Nov 28, 2014, 4:36:29 PM (10 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead

Merged trunk changes -r2070:2158 into testing branch. Compilation problems introduced by revision r2155 have been corrected by hand

2 edited


  • LMDZ5/branches/testing

  • LMDZ5/branches/testing/libf/phylmd/conf_phys_m.F90

    r2073 r2160  
    8686    logical,SAVE              :: ok_snow_omp
    8787    logical,SAVE              :: ok_newmicro_omp
     88    logical,SAVE              :: ok_all_xml_omp
    8889    logical,SAVE        :: ok_journe_omp, ok_mensuel_omp, ok_instan_omp, ok_hf_omp       
    8990    logical,SAVE        :: ok_LES_omp   
    99100    real,SAVE           :: ratqshaut_omp
    100101    real,SAVE           :: tau_ratqs_omp
     102    REAL, SAVE          :: t_coupl_omp
    101103    integer,SAVE        :: iflag_radia_omp
    102104    integer,SAVE        :: iflag_rrtm_omp
    158160    REAL,SAVE :: solarlong0_omp
    159161    INTEGER,SAVE :: top_height_omp,overlap_omp
    160     REAL,SAVE :: cdmmax_omp,cdhmax_omp,ksta_omp,ksta_ter_omp
     162    REAL,SAVE :: cdmmax_omp,cdhmax_omp,ksta_omp,ksta_ter_omp,f_ri_cd_min_omp
    161163    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_kzmin_omp
    162164    REAL, SAVE ::  fmagic_omp, pmagic_omp
    186188    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_strato_omp
    187189    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_hines_omp, ok_gwd_rando_omp
    188     real, SAVE:: RUWMAX_omp, sat_omp
     190    real, SAVE:: GWD_RANDO_RUWMAX_omp, gwd_rando_sat_omp
     191    LOGICAL,SAVE :: ok_qch4_omp
    189192    LOGICAL,SAVE      :: carbon_cycle_tr_omp
    190193    LOGICAL,SAVE      :: carbon_cycle_cpl_omp
    229232       CALL abort_gcm('conf_phys','Variable OCEAN no longer existing, use variable name type_ocean',1)
    230233    END IF
     235    !Config Key  = t_coupl
     236    !Config Desc = Pas de temps du couplage atm/oce en sec.
     237    !Config Def  = 86400
     238    !Config Help = This is only for testing purpose
     239    !
     240    t_coupl_omp = 86400.
     241    call getin('t_coupl', t_coupl_omp)
     242    IF (t_coupl_omp == 0) THEN
     243       WRITE(lunout,*)'ERROR! Timestep of coupling between atmosphere and ocean'
     244       WRITE(lunout,*)'cannot be zero.'
     245       CALL abort_gcm('conf_phys','t_coupl = 0.',1)
     246    END IF
     248    !
     249    !Config Key  = ok_all_xml
     250    !Config Desc = utiliser les xml pourles définitions des champs pour xios
     251    !Config Def  = .false.
     252    !Config Help =
     253    !
     254    ok_all_xml_omp = .false.
     255    call getin('ok_all_xml', ok_all_xml_omp)
     256    !
    232258    !
    11181144    call getin('ksta_ter',ksta_ter_omp)
     1146    !Config Key  = f_ri_cd_min
     1147    !Config Desc =
     1148    !Config Def  = 0.1
     1149    !Config Help =
     1150    !
     1151    f_ri_cd_min_omp = 0.1
     1152    call getin('f_ri_cd_min',f_ri_cd_min_omp)
    11201154    !
    11211155    !Config Key  = ok_kzmin
    16681702    !Config  Desc = activation de la version strato
    16691703    !Config  Def  = .FALSE.
    1670     !Config  Help = active la version stratosphérique de LMDZ de F. Lott
     1704    !Config  Help = active la version stratosph\'erique de LMDZ de F. Lott
    16721706    ok_strato_omp=.FALSE.
    16871721    CALL getin('ok_gwd_rando', ok_gwd_rando_omp)
    1689     RUWMAX_omp = 0.01
    1690     CALL getin('ruwmax', RUWMAX_omp)
    1692     sat_omp = 0.25
    1693     CALL getin('sat', sat_omp)
     1723    GWD_RANDO_RUWMAX_omp = 0.01
     1724    CALL getin('gwd_rando_ruwmax', GWD_RANDO_RUWMAX_omp)
     1726    gwd_rando_sat_omp = 0.25
     1727    CALL getin('gwd_rando_sat', gwd_rando_sat_omp)
     1729    !Config  key = ok_qch4
     1730    !Config  Desc = activation de la parametrisation du methane
     1731    !Config  Def  = .FALSE.
     1732    !Config  Help = Clef controlant l'activation de la parametrisation
     1733    !               de l'humidite due a oxydation+photolyse du methane strato
     1735    ok_qch4_omp=.FALSE.
     1736    CALL getin('ok_qch4',ok_qch4_omp)
    16951738    !Config Key  = OK_LES                                               
    18061849    ksta = ksta_omp
    18071850    ksta_ter = ksta_ter_omp
     1851    f_ri_cd_min = f_ri_cd_min_omp
    18081852    ok_kzmin = ok_kzmin_omp
    18091853    fmagic = fmagic_omp
    18231867    type_ocean = type_ocean_omp
    18241868    version_ocean = version_ocean_omp
     1869    t_coupl = t_coupl_omp
    18261871    ok_veget=.true.
    18341879    ! Martin
     1881    ok_all_xml = ok_all_xml_omp
    18361882    ok_newmicro = ok_newmicro_omp
    18371883    ok_journe = ok_journe_omp
    19171963    ok_hines = ok_hines_omp
    19181964    ok_gwd_rando = ok_gwd_rando_omp
    1919     RUWMAX = RUWMAX_omp
    1920     sat = sat_omp
     1966    gwd_rando_sat = gwd_rando_sat_omp
     1967    ok_qch4 = ok_qch4_omp
    19211968    ok_LES = ok_LES_omp
    19221969    callstats = callstats_omp
    19632010    write(lunout,*)' Config veget = ', ok_veget,type_veget
    19642011    write(lunout,*)' Snow model SISVAT : ok_snow = ', ok_snow
     2012    write(lunout,*)' Config xml pour XIOS : ok_all_xml = ', ok_all_xml
    19652013    write(lunout,*)' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe
    19662014    write(lunout,*)' Sortie haute frequence = ', ok_hf
    20382086    write(lunout,*)' ksta = ',ksta
    20392087    write(lunout,*)' ksta_ter = ',ksta_ter
     2088    write(lunout,*)' f_ri_cd_min = ',f_ri_cd_min
    20402089    write(lunout,*)' ok_kzmin = ',ok_kzmin
    20412090    write(lunout,*)' fmagic = ',fmagic
    21092158    write(lunout,*) 'ok_hines = ',  ok_hines
    21102159    write(lunout,*) 'ok_gwd_rando = ',  ok_gwd_rando
    2111     write(lunout,*) 'RUWMAX = ', RUWMAX
    2112     write(lunout,*) 'sat = ', sat
     2160    write(lunout,*) 'ok_qch4 = ',  ok_qch4
     2161    write(lunout,*) 'GWD_RANDO_RUWMAX = ', GWD_RANDO_RUWMAX
     2162    write(lunout,*) 'gwd_rando_sat = ', gwd_rando_sat
    21132163    write(lunout,*) 'read_climoz = ', read_climoz
    21142164    write(lunout,*) 'carbon_cycle_tr = ', carbon_cycle_tr
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