REAL,SAVE           :: freq_COSP_omp, freq_AIRS_omp
    101101    real,SAVE           :: fact_cldcon_omp, facttemps_omp,ratqsbas_omp
    102102    real,SAVE           :: tau_cld_cv_omp, coefw_cld_cv_omp
    165165    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_ice_thermo_omp
    166166    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_t_glace_omp
     167    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
    167168    REAL,SAVE :: rad_froid_omp, rad_chau1_omp, rad_chau2_omp
    168169    REAL,SAVE :: t_glace_min_omp, t_glace_max_omp
    178179    REAL,SAVE :: cdmmax_omp,cdhmax_omp,ksta_omp,ksta_ter_omp,f_ri_cd_min_omp
    179180    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_kzmin_omp
     181    REAL, SAVE   :: pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp
    180182    REAL, SAVE ::  fmagic_omp, pmagic_omp
    181183    INTEGER,SAVE :: iflag_pbl_omp,lev_histhf_omp,lev_histday_omp,lev_histmth_omp
    188190    REAL, SAVE :: freq_outNMC_omp(3), freq_calNMC_omp(3)
    189191    CHARACTER*4, SAVE :: type_run_omp
    190     LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_cosp_omp
     192    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_cosp_omp, ok_airs_omp
    191193    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_mensuelCOSP_omp,ok_journeCOSP_omp,ok_hfCOSP_omp
    192194    REAL,SAVE :: lonmin_ins_omp, lonmax_ins_omp, latmin_ins_omp, latmax_ins_omp
    460462    call getin('freq_COSP', freq_COSP_omp)
     464    !Config Key  = freq_AIRS
     465    !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur AIRS en secondes;
     466    !              par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures
     467    !Config Def  = 10800.
     468    !Config Help = Used in ini_histdayAIRS.h
     469    !
     470    freq_AIRS_omp = 10800.
     471    call getin('freq_AIRS', freq_AIRS_omp)
    462473    !
    463474    !Config Key  = ip_ebil_phy
    11621173    !
     1174    !Config Key  = iflag_cloudth_vert
     1175    !Config Desc = 
     1176    !Config Def  = 0
     1177    !Config Help =
     1178    !
     1179    iflag_cloudth_vert_omp = 0
     1180    call getin('iflag_cloudth_vert',iflag_cloudth_vert_omp)
     1182    !
    11631183    !Config Key  = iflag_ice_thermo
    11641184    !Config Desc = 
    12591279    ok_kzmin_omp = .true.
    12601280    call getin('ok_kzmin',ok_kzmin_omp)
     1282    pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp=0.0
     1283    call getin('pbl_lmixmin_alpha',pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp)
    12621286    !
    15941618    ok_cosp_omp = .false.
    15951619    call getin('ok_cosp',ok_cosp_omp)
     1621    !
     1622    !Config Key  = ok_airs
     1623    !Config Desc =
     1624    !Config Def  = .false.
     1625    !Config Help =
     1626    !
     1627    ok_airs_omp = .false.
     1628    call getin('ok_airs',ok_airs_omp)
    15971630    !
    20442077    exposant_glace = exposant_glace_omp
    20452078    iflag_t_glace = iflag_t_glace_omp
     2079    iflag_cloudth_vert=iflag_cloudth_vert_omp
    20462080    iflag_ice_thermo = iflag_ice_thermo_omp
    20472081    rei_min = rei_min_omp
    20552089    f_ri_cd_min = f_ri_cd_min_omp
    20562090    ok_kzmin = ok_kzmin_omp
     2091    pbl_lmixmin_alpha=pbl_lmixmin_alpha_omp
    20572092    fmagic = fmagic_omp
    20582093    pmagic = pmagic_omp
    20942129    ecrit_ISCCP = ecrit_ISCCP_omp
    20952130    freq_COSP = freq_COSP_omp
     2131    freq_AIRS = freq_AIRS_omp
    20962132    ok_ade = ok_ade_omp
    20972133    ok_aie = ok_aie_omp
    21442180    type_run = type_run_omp
    21452181    ok_cosp = ok_cosp_omp
     2182    ok_airs = ok_airs_omp
    21462184    ok_mensuelCOSP = ok_mensuelCOSP_omp
    21472185    ok_journeCOSP = ok_journeCOSP_omp
    22912329    write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP =', ecrit_ISCCP
    22922330    write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur COSP, freq_COSP =', freq_COSP
     2331    write(lunout,*)' Frequence appel simulateur AIRS, freq_AIRS =', freq_AIRS
    22932332    write(lunout,*)' Sortie bilan d''energie, ip_ebil_phy =', ip_ebil_phy
    22942333    write(lunout,*)' Excentricite = ',R_ecc
    23612400    write(lunout,*)' exposant_glace = ',exposant_glace
    23622401    write(lunout,*)' iflag_t_glace = ',iflag_t_glace
     2402    write(lunout,*)' iflag_cloudth_vert = ',iflag_cloudth_vert
    23632403    write(lunout,*)' iflag_ice_thermo = ',iflag_ice_thermo
    23642404    write(lunout,*)' rei_min = ',rei_min
    23712411    write(lunout,*)' f_ri_cd_min = ',f_ri_cd_min
    23722412    write(lunout,*)' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin
     2413    write(lunout,*)' pbl_lmixmin_alpha = ',pbl_lmixmin_alpha
    23732414    write(lunout,*)' fmagic = ',fmagic
    23742415    write(lunout,*)' pmagic = ',pmagic
    24042445    write(lunout,*)' type_run = ',type_run
    24052446    write(lunout,*)' ok_cosp = ',ok_cosp
     2447    write(lunout,*)' ok_airs = ',ok_airs
    24062449    write(lunout,*)' ok_mensuelCOSP = ',ok_mensuelCOSP
    24072450    write(lunout,*)' ok_journeCOSP = ',ok_journeCOSP
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cosp/cosp_constants.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    108108                   -31.5,-28.5,-25.5,-22.5,-19.5,-16.5,-13.5,-10.5, -7.5, -4.5, &
    109109                    -1.5,  1.5,  4.5,  7.5, 10.5, 13.5, 16.5, 19.5, 22.5, 25.5/)
    110     real,parameter,dimension(2,LIDAR_NTEMP) :: LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP_BNDS=reshape(source=(/-273.15,-90.,-90.,-87.,-87.,-84.,-84.,-81.,-81.,-78., &
     110    real,parameter,dimension(2,LIDAR_NTEMP) :: LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP_BNDS=reshape(source=&
     111                    (/-273.15,-90.,-90.,-87.,-87.,-84.,-84.,-81.,-81.,-78., &
    111112                   -78.,-75.,-75.,-72.,-72.,-69.,-69.,-66.,-66.,-63., &
    112113                   -63.,-60.,-60.,-57.,-57.,-54.,-54.,-51.,-51.,-48., &
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cosp/cosp_output_mod.F90

    r2471 r2594  
    228228  real,dimension(2,SR_BINS) :: sratio_bounds
    229229  real,dimension(SR_BINS)   ::  sratio_ax
    230   CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(3)  :: chfreq = (/ '1day', '1d', '3h' /)           
     230  CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(3)  :: chfreq = (/ '1day', '1d  ', '3h  ' /)           
    232232!!! Variables d'entree
    363363      CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"column","column","count",Ncolumns,column_ax(1:Ncolumns),nvertcol(iff))
    365       CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"temp","temperature","C",LIDAR_NTEMP,LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP,nverttemp(iff))                                       
    366       CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"cth16","altitude","m",MISR_N_CTH,MISR_CTH,nvertmisr(iff))                                                                                                 
     365      CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"temp","temperature","C",LIDAR_NTEMP,LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP,nverttemp(iff))
     367      CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"cth16","altitude","m",MISR_N_CTH,MISR_CTH,nvertmisr(iff))
    367369!      CALL histvert(cosp_nidfiles(iff),"dbze","equivalent_reflectivity_factor","dBZ",DBZE_BINS,dbze_ax,nvertbze(iff))
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cosp/cosp_output_write_mod.F90

    r2488 r2594  
    322322    if(modis%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(ip).eq.R_UNDEF)then
    323323       modis%Cloud_Particle_Size_Water_Mean(ip)=Cosp_fill_value
     324    endif
     325    if(modis%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean(ip).eq.R_UNDEF)then
     326       modis%Cloud_Particle_Size_Ice_Mean(ip)=Cosp_fill_value
    324327    endif
    325328    if(modis%Cloud_Top_Pressure_Total_Mean(ip).eq.R_UNDEF)then
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cosp/phys_cosp.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    7474!! AI rajouter
    75   #include "cosp_defs.h"
     75#include "cosp_defs.h"
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/cv3_routines.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    38603860      sigd(il) = sigd(il)/alpha_qpos(il)
    38613861      precip(il) = precip(il)/alpha_qpos(il)
     3862      cbmf(il) = cbmf(il)/alpha_qpos(il)
    38623863    END IF
    38633864  END DO
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/1DUTILS.h

    r2471 r2594  
    32363236     &           thlpcar(nlev_max),tracer(nlev_max,ntrac)
     3238        real height1(nlev_max)
    32383240        integer, parameter :: ilesfile=1
    32393241        integer :: ierr,k,itrac,nt1,nt2
    32453247        read (ilesfile,*) kmax
    32463248        do k=1,kmax
    3247           read (ilesfile,*) height(k),thlprof(k),qtprof (k),               &
     3249          read (ilesfile,*) height1(k),thlprof(k),qtprof (k),               &
    32483250     &                      uprof (k),vprof  (k),e12prof(k)
    32493251        enddo
    32613263          read (ilesfile,*) height(k),ugprof(k),vgprof(k),wfls(k),         &
    32623264     &                      dqtdxls(k),dqtdyls(k),dqtdtls(k),thlpcar(k)
     3265        end do
     3266        do k=1,kmax
     3267          if (height(k) .ne. height1(k)) then
     3268            print *, 'fichiers prof.inp et lscale.inp incompatibles :'
     3269            print *, 'les niveaux different : ',k,height1(k), height(k)
     3270            stop
     3271          endif
    32633272        end do
    32643273        close(ilesfile)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/1D_interp_cases.h

    r2408 r2594  
    22! $Id$
     5! Forcing_LES case: constant dq_dyn
     7      if (forcing_LES) then
     8        DO l = 1,llm
     9          d_q_adv(l,1) = dq_dyn(l,1)
     10        ENDDO
     11      endif ! forcing_LES
    514! Interpolation forcing in time and onto model levels
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/dyn1d/lmdz1d.F90

    r2488 r2594  
    3333   USE mod_1D_cases_read
    3434   USE mod_1D_amma_read
    35    USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level
     35   USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout, prt_level
    3636   USE iniphysiq_mod, ONLY: iniphysiq
    3737   USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: comm_lmdz
    5454#include "fcg_gcssold.h"
    5555!!!#include "fbforcing.h"
     56#include "compbl.h"
    243244      integer :: k,l,i,it=1,mxcalc
     245      integer :: nsrf
    244246      integer jcode
    245247      INTEGER read_climoz
    738740        t_ancien(1,:)=temp(:)
    739741        q_ancien(1,:)=q(:,1)
    740         pbl_tke(:,:,:)=1.e-8
    741         wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,:,:)=0.
     743!!        pbl_tke(:,:,:)=1.e-8
     744        pbl_tke(:,:,:)=0.
     745        pbl_tke(:,2,:)=1.e-2
     746        PRINT *, ' pbl_tke dans lmdz1d '
     747       DO nsrf = 1,4
     748         PRINT *,'pbl_tke(1,:,',nsrf,') ',pbl_tke(1,:,nsrf)
     749       ENDDO
    743753        rain_fall=0.
    762772        wake_deltaq = 0.
    763773        wake_deltat = 0.
    764         wake_delta_pbl_TKE = 0.
     774        wake_delta_pbl_TKE(:,:,:) = 0.
    765775        delta_tsurf = 0.
    766776        wake_fip = 0.
    791801! run_off_lic_0,pbl_tke(:,1:klev,nsrf), zmax0,f0,sig1,w01
    792802! wake_deltat,wake_deltaq,wake_s,wake_cstar,wake_fip,wake_delta_pbl_tke(:,1:klev,nsrf)
     804! NB2: The content of the startphy.nc file depends on some flags defined in
     805! the ".def" files. However, since conf_phys is not called in lmdz1d.F90, these flags have
     806! to be set at some arbitratry convenient values.
    794808!Al1 =============== restart option ==========================
    795809        if (.not.restart) then
     810          iflag_pbl = 5
    796811          call phyredem ("startphy.nc")
    797812        else
    1077       IF (nudge_tsoil) THEN
     1092      IF (nudge_tsoil .AND. .NOT. lastcall) THEN
    10781093       ftsoil(1,isoil_nudge,:) = ftsoil(1,isoil_nudge,:)                     &
    10791094     &  -timestep/tau_soil_nudge*(ftsoil(1,isoil_nudge,:)-Tsoil_nudge)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/grid_noro_m.F90

