[4615] | 1 | #!/bin/bash |
[4955] | 2 | ## Headers managed by sed |
| 3 | #@JZ#JeanZay |
| 4 | #@JZ#SBATCH --job-name=NOM_SIMU # nom du job |
| 5 | #@JZ# Nombre de processus MPI : |
| 6 | #@JZ#SBATCH --ntasks=8 |
| 7 | #@JZ##### number of MPI processes per node : 40(procs/node on Jean-Zay) / cpus-per-task (ex : =5 for 8 OMP) |
| 8 | #@JZ####SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=5 # if specified, also add "#SBATCH --nodes= ..." with nodes=ntasks/(ntasks-per-node) |
| 9 | #@JZ# nombre de threads OpenMP |
| 10 | #@JZ#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 |
| 11 | #@JZ# de Slurm "multithread" fait bien reference a l'hyperthreading. |
| 12 | #@JZ#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread # 1 thread par coeur physique (pas d'hyperthreading) |
| 13 | #@JZ#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 # Temps d execution maximum demande (HH:MM:SS) |
| 14 | #@JZ#SBATCH --output=outNOM_SIMU%j # Nom du fichier de sortie |
| 15 | #@JZ#SBATCH --error=outNOM_SIMU%j # Nom du fichier d'erreur (ici commun avec la sortie) |
| 16 | #@JZ# To submit to test queue ; "time" (above) must be max 30 min |
| 17 | #@JZ#TESTQ#SBATCH --qos=qos_cpu-dev |
[4978] | 18 | #@SP#Spirit |
| 19 | #@SP#SBATCH --job-name=NOM_SIMU |
| 20 | #@SP#SBATCH --ntasks=8 |
| 21 | #@SP#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 |
| 22 | #@SP#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread |
| 23 | #@SP#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 |
| 24 | #@SP#SBATCH --output=outNOM_SIMU%j |
| 25 | #@SP#SBATCH --error=outNOM_SIMU%j#@SP#Spirit |
| 26 | #@SP#SBATCH --job-name=NOM_SIMU |
| 27 | #@SP#SBATCH --ntasks=8 |
| 28 | #@SP#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 |
| 29 | #@SP#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread |
| 30 | #@SP#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 |
| 31 | #@SP#SBATCH --output=outNOM_SIMU%j |
| 32 | #@SP#SBATCH --error=outNOM_SIMU%j |
| 33 | #@ADS#Adastra |
| 34 | #@ADS#SBATCH --job-name=NOM_SIMU |
| 35 | #@ADS#SBATCH --ntasks=8 |
| 36 | #@ADS#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 |
| 37 | #@ADS#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread |
| 38 | #@ADS#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 |
| 39 | #@ADS#SBATCH --output=outNOM_SIMU%j |
| 40 | #@ADS#SBATCH --error=outNOM_SIMU%j |
[4615] | 41 | |
| 42 | set -ex |
[4956] | 43 | set +u # Amaury 06/24: for local use (no $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK) - should be removed if we ever rewrite this whole legacy script properly... |
[4615] | 44 | |
[4796] | 45 | # Number of MPI processes : |
[4615] | 46 | ntasks=8 |
[4956] | 47 | # number of OpenMP threads |
| 48 | nthreads=8 |
| 49 | export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nthreads |
[4851] | 50 | |
| 51 | # For Jean-Zay (replacing the next 3 lines, commented out) |
[4956] | 52 | #export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK |
[4851] | 53 | |
[4615] | 54 | # private memory for each thread |
| 55 | export OMP_STACKSIZE=800M |
| 56 | # Binding |
| 57 | export OMP_PLACES=cores |
| 58 | |
| 59 | simul=NOM_SIMU |
| 60 | ulimit -s unlimited |
| 61 | #### reste ada : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/smplocal/pub/NetCDF/4.1.3/lib:/smplocal/pub/HDF5/1.8.9/seq/lib |
| 62 | |
| 63 | |
