Sep 23, 2009, 4:47:40 PM (15 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead
  • En deconnectant les aérosols (ok_ade=ok_aie=n) on a les mêmes

résultats avant et après les modifs.

  • preindustrial readin fields are used to compute natural aerosol fields

to allow for clean double calls to radiation

  • full forcing diagnostics (NAT, ANT, ZERO, Cloud forcing, CS,AS) are

activated with lev_histmth 4, If lev_histmth is not 4, the call to the
radiation is minimized, for efficiency, but ade and aie are computed and
applied (however for species wise forcing one would need to do
difference runs) (still quite a bit new forcing info, requires probably

some more explanation)

  • there is a hardcoded key in sw_aeroAR4.F90 which lets you choose to use the zero aerosol, or natural aerosol perturbation acting on the meteorology, but still would put out the full forcing diagnostics.
  • aod fields from offline aerosol fields are also output in histmth for

all aerosol tracers read in and available for evaluation

  • aeropt contains the ss humidity correction from nicolas&yves
1 edited


  • LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4-dev/libf/phylmd/phys_output_write.h

    r1215 r1246  
    828828       ENDIF
     830! OD550 per species
     831      IF (new_aod) THEN
     832      DO naero = 1, naero_spc
     833          IF (o_tausumaero(naero)%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     834             CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),
     835     $            o_tausumaero(naero)%name,itau_w,
     836     $            tausum_aero(:,2,naero) )
     837          ENDIF
     838      END DO
     839      ENDIF
    830841       IF (ok_ade) THEN
    831842          IF (o_topswad%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
    837848     $            solswad_aero)
    838849          ENDIF
     851!====MS forcing diagnostics
     852        if (new_aod) then             
     853        IF (o_swtoaas_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     854        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoaas_nat%name,itau_w,
     855     $      topsw_aero(:,1))
     856        ENDIF
     858        IF (o_swsrfas_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     859        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfas_nat%name,itau_w,
     860     $      solsw_aero(:,1))
     861        ENDIF
     863        IF (o_swtoacs_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     864        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoacs_nat%name,itau_w,
     865     $      topsw0_aero(:,1))
     866        ENDIF
     868        IF (o_swsrfcs_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     869        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfcs_nat%name,itau_w,
     870     $      solsw0_aero(:,1))
     871        ENDIF
     874        IF (o_swtoaas_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     875        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoaas_ant%name,itau_w,
     876     $      topsw_aero(:,2))
     877        ENDIF
     879        IF (o_swsrfas_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     880        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfas_ant%name,itau_w,
     881     $      solsw_aero(:,2))
     882        ENDIF
     884        IF (o_swtoacs_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     885        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoacs_ant%name,itau_w,
     886     $      topsw0_aero(:,2))
     887        ENDIF
     889        IF (o_swsrfcs_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     890        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfcs_ant%name,itau_w,
     891     $      solsw0_aero(:,2))
     892        ENDIF
     895        IF (o_swtoacf_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     896        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoacf_nat%name,itau_w,
     897     $      topswcf_aero(:,1))
     898        ENDIF
     900        IF (o_swsrfcf_nat%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     901        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfcf_nat%name,itau_w,
     902     $      solswcf_aero(:,1))
     903        ENDIF
     905        IF (o_swtoacf_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     906        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoacf_ant%name,itau_w,
     907     $      topswcf_aero(:,2))
     908        ENDIF
     910        IF (o_swsrfcf_ant%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     911        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfcf_ant%name,itau_w,
     912     $      solswcf_aero(:,2))
     913        ENDIF
     915        IF (o_swtoacf_zero%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     916        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swtoacf_zero%name,itau_w,
     917     $      topswcf_aero(:,3))
     918        ENDIF
     920        IF (o_swsrfcf_zero%flag(iff)<=lev_files(iff)) THEN
     921        CALL histwrite_phy(nid_files(iff),o_swsrfcf_zero%name,itau_w,
     922     $      solswcf_aero(:,3))
     923        ENDIF
     925        endif ! new_aod
     926!====MS forcing diagnostics
    839928       ENDIF
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