    r2408 r2594  
     5  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
     6  USE assert_eq_m,       ONLY: assert_eq
    57  PRIVATE
    6   PUBLIC :: grid_noro
     8  PUBLIC :: grid_noro, grid_noro0
    4547!    on the edge are contained in input cells.
    47   USE assert_eq_m, ONLY: assert_eq
    48   USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
    50   REAL, PARAMETER :: epsfra = 1.e-5
    5251! Arguments:
     316SUBROUTINE grid_noro0(xd,yd,zd,x,y,zphi,mask)
     319! Purpose: Extracted from grid_noro to provide geopotential height for dynamics
     320!          without any call to physics subroutines.
     324! Arguments:
     325  REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: xd(:), yd(:) !--- INPUT  COORDINATES     (imdp) (jmdp)
     326  REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: zd(:,:)      !--- INPUT  FIELD           (imdp,jmdp)
     327  REAL, INTENT(IN)   :: x(:), y(:)   !--- OUTPUT COORDINATES     (imar+1) (jmar)
     328  REAL, INTENT(OUT)  :: zphi(:,:)    !--- GEOPOTENTIAL           (imar+1,jmar)
     329  REAL, INTENT(INOUT):: mask(:,:)    !--- MASK                   (imar+1,jmar)
     331! Local variables:
     332  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: modname="grid_noro0"
     333  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: xusn(:), yusn(:)           ! dim (imdp+2*iext) (jmdp+2)
     334  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zusn(:,:)                  ! dim (imdp+2*iext,jmdp+2)
     335  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: weight(:,:)                ! dim (imar+1,jmar)
     336  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: mask_tmp(:,:), zmea(:,:)   ! dim (imar+1,jmar)
     337  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: num_tot(:,:), num_lan(:,:) ! dim (imax,jmax)
     338  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a(:), b(:)                 ! dim (imax)
     339  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: c(:), d(:)                 ! dim (jmax)
     340  LOGICAL :: masque_lu
     341  INTEGER :: i, ii, imdp, imar, iext
     342  INTEGER :: j, jj, jmdp, jmar, nn
     343  REAL    :: xpi, zlenx, weighx, xincr,  zbordnor, zmeanor, zweinor, zbordest
     344  REAL    :: rad, zleny, weighy, masque, zbordsud, zmeasud, zweisud, zbordoue
     346  imdp=assert_eq(SIZE(xd),SIZE(zd,1),TRIM(modname)//" imdp")
     347  jmdp=assert_eq(SIZE(yd),SIZE(zd,2),TRIM(modname)//" jmdp")
     348  imar=assert_eq(SIZE(x),SIZE(zphi,1),SIZE(mask,1),TRIM(modname)//" imar")-1
     349  jmar=assert_eq(SIZE(y),SIZE(zphi,2),SIZE(mask,2),TRIM(modname)//" jmar")
     350! IF(imar/=iim)   CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'imar/=iim'  ,1)
     351! IF(jmar/=jjm+1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname),'jmar/=jjm+1',1)
     352  iext=imdp/10
     353  xpi = ACOS(-1.)
     354  rad = 6371229.
     356!--- ARE WE USING A READ MASK ?
     357  masque_lu=ANY(mask/=-99999.); IF(.NOT.masque_lu) mask=0.0
     358  WRITE(lunout,*)'Masque lu: ',masque_lu
     361  ALLOCATE(xusn(imdp+2*iext))
     362  xusn(1     +iext:imdp  +iext)=xd(:)
     363  xusn(1          :       iext)=xd(1+imdp-iext:imdp)-2.*xpi
     364  xusn(1+imdp+iext:imdp+2*iext)=xd(1          :iext)+2.*xpi
     366  ALLOCATE(yusn(jmdp+2))
     367  yusn(1       )=yd(1)   +(yd(1)   -yd(2))
     368  yusn(2:jmdp+1)=yd(:)
     369  yusn(  jmdp+2)=yd(jmdp)+(yd(jmdp)-yd(jmdp-1))
     371  ALLOCATE(zusn(imdp+2*iext,jmdp+2))
     372  zusn(1       +iext:imdp  +iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (:                   ,     :)
     373  zusn(1            :       iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (imdp-iext+1:imdp    ,     :)
     374  zusn(1+imdp  +iext:imdp+2*iext,2:jmdp+1)=zd  (1:iext              ,     :)
     375  zusn(1            :imdp/2+iext,       1)=zusn(1+imdp/2:imdp  +iext,     2)
     376  zusn(1+imdp/2+iext:imdp+2*iext,       1)=zusn(1       :imdp/2+iext,     2)
     377  zusn(1            :imdp/2+iext,  jmdp+2)=zusn(1+imdp/2:imdp  +iext,jmdp+1)
     378  zusn(1+imdp/2+iext:imdp+2*iext,  jmdp+2)=zusn(1       :imdp/2+iext,jmdp+1)
     381  ALLOCATE(a(imar+1),b(imar+1))
     382  b(1:imar)=(x(1:imar  )+ x(2:imar+1))/2.0
     383  b(imar+1)= x(  imar+1)+(x(  imar+1)-x(imar))/2.0
     384  a(1)=x(1)-(x(2)-x(1))/2.0
     385  a(2:imar+1)= b(1:imar)
     387  ALLOCATE(c(jmar),d(jmar))
     388  d(1:jmar-1)=(y(1:jmar-1)+ y(2:jmar))/2.0
     389  d(  jmar  )= y(  jmar  )+(y(  jmar)-y(jmar-1))/2.0
     390  c(1)=y(1)-(y(2)-y(1))/2.0
     391  c(2:jmar)=d(1:jmar-1)
     394  ALLOCATE(weight(imar+1,jmar)); weight(:,:)= 0.0
     395  ALLOCATE(zmea  (imar+1,jmar)); zmea  (:,:)= 0.0
     398  zleny=xpi/REAL(jmdp)*rad
     399  xincr=xpi/REAL(jmdp)/2.
     400  ALLOCATE(num_tot(imar+1,jmar)); num_tot(:,:)=0.
     401  ALLOCATE(num_lan(imar+1,jmar)); num_lan(:,:)=0.
     402  DO ii = 1, imar+1
     403    DO jj = 1, jmar
     404      DO j = 2,jmdp+1
     405        zlenx  =zleny  *COS(yusn(j))
     406        zbordnor=(xincr+c(jj)-yusn(j))*rad
     407        zbordsud=(xincr-d(jj)+yusn(j))*rad
     408        weighy=AMAX1(0.,AMIN1(zbordnor,zbordsud,zleny))
     409        IF(weighy/=0) THEN
     410          DO i = 2, imdp+2*iext-1
     411            zbordest=(xusn(i)-a(ii)+xincr)*rad*COS(yusn(j))
     412            zbordoue=(b(ii)+xincr-xusn(i))*rad*COS(yusn(j))
     413            weighx=AMAX1(0.,AMIN1(zbordest,zbordoue,zlenx))
     414            IF(weighx/=0)THEN
     415              num_tot(ii,jj)=num_tot(ii,jj)+1.0
     416              IF(zusn(i,j)>=1.)num_lan(ii,jj)=num_lan(ii,jj)+1.0
     417              weight(ii,jj)=weight(ii,jj)+weighx*weighy
     418              zmea  (ii,jj)=zmea  (ii,jj)+zusn(i,j)*weighx*weighy !--- MEAN
     419            END IF
     420          END DO
     421        END IF
     422      END DO
     423    END DO
     424  END DO
     427  IF(.NOT.masque_lu) THEN
     428    WHERE(weight(:,1:jmar-1)/=0.0) mask=num_lan(:,:)/num_tot(:,:)
     429  END IF
     430  nn=COUNT(weight(:,1:jmar-1)==0.0)
     431  IF(nn/=0) WRITE(lunout,*)'Problem with weight ; vanishing occurrences: ',nn
     432  WHERE(weight/=0.0) zmea(:,:)=zmea(:,:)/weight(:,:)
     435  ALLOCATE(mask_tmp(imar+1,jmar)); mask_tmp(:,:)=0.0
     436  WHERE(mask>=0.1) mask_tmp = 1.
     437  WHERE(weight(:,:)/=0.0)
     438    zphi(:,:)=mask_tmp(:,:)*zmea(:,:)
     439    zmea(:,:)=mask_tmp(:,:)*zmea(:,:)
     440  END WHERE
     441  WRITE(lunout,*)'  MEAN ORO:' ,MAXVAL(zmea)
     443!--- Values at poles
     444  zphi(imar+1,:)=zphi(1,:)
     446  zweinor=SUM(weight(1:imar,   1),DIM=1)
     447  zweisud=SUM(weight(1:imar,jmar),DIM=1)
     448  zmeanor=SUM(weight(1:imar,   1)*zmea(1:imar,   1),DIM=1)
     449  zmeasud=SUM(weight(1:imar,jmar)*zmea(1:imar,jmar),DIM=1)
     450  zphi(:,1)=zmeanor/zweinor; zphi(:,jmar)=zmeasud/zweisud
     452END SUBROUTINE grid_noro0
    317459SUBROUTINE MVA9(x)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/nuage.h

    r2544 r2594  
    99      REAL tmax_fonte_cv
    11       INTEGER iflag_t_glace,iflag_cld_cv
     11      INTEGER iflag_t_glace, iflag_cloudth_vert, iflag_cld_cv
    1313      common /nuagecom/ rad_froid,rad_chau1, rad_chau2,t_glace_max,     &
    1414     &                  t_glace_min,exposant_glace,rei_min,rei_max,     &
    1515     &                  tau_cld_cv,coefw_cld_cv,                        &
    16      &                  iflag_t_glace,iflag_cld_cv,tmax_fonte_cv
     16     &                  iflag_t_glace,iflag_cloudth_vert,iflag_cld_cv,  &
     17     &                  tmax_fonte_cv
    1718!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/nuagecom/)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phyetat0.F90

    r2570 r2594  
    1818       wake_deltat, wake_delta_pbl_TKE, delta_tsurf, wake_fip, wake_pe, &
    1919       wake_s, zgam, zmax0, zmea, zpic, zsig, &
    20        zstd, zthe, zval, ale_bl, ale_bl_trig, alp_bl
     20       zstd, zthe, zval, ale_bl, ale_bl_trig, alp_bl, u10m, v10m
    2121  USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg
    2222  USE iostart, ONLY : close_startphy, get_field, get_var, open_startphy
    260260  ENDDO
     262  found=phyetat0_srf(1,u10m,"U10M","u a 10m",0.)
     263  found=phyetat0_srf(1,v10m,"V10M","v a 10m",0.)
    265266  ! Lecture des temperatures du sol profond:
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phyredem.F90