| 64 | reseau_local=0 |
| 65 | #veget=y |
| 66 | veget=CMIP6 |
[4955] | 67 | if [[ $veget = "none" ]] ; then VEGET=n ; else VEGET=y ; fi |
[4615] | 68 | |
| 69 | isotopes=n |
| 70 | # If isotopes=y, initialisation_iso will be changed to 0 in iso.def after the 1st run period, to read isotopes in restart files |
| 71 | |
| 72 | # Choice of aerosols : n / clim / spla |
| 73 | aerosols=clim |
| 74 | stopsim=201101 |
| 75 | ok_guide=y # y/n guidage ou non |
| 76 | climato=1 |
| 77 | |
| 78 | echo '##############################################################' |
| 79 | echo '# Gestion des repertoires de lancement ' |
| 80 | echo '##############################################################' |
| 81 | |
| 82 | # Repertoires de la simulation |
| 84 | STORED=$STORE |
| 85 | MAINDIR=LMDZOR96x95x79 |
| 86 | SIMU_dir=$MAINDIR/$simul |
| 87 | SIMUDIR=$STORED/$SIMU_dir |
| 88 | |
| 89 | # Repertoires de travail |
| 90 | WWORKD=$SCRATCHD/$SIMU_dir$$ |
| 91 | mkdir -p $WWORKD |
| 92 | cd $WWORKD |
| 94 | |
| 95 | cp $STORED/$MAINDIR/lmdz_env.sh . ; . lmdz_env.sh |
| 97 | if [ "$aerosols" = "spla" ] ; then ERA10mDIR=$STORED/$MAINDIR/ERA10m ; fi |
| 101 | |
| 102 | GET='ln -s' |
| 103 | PUT='mv ' |
| 104 | |
| 105 | |
| 106 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 107 | echo 'Gestion des mois et annees' |
| 108 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 109 | |
| 110 | $GET $SIMUDIR/etat |
| 111 | year=`tail -1 etat | awk ' { print $1 } ' | cut -c1-4` |
| 112 | month=`tail -1 etat | awk ' { print $1 } ' | cut -c5-` |
| 113 | echo year $year month $month |
| 114 | |
| 115 | if [ "$month" = "" ] ; then |
| 116 | paran=1 |
| 117 | ym=$year |
| 118 | next=`expr $ym + 1` |
| 119 | else |
| 120 | paran=0 |
| 121 | if [ $month = 12 ] ; then |
| 122 | nextmonth=1 |
| 123 | nextyear=`expr $year + 1` |
| 124 | else |
| 125 | nextmonth=`expr $month + 1` |
| 126 | nextyear=$year |
| 127 | fi |
| 128 | if [ `echo $nextmonth | wc -m` = 2 ] ; then |
| 129 | nextmonth=0$nextmonth |
| 130 | fi |
| 131 | ym=$year$month |
| 132 | next=$nextyear$nextmonth |
| 133 | fi |
| 134 | |
| 135 | |
| 136 | echo ym $ym |
| 137 | echo mois ancien : $ym |
| 138 | echo mois nouveau : $next |
| 139 | |
| 141 | PERIOD=${SPLADIR}/PERIOD00${month}/SUB |
| 142 | |
| 143 | echo '#################################################################' |
| 144 | echo 'Modification de run.def et gcm.def pour prendre en compte la duree du' |
| 145 | echo 'du mois en question.' |
| 146 | echo 'le dayref est modifie pour tricher avec le calendrier (ecrit pour' |
| 147 | echo 'une annee de 260 jours dans le modele).' |
| 148 | echo 'On passe donc comme jour de reference le numero du jour du mois dans' |
| 149 | echo 'une annee en 360 jours.' |
| 150 | echo '#################################################################' |
| 151 | |
| 152 | # Choix du calendrier |
| 153 | #AS: La condition if "$climato" = "0" suffit, car "$ok_guide" = "y" est interdit avec $climato" = "1" dans setup.sh (exit ligne 160) |
| 154 | ##calend=earth_360d |
| 155 | ##if [ "$ok_guide" = "y" -o "$climato" = "0" ] ; then calend=gregorian ; fi |
| 156 | if [ "$climato" = "0" ] ; then calend=gregorian ; else calend=earth_360d ; fi |
| 157 | bisextile=0 |
[4956] | 158 | if [[ $(( year % 4 )) = 0 && $calend = gregorian ]] ; then bisextile=1 ; fi |
[4615] | 159 | if [ $paran = 0 ] ; then |
