source: LMDZ6/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_output_mod.F90 @ 4190

Last change on this file since 4190 was 4170, checked in by dcugnet, 2 years ago

The variable "types_trac" is the equivalent of "type_trac" in case multiple sections must be read
and used in "tracer.def" file.
Tests on the "type_trac" were replaced with tests on the vector "types_trac".
Most of the time, there are two components: 'lmdz' and a second one. The later has priority on 'lmdz'
and must be used for the tests. For more components, care must be taken to execute specific parts
of the code on the right tracers ; the tracers(:)%component has been created in that respect.

  • Property copyright set to
    Name of program: LMDZ
    Creation date: 1984
    Version: LMDZ5
    License: CeCILL version 2
    Holder: Laboratoire de m\'et\'eorologie dynamique, CNRS, UMR 8539
    See the license file in the root directory
  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 24.0 KB
[1279]1! $Id: phys_output_mod.F90 4170 2022-06-16 18:16:59Z dcugnet $
4MODULE phys_output_mod
5  USE indice_sol_mod
6  USE phys_output_var_mod
7  USE phys_output_write_mod, ONLY : phys_output_write
[1920]8  REAL, DIMENSION(nfiles),SAVE :: ecrit_files
[907]10! Abderrahmane 12 2007
12!!! Ecreture des Sorties du modele dans les fichiers Netcdf :
13! : moyennes mensuelles
14! : moyennes journalieres
15!  : moyennes toutes les 3 heures
16! : valeurs instantanees
22!!!!!!!!! Ouverture des fichier et definition des variable de sortie !!!!!!!!
[1562]23  !! histbeg, histvert et histdef
[1539]26  SUBROUTINE phys_output_open(rlon,rlat,pim,tabij,ipt,jpt,plon,plat, &
[2037]27       jjmp1,nlevSTD,clevSTD,rlevSTD, dtime, ok_veget, &
[2159]28       type_ocean, iflag_pbl,iflag_pbl_split,ok_mensuel,ok_journe, &
[1279]29       ok_hf,ok_instan,ok_LES,ok_ade,ok_aie, read_climoz, &
[1539]30       phys_out_filestations, &
[3630]31       aerosol_couple, flag_aerosol_strat, &
[1807]32       pdtphys, paprs, pphis, pplay, lmax_th, ptconv, ptconvth, ivap, &
[2665]33       d_u, d_t, qx, d_qx, zmasse, ok_sync)   
[1562]35    USE iophy
36    USE dimphy
[4170]37    USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, tracers, niso
[4120]38    USE strings_mod,  ONLY: maxlen
[1562]39    USE ioipsl
[2358]40    USE phys_cal_mod, only : hour, calend
[1562]41    USE mod_phys_lmdz_para
[2704]42    !Martin
[3792]43    USE surface_data, ONLY : landice_opt
[1807]44    USE phys_output_ctrlout_mod
[2344]45    USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz, only: klon_glo,nbp_lon,nbp_lat
[2311]46    USE print_control_mod, ONLY: prt_level,lunout
[2833]47    USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY: ap,bp,preff,presnivs, aps, bps, pseudoalt
[2344]48    USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: day_ini, itau_phy, start_time, annee_ref, day_ref
[1825]49#ifdef CPP_XIOS
50    ! ug Pour les sorties XIOS
51    USE wxios
[1562]54    IMPLICIT NONE
55    include "clesphys.h"
[2551]56    include "YOMCST.h"
[2110]58    ! ug Nouveaux arguments n\'ecessaires au histwrite_mod:
[1807]59    INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                         :: ivap
60    INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)        :: lmax_th
61    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                         :: ok_sync
62    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN)  :: ptconv, ptconvth
63    REAL, INTENT(IN)                            :: pdtphys
64    REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN)           :: pphis
[2665]65    REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN)     :: pplay, d_u, d_t
[1807]66    REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev+1), INTENT(IN)   :: paprs
67    REAL, DIMENSION(klon,klev,nqtot), INTENT(IN):: qx, d_qx
[2344]68    REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN)      :: zmasse