    r2570 r2594  
    2121                                wake_pe, wake_fip, fm_therm, entr_therm,     &
    2222                                detr_therm, Ale_bl, Ale_bl_trig, Alp_bl,     &
    23                                 du_gwd_rando, du_gwd_front
     23                                du_gwd_rando, du_gwd_front, u10m, v10m
    2424  USE geometry_mod, ONLY : longitude_deg, latitude_deg
    2525  USE iostart, ONLY: open_restartphy, close_restartphy, put_field, put_var
     155  CALL put_field_srf1("U10M", "u a 10m", u10m)
     157  CALL put_field_srf1("V10M", "v a 10m", v10m)
    155160! ================== Tsoil =========================================
    156161  CALL put_field_srf2("Tsoil","Temperature",tsoil(:,:,:))
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phys_local_var_mod.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    1616      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: u_seri(:,:), v_seri(:,:)
    1717      !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(u_seri, v_seri)
     18      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: l_mixmin(:,:,:), l_mix(:,:,:)
     19      !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(l_mixmin, l_mix)
    1921      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: tr_seri(:,:,:)
    406408      allocate(t_seri(klon,klev),q_seri(klon,klev),ql_seri(klon,klev),qs_seri(klon,klev))
    407409      allocate(u_seri(klon,klev),v_seri(klon,klev))
     410      allocate(l_mixmin(klon,klev,nbsrf), l_mix(klon,klev,nbsrf))
     411      l_mix(:,:,:)=0. ; l_mixmin(:,:,:)=0. ! doit etre initialse car pas toujours remplis
    409413      allocate(tr_seri(klon,klev,nbtr))
    625629      deallocate(t_seri,q_seri,ql_seri,qs_seri)
    626630      deallocate(u_seri,v_seri)
     631      deallocate(l_mixmin,l_mix)
    628633      deallocate(tr_seri)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phys_output_ctrlout_mod.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    4242!!! 2D
     44! Marine
     46  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_alt_tropo = ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     47  'alt_tropo','Tropopause pressure','hPa',&
     48   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     49    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     51  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_prop_hc = ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     52  'map_prop_hc','Proportion of high clouds',' ',&
     53   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     54    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     56  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_prop_hist = &
     57  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10/),&
     58  'map_prop_hist','Proportion of high ice semi-transp clouds',' ',&
     59   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     60    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     62  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_emis_hc = &
     63  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10/),&
     64  'map_emis_hc','Emissivity of high clouds',' ',&
     65   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     66    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     68  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_iwp_hc = &
     69  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     70  'map_iwp_hc','Ice water path of high clouds','g/m2',&
     71   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     72    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     74  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_deltaz_hc = &
     75  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     76  'map_deltaz_hc','geom thickness of high clouds','m',&
     77   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     78    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     80  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_pcld_hc = &
     81  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     82  'map_pcld_hc','cloud pressure of high clouds','hPa',&
     83   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     84    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     86   TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_tcld_hc = &
     87  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     88  'map_tcld_hc','cloud temperature of high clouds','K',&
     89   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     90    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     93  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_emis_hist = &
     94  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     95  'map_emis_hist','Emissivity of high ice st clouds',' ',&
     96   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     97    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     99  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_iwp_hist = &
     100  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     101  'map_iwp_hist','Ice water path of high ice st clouds','g/m2',&
     102   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     103    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     105  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_deltaz_hist = &
     106  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     107  'map_deltaz_hist','geom thickness of high ice st clouds','m',&
     108   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     109    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     111  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_rad_hist = &
     112  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     113  'map_rad_hist','ice crystals radius in high ice st clouds','µm',&
     114   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     115    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     118 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_emis_Cb = &
     119  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     120  'map_emis_Cb','Emissivity of high Cb clouds',' ',&
     121   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     122    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     124 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_pcld_Cb = &
     125  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     126  'map_pcld_Cb','cloud pressure of high Cb clouds','hPa',&
     127   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     128    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     130 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_tcld_Cb = &
     131  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     132  'map_tcld_Cb','cloud temperature of high Cb clouds','K',&
     133   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     134    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     137 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_emis_Anv = &
     138  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     139  'map_emis_Anv','Emissivity of high Anv clouds',' ',&
     140   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     141    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     143 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_pcld_Anv = &
     144  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     145  'map_pcld_Anv','cloud pressure of high Anv clouds','hPa',&
     146   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     147    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     149  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_tcld_Anv = &
     150  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     151  'map_tcld_Anv','cloud temperature of high Anv clouds','K',&
     152   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     153    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     155  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_emis_ThCi = &
     156  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     157  'map_emis_ThCi','Emissivity of high ThCi clouds',' ',&
     158   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     159    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     161  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_pcld_ThCi = &
     162  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     163  'map_pcld_ThCi','cloud pressure of high ThCi clouds','hPa',&
     164   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     165    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     167  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_tcld_ThCi = &
     168  ctrl_out((/10,10,1,10,10,10,10,10,10/),&
     169  'map_tcld_ThCi','cloud temperature of high ThCi clouds','K',&
     170   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     171    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     173   TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_ntot = &
     174  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     175  'map_ntot','total AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     176   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     177    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     179  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_hc = &
     180  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     181  'map_hc','high clouds AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     182   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     183    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     185  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_hist = &
     186  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     187  'map_hist','high clouds ice st AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     188   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     189    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     191  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_Cb = &
     192  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     193  'map_Cb','high clouds Cb AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     194   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     195    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     197 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_ThCi = &
     198  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     199  'map_ThCi','high clouds ThCi AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     200   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     201    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     203 TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_map_Anv = &
     204  ctrl_out((/1,1,1,1,1,10,10,10,10/),&
     205  'map_Anv','high clouds Anv AIRS cloud fraction',' ',&
     206   (/ "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)", "inst(X)",&
     207    "inst(X)", "inst(X)","inst(X)" /))
     210! Fin Marine
    43212  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_flat = ctrl_out((/ 5, 1, 10, 10, 5, 10, 11, 11, 11 /), &
    44213    'flat', 'Latent heat flux', 'W/m2', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
    745914  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE, DIMENSION(4) :: o_tke_srf      = (/             &
    746915      ctrl_out((/ 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'tke_ter',       &
    747       "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(1),"-", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     916      "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(1),"m2/s2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
    748917      ctrl_out((/ 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'tke_lic',       &
    749       "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(2),"-", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     918      "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(2),"m2/s2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
    750919      ctrl_out((/ 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'tke_oce',       &
    751       "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(3),"-", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     920      "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(3),"m2/s2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
    752921      ctrl_out((/ 10, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'tke_sic',       &
    753       "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(4),"-", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)) /)
     922      "Max Turb. Kinetic Energy "//clnsurf(4),"m2/s2", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)) /)
     924  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE, DIMENSION(4) :: o_l_mixmin      = (/             &
     925      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mixmin_ter',       &
     926      "PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(1),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     927      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mixmin_lic',       &
     928      "PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(2),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     929      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mixmin_oce',       &
     930      "PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(3),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     931      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mixmin_sic',       &
     932      "PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(4),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)) /)
     934  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE, DIMENSION(4) :: o_l_mix      = (/             &
     935      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mix_ter',       &
     936      "min PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(1),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     937      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mix_lic',       &
     938      "min PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(2),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     939      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mix_oce',       &
     940      "min PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(3),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)), &
     941      ctrl_out((/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /),'l_mix_sic',       &
     942      "min PBL mixing length "//clnsurf(4),"m", (/ ('', i=1, 9) /)) /)
    755944  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE, DIMENSION(4) :: o_tke_max_srf  = (/                          &
    9681157    'ovapinit', 'Specific humidity (begin of timestep)', 'kg/kg', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
    9691158  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_oliq = ctrl_out((/ 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /), &
    970     'oliq', 'Condensed water', 'kg/kg', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
     1159    'oliq', 'Liquid water', 'kg/kg', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
     1160  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_ocond = ctrl_out((/ 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /), &
     1161    'ocond', 'Condensed water', 'kg/kg', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
    9711162  TYPE(ctrl_out), SAVE :: o_wvapp = ctrl_out((/ 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11 /), &
    9721163    'wvapp', '', '', (/ ('', i=1, 9) /))
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phys_output_mod.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    5656    include "clesphys.h"
    5757    include "thermcell.h"
     58    include "YOMCST.h"
    5960    ! ug Nouveaux arguments n\'ecessaires au histwrite_mod:
    263264     ELSE
    264265         CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian)
    265          CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, day_ini, start_time, zjulian_start)
     266         CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, day_ini, start_time*rday, zjulian_start)
    266267     END IF
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phys_output_var_mod.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    1616  INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE ::  itau_con(:)       ! Nombre de pas ou rflag <= 1
    1717  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(itau_con)
    18   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_ec(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
    19   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_ech(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
    20   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_tke(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
    21   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_diss(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
    22   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_kinetic(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol, kinetic
    23   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_enthalp(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol
    24   REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_latent(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol
     18  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_ec(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
     19  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_ech(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
     20  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_tke(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
     21  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_diss(:) ! Contribution of energy conservation
     22  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_kinetic(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol, kinetic
     23  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_enthalp(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol
     24  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: bils_latent(:) ! bilan de chaleur au sol
    2525  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(bils_ec,bils_ech,bils_tke,bils_diss,bils_kinetic,bils_enthalp,bils_latent)
     27! Marine
     28! Variables de sortie du simulateur AIRS
     30  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_prop_hc(:),map_prop_hist(:),alt_tropo(:)
     31  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_prop_hc,map_prop_hist,alt_tropo)
     32  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_emis_hc(:),map_iwp_hc(:),map_deltaz_hc(:), &
     33                       map_pcld_hc(:),map_tcld_hc(:)
     34  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_emis_hc,map_iwp_hc,map_deltaz_hc,map_pcld_hc,map_tcld_hc)
     35  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_emis_hist(:),map_iwp_hist(:),map_deltaz_hist(:),map_rad_hist(:)         
     36  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_emis_hist,map_iwp_hist,map_deltaz_hist,map_rad_hist)
     37  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_ntot(:),map_hc(:),map_hist(:)
     38  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_Cb(:),map_ThCi(:),map_Anv(:)
     39  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_ntot,map_hc,map_hist,map_Cb,map_ThCi,map_Anv)
     40  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_emis_Cb(:),map_pcld_Cb(:),map_tcld_Cb(:)
     41  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_emis_ThCi(:),map_pcld_ThCi(:),map_tcld_ThCi(:)
     42  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_emis_Cb,map_pcld_Cb,map_tcld_Cb,map_emis_ThCi)
     43  REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: map_emis_Anv(:),map_pcld_Anv(:),map_tcld_Anv(:)
     44  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(map_pcld_ThCi,map_tcld_ThCi,map_emis_Anv,map_pcld_Anv,map_tcld_Anv)             
    2847  ! ug Plein de variables venues de phys_output_mod
    103122    allocate (bils_ec(klon),bils_ech(klon),bils_tke(klon),bils_diss(klon),bils_kinetic(klon),bils_enthalp(klon),bils_latent(klon))
     124! Marine
     125! Variables de sortie simulateur AIRS
     127!     if (ok_airs) then
     128      allocate (map_prop_hc(klon),map_prop_hist(klon))
     129      allocate (alt_tropo(klon))
     130      allocate (map_emis_hc(klon),map_iwp_hc(klon),map_deltaz_hc(klon))
     131      allocate (map_pcld_hc(klon),map_tcld_hc(klon))
     132      allocate (map_emis_hist(klon),map_iwp_hist(klon),map_deltaz_hist(klon))
     133      allocate (map_rad_hist(klon))
     134      allocate (map_ntot(klon),map_hc(klon),map_hist(klon))
     135      allocate (map_Cb(klon),map_ThCi(klon),map_Anv(klon))
     136      allocate (map_emis_Cb(klon),map_pcld_Cb(klon),map_tcld_Cb(klon))
     137      allocate (map_emis_ThCi(klon),map_pcld_ThCi(klon),map_tcld_ThCi(klon))
     138      allocate (map_emis_Anv(klon),map_pcld_Anv(klon),map_tcld_Anv(klon))
     139!     endif
    105141    IF (ok_hines) allocate(zustr_gwd_hines(klon), zvstr_gwd_hines(klon))
    106142    IF (.not.ok_hines.and.ok_gwd_rando) &
    115151    IMPLICIT NONE
     153    include "clesphys.h"
    117155    deallocate(snow_o,zfra_o,itau_con)
    118156    deallocate (bils_ec,bils_ech,bils_tke,bils_diss,bils_kinetic,bils_enthalp,bils_latent)
     158! Marine
     159! Variables de sortie simulateur AIRS
     161 !    if (ok_airs) then
     162      deallocate (map_prop_hc,map_prop_hist)
     163      deallocate (alt_tropo)
     164      deallocate (map_emis_hc,map_iwp_hc,map_deltaz_hc)
     165      deallocate (map_pcld_hc,map_tcld_hc)
     166      deallocate (map_emis_hist,map_iwp_hist,map_deltaz_hist)
     167      deallocate (map_rad_hist)
     168      deallocate (map_ntot,map_hc,map_hist)
     169      deallocate (map_Cb,map_ThCi,map_Anv)
     170      deallocate (map_emis_Cb,map_pcld_Cb,map_tcld_Cb)
     171      deallocate (map_emis_ThCi,map_pcld_ThCi,map_tcld_ThCi)
     172      deallocate (map_emis_Anv,map_pcld_Anv,map_tcld_Anv)
     173  !   endif
    120175  END SUBROUTINE phys_output_var_end
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/phys_output_write_mod.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    6060         o_fsw_srf, o_wbils_srf, o_wbilo_srf, &
    6161         o_tke_srf, o_tke_max_srf,o_dltpbltke_srf, o_wstar, &
     62         o_l_mixmin,o_l_mix, &
    6263         o_cdrm, o_cdrh, o_cldl, o_cldm, o_cldh, &
    6364         o_cldt, o_JrNt, o_cldljn, o_cldmjn, &
    116117         o_lcc3dstra, o_reffclwtop, o_ec550aer, &
    117118         o_lwcon, o_iwcon, o_temp, o_theta, &
    118          o_ovapinit, o_ovap, o_oliq, o_geop, &
     119         o_ovapinit, o_ovap, o_oliq, o_ocond, o_geop, &
    119120         o_vitu, o_vitv, o_vitw, o_pres, o_paprs, &
    120121         o_zfull, o_zhalf, o_rneb, o_rnebjn, o_rnebcon, &
    167168         o_sens_prec_sol_oce, o_sens_prec_sol_sic, &
    168169         o_lat_prec_liq_oce, o_lat_prec_liq_sic, &
    169          o_lat_prec_sol_oce, o_lat_prec_sol_sic
     170         o_lat_prec_sol_oce, o_lat_prec_sol_sic, &
     171! Marine
     172         o_map_prop_hc, o_map_prop_hist, o_map_emis_hc, o_map_iwp_hc, &
     173         o_map_deltaz_hc, o_map_pcld_hc, o_map_tcld_hc, &
     174         o_map_emis_hist, o_map_iwp_hist, o_map_deltaz_hist, &
     175         o_map_rad_hist, &
     176         o_map_emis_Cb, o_map_pcld_Cb, o_map_tcld_Cb, &
     177         o_map_emis_ThCi, o_map_pcld_ThCi, o_map_tcld_ThCi, &
     178         o_map_emis_Anv, o_map_pcld_Anv, o_map_tcld_Anv, &
     179         o_map_ntot, o_map_hc,o_map_hist,o_map_Cb,o_map_ThCi,o_map_Anv, &
     180         o_alt_tropo
    171183    USE phys_state_var_mod, only: pctsrf, paire_ter, rain_fall, snow_fall, &
    198210    USE phys_local_var_mod, only: zxfluxlat, slp, ptstar, pt0, zxtsol, zt2m, &
    199211         t2m_min_mon, t2m_max_mon, evap, &
     212         l_mixmin,l_mix, &
    200213         zu10m, zv10m, zq2m, zustar, zxqsurf, &
    201214         rain_lsc, rain_num, snow_lsc, bils, sens, fder, &
    237250         lcc, lcc3d, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, reffclwtop, &
    238251         ec550aer, flwc, fiwc, t_seri, theta, q_seri, &
    239          ql_seri, tr_seri, &
     252         ql_seri, qs_seri, tr_seri, &
    240253         zphi, u_seri, v_seri, omega, cldfra, &
    241254         rneb, rnebjn, zx_rh, d_t_dyn,  &
    262275         zustr_gwd_hines, zvstr_gwd_hines,zustr_gwd_rando, zvstr_gwd_rando, &
    263276         zustr_gwd_front, zvstr_gwd_front,     &
    264          sens_prec_liq_o, sens_prec_sol_o, lat_prec_liq_o, lat_prec_sol_o
     277         sens_prec_liq_o, sens_prec_sol_o, lat_prec_liq_o, lat_prec_sol_o, &
     278! Marine
     279         map_prop_hc, map_prop_hist, &
     280         map_emis_hc,map_iwp_hc,map_deltaz_hc,&
     281         map_pcld_hc,map_tcld_hc,&
     282         map_emis_hist,map_iwp_hist,map_deltaz_hist,&
     283         map_rad_hist,&
     284         map_ntot,map_hc,map_hist,&
     285         map_Cb,map_ThCi,map_Anv,&
     286         map_emis_Cb,map_pcld_Cb,map_tcld_Cb,&
     287         map_emis_ThCi,map_pcld_ThCi,map_tcld_ThCi,&
     288         map_emis_Anv,map_pcld_Anv,map_tcld_Anv, &
     289         alt_tropo
    332358    ! On calcul le nouveau tau:
    333     itau_w = itau_phy + itap + start_time * day_step_phy
     359    itau_w = itau_phy + itap
    334360    ! On le donne à iophy pour que les histwrite y aient accès:
    335361    CALL set_itau_iophy(itau_w)
    378404       CALL histwrite_phy(o_aireTER, paire_ter)
    379405!!! Champs 2D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     406! Simulateur AIRS
     407     IF (ok_airs) then
     408      CALL histwrite_phy(o_alt_tropo,alt_tropo)
     410      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_prop_hc,map_prop_hc)
     411      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_prop_hist,map_prop_hist)
     413      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_emis_hc,map_emis_hc)
     414      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_iwp_hc,map_iwp_hc)
     415      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_deltaz_hc,map_deltaz_hc)
     416      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_pcld_hc,map_pcld_hc)
     417      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_tcld_hc,map_tcld_hc)
     419      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_emis_hist,map_emis_hist)
     420      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_iwp_hist,map_iwp_hist)
     421      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_deltaz_hist,map_deltaz_hist)
     423      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_ntot,map_ntot)
     424      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_hc,map_hc)
     425      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_hist,map_hist)
     427      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_Cb,map_Cb)
     428      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_ThCi,map_ThCi)
     429      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_Anv,map_Anv)
     431      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_emis_Cb,map_emis_Cb)
     432      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_pcld_Cb,map_pcld_Cb)
     433      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_tcld_Cb,map_tcld_Cb)
     435      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_emis_ThCi,map_emis_ThCi)
     436      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_pcld_ThCi,map_pcld_ThCi)
     437      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_tcld_ThCi,map_tcld_ThCi)
     439      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_emis_Anv,map_emis_Anv)
     440      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_pcld_Anv,map_pcld_Anv)
     441      CALL histwrite_phy(o_map_tcld_Anv,map_tcld_Anv)
     442     ENDIF
    380444       CALL histwrite_phy(o_flat, zxfluxlat)
    381445       CALL histwrite_phy(o_ptstar, ptstar)
    619683          IF (iflag_pbl > 1) THEN
    620684             CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_srf(nsrf),  pbl_tke(:,1:klev,nsrf))
     685             CALL histwrite_phy(o_l_mix(nsrf),  l_mix(:,1:klev,nsrf))
     686             CALL histwrite_phy(o_l_mixmin(nsrf),  l_mixmin(:,1:klev,nsrf))
    621687             CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_max_srf(nsrf),  pbl_tke(:,1:klev,nsrf))
    622688          ENDIF
    10551121       CALL histwrite_phy(o_ovap, q_seri)
    10561122       CALL histwrite_phy(o_oliq, ql_seri)
     1123       CALL histwrite_phy(o_ocond, ql_seri+qs_seri)
    10571124       CALL histwrite_phy(o_geop, zphi)
    10581125       CALL histwrite_phy(o_vitu, u_seri)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/physiq_mod.F90