| 160 | if [ "$calend" = "gregorian" ] ; then |
| 161 | ndays=( 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ) |
| 162 | if [ $bisextile = 1 ] ; then ndays[1]=29 ; fi |
| 163 | else |
| 164 | ndays=( 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ) |
| 165 | fi |
| 166 | #Constants with a leading 0 are interpreted as octal numbers. |
| 167 | # You can remove the leading zero by parameter expansion: hour=${hour#0} |
| 168 | |
| 169 | nday=${ndays[(( ${month#0} - 1 ))]} |
| 170 | ndayh=$nday |
| 171 | dayref=1 ; mm=1 ; while [ $mm -lt ${month#0} ] ; do |
| 172 | (( dayref = $dayref + ${ndays[(( $mm - 1 ))]} )) ; (( mm = $mm + 1 )) ; done |
| 173 | else |
| 174 | dayref=1 |
| 175 | if [ "$calend" = "gregorian" ] ; then |
| 176 | if [ $bisextile = 0 ] ; then nday=365 ; else nday=366 ; fi |
| 177 | else |
| 178 | nday=360 ; ndayh=30 |
| 179 | fi |
| 180 | fi |
| 181 | |
| 182 | echo CALENDRIER $calend : longueur du mois vrai $year $month $nday dayref=$dayref |
| 183 | |
| 184 | |
| 185 | echo '####################################################################' |
| 186 | echo '# On va chercher les fichiers necessaires a la simulation' |
| 187 | echo '####################################################################' |
| 188 | #Reminder : we are in $WWORKD = $SCRATCHD/$SIMU_dir = $SCRATCHD/$MAINDIR/$simul |
| 189 | |
| 190 | echo DEFDIR $DEFDIR |
| 191 | echo SIMUDIR $SIMUDIR |
| 192 | echo simul $simul |
| 193 | |
| 194 | if [ $reseau_local = 0 ] ; then mkdir DEF ; cd DEF ; $GET $DEFDIR/* . ; cd .. ; fi |
| 195 | |
| 196 | cp -f DEF/* . |
| 197 | #---The following changes in .def files will only be visible in the running directory (on SCRATCH if $reseau_local = 0) |
| 198 | # They concern variables that change during runtime : nday, dayref, anneeref, ndayh |
| 199 | # The other "sed" were totally or partially moved in setup.sh, to be done in $MAINDIR/DEF/*.def, before creating $MAINDIR/$SIMU (more transparent) |
| 200 | #sed -e 's/ok_guide=.*.$/ok_guide='$ok_guide'/' DEF/guide.def >| guide.def |
| 201 | #sed -e 's/nday=.*.$/nday='$nday'/' -e 's/dayref=.*.$/dayref='${dayref}'/' -e 's/calend=.*.$/calend='$calend'/' -e 's/anneeref=.*.$/anneeref='$year'/' DEF/run.def >| run.def |
| 202 | |
| 203 | #=====!!!!!!!!====!!!!!!====!!!!+++====!!!!!!====!!!!!!!=====!!!!!!====z!!!====!!!!========!!!!!========!!! |
| 204 | ##POUR que des TESTS soyent tres RAPIDES (pour ex, verifier fichiers input), ON FORCE nday=1 jour !!! |
| 205 | #nday=1 |
| 206 | #=====!!!!!!!!====!!!!!!====!!!!+++====!!!!!!====!!!!!!!=====!!!!!!====z!!!====!!!!========!!!!!========!!! |
| 207 | |
| 208 | sed -e 's/nday=.*.$/nday='$nday'/' -e 's/dayref=.*.$/dayref='${dayref}'/' -e 's/anneeref=.*.$/anneeref='$year'/' DEF/run.def >| run.def |
| 209 | sed -e 's/phys_out_filetimesteps=[[:space:]]*[0-9][0-9]day/phys_out_filetimesteps= '$ndayh'day/' DEF/config.def >| config.def |
| 210 | #--- End of *.def changes in the $WWORKD only |
| 211 | |
| 212 | ${GET} $SIMUDIR/start.$ym.nc start.nc |
| 213 | ${GET} $SIMUDIR/startphy.$ym.nc startphy.nc |
| 214 | if [ $climato = 1 ] ; then |
| 215 | ${GET} $LIMITDIR/limit.nc limit.nc |
| 216 | else |
| 217 | ${GET} $LIMITDIR/limit.$year.nc limit.nc |
| 218 | fi |
| 219 | |
| 220 | |
| 221 | echo '####################################################################' |