71    REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: rlon
72    REAL,DIMENSION(klon),INTENT(IN) :: rlat
73    INTEGER, INTENT(IN)             :: pim
[1539]74    INTEGER, DIMENSION(pim)            :: tabij
[1807]75    INTEGER,DIMENSION(pim), INTENT(IN) :: ipt, jpt
76    REAL,DIMENSION(pim), INTENT(IN) :: plat, plon
77    REAL,DIMENSION(pim,2) :: plat_bounds, plon_bounds
[1791]79    INTEGER                               :: jjmp1
[2037]80    INTEGER                               :: nlevSTD, radpas
[1791]81    LOGICAL                               :: ok_mensuel, ok_journe, ok_hf, ok_instan
[2530]82    LOGICAL                               :: ok_LES,ok_ade,ok_aie
83    INTEGER                               :: flag_aerosol_strat
[3630]84    LOGICAL                               :: aerosol_couple
[1807]85    INTEGER, INTENT(IN)::  read_climoz ! read ozone climatology
[1562]86    !     Allowed values are 0, 1 and 2
87    !     0: do not read an ozone climatology
88    !     1: read a single ozone climatology that will be used day and night
89    !     2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night
90    !     climatology and the daylight climatology
[1791]92    REAL                                  :: dtime
93    INTEGER                               :: idayref
[2095]94    REAL                                  :: zjulian_start, zjulian
[1791]95    CHARACTER(LEN=4), DIMENSION(nlevSTD)  :: clevSTD
[1828]96    REAL, DIMENSION(nlevSTD)              :: rlevSTD
[4056]97    INTEGER                               :: nsrf, k, iq, iff, i, j, ilev, itr, ixt, iiso, izone
[1791]98    INTEGER                               :: naero
99    LOGICAL                               :: ok_veget
100    INTEGER                               :: iflag_pbl
[2159]101    INTEGER                               :: iflag_pbl_split
[1791]102    CHARACTER(LEN=4)                      :: bb2
103    CHARACTER(LEN=2)                      :: bb3
104    CHARACTER(LEN=6)                      :: type_ocean
[2344]105    INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbp_lon*jjmp1)         ::  ndex2d
106    INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbp_lon*jjmp1*klev)    :: ndex3d
[1791]107    INTEGER                               :: imin_ins, imax_ins
108    INTEGER                               :: jmin_ins, jmax_ins
109    INTEGER, DIMENSION(nfiles)            :: phys_out_levmin, phys_out_levmax
110    INTEGER, DIMENSION(nfiles)            :: phys_out_filelevels
[1884]111    CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(nfiles)  :: chtimestep = (/ 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', &
[2752]112                                                             'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default', 'Default' /)
[1791]113    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles)            :: phys_out_filekeys
114    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles)            :: phys_out_filestations
[4046]116    CHARACTER(LEN=maxlen) :: tnam, lnam, dn
117    INTEGER :: flag(nfiles)
[1065]119!!!!!!!!!! stockage dans une region limitee pour chaque fichier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[1562]120    !                 entre [phys_out_lonmin,phys_out_lonmax] et [phys_out_latmin,phys_out_latmax]
[4056]121    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(nfiles), SAVE :: &
122      phys_out_regfkey = [.FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE.]
123    REAL,    DIMENSION(nfiles), SAVE :: &
124      phys_out_lonmin  = [  -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.,   -180.], &
125      phys_out_lonmax  = [   180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.,    180.], &
126      phys_out_latmin  = [   -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.,    -90.], &
127      phys_out_latmax  = [    90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.,     90.]