    r2570 r2594  
    10771077       !RC
    10781078       ustar(:,:)=0.
    1079        u10m(:,:)=0.
    1080        v10m(:,:)=0.
     1079!       u10m(:,:)=0.
     1080!       v10m(:,:)=0.
    10811081       rain_con(:)=0.
    10821082       snow_con(:)=0.
    11661166       CALL phyetat0 ("startphy.nc",clesphy0,tabcntr0)
    11671168       IF (klon_glo==1) THEN
    1168           coefh=0. ; coefm=0. ; pbl_tke=0.
    1169           coefh(:,2,:)=1.e-2 ; coefm(:,2,:)=1.e-2 ; pbl_tke(:,2,:)=1.e-2
    1170           PRINT*,'FH WARNING : lignes a supprimer'
     1169          pbl_tke(:,:,is_ave) = 0.
     1170          DO nsrf=1,nbsrf
     1171            DO k = 1,klev+1
     1172                 pbl_tke(:,k,is_ave) = pbl_tke(:,k,is_ave) &
     1173                     +pctsrf(:,nsrf)*pbl_tke(:,k,nsrf)
     1174            ENDDO
     1175          ENDDO
    11711177       ENDIF
    11721178       !IM begin
    14241430               klon, &
    14251431               nqtot, &
     1432               nqo, &
    14261433               pdtphys, &
    14271434               annee_ref, &
    22942301                    wake_pe, wake_fip,  &
    22952302                    Ale_bl, Ale_bl_trig, Alp_bl, &
    2296                     Ale, Alp )
     2303                    Ale, Alp , Ale_wake, Alp_wake)
    2778           CALL alpale_th( dtime, lmax_th, t_seri, &
     2785          CALL alpale_th( dtime, lmax_th, t_seri, cell_area,  &
    27792786                          cin, s2, n2,  &
    27802787                          ale_bl_trig, ale_bl_stat, ale_bl,  &
    2781                           alp_bl, alp_bl_stat )
     2788                          alp_bl, alp_bl_stat, &
     2789                          proba_notrig, random_notrig)
     2791          ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
     2792          ! Transport de la TKE par les panaches thermiques.
     2793          ! FH : 2010/02/01
     2794          !     if (iflag_pbl.eq.10) then
     2795          !     call thermcell_dtke(klon,klev,nbsrf,pdtphys,fm_therm,entr_therm,
     2796          !    s           rg,paprs,pbl_tke)
     2797          !     endif
     2798          ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
    27832800          do i=1,klon
    39323949    ENDIF  !ok_cosp
     3952! Marine
     3954  IF (ok_airs) then
     3956  IF (itap.eq.1.or.MOD(itap,NINT(freq_airs/dtime)).EQ.0) THEN
     3957  write(*,*) 'je vais appeler simu_airs, ok_airs, freq_airs=', &
     3958     & ok_airs, freq_airs
     3959  call simu_airs(itap,rneb, t_seri, cldemi, fiwc, ref_ice, pphi, pplay, paprs,&
     3960     & map_prop_hc,map_prop_hist,&
     3961     & map_emis_hc,map_iwp_hc,map_deltaz_hc,map_pcld_hc,map_tcld_hc,&
     3962     & map_emis_Cb,map_pcld_Cb,map_tcld_Cb,&
     3963     & map_emis_ThCi,map_pcld_ThCi,map_tcld_ThCi,&
     3964     & map_emis_Anv,map_pcld_Anv,map_tcld_Anv,&
     3965     & map_emis_hist,map_iwp_hist,map_deltaz_hist,map_rad_hist,&
     3966     & map_ntot,map_hc,map_hist,&
     3967     & map_Cb,map_ThCi,map_Anv,&
     3968     & alt_tropo )
     3969  ENDIF
     3971  ENDIF  ! ok_airs
    39333974    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    39343975    !AA
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/readaerosolstrato.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    5555    data piz_strat  /0.9999998, 0.99762493/
    5656    data cg_strat   /0.73107845,0.73229635/
    57     real, dimension(nwave) :: alpha_strat_wave
     57    real, dimension(nwave_sw) :: alpha_strat_wave
    5858    data alpha_strat_wave/3.36780953,3.34667683,3.20444202,3.0293026,2.82108808/
    154154!--total vertical aod at the 6 wavelengths
    155     DO wave=1, nwave
     155    DO wave=1, nwave_sw
    156156    DO k=1, klev
    157157    tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_strat_wave(2)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/rrtm/aeropt_5wv_rrtm.F90