| 222 | echo '# Imports des fichiers aerosols si flag_aerosol>0 dans config.def, ' |
| 223 | echo '# et si dans setup.sh on a "aerosols=clim" ou "aerosols=spla". ' |
| 224 | echo '# NOTE: Si "aerosols=n" dans setup.sh, script_SIMU met flag_aerosol=0 et on tourne SANS aerosols' |
| 225 | echo '####################################################################' |
| 226 | if [ "`grep 'flag_aerosol=' config.def | head -1 | cut -d= -f2`" != 0 ] ; then |
| 227 | if [ $aerosols = clim ] ; then |
| 228 | # if [ $climato = 1 ] ; then suf=clim ; else suf=$year ; fi |
| 229 | suf=clim |
| 230 | # Le script pourrait être sophistique pour prendre des aerosols interannuels |
| 231 | ${GET} $LIMITDIR/aerosols.$suf.nc aerosols$year.nc |
| 232 | if [ ! -f aerosols1980.nc ] ; then ${GET} $LIMITDIR/aerosols.$suf.nc aerosols1980.nc ; fi |
| 233 | ${GET} $LIMITDIR/aerosols.nat.nc aerosols.nat.nc |
| 234 | fi |
| 235 | |
[4956] | 236 | ## Ca doit etre la meme liste de fichiers rapatriee par setup.sh dans $LMDZ_INIT/SPLA_Init |
[4615] | 237 | ## et interpolee (setup.sh aussi) dans $SPLADIR |
| 238 | if [ $aerosols = spla ] ; then |
| 239 | inputf="wth.dat cly.dat donnees_lisa.nc SOILSPEC.data \ |
| 240 | carbon_emissions.nc sulphur_emissions_antro.nc \ |
| 241 | sulphur_emissions_nat.nc sulphur_emissions_volc.nc" |
| 242 | for file in $inputf ; do ${GET} $INI/$file . ; done |
| 243 | |
| 244 | change="dust.nc " |
| 245 | for file in $change ; do ${GET} $PERIOD/$file . ; done |
| 246 | |
| 247 | # Le calcul d'emissions de sels marins utilise les vents ERA-10m interpoles sur grille_s (lonv,latu) avec le script era2gcm_uv10m.sh |
| 248 | # NB : GET=ln -s ; ERA10mDIR contient lui-meme le lien ERA10m vers le repertoire des vents interpoles $REA_uv10m (REA=ERA5, ERAI ou OPERA) |
| 249 | ventl="u10m.nc v10m.nc" |
| 250 | for file in $ventl ; do ${GET} $ERA10mDIR/${year}/${month}/$file . ; done |
| 251 | fi |
| 252 | fi |
| 253 | |
| 254 | #---------------------------------------- |
| 255 | # Noveaux forcages a activer a l'avenir |
| 256 | # (commentes en attendant) : |
| 257 | #---------------------------------------- |
| 258 | #for file in climoz_LMDZ.nc solarforcing.nc taulwstrat.2D.nc tauswstrat.2D.nc ; do |
| 259 | # ${GET} $LIMITDIR/$file $file |
| 260 | #done |
| 261 | #---------------------------------------- |
| 262 | |
| 263 | ${GET} $SIMUDIR/gcm.e gcm.e ; chmod +x gcm.e |
| 264 | |
| 265 | |
| 266 | if [ $VEGET = y ] ; then |
| 267 | set +e ; for t in stomate sechiba ; do cp $SIMUDIR/start_$t.$ym.nc ${t}_rest_in.nc ; done ; set -e |
| 268 | if [ "`grep RIVER_ROUTING orchidee.def |grep -i y`" ] ; then |
[4956] | 269 | set +e ; ln -s $LMDZ_INIT/routing_simple.nc . ; ln -s $LMDZ_INIT/routing.nc . |
[4615] | 270 | cp $SIMUDIR/start_routing.$ym.nc routing_start.nc ; set -e |
| 271 | fi |
| 272 | |
| 273 | #For Orchidee trunk (post-CMIP6), orchidee_pft.def must be copied in addition to orchidee.def |
| 274 | \cp -f DEF/orchidee*.def . |
| 275 | |
| 276 | # Test sur sechiba_rest_in.nc, |
| 277 | # supposant que les restarts pour sechiba, stomate, et routing le cas echeant, |
| 278 | # sont soit tous dispo, soit tous absents |
| 279 | if [ ! -f sechiba_rest_in.nc ] ; then |
| 280 | echo '#########################################################' |
[4955] | 281 | echo "Autoinitialisation d'orchidee au besoin" |