[3003]128    REAL, DIMENSION(klev,2) :: Ahyb_bounds, Bhyb_bounds
[3474]129    REAL, DIMENSION(klev+1)   :: lev_index
[1825]131#ifdef CPP_XIOS
[2110]132    ! ug Variables utilis\'ees pour r\'ecup\'erer le calendrier pour xios
[1825]133    INTEGER :: x_an, x_mois, x_jour
134    REAL :: x_heure
[2095]135    INTEGER :: ini_an, ini_mois, ini_jour
136    REAL :: ini_heure
[3048]138    INTEGER                         :: ISW
139    REAL, DIMENSION(NSW)            :: wl1_sun, wl2_sun !wavelength bounds (in um) for SW
140    REAL, DIMENSION(NSW)            :: wn1_sun, wn2_sun !wavenumber bounds (in m-1) for SW
141    REAL, DIMENSION(NSW)            :: spectband  !mean wavenumb. of each
142    REAL, DIMENSION(NSW,2)          :: spbnds_sun !bounds of spectband
[1791]144    WRITE(lunout,*) 'Debut phys_output_mod.F90'
[1562]145    ! Initialisations (Valeurs par defaut
[3003]147    DO ilev=1,klev
148      Ahyb_bounds(ilev,1) = ap(ilev)
149      Ahyb_bounds(ilev,2) = ap(ilev+1)
150      Bhyb_bounds(ilev,1) = bp(ilev)
151      Bhyb_bounds(ilev,2) = bp(ilev+1)
152      lev_index(ilev) = REAL(ilev)
153    END DO
[3474]154      lev_index(klev+1) = REAL(klev+1)
[1791]156    IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(o_trac)) ALLOCATE(o_trac(nqtot))
157    IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(o_trac_cum)) ALLOCATE(o_trac_cum(nqtot))
[1813]158    ALLOCATE(o_dtr_the(nqtot),o_dtr_con(nqtot),o_dtr_lessi_impa(nqtot))
159    ALLOCATE(o_dtr_lessi_nucl(nqtot),o_dtr_insc(nqtot),o_dtr_bcscav(nqtot))
160    ALLOCATE(o_dtr_evapls(nqtot),o_dtr_ls(nqtot),o_dtr_trsp(nqtot))
161    ALLOCATE(o_dtr_sscav(nqtot),o_dtr_sat(nqtot),o_dtr_uscav(nqtot))
162    ALLOCATE(o_dtr_dry(nqtot),o_dtr_vdf(nqtot))
[4056]164    levmax = [klev, klev, klev, klev, klev, klev, nlevSTD, nlevSTD, nlevSTD, klev]
[1562]166    phys_out_filenames(1) = 'histmth'
167    phys_out_filenames(2) = 'histday'
[2167]168    phys_out_filenames(3) = 'histhf6h'
169    phys_out_filenames(4) = 'histhf3h'
170    phys_out_filenames(5) = 'histhf3hm'
[1562]171    phys_out_filenames(6) = 'histstn'
[1828]172    phys_out_filenames(7) = 'histmthNMC'
173    phys_out_filenames(8) = 'histdayNMC'
[2752]174    phys_out_filenames(9) = 'histhfNMC'
175    phys_out_filenames(10)= 'histstrataer'
[1562]177    type_ecri(1) = 'ave(X)'
178    type_ecri(2) = 'ave(X)'
[2167]179    type_ecri(3) = 'inst(X)'
[1562]180    type_ecri(4) = 'inst(X)'
181    type_ecri(5) = 'ave(X)'
182    type_ecri(6) = 'inst(X)'
[1828]183    type_ecri(7) = 'inst(X)'
184    type_ecri(8) = 'inst(X)'
185    type_ecri(9) = 'inst(X)'
[2752]186    type_ecri(10)= 'ave(X)'
[1562]188    clef_files(1) = ok_mensuel
189    clef_files(2) = ok_journe
190    clef_files(3) = ok_hf
191    clef_files(4) = ok_instan
192    clef_files(5) = ok_LES
193    clef_files(6) = ok_instan
[1828]194    clef_files(7) = ok_histNMC(1)
195    clef_files(8) = ok_histNMC(2)
196    clef_files(9) = ok_histNMC(3)
[2752]197#ifdef CPP_StratAer
198    clef_files(10)= .TRUE.