    r2211 r2594  
    7070  ! Local
    7171  !
    72   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: las = nwave
     72  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: las = nwave_sw
    7373  LOGICAL :: soluble
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/rrtm/readaerosolstrato1_rrtm.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    6161!--diagnostics AOD in the SW
    6262! alpha_sw_strat_wave is *not* normalised by the 550 nm extinction coefficient
    63     real, dimension(nwave) :: alpha_sw_strat_wave
     63    real, dimension(nwave_sw) :: alpha_sw_strat_wave
    6464    data alpha_sw_strat_wave/3.708007,4.125824,4.136584,3.887478,3.507738/
    66 !--diagnostics AOD in the LW at 10 um
    67     real :: alpha_lw_strat_wave
     66!--diagnostics AOD in the LW at 10 um (not normalised by the 550 nm ext coefficient
     67    real :: alpha_lw_strat_wave(nwave_lw)
    6868    data alpha_lw_strat_wave/0.2746812/
    172172!--total vertical aod at the 5 SW wavelengths
    173     DO wave=1, nwave
     173    DO wave=1, nwave_sw
    174174    DO k=1, klev
    175     tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+ &
    176        tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_sw_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_sw_strat_wave(2)
     175      tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+ &
     176          tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_sw_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_sw_strat_wave(2)
    177177    ENDDO
    178178    ENDDO
    210210    ENDIF
     212!--total vertical aod at the 1 LW wavelength
     213    DO wave=1, nwave_lw
     214    DO k=1, klev
     215      tausum_aero(:,nwave_sw+wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,nwave_sw+wave,id_STRAT_phy)+ &
     216         tau_aer_strat(:,k)*alpha_lw_strat_wave(wave)/alpha_sw_strat_wave(2)
     217    ENDDO
     218    ENDDO
    212220    DO band=1, nbands_lw_rrtm
    213221    tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,2,band)  = tau_aero_lw_rrtm(:,:,2,band) + alpha_lw_abs_rrtm(band)*tau_aer_strat(:,:)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/rrtm/readaerosolstrato2_rrtm.F90

    r2542 r2594  
    269269!--total vertical aod at the 5 SW wavelengths
    270270!--for now use band 3 AOD into all 5 wavelengths
     271!--it is only a reasonable approximation for 550 nm (wave=2)
    271272    band=3
    272273    DO i=1, klon
    273274    DO k=1, klev
    274275      IF (stratomask(i,k).GT.0.999999) THEN
    275         DO wave=1, nwave
    276           tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(:,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+tau_aer_strat(:,k,band)
     276        DO wave=1, nwave_sw
     277          tausum_aero(i,wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(i,wave,id_STRAT_phy)+tau_aer_strat(i,k,band)
    277278        ENDDO
    278279      ENDIF
    308309    ENDDO
     311!--total vertical aod at 10 um
     312!--this is approximated from band 7 of RRTM
     313    band=7
     314    DO i=1, klon
     315    DO k=1, klev
     316      IF (stratomask(i,k).GT.0.999999) THEN
     317        DO wave=1, nwave_lw
     318          tausum_aero(i,nwave_sw+wave,id_STRAT_phy)=tausum_aero(i,nwave_sw+wave,id_STRAT_phy)+taulw_aer_strat(i,k,band)
     319        ENDDO
     320      ENDIF
     321    ENDDO
     322    ENDDO
    310324    DO band=1, NLW
    311325    WHERE (stratomask.GT.0.999999)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/surf_land_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    2424    USE surface_data, ONLY    : ok_veget
     26    ! See comments in each module surf_land_orchidee_xxx for compatiblity with ORCHIDEE
    2627#ifdef ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP
     28    ! Compilation with cpp key ORCHIDEE NOOPENMP
    2729    USE surf_land_orchidee_noopenmp_mod
     31#if ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H
     32    ! Compilation with cpp key ORCHIDEE NOZ0H
     33    USE surf_land_orchidee_noz0h_mod
     35    ! Compilation with default interface
    2936    USE surf_land_orchidee_mod
    3140    USE surf_land_bucket_mod
    3241    USE calcul_fluxs_mod
    141150            evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, &             
    142151            tsol_rad, tsurf_new, alb1_new, alb2_new, &
    143             emis_new, z0m, qsurf)       
    144         z0h(1:knon)=z0m(1:knon) ! En attendant mieux
     152            emis_new, z0m, z0h, qsurf)       
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/surf_land_orchidee_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    22MODULE surf_land_orchidee_mod
     4#ifndef ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H
    56! This module controles the interface towards the model ORCHIDEE.
    78! Compatibility with ORCHIDIEE :
    8 ! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 2961.
    9 ! This interface can also be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk revision 1078-2960 if changing
    10 ! coszang=yrmu0 into sinang=yrmu0 at 2 places later below in this module.
     9! The current version can be used with ORCHIDEE/trunk from revision 3525.
     10! This interface is used if none of the cpp keys ORCHIDEE_NOOPENMP or ORCHIDEE_NOZ0H is set.
    1212! Subroutines in this module : surf_land_orchidee
    4444       evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, &             
    4545       tsol_rad, tsurf_new, alb1_new, alb2_new, &
    46        emis_new, z0_new, qsurf)
     46       emis_new, z0m_new, z0h_new, qsurf)
    4848    USE mod_surf_para
    104104!   alb2_new     albedo in near IR interval
    105105!   emis_new     emissivite
    106 !   z0_new       surface roughness
     106!   z0m_new      surface roughness for momentum
     107!   z0h_new      surface roughness for heat
    107108!   qsurf        air moisture at surface
    137138    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: tsol_rad, tsurf_new
    138139    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: alb1_new, alb2_new
    139     REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: emis_new, z0_new
     140    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: emis_new, z0m_new, z0h_new
    141142! Local
    404405#ifdef CPP_VEGET
    405           CALL intersurf_main (itime+itau_phy-1, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime, &
    406                lrestart_read, lrestart_write, lalo, &
    407                contfrac, neighbours, resolution, date0, &
    408                zlev,  u1_lay, v1_lay, spechum, temp_air, epot_air, ccanopy, &
     406         CALL intersurf_initialize_gathered (itime+itau_phy-1, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime, &
     407               lrestart_read, lrestart_write, lalo, contfrac, neighbours, resolution, date0, &
     408               zlev,  u1_lay, v1_lay, spechum, temp_air, epot_air, &
    409409               cdrag, petA_orc, peqA_orc, petB_orc, peqB_orc, &
    410410               precip_rain, precip_snow, lwdown, swnet, swdown, ps, &
    411411               evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, coastalflow, riverflow, &
    412                tsol_rad, tsurf_new, qsurf, albedo_out, emis_new, z0_new, &
    413                lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, coszang=yrmu0)
     412               tsol_rad, tsurf_new, qsurf, albedo_out, emis_new, z0m_new, &
     413               lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, z0h_new)
    415415       ENDIF
    427427    IF (knon > 0) THEN
    428428#ifdef CPP_VEGET   
    429        CALL intersurf_main (itime+itau_phy, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime,  &
     429       CALL intersurf_main_gathered (itime+itau_phy, nbp_lon, nbp_lat, knon, ktindex, dtime,  &
    430430            lrestart_read, lrestart_write, lalo, &
    431431            contfrac, neighbours, resolution, date0, &
    434434            precip_rain(1:knon), precip_snow(1:knon), lwdown(1:knon), swnet(1:knon), swdown_vrai(1:knon), ps(1:knon), &
    435435            evap(1:knon), fluxsens(1:knon), fluxlat(1:knon), coastalflow(1:knon), riverflow(1:knon), &
    436             tsol_rad(1:knon), tsurf_new(1:knon), qsurf(1:knon), albedo_out(1:knon,:), emis_new(1:knon), z0_new(1:knon), &
    437             lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, coszang=yrmu0(1:knon))
     436            tsol_rad(1:knon), tsurf_new(1:knon), qsurf(1:knon), albedo_out(1:knon,:), emis_new(1:knon), z0m_new(1:knon), &
     437            lon_scat, lat_scat, q2m, t2m, z0h_new(1:knon), coszang=yrmu0(1:knon))
    439439    ENDIF
    666667END MODULE surf_land_orchidee_mod
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/surf_land_orchidee_noopenmp_mod.F90

    r2435 r2594  
    3838       knindex, rlon, rlat, yrmu0, pctsrf, &
    3939       debut, lafin, &
    40        plev,  u1_lay, v1_lay, temp_air, spechum, epot_air, ccanopy, &
     40       plev,  u1_lay, v1_lay, gustiness, temp_air, spechum, epot_air, ccanopy, &
    4141       tq_cdrag, petAcoef, peqAcoef, petBcoef, peqBcoef, &
    4242       precip_rain, precip_snow, lwdown, swnet, swdown, &
    4444       evap, fluxsens, fluxlat, &             
    4545       tsol_rad, tsurf_new, alb1_new, alb2_new, &
    46        emis_new, z0_new, qsurf)
     46       emis_new, z0_new, z0h_new, qsurf)
    4848! Cette routine sert d'interface entre le modele atmospherique et le
    9595!   emis_new     emissivite
    9696!   z0_new       surface roughness
     97!   z0h_new      surface roughness, it is the same as z0_new
    9798!   qsurf        air moisture at surface
    121122    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: yrmu0
    122123    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: plev
    123     REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: u1_lay, v1_lay
     124    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: u1_lay, v1_lay, gustiness
    124125    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: temp_air, spechum
    125126    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)         :: epot_air, ccanopy
    136137    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: tsol_rad, tsurf_new
    137138    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: alb1_new, alb2_new
    138     REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: emis_new, z0_new
     139    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT)        :: emis_new, z0_new, z0h_new
    140141! Local
    497498    albedo_keep(1:knon) = (albedo_out(1:knon,1)+albedo_out(1:knon,2))/2.
     500    ! ORCHIDEE only gives one value for z0_new. Copy it into z0h_new.
     501    z0h_new(:)=z0_new(:)
    499503!* Send to coupler
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/time_phylmdz_mod.F90

    r2488 r2594  
    8383  USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
     85  INCLUDE 'YOMCST.h'
    8586    REAL,INTENT(IN) :: pdtphys_
    8687    REAL            :: julian_date
    9596    ! Update elapsed time since begining of run:
    96     current_time=current_time+pdtphys
     97    current_time=current_time+pdtphys/rday
    9899    ! Compute corresponding Julian date and update calendar
    99     CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref,1,day_ini,start_time+current_time,julian_date)
     100    CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref,1,day_ini,(start_time+current_time)*rday,julian_date)
    100101    CALL phys_cal_update(julian_date)
  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/yamada4.F90