[4615] | 282 | echo '#########################################################' |
[4956] | 283 | get="ln -s $LMDZ_INIT/" |
[4615] | 284 | for file in cartepente2d_15min.nc \ |
| 285 | lai2D.nc soils_param.nc soil_bulk_and_ph.nc alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc reftemp.nc ; do ${get}$file ; done |
| 286 | |
| 287 | ln -sf alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc alb_bg.nc |
| 288 | |
| 290 | ${get}PFTmap_15PFT.v1_2000.nc PFTmap.nc |
| 291 | ${get}woodharvest_2000.nc woodharvest.nc |
| 292 | |
| 293 | sed -e 's/^SECHIBA_restart_in.*./SECHIBA_restart_in=NONE/' \ |
| 295 | -i orchidee.def |
| 296 | |
| 297 | if [ $veget = 7994 ] ; then |
[4956] | 298 | get="ln -s $LMDZ_INIT/" |
[4615] | 299 | for file in ndep_nhx.nc ndep_noy.nc nfert_cropland.nc nfert_pasture.nc nmanure_cropland.nc nmanure_pasture.nc bnf.nc ; do ${get}$file ; done |
| 300 | fi |
| 301 | |
| 302 | fi |
| 303 | |
| 304 | fi |
| 305 | |
| 306 | |
| 307 | echo '#################################################################' |
| 308 | echo 'Repertoire contenant les fichiers de reanalyses' |
| 309 | echo '#################################################################' |
| 310 | |
| 311 | if [ "$ok_guide" = "y" ] ; then |
| 312 | \rm -f u.nc v.nc T.nc hur.nc |
| 313 | if [ -f u.nc ] ; then |
| 315 | exit |
| 316 | fi |
| 317 | for var in u v T hur ; do $GET $ERADIR/$year/$month/$var.nc $var.nc ; done |
| 318 | echo Fin du rapatriement des fichiers de guidage |
| 319 | fi |
| 320 | |
| 321 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 322 | echo 'liste des fichiers avant le lancement de la simulation' |
| 323 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 324 | ls -lrt |
| 325 | #diff DEF ./ |
| 326 | |
| 327 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 328 | echo 'Lancement de la simulation' |
| 329 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 330 | |
[4956] | 331 | time $RUNCMD $ntasks ./gcm.e > listing |
[4615] | 332 | if [ ! -f restartphy.nc ] ; then |
| 334 | exit |
| 335 | fi |
| 336 | |
| 337 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 338 | echo 'sauvegarde des fichiers de sortie' |
| 339 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 340 | |
| 341 | # listing |
| 342 | ${PUT} listing ${SIMUDIR}/list$ym |
[4752] | 343 | # if the listing for Orchidee is also needed, then uncomment the following line : |
| 344 | #if [ $VEGET = y ] ; then ${PUT} out_orchidee_0000.0000 ${SIMUDIR}/out_orchidee$ym ; fi |
[4615] | 345 | |
| 346 | # restart(s) |
| 347 | ${PUT} restart.nc ${SIMUDIR}/start.$next.nc |
| 348 | ${PUT} restartphy.nc ${SIMUDIR}/startphy.$next.nc |
| 349 | if [ $VEGET = y ] ; then for t in sechiba stomate ; do |
| 350 | f=${t}_rest_out.nc ; if [ -f $f ] ; then ${PUT} $f ${SIMUDIR}/start_$t.$next.nc ; fi ; done |
| 351 | f=routing_restart.nc ; if [ -f $f ] ; then ${PUT} $f ${SIMUDIR}/start_routing.$next.nc ; fi |
| 352 | fi |
| 353 | |
| 354 | # fichiers "histoires" |
| 355 | # Si on tourne avec xios (et type="one_file") au lieu de ioipsl, on n'a pas besoin de rebuild, on doit juste copier les fichiers |
| 356 | liste_out="histmth histday histhf histmthCOSP Xhistins XhistLES sechiba_history sechiba_history_4dim sechiba_out_2 stomate_history stomate_ipcc_history diag_routing dynzon" |
| 357 | xios_used=0 |
| 358 | |
| 359 | for fileout in $liste_out ; do |