200    clef_files(10)= .FALSE.
[1562]203    !sortir des fichiers "stations" si clef_stations(:)=.TRUE.
204    clef_stations(1) = .FALSE.
205    clef_stations(2) = .FALSE.
206    clef_stations(3) = .FALSE.
207    clef_stations(4) = .FALSE.
208    clef_stations(5) = .FALSE.
209    clef_stations(6) = .FALSE.
[1828]210    clef_stations(7) = .FALSE.
211    clef_stations(8) = .FALSE.
212    clef_stations(9) = .FALSE.
[2752]213    clef_stations(10)= .FALSE.
[1562]215    lev_files(1) = lev_histmth
216    lev_files(2) = lev_histday
217    lev_files(3) = lev_histhf
218    lev_files(4) = lev_histins
219    lev_files(5) = lev_histLES
220    lev_files(6) = lev_histins
[1828]221    lev_files(7) = levout_histNMC(1)
222    lev_files(8) = levout_histNMC(2)
223    lev_files(9) = levout_histNMC(3)
[2752]224    lev_files(10)= 5
[1562]226    ecrit_files(1) = ecrit_mth
227    ecrit_files(2) = ecrit_day
228    ecrit_files(3) = ecrit_hf
229    ecrit_files(4) = ecrit_ins
230    ecrit_files(5) = ecrit_LES
231    ecrit_files(6) = ecrit_ins
[1912]232    ecrit_files(7) = freq_outNMC(1)
233    ecrit_files(8) = freq_outNMC(2)
234    ecrit_files(9) = freq_outNMC(3)
[2752]235    ecrit_files(10)= ecrit_mth
[1562]237    !! Lectures des parametres de sorties dans physiq.def
[1791]239    CALL getin('phys_out_regfkey',phys_out_regfkey)
240    CALL getin('phys_out_lonmin',phys_out_lonmin)
241    CALL getin('phys_out_lonmax',phys_out_lonmax)
242    CALL getin('phys_out_latmin',phys_out_latmin)
243    CALL getin('phys_out_latmax',phys_out_latmax)
[1562]244    phys_out_levmin(:)=levmin(:)
[1791]245    CALL getin('phys_out_levmin',levmin)
[1562]246    phys_out_levmax(:)=levmax(:)
[1791]247    CALL getin('phys_out_levmax',levmax)
248    CALL getin('phys_out_filenames',phys_out_filenames)
[1562]249    phys_out_filekeys(:)=clef_files(:)
[1791]250    CALL getin('phys_out_filekeys',clef_files)
[1562]251    phys_out_filestations(:)=clef_stations(:)
[1791]252    CALL getin('phys_out_filestations',clef_stations)
[1562]253    phys_out_filelevels(:)=lev_files(:)
[1791]254    CALL getin('phys_out_filelevels',lev_files)
255    CALL getin('phys_out_filetimesteps',chtimestep)
[1562]256    phys_out_filetypes(:)=type_ecri(:)
[1791]257    CALL getin('phys_out_filetypes',type_ecri)
[1562]259    type_ecri_files(:)=type_ecri(:)
[2114]261!    if (ok_all_xml) phys_out_filelevels = 999
[1791]263    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_lonmin=',phys_out_lonmin
264    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_lonmax=',phys_out_lonmax
265    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_latmin=',phys_out_latmin
266    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_latmax=',phys_out_latmax
267    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_filenames=',phys_out_filenames
268    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_filetypes=',type_ecri
269    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_filekeys=',clef_files
270    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_filestations=',clef_stations
271    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_filelevels=',lev_files
[2752]272    WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_out_regfkey=',phys_out_regfkey
[1971]274! A noter pour
275! l heure initiale - dans les fichiers histoire hist* - on met comme 
276! heure de debut soit la vraie heure (pour le 1D) soit 0h (pour le 3D)
277! afin d avoir une seule sortie mensuelle par mois lorsque l on tourne
278! par annee (IM).