    r2471 r2594  
    2 ! $Header$
    4 SUBROUTINE yamada4(ngrid, dt, g, rconst, plev, temp, zlev, zlay, u, v, teta, &
     3SUBROUTINE yamada4(ni, nsrf, ngrid, dt, g, rconst, plev, temp, zlev, zlay, u, v, teta, &
    54    cd, q2, km, kn, kq, ustar, iflag_pbl)
    66  USE dimphy
    7   USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level
    87  USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p
     10  include "iniprint.h"
     11  ! .......................................................................
     12  ! ym#include "dimensions.h"
     13  ! ym#include "dimphy.h"
     14  ! ************************************************************************************************
     15  !
     16  ! yamada4: subroutine qui calcule le transfert turbulent avec une fermeture d'ordre 2 ou 2.5
     17  !
     18  ! Reference: Simulation of nocturnal drainage flows by a q2l Turbulence Closure Model
     19  !            Yamada T.
     20  !            J. Atmos. Sci, 40, 91-106, 1983
     21  !
     22  !************************************************************************************************
     23  ! Input :
     24  !'======
     25  ! ni: indice horizontal sur la grille de base, non restreinte
     26  ! nsrf: type de surface
     27  ! ngrid: nombre de mailles concern??es sur l'horizontal
    1228  ! dt : pas de temps
    1329  ! g  : g
     30  ! rconst: constante de l'air sec
    1431  ! zlev : altitude a chaque niveau (interface inferieure de la couche
    1532  ! de meme indice)
    1734  ! u,v : vitesse au centre de chaque couche
    1835  ! (en entree : la valeur au debut du pas de temps)
    19   ! teta : temperature potentielle au centre de chaque couche
     36  ! teta : temperature potentielle virtuelle au centre de chaque couche
    2037  ! (en entree : la valeur au debut du pas de temps)
    21   ! cd : cdrag
     38  ! cd : cdrag pour la quantit?? de mouvement
    2239  ! (en entree : la valeur au debut du pas de temps)
     40  ! ustar: vitesse de friction calcul??e par une formule diagnostique
     41  ! iflag_pbl: flag pour choisir des options du sch??ma de turbulence
     42  !
     43  !             iflag_pbl doit valoir entre 6 et 9
     44  !             l=6, on prend  systematiquement une longueur d'equilibre
     45  !             iflag_pbl=6 : MY 2.0
     46  !             iflag_pbl=7 : MY 2.0.Fournier
     47  !             iflag_pbl=8/9 : MY 2.5
     48  !             iflag_pbl=8 with special obsolete treatments for convergence
     49  !             with Cmpi5 NPv3.1 simulations
     50  !             iflag_pbl=10/11 :  New scheme M2 and N2 explicit and dissiptation exact
     51  !             iflag_pbl=12 = 11 with vertical diffusion off q2
     52  !
     53  !             2013/04/01 (FH hourdin@lmd.jussieu.fr)
     54  !             Correction for very stable PBLs (iflag_pbl=10 and 11)
     55  !             iflag_pbl=8 converges numerically with NPv3.1
     56  !             iflag_pbl=11 -> the model starts with NP from start files created by ce0l
     57  !                          -> the model can run with longer time-steps.
     58  !
     59  ! Inpout/Output :
     60  !==============
    2361  ! q2 : $q^2$ au bas de chaque couche
    2462  ! (en entree : la valeur au debut du pas de temps)
    2563  ! (en sortie : la valeur a la fin du pas de temps)
     65  ! Outputs:
     66  !==========
    2667  ! km : diffusivite turbulente de quantite de mouvement (au bas de chaque
    2768  ! couche)
    2970  ! kn : diffusivite turbulente des scalaires (au bas de chaque couche)
    3071  ! (en sortie : la valeur a la fin du pas de temps)
    32   ! iflag_pbl doit valoir entre 6 et 9
    33   ! l=6, on prend  systematiquement une longueur d'equilibre
    34   ! iflag_pbl=6 : MY 2.0
    35   ! iflag_pbl=7 : MY 2.0.Fournier
    36   ! iflag_pbl=8/9 : MY 2.5
    37   ! iflag_pbl=8 with special obsolete treatments for convergence
    38   ! with Cmpi5 NPv3.1 simulations
    39   ! iflag_pbl=10/11 :  New scheme M2 and N2 explicit and dissiptation exact
    40   ! iflag_pbl=12 = 11 with vertical diffusion off q2
    42   ! 2013/04/01 (FH hourdin@lmd.jussieu.fr)
    43   ! Correction for very stable PBLs (iflag_pbl=10 and 11)
    44   ! iflag_pbl=8 converges numerically with NPv3.1
    45   ! iflag_pbl=11 -> the model starts with NP from start files created by ce0l
    46   ! -> the model can run with longer time-steps.
    47   ! .......................................................................
     72  !
     73  !.......................................................................
     75  !=======================================================================
     76  ! Declarations:
     77  !=======================================================================
     80  ! Inputs/Outputs
     81  !----------------
    4982  REAL dt, g, rconst
    5083  REAL plev(klon, klev+1), temp(klon, klev)
    5790  REAL teta(klon, klev)
    5891  REAL cd(klon)
    59   REAL q2(klon, klev+1), qpre
     92  REAL q2(klon, klev+1)
    6093  REAL unsdz(klon, klev)
    6194  REAL unsdzdec(klon, klev+1)
     95  REAL kn(klon, klev+1)
    6396  REAL km(klon, klev+1)
    64   REAL kmpre(klon, klev+1), tmp2
     97  INTEGER iflag_pbl, ngrid, nsrf
     98  INTEGER ni(klon)
     101  ! Local
     102  !-------
     104  INCLUDE "clesphys.h"
     107  REAL kmpre(klon, klev+1), tmp2, qpre
    65108  REAL mpre(klon, klev+1)
    66   REAL kn(klon, klev+1)
    67109  REAL kq(klon, klev+1)
    68110  REAL ff(klon, klev+1), delta(klon, klev+1)
    69111  REAL aa(klon, klev+1), aa0, aa1
    70   INTEGER iflag_pbl, ngrid
    71112  INTEGER nlay, nlev
    73113  LOGICAL first
    74114  INTEGER ipas
    77117  DATA first, ipas/.FALSE., 0/
    78118  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE( first,ipas)
    79   REAL,SAVE :: lmixmin=1.
    80   !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lmixmin)
     119  LOGICAL hboville
    83120  INTEGER ig, k
    86121  REAL ri, zrif, zalpha, zsm, zsn
    87122  REAL rif(klon, klev+1), sm(klon, klev+1), alpha(klon, klev)
    89123  REAL m2(klon, klev+1), dz(klon, klev+1), zq, n2(klon, klev+1)
    90124  REAL dtetadz(klon, klev+1)
    91125  REAL m2cstat, mcstat, kmcstat
    92126  REAL l(klon, klev+1)
    93   REAL, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: l0(:)
    94   !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(l0)
    95   REAL sq(klon), sqz(klon), zz(klon, klev+1)
     127  REAL zz(klon, klev+1)
    96128  INTEGER iter
    98129  REAL ric, rifc, b1, kap
    99130  SAVE ric, rifc, b1, kap
    100131  DATA ric, rifc, b1, kap/0.195, 0.191, 16.6, 0.4/
    101132  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ric,rifc,b1,kap)
     133  REAL seuilsm, seuilalpha
     134  REAL,SAVE :: lmixmin
     135  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lmixmin)
    102136  REAL frif, falpha, fsm
    103   REAL fl, zzz, zl0, zq2, zn2
    105137  REAL rino(klon, klev+1), smyam(klon, klev), styam(klon, klev), &
    106138    lyam(klon, klev), knyam(klon, klev), w2yam(klon, klev), t2yam(klon, klev)
    107139  LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall = .TRUE.
    108140  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall)
     143  ! Fonctions utilis??es
     144  !--------------------
    109146  frif(ri) = 0.6588*(ri+0.1776-sqrt(ri*ri-0.3221*ri+0.03156))
    110147  falpha(ri) = 1.318*(0.2231-ri)/(0.2341-ri)
    111148  fsm(ri) = 1.96*(0.1912-ri)*(0.2341-ri)/((1.-ri)*(0.2231-ri))
    112   fl(zzz, zl0, zq2, zn2) = max(min(l0(ig)*kap*zlev(ig, &
    113     k)/(kap*zlev(ig,k)+l0(ig)),0.5*sqrt(q2(ig,k))/sqrt( &
    114     max(n2(ig,k),1.E-10))), lmixmin)
    117   nlay = klev
    118   nlev = klev + 1
    120151  IF (firstcall) THEN
    121     ALLOCATE (l0(klon))
    122152    firstcall = .FALSE.
     153    lmixmin=1.
    123154    CALL getin_p('lmixmin',lmixmin)
    124155  END IF
     160! Flags, tests et ??valuations de constantes
     163! On utilise ou non la routine de Holstalg Boville pour les cas tres stables
     164   hboville=.TRUE.
    129169  END IF
     171! Seuil dans le code de turbulence
     172 seuilalpha=1.12
     173 seuilsm=0.085
     175  nlay = klev
     176  nlev = klev + 1
    131177  ipas = ipas + 1
    134   ! .......................................................................
    135   ! les increments verticaux
    136   ! .......................................................................
    138   ! !!!!! allerte !!!!!c
    139   ! !!!!! zlev n'est pas declare a nlev !!!!!c
    140   ! !!!!! ---->
     181! Calcul des increments verticaux
     185! Attention: zlev n'est pas declare a nlev
    141186  DO ig = 1, ngrid
    142187    zlev(ig, nlev) = zlay(ig, nlay) + (zlay(ig,nlay)-zlev(ig,nlev-1))
    143188  END DO
    144   ! !!!!! <----
    145   ! !!!!! allerte !!!!!c
    147191  DO k = 1, nlay
    162206  END DO
    164   ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    165   ! Computing M^2, N^2, Richardson numbers, stability functions
    166   ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    167     ! initialize arrays:
    168   m2(:, :) = 0.0
    169   sm(:, :) = 0.0
    170   rif(:, :) = 0.0
     209! Richardson number and stability functions
     212! initialize arrays:
     214  m2(1:ngrid, :) = 0.0
     215  sm(1:ngrid, :) = 0.0
     216  rif(1:ngrid, :) = 0.0
    172219  DO k = 2, klev
    173221    DO ig = 1, ngrid
    174222      dz(ig, k) = zlay(ig, k) - zlay(ig, k-1)
    177225      dtetadz(ig, k) = (teta(ig,k)-teta(ig,k-1))/dz(ig, k)
    178226      n2(ig, k) = g*2.*dtetadz(ig, k)/(teta(ig,k-1)+teta(ig,k))
    179       ! n2(ig,k)=0.
    180227      ri = n2(ig, k)/max(m2(ig,k), 1.E-10)
    181228      IF (ri<ric) THEN
    184231        rif(ig, k) = rifc
    185232      END IF
    186234      IF (rif(ig,k)<0.16) THEN
    187235        alpha(ig, k) = falpha(rif(ig,k))
    188236        sm(ig, k) = fsm(rif(ig,k))
    189237      ELSE
    190         alpha(ig, k) = 1.12
    191         sm(ig, k) = 0.085
     238        alpha(ig, k) = seuilalpha
     239        sm(ig, k) = seuilsm
    192240      END IF
    193241      zz(ig, k) = b1*m2(ig, k)*(1.-rif(ig,k))*sm(ig, k)
    198   ! ====================================================================
    199   ! Computing the mixing length
    200   ! ====================================================================
    202   ! Mise a jour de l0
    203   IF (iflag_pbl==8 .OR. iflag_pbl==10) THEN
    205     ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    206     ! Iterative computation of l0
    207     ! This version is kept for iflag_pbl only for convergence
    208     ! with NPv3.1 Cmip5 simulations
    209     ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    211     DO ig = 1, ngrid
    212       sq(ig) = 1.E-10
    213       sqz(ig) = 1.E-10
    214     END DO
    215     DO k = 2, klev - 1
    216       DO ig = 1, ngrid
    217         zq = sqrt(q2(ig,k))
    218         sqz(ig) = sqz(ig) + zq*zlev(ig, k)*(zlay(ig,k)-zlay(ig,k-1))
    219         sq(ig) = sq(ig) + zq*(zlay(ig,k)-zlay(ig,k-1))
    220       END DO
    221     END DO
    222     DO ig = 1, ngrid
    223       l0(ig) = 0.2*sqz(ig)/sq(ig)
    224     END DO
     247! ====================================================================
     248! Computing the mixing length
     249! ====================================================================
     252  CALL mixinglength(ni,nsrf,ngrid,iflag_pbl,pbl_lmixmin_alpha,lmixmin,zlay,zlev,u,v,q2,n2, l)
     256  !=======================================================================
     258  !=======================================================================