280     idayref = day_ref
281     IF (klon_glo==1) THEN
[2491]282       ! current_time (used to compute hour) is updated at the begining of
283       ! the physics; to set the correct outputs "initial time" we thus
284       ! have to use (hour-dtphys).
285         CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, hour-pdtphys, zjulian)
286         print *,'phys_output_mod: annee,iday,hour,zjulian=',annee_ref,idayref, hour, zjulian
[1971]287     ELSE
288         CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, idayref, 0.0, zjulian)
[2551]289         CALL ymds2ju(annee_ref, 1, day_ini, start_time*rday, zjulian_start)
[2704]290     ENDIF
[1825]292#ifdef CPP_XIOS
[2110]293    ! ug R\'eglage du calendrier xios
[1825]294    !Temps julian => an, mois, jour, heure
295    CALL ju2ymds(zjulian, x_an, x_mois, x_jour, x_heure)
[2095]296    CALL ju2ymds(zjulian_start, ini_an, ini_mois, ini_jour, ini_heure)
297    CALL wxios_set_cal(dtime, calend, x_an, x_mois, x_jour, x_heure, ini_an, &
298                       ini_mois, ini_jour, ini_heure )
[907]301!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boucle sur les fichiers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[1562]302    ! Appel de histbeg et histvert pour creer le fichier et les niveaux verticaux !!
303    ! Appel des histbeg pour definir les variables (nom, moy ou inst, freq de sortie ..
[1807]306    zdtime_moy = dtime         ! Frequence ou l on moyenne
309  ecrit_files(7) = ecrit_files(1)
310  ecrit_files(8) = ecrit_files(2)
311  ecrit_files(9) = ecrit_files(3)
[1971]313  DO iff=1,nfiles
[1641]315       ! Calculate ecrit_files for all files
[2704]316      IF ( chtimestep(iff).eq.'Default' ) THEN
[1884]317          ! Par defaut ecrit_files = (ecrit_mensuel ecrit_jour ecrit_hf
318          ! ...)*86400.
[1641]319          ecrit_files(iff)=ecrit_files(iff)*86400.
[2704]320      ELSE IF (chtimestep(iff).eq.'-1') THEN
[1912]321          PRINT*,'ecrit_files(',iff,') < 0 so IOIPSL work on different'
322          PRINT*,'months length'
323          ecrit_files(iff)=-1.
[2704]324      ELSE
[1884]325       CALL convers_timesteps(chtimestep(iff),dtime,ecrit_files(iff))
326      ENDIF
[1791]328       WRITE(lunout,*)'ecrit_files(',iff,')= ',ecrit_files(iff)
[1641]329       zoutm(iff) = ecrit_files(iff) ! Frequence ou l on ecrit en seconde
[1852]332#ifdef CPP_XIOS
[1971]333!!! Ouverture de chaque fichier XIOS !!!!!!!!!!!