     260  !--------------
     261  ! Yamada 2.0
     262  !--------------
     263  IF (iflag_pbl==6) THEN
     265    DO k = 2, klev
     266      q2(1:ngrid, k) = l(1:ngrid, k)**2*zz(1:ngrid, k)
     267    END DO
     270  !------------------
     271  ! Yamada 2.Fournier
     272  !------------------
     274  ELSE IF (iflag_pbl==7) THEN
     277    ! Calcul de l,  km, au pas precedent
     278    !....................................
    225279    DO k = 2, klev
    226280      DO ig = 1, ngrid
    227         l(ig, k) = fl(zlev(ig,k), l0(ig), q2(ig,k), n2(ig,k))
    228       END DO
    229     END DO
    230     ! print*,'L0 cas 8 ou 10 ',l0
    232   ELSE
    234     ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    235     ! In all other case, the assymptotic mixing length l0 is imposed (100m)
    236     ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    238     l0(:) = 150.
    239     DO k = 2, klev
    240       DO ig = 1, ngrid
    241         l(ig, k) = fl(zlev(ig,k), l0(ig), q2(ig,k), n2(ig,k))
    242       END DO
    243     END DO
    244     ! print*,'L0 cas autres ',l0
    246   END IF
    249   ! ====================================================================
    250   ! Yamada 2.0
    251   ! ====================================================================
    252   IF (iflag_pbl==6) THEN
    254     DO k = 2, klev
    255       q2(:, k) = l(:, k)**2*zz(:, k)
    256     END DO
    259   ELSE IF (iflag_pbl==7) THEN
    260     ! ====================================================================
    261     ! Yamada 2.Fournier
    262     ! ====================================================================
    264     ! Calcul de l,  km, au pas precedent
    265     DO k = 2, klev
    266       DO ig = 1, ngrid
    267         ! print*,'SMML=',sm(ig,k),l(ig,k)
    268281        delta(ig, k) = q2(ig, k)/(l(ig,k)**2*sm(ig,k))
    269282        kmpre(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*sqrt(q2(ig,k))*sm(ig, k)
    270283        mpre(ig, k) = sqrt(m2(ig,k))
    271         ! print*,'0L=',k,l(ig,k),delta(ig,k),km(ig,k)
    272284      END DO
    273285    END DO
    278290        mcstat = sqrt(m2cstat)
    280         ! print*,'M2 L=',k,mpre(ig,k),mcstat
    282         ! -----{puis on ecrit la valeur de q qui annule l'equation de m
    283         ! supposee en q3}
     292     ! Puis on ecrit la valeur de q qui annule l'equation de m supposee en q3
     293     !.........................................................................
    285295        IF (k==2) THEN
    293303            (unsdz(ig,k)+unsdz(ig,k-1))
    294304        END IF
    295         ! print*,'T2 L=',k,tmp2
    296306        tmp2 = kmcstat/(sm(ig,k)/q2(ig,k))/l(ig, k)
    297307        q2(ig, k) = max(tmp2, 1.E-12)**(2./3.)
    298         ! print*,'Q2 L=',k,q2(ig,k)
    300309      END DO
    301310    END DO
     313    ! ------------------------
     314    ! Yamada 2.5 a la Didi
     315    !-------------------------
    303317  ELSE IF (iflag_pbl==8 .OR. iflag_pbl==9) THEN
    304     ! ====================================================================
    305     ! Yamada 2.5 a la Didi
    306     ! ====================================================================
    309     ! Calcul de l,  km, au pas precedent
     319    ! Calcul de l, km, au pas precedent
     320    !....................................
    310321    DO k = 2, klev
    311322      DO ig = 1, ngrid
    312         ! print*,'SMML=',sm(ig,k),l(ig,k)
    313323        delta(ig, k) = q2(ig, k)/(l(ig,k)**2*sm(ig,k))
    314324        IF (delta(ig,k)<1.E-20) THEN
    315           ! print*,'ATTENTION   L=',k,'   Delta=',delta(ig,k)
    316325          delta(ig, k) = 1.E-20
    317326        END IF
    319328        aa0 = (m2(ig,k)-alpha(ig,k)*n2(ig,k)-delta(ig,k)/b1)
    320329        aa1 = (m2(ig,k)*(1.-rif(ig,k))-delta(ig,k)/b1)
    321         ! abder      print*,'AA L=',k,aa0,aa1,aa1/max(m2(ig,k),1.e-20)
    322330        aa(ig, k) = aa1*dt/(delta(ig,k)*l(ig,k))
    323         ! print*,'0L=',k,l(ig,k),delta(ig,k),km(ig,k)
    324331        qpre = sqrt(q2(ig,k))
    325         ! if (iflag_pbl.eq.8 ) then
    326332        IF (aa(ig,k)>0.) THEN
    327333          q2(ig, k) = (qpre+aa(ig,k)*qpre*qpre)**2
    337343        ! endif
    338344        q2(ig, k) = min(max(q2(ig,k),1.E-10), 1.E4)
    339         ! print*,'Q2 L=',k,q2(ig,k),qpre*qpre
    340345      END DO
    341346    END DO
    343348  ELSE IF (iflag_pbl>=10) THEN
    345     ! print*,'Schema mixte D'
    346     ! print*,'Longueur ',l(:,:)
    347350    DO k = 2, klev - 1
    348       DO ig = 1, ngrid
    349         l(ig, k) = max(l(ig,k), lmixmin)
    350         km(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*sqrt(q2(ig,k))*sm(ig, k)
    351         q2(ig, k) = q2(ig, k) + dt*km(ig, k)*m2(ig, k)*(1.-rif(ig,k))
    352         q2(ig, k) = min(max(q2(ig,k),1.E-10), 1.E4)
    353         q2(ig, k) = 1./(1./sqrt(q2(ig,k))+dt/(2*l(ig,k)*b1))
    354         q2(ig, k) = q2(ig, k)*q2(ig, k)
    355       END DO
     351      km(1:ngrid, k) = l(1:ngrid, k)*sqrt(q2(1:ngrid,k))*sm(1:ngrid, k)
     352      q2(1:ngrid, k) = q2(1:ngrid, k) + dt*km(1:ngrid, k)*m2(1:ngrid, k)*(1.-rif(1:ngrid,k))
     353      q2(1:ngrid, k) = min(max(q2(1:ngrid,k),1.E-10), 1.E4)
     354      q2(1:ngrid, k) = 1./(1./sqrt(q2(1:ngrid,k))+dt/(2*l(1:ngrid,k)*b1))
     355      q2(1:ngrid, k) = q2(1:ngrid, k)*q2(1:ngrid, k)
    356356    END DO
    362362  END IF ! Fin du cas 8
    364   ! print*,'OK8'
    366365  ! ====================================================================
    367   ! Calcul des coefficients de mange
     366  ! Calcul des coefficients de melange
    368367  ! ====================================================================
    369369  DO k = 2, klev
    370     ! print*,'k=',k
    371370    DO ig = 1, ngrid
    372       ! abde      print*,'KML=',l(ig,k),q2(ig,k),sm(ig,k)
    373371      zq = sqrt(q2(ig,k))
    374       km(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*zq*sm(ig, k)
    375       kn(ig, k) = km(ig, k)*alpha(ig, k)
    376       kq(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*zq*0.2
    377       ! print*,'KML=',km(ig,k),kn(ig,k)
    378     END DO
    379   END DO
     372      km(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*zq*sm(ig, k)     ! For momentum
     373      kn(ig, k) = km(ig, k)*alpha(ig, k)    ! For scalars
     374      kq(ig, k) = l(ig, k)*zq*0.2           ! For TKE
     375    END DO
     376  END DO
     379  !====================================================================
     380  ! Transport diffusif vertical de la TKE par la TKE
     381  !====================================================================
    380384    ! initialize near-surface and top-layer mixing coefficients
    381   kq(1:ngrid, 1) = kq(1:ngrid, 2) ! constant (ie no gradient) near the surface
    382   kq(1:ngrid, klev+1) = 0 ! zero at the top
    384   ! Transport diffusif vertical de la TKE.
     385    !...........................................................
     387  kq(1:ngrid, 1) = kq(1:ngrid, 2)    ! constant (ie no gradient) near the surface
     388  kq(1:ngrid, klev+1) = 0            ! zero at the top
     390    ! Transport diffusif vertical de la TKE.
     391    !.......................................
    385393  IF (iflag_pbl>=12) THEN
    386     ! print*,'YAMADA VDIF'
    387     q2(:, 1) = q2(:, 2)
     394    q2(1:ngrid, 1) = q2(1:ngrid, 2)
    388395    CALL vdif_q2(dt, g, rconst, ngrid, plev, temp, kq, q2)
    389396  END IF
    391   ! Traitement des cas noctrunes avec l'introduction d'une longueur
    392   ! minilale.
    394   ! ====================================================================
    395   ! Traitement particulier pour les cas tres stables.
    396   ! D'apres Holtslag Boville.
     399  !====================================================================
     400  ! Traitement particulier pour les cas tres stables, introduction d'une
     401  ! longueur de m??lange minimale
     402  !====================================================================
     403  !
     404  ! Reference: Local versus Nonlocal boundary-layer diffusion in a global climate model
     405  !            Holtslag A.A.M. and Boville B.A.
     406  !            J. Clim., 6, 1825-1842, 1993
     409 IF (hboville) THEN
    398412  IF (prt_level>1) THEN
    399413    PRINT *, 'YAMADA4 0'
    400   END IF !(prt_level>1) THEN
     414  END IF
    401416  DO ig = 1, ngrid
    402417    coriol(ig) = 1.E-4
    404419  END DO
    406   ! print*,'pblhmin ',pblhmin
    407   ! Test a remettre 21 11 02
    408   ! test abd 13 05 02      if(0.eq.1) then
    409421  IF (1==1) THEN
    410422    IF (iflag_pbl==8 .OR. iflag_pbl==10) THEN
    419431          END IF
    420432          IF (kn(ig,k)<kmin .OR. km(ig,k)<kmin) THEN
    421             ! print*,'Seuil min Km K=',k,kmin,km(ig,k),kn(ig,k)
    422             ! s           ,sqrt(q2(ig,k)),pblhmin(ig),qmin/sm(ig,k)
    423434            kn(ig, k) = kmin
    424435            km(ig, k) = kmin
    425436            kq(ig, k) = kmin
    426             ! la longueur de melange est suposee etre l= kap z
    427             ! K=l q Sm d'ou q2=(K/l Sm)**2
     438 ! la longueur de melange est suposee etre l= kap z
     439 ! K=l q Sm d'ou q2=(K/l Sm)**2
    428441            q2(ig, k) = (qmin/sm(ig,k))**2
    429442          END IF
    433446    ELSE
    435447      DO k = 2, klev
    436448        DO ig = 1, ngrid
    442454          END IF
    443455          IF (kn(ig,k)<kmin .OR. km(ig,k)<kmin) THEN
    444             ! print*,'Seuil min Km K=',k,kmin,km(ig,k),kn(ig,k)
    445             ! s           ,sqrt(q2(ig,k)),pblhmin(ig),qmin/sm(ig,k)
    446456            kn(ig, k) = kmin
    447457            km(ig, k) = kmin
    448458            kq(ig, k) = kmin
    449             ! la longueur de melange est suposee etre l= kap z
    450             ! K=l q Sm d'ou q2=(K/l Sm)**2
     459 ! la longueur de melange est suposee etre l= kap z
     460 ! K=l q Sm d'ou q2=(K/l Sm)**2
    451461            sm(ig, k) = 1.
    452462            alpha(ig, k) = 1.
    463473  END IF
     475 END IF ! hboville
    465477  IF (prt_level>1) THEN
    466478    PRINT *, 'YAMADA4 1'
    467479  END IF !(prt_level>1) THEN
     482 !======================================================
     483 ! Estimations de w'2 et T'2 d'apres Abdela et McFarlane
     484 !======================================================
     485 !
     486 ! Reference: A New Second-Order Turbulence Closure Scheme for the Planetary Boundary Layer
     487 !            Abdella K and McFarlane N
     488 !            J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1850-1867, 1997
    468490  ! Diagnostique pour stokage
     491  !..........................
    470493  IF (1==0) THEN
    482505    knyam(1:ngrid, 2:klev) = kn(1:ngrid, 2:klev)
    484     ! Estimations de w'2 et T'2 d'apres Abdela et McFarlane
     508  ! Calcul de w'2 et T'2
     509  !.......................
    486511    w2yam(1:ngrid, 2:klev) = q2(1:ngrid, 2:klev)*0.24 + &
    493518  END IF
    495   ! print*,'OKFIN'
    496522  first = .FALSE.
    497523  RETURN
    498526END SUBROUTINE yamada4
    499531SUBROUTINE vdif_q2(timestep, gravity, rconst, ngrid, plev, temp, kmy, q2)
    500533  USE dimphy
    501534  IMPLICIT NONE
    503   ! dt : pas de temps
     536  include "dimensions.h"
     538!    vdif_q2: subroutine qui calcule la diffusion de la TKE par la TKE
     539!             avec un schema implicite en temps avec
     540!             inversion d'un syst??me tridiagonal
     542!     Reference: Description of the interface with the surface and