[2704]334    IF (.not. ok_all_xml) THEN
335      IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN
[2114]336        print*,'phys_output_open: call wxios_add_file with phys_out_filenames(iff)=',trim(phys_out_filenames(iff))   
[2704]337      ENDIF
[2114]338      CALL wxios_add_file(phys_out_filenames(iff),chtimestep(iff),lev_files(iff)) 
339    ENDIF
341!!! Declaration des axes verticaux de chaque fichier:
[2704]342    IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN
[2001]343      print*,'phys_output_open: Declare vertical axes for each file'
[2704]344    ENDIF
[2752]346   IF (iff.LE.6.OR.iff.EQ.10) THEN
[2002]347    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("presnivs", &
[1852]348            levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, presnivs(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)))
[2002]349    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Ahyb", &
[3003]350            levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, aps(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), positif='down', &
351            bnds=Ahyb_bounds(levmin(iff):levmax(iff),:))
[2002]352    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Bhyb", &
[3003]353            levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, bps(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), positif='down', &
354            bnds=Bhyb_bounds(levmin(iff):levmax(iff),:))
355    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("klev", levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, &
356                          lev_index(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)))
[3474]357    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("klevp1", klev+1, &
358                          lev_index(1:klev+1))
[3003]359    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("bnds", 2, (/1.,2./))
[4056]361    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("Alt", &
[2833]362            levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, pseudoalt)
[4056]364    ! wl1_sun/wl2_sun: minimum/maximum bound of wavelength (in um)
366      CASE(6)
367        wl1_sun(1:6) = [0.180, 0.250, 0.440, 0.690, 1.190, 2.380]
368        wl2_sun(1:6) = [0.250, 0.440, 0.690, 1.190, 2.380, 4.000]
369      CASE(2)
370        wl1_sun(1:2) = [0.250, 0.690]
371        wl2_sun(1:2) = [0.690, 4.000]
374    DO ISW=1, NSW
375     wn1_sun(ISW)=1.e+6/wl1_sun(ISW)
376     wn2_sun(ISW)=1.e+6/wl2_sun(ISW)
377     spbnds_sun(ISW,1)=wn2_sun(ISW)
378     spbnds_sun(ISW,2)=wn1_sun(ISW)
379     spectband(ISW)=(wn1_sun(ISW)+wn2_sun(ISW))/2
380    ENDDO
382!!! ajout axe vertical spectband : solar band number
383    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("spectband", NSW, spectband, positif='down')
[2704]384   ELSE
[2001]385    ! NMC files
[2002]386    CALL wxios_add_vaxis("plev", &
[1971]387            levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, rlevSTD(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)))
[2704]388   ENDIF
[2114]391        IF (clef_files(iff)) THEN
[907]392!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Traitement dans le cas ou l'on veut stocker sur un domaine limite !!
[2704]394          IF (phys_out_regfkey(iff)) THEN
[1562]395             imin_ins=1
[2344]396             imax_ins=nbp_lon
[1562]397             jmin_ins=1
398             jmax_ins=jjmp1
[1562]400             ! correction abderr       
[2704]401             DO i=1,nbp_lon
[1791]402                WRITE(lunout,*)'io_lon(i)=',io_lon(i)
403                IF (io_lon(i).le.phys_out_lonmin(iff)) imin_ins=i
404                IF (io_lon(i).le.phys_out_lonmax(iff)) imax_ins=i+1
[2704]405             ENDDO
[2704]407             DO j=1,jjmp1
[1791]408                WRITE(lunout,*)'io_lat(j)=',io_lat(j)
409                IF (io_lat(j).ge.phys_out_latmin(iff)) jmax_ins=j+1
410                IF (io_lat(j).ge.phys_out_latmax(iff)) jmin_ins=j
[2704]411             ENDDO
[1791]413             WRITE(lunout,*)'On stoke le fichier histoire numero ',iff,' sur ', &
[1562]414                  imin_ins,imax_ins,jmin_ins,jmax_ins
[1791]415             WRITE(lunout,*)'longitudes : ', &
[1562]416                  io_lon(imin_ins),io_lon(imax_ins), &
417                  'latitudes : ', &
418                  io_lat(jmax_ins),io_lat(jmin_ins)
[2344]420             CALL histbeg(phys_out_filenames(iff),nbp_lon,io_lon,jjmp1,io_lat, &
[1562]421                  imin_ins,imax_ins-imin_ins+1, &
422                  jmin_ins,jmax_ins-jmin_ins+1, &
423                  itau_phy,zjulian,dtime,nhorim(iff),nid_files(iff))
[1562]425             !IM fichiers stations
[2704]426          ELSE IF (clef_stations(iff)) THEN
[2704]428             IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN
[2001]429             WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_output_open: iff=',iff,'  phys_out_filenames(iff)=',phys_out_filenames(iff)
[2704]430             ENDIF
[1791]432             CALL histbeg_phy_all(rlon,rlat,pim,tabij,ipt,jpt,plon,plat,plon_bounds,plat_bounds, &
[1562]433                  phys_out_filenames(iff), &
434                  itau_phy,zjulian,dtime,nhorim(iff),nid_files(iff))
[2704]435          ELSE
437             IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN
438             WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_output_open: iff=',iff,'  phys_out_filenames(iff)=',phys_out_filenames(iff)
439             ENDIF
[1825]441             CALL histbeg_phy_all(phys_out_filenames(iff),itau_phy,zjulian,&
[1852]442                 dtime,nhorim(iff),nid_files(iff))
[2704]443          ENDIF
[2097]445#ifndef CPP_IOIPSL_NO_OUTPUT
[2752]446          IF (iff.LE.6.OR.iff.EQ.10) THEN
[1828]447             CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "presnivs", "Vertical levels", "Pa", & 
[1562]448               levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, &
449               presnivs(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), nvertm(iff),"down")
[1807]450!!!! Composantes de la coordonnee sigma-hybride
[1562]451          CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Ahyb","Ahyb comp of Hyb Cord ", "Pa", &
[2832]452               levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1,aps,nvertap(iff))
[1562]454          CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Bhyb","Bhyb comp of Hyb Cord", " ", &
[2832]455               levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1,bps,nvertbp(iff))
[1828]457          CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "Alt","Height approx for scale heigh of 8km at levels", "Km", &                       
[2833]458               levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1,pseudoalt,nvertAlt(iff))
[2704]460          ELSE
[2752]461          ! NMC files
[1828]462             CALL histvert(nid_files(iff), "plev", "pressure", "Pa", &
463               levmax(iff) - levmin(iff) + 1, &
464              rlevSTD(levmin(iff):levmax(iff)), nvertm(iff), "down")
[2704]465          ENDIF
[2114]468     ENDIF ! clef_files
[4056]470          itr = 0
471          DO iq = 1, nqtot
[4071]472            IF(.NOT.(tracers(iq)%isAdvected .AND. tracers(iq)%isInPhysics)) CYCLE
[4056]473            itr = itr + 1
474            dn = 'd'//TRIM(tracers(iq)%name)//'_'
[4046]476            flag = [1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]
[4056]477            lnam = 'Tracer '//TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName)
478            tnam = TRIM(tracers(iq)%name);  o_trac          (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4046]480            flag = [4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]
[4056]481            lnam = 'Tendance tracer '//TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName)
482            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'vdf';         o_dtr_vdf       (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4046]484            flag = [5, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]
[4056]485            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'the';         o_dtr_the       (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
486            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'con';         o_dtr_con       (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4046]488            flag = [7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]
[4056]489            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'lessi_impa';  o_dtr_lessi_impa(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
490            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'lessi_nucl';  o_dtr_lessi_nucl(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
491            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'insc';        o_dtr_insc      (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
492            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'bcscav';      o_dtr_bcscav    (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
493            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'evapls';      o_dtr_evapls    (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
494            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'ls';          o_dtr_ls        (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
495            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'trsp';        o_dtr_trsp      (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
496            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'sscav';       o_dtr_sscav     (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
497            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'sat';         o_dtr_sat       (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
498            tnam = TRIM(dn)//'uscav';       o_dtr_uscav     (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4056]500            lnam = 'tracer tendency dry deposition'//TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName)
501            tnam = 'cum'//TRIM(dn)//'dry';  o_dtr_dry       (itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4046]503            flag = [1, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11]
[4056]504            lnam = 'Cumulated tracer '//TRIM(tracers(iq)%longName)
505            tnam = 'cum'//TRIM(tracers(iq)%name); o_trac_cum(itr) = ctrl_out(flag, tnam, lnam, "-", [('',i=1,nfiles)])
[4046]506          ENDDO
[1971]508   ENDDO !  iff
[1641]510    ! Updated write frequencies due to phys_out_filetimesteps.