     543!                the computation of the turbulet diffusion in LMDZ
     544!                Technical note on LMDZ
     545!                Dufresne, J-L, Ghattas, J. and Grandpeix, J-Y
     548! Declarations
    505551  REAL plev(klon, klev+1)
    516562  INTEGER i, k
    518   ! print*,'RD=',rconst
     566! Calcul
    519569  DO k = 1, klev
    520570    DO i = 1, ngrid
    521       ! test
    522       ! print*,'i,k',i,k
    523       ! print*,'temp(i,k)=',temp(i,k)
    524       ! print*,'(plev(i,k)-plev(i,k+1))=',plev(i,k),plev(i,k+1)
    525571      zz = (plev(i,k)+plev(i,k+1))*gravity/(rconst*temp(i,k))
    526572      kstar(i, k) = 0.125*(kmy(i,k+1)+kmy(i,k))*zz*zz/ &
    546592      denom(i, k) = deltap(i, k) + (1.-beta(i,k+1))*kstar(i, k) + &
    547593        kstar(i, k-1)
    548       ! correction d'un bug 10 01 2001
    549594      alpha(i, k) = (q2(i,k)*deltap(i,k)+kstar(i,k)*alpha(i,k+1))/denom(i, k)
    550595      beta(i, k) = kstar(i, k-1)/denom(i, k)
    554599  ! Si on recalcule q2(1)
     600  !.......................
    555601  IF (1==0) THEN
    556602    DO i = 1, ngrid
    559605    END DO
    560606  END IF
    561   ! sinon, on peut sauter cette boucle...
    563609  DO k = 2, klev + 1
    569615  RETURN
    570616END SUBROUTINE vdif_q2
    571 SUBROUTINE vdif_q2e(timestep, gravity, rconst, ngrid, plev, temp, kmy, q2)
    572   USE dimphy
     622 SUBROUTINE vdif_q2e(timestep, gravity, rconst, ngrid, plev, temp, kmy, q2)
     624   USE dimphy
    573625  IMPLICIT NONE
    575   ! dt : pas de temps
     627  include "dimensions.h"
     629! vdif_q2e: subroutine qui calcule la diffusion de TKE par la TKE
     630!           avec un schema explicite en temps
     634! Declarations
    577637  REAL plev(klon, klev+1)
    585645  REAL denom(klon, klev+1), alpha(klon, klev+1), beta(klon, klev+1)
    586646  INTEGER ngrid
    588647  INTEGER i, k
     651! Calcul
    590654  DO k = 1, klev
    621685  RETURN
    622686END SUBROUTINE vdif_q2e
     693SUBROUTINE mixinglength(ni, nsrf, ngrid,iflag_pbl,pbl_lmixmin_alpha,lmixmin,zlay,zlev,u,v,q2,n2, lmix)
     697  USE dimphy
     698  USE phys_state_var_mod, only: zstd, zsig, zmea
     699  USE phys_local_var_mod, only: l_mixmin, l_mix
     701 ! zstd: ecart type de la'altitud e sous-maille
     702 ! zmea: altitude moyenne sous maille
     703 ! zsig: pente moyenne de le maille
     705  USE geometry_mod, only: cell_area
     706  ! aire_cell: aire de la maille
     710! Subrourine qui calcule la longueur de m??lange dans le sch??ma de turbulence
     711! avec la formule de Blackadar
     712! Calcul d'un  minimum en fonction de l'orographie sous-maille:
     713! L'id??e est la suivante: plus il y a de relief, plus il y a du m??lange
     714! induit par les circulations meso et submeso ??chelles.
     716! References: * The vertical distribution of wind and turbulent exchange in a neutral atmosphere
     717!               Blackadar A.K.
     718!               J. Geophys. Res., 64, No 8, 1962
     720!             * An evaluation of neutral and convective planetary boundary-layer parametrisations relative
     721!               to large eddy simulations
     722!               Ayotte K et al
     723!               Boundary Layer Meteorology, 79, 131-175, 1996
     726!             * Local Similarity in the Stable Boundary Layer and Mixing length Approaches: consistency of concepts
     727!               Van de Wiel B.J.H et al
     728!               Boundary-Lay Meteorol, 128, 103-166, 2008
     731! Histoire:
     733! * premi??re r??daction, Etienne et Frederic, 09/06/2016
     735! ***********************************************************************
     738! Declarations
     741! Inputs
     743 INTEGER            ni(klon)           ! indice sur la grille original (non restreinte)
     744 INTEGER            nsrf               ! Type de surface
     745 INTEGER            ngrid              ! Nombre de points concern??s sur l'horizontal
     746 INTEGER            iflag_pbl          ! Choix du sch??ma de turbulence
     747 REAL            pbl_lmixmin_alpha  ! on active ou non le calcul de la longueur de melange minimum
     748 REAL               lmixmin            ! Minimum absolu de la longueur de m??lange
     749 REAL               zlay(klon, klev)   ! altitude du centre de la couche
     750 REAL               zlev(klon, klev+1) ! atitude de l'interface inf??rieure de la couche
     751 REAL               u(klon, klev)      ! vitesse du vent zonal
     752 REAL               v(klon, klev)      ! vitesse du vent meridional
     753 REAL               q2(klon, klev+1)   ! energie cin??tique turbulente
     754 REAL               n2(klon, klev+1)   ! frequence de Brunt-Vaisala
     759  LOGICAL, SAVE :: firstcall = .TRUE.
     760  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall)
     762! Outputs
     765 REAL               lmix(klon, klev+1)    ! Longueur de melange 
     768! Local
     771 INTEGER  ig,jg, k
     772 REAL     h_oro(klon)
     773 REAL     hlim(klon)
     774 REAL, SAVE :: kap=0.4,kapb=0.4
     775 REAL zq
     776 REAL sq(klon), sqz(klon)
     777 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: l0(:)
     778  !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(l0)
     779 REAL fl, zzz, zl0, zq2, zn2
     780 REAL famorti, zzzz, zh_oro, zhlim
     781 REAL l1(klon, klev+1), l2(klon,klev+1)
     782 REAL winds(klon, klev)
     783 REAL xcell
     784 REAL zstdslope(klon) 
     785 REAL lmax
     786 REAL l2strat, l2neutre, extent 
     787 REAL l2limit(klon)
     789! Fonctions utiles
     792! Calcul de l suivant la formule de Blackadar 1962 adapt??e par Ayotte 1996
     795 fl(zzz, zl0, zq2, zn2) = max(min(l0(ig)*kap*zlev(ig, &
     796    k)/(kap*zlev(ig,k)+l0(ig)),0.5*sqrt(q2(ig,k))/sqrt( &
     797    max(n2(ig,k),1.E-10))), 1.E-5)
     799! Fonction d'amortissement de la turbulence au dessus de la montagne
     800! On augmente l'amortissement en diminuant la valeur de hlim (extent) dans le code
     803 famorti(zzzz, zh_oro, zhlim)=(-1.)*ATAN((zzzz-zh_oro)/(zhlim-zh_oro))*2./3.1416+1.   
     805  IF (ngrid==0) RETURN
     807  IF (firstcall) THEN
     808    ALLOCATE (l0(klon))
     809    firstcall = .FALSE.
     810  END IF
     814!         CALCUL de la LONGUEUR de m??lange suivant BLACKADAR: l1
     818  IF (iflag_pbl==8 .OR. iflag_pbl==10) THEN
     821    ! Iterative computation of l0
     822    ! This version is kept for iflag_pbl only for convergence
     823    ! with NPv3.1 Cmip5 simulations
     824    !...................................................................
     826    DO ig = 1, ngrid
     827      sq(ig) = 1.E-10
     828      sqz(ig) = 1.E-10
     829    END DO
     830    DO k = 2, klev - 1
     831      DO ig = 1, ngrid
     832        zq = sqrt(q2(ig,k))
     833        sqz(ig) = sqz(ig) + zq*zlev(ig, k)*(zlay(ig,k)-zlay(ig,k-1))
     834        sq(ig) = sq(ig) + zq*(zlay(ig,k)-zlay(ig,k-1))
     835      END DO
     836    END DO
     837    DO ig = 1, ngrid
     838      l0(ig) = 0.2*sqz(ig)/sq(ig)
     839    END DO
     840    DO k = 2, klev
     841      DO ig = 1, ngrid
     842        l1(ig, k) = fl(zlev(ig,k), l0(ig), q2(ig,k), n2(ig,k))
     843      END DO
     844    END DO
     846  ELSE
     849    ! In all other case, the assymptotic mixing length l0 is imposed (150m)
     850    !......................................................................
     852    l0(1:ngrid) = 150.
     853    DO k = 2, klev
     854      DO ig = 1, ngrid
     855        l1(ig, k) = fl(zlev(ig,k), l0(ig), q2(ig,k), n2(ig,k))
     856      END DO
     857    END DO
     859  END IF
     862!  CALCUL d'une longueur de melange en fonctions de la topographie sous maille: l2
     863! si plb_lmixmin_alpha=TRUE et si on se trouve sur de la terre ( pas actif sur les
     864! glacier, la glace de mer et les oc??ans)
     867   l2(1:ngrid,:)=0.0
     868   l_mixmin(1:ngrid,:,nsrf)=0.
     869   l_mix(1:ngrid,:,nsrf)=0.
     871   IF (nsrf .EQ. 1) THEN
     873! coefficients
     876     extent=2.                                                         ! On ??tend l'impact du relief jusqu'?? extent*h, extent >1. 
     877     lmax=150.                                                         ! Longueur de m??lange max dans l'absolu
     879! calculs
     882     DO ig=1,ngrid
     884      ! On calcule la hauteur du relief
     885      !.................................
     886      ! On ne peut pas prendre zstd seulement pour caracteriser le relief sous maille
     887      ! car sur un terrain pentu mais sans relief, zstd est non nul (comme en Antarctique, C. Genthon)
     888      ! On corrige donc zstd avec l'ecart type de l'altitude dans la maille sans relief
     889      ! (en gros, une maille de taille xcell avec une pente constante zstdslope)
     890      jg=ni(ig)
     891!     IF (zsig(jg) .EQ. 0.) THEN
     892!          zstdslope(ig)=0.         
     893!     ELSE
     894!     xcell=sqrt(cell_area(jg))
     895!     zstdslope(ig)=max((xcell*zsig(jg)-zmea(jg))**3 /(3.*zsig(jg)),0.)
     896!     zstdslope(ig)=sqrt(zstdslope(ig))
     897!     END IF
     899!     h_oro(ig)=max(zstd(jg)-zstdslope(ig),0.)   ! Hauteur du relief
     900      h_oro(ig)=zstd(jg)
     901      hlim(ig)=extent*h_oro(ig)     
     902     ENDDO
     904     l2limit(1:ngrid)=0.
     906     DO k=2,klev
     907        DO ig=1,ngrid
     908           winds(ig,k)=sqrt(u(ig,k)**2+v(ig,k)**2)
     909           IF (zlev(ig,k) .LE. h_oro(ig)) THEN  ! sous l'orographie
     910              l2strat= kapb*pbl_lmixmin_alpha*winds(ig,k)/sqrt(max(n2(ig,k),1.E-10))  ! si stratifi??, amplitude d'oscillation * kappab (voir Van de Wiel et al 2008)
     911              l2neutre=kap*zlev(ig,k)*h_oro(ig)/(kap*zlev(ig,k)+h_oro(ig))            ! Dans le cas neutre, formule de blackadar. tend asymptotiquement vers h
     912              l2neutre=MIN(l2neutre,lmax)                                             ! On majore par lmax
     913              l2limit(ig)=MIN(l2neutre,l2strat)                                       ! Calcule de l2 (minimum de la longueur en cas neutre et celle en situation stratifi??e)
     914              l2(ig,k)=l2limit(ig)
     916           ELSE IF (zlev(ig,k) .LE. hlim(ig)) THEN ! Si on est au dessus des montagnes, mais affect?? encore par elles
     918      ! Au dessus des montagnes, on prend la l2limit au sommet des montagnes
     919      ! (la derni??re calcul??e dans la boucle k, vu que k est un indice croissant avec z)
     920      ! et on multiplie l2limit par une fonction qui d??croit entre h et hlim
     921              l2(ig,k)=l2limit(ig)*famorti(zlev(ig,k),h_oro(ig), hlim(ig))
     922           ELSE                                                                    ! Au dessus de extent*h, on prend l2=l0
     923              l2(ig,k)=0.
     924           END IF
     925        ENDDO
     926     ENDDO
     927   ENDIF                                                                        ! pbl_lmixmin_alpha
     930! On prend le max entre la longueur de melange de blackadar et celle calcul??e
     931! en fonction de la topographie
     935 DO k=2,klev
     936    DO ig=1,ngrid
     937       lmix(ig,k)=MAX(MAX(l1(ig,k), l2(ig,k)),lmixmin)
     938   ENDDO
     939 ENDDO
     941! Diagnostics
     943 DO k=2,klev
     944    DO ig=1,ngrid
     945       jg=ni(ig)
     946       l_mix(jg,k,nsrf)=lmix(ig,k)
     947       l_mixmin(jg,k,nsrf)=l2(ig,k)
     948    ENDDO
     949 ENDDO
     950 DO ig=1,ngrid
     951    jg=ni(ig)
     952    l_mix(jg,1,nsrf)=hlim(ig)
     953 ENDDO
     957END SUBROUTINE mixinglength
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