511    ! Write frequencies are now in seconds. 
512    ecrit_mth = ecrit_files(1)
513    ecrit_day = ecrit_files(2)
514    ecrit_hf  = ecrit_files(3)
515    ecrit_ins = ecrit_files(4)
516    ecrit_LES = ecrit_files(5)
517    ecrit_ins = ecrit_files(6)
[2704]519    IF (prt_level >= 10) THEN
[3082]520      WRITE(lunout,*)'swaerofree_diag=',swaerofree_diag
[2001]521      WRITE(lunout,*)'swaero_diag=',swaero_diag
[2854]522      WRITE(lunout,*)'dryaod_diag=',dryaod_diag
[2989]523      WRITE(lunout,*)'ok_4xCO2atm=',ok_4xCO2atm
[2001]524      WRITE(lunout,*)'phys_output_open: ends here'
[2704]525    ENDIF
[4056]527!  DO iq=1,nqtot
[4071]528!    IF(.NOT.(tracers(iq)%isAdvected .AND. tracers(iq)%isInPhysics)) CYCLE
[4056]529!    WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a,10i3)')'trac(',iq,')%flag = ',o_trac(iq)%flag
530!    WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a)')'trac(',iq,')%name = '//TRIM(o_trac(iq)%name)
531!    WRITE(*,'(a,i1,a)')'trac(',iq,')%description = '//TRIM(o_trac(iq)%description)
[4046]532!  END DO
[2704]534  END SUBROUTINE phys_output_open
[1562]536  SUBROUTINE convers_timesteps(str,dtime,timestep)
[1562]538    use ioipsl
539    USE phys_cal_mod
[2344]540    USE time_phylmdz_mod, ONLY: day_ref, annee_ref
[2311]541    USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout
[1562]543    IMPLICIT NONE
[1791]545    CHARACTER(LEN=20)   :: str
546    CHARACTER(LEN=10)   :: type
547    INTEGER             :: ipos,il
[1562]548    real                :: ttt,xxx,timestep,dayseconde,dtime
549    parameter (dayseconde=86400.)
[1791]551    ipos=scan(str,'0123456789.',.TRUE.)
[1562]552    ! 
553    il=len_trim(str)
[1937]554    WRITE(lunout,*) "ipos = ", ipos
555    WRITE(lunout,*) "il = ", il
[2704]556    IF (ipos == 0) CALL abort_physic("convers_timesteps", "bad str", 1)
[1562]557    read(str(1:ipos),*) ttt
[1791]558    WRITE(lunout,*)ttt
[1562]559    type=str(ipos+1:il)
[2704]561    IF ( il == ipos ) THEN
[1562]562       type='day'
[2704]563    ENDIF
[1791]565    IF ( type == 'day'.or.type == 'days'.or.type == 'jours'.or.type == 'jour' ) timestep = ttt * dayseconde
[2704]566    IF ( type == 'mounths'.or.type == 'mth'.or.type == 'mois' ) THEN
[1791]567       WRITE(lunout,*)'annee_ref,day_ref mon_len',annee_ref,day_ref,mth_len
[1562]568       timestep = ttt * dayseconde * mth_len
[2704]569    ENDIF
[1791]570    IF ( type == 'hours'.or.type == 'hr'.or.type == 'heurs') timestep = ttt * dayseconde / 24.
571    IF ( type == 'mn'.or.type == 'minutes'  ) timestep = ttt * 60.
572    IF ( type == 's'.or.type == 'sec'.or.type == 'secondes'   ) timestep = ttt
573    IF ( type == 'TS' ) timestep = ttt * dtime
[1791]575    WRITE(lunout,*)'type =      ',type
576    WRITE(lunout,*)'nb j/h/m =  ',ttt
577    WRITE(lunout,*)'timestep(s)=',timestep
[1562]579  END SUBROUTINE convers_timesteps
[907]581END MODULE phys_output_mod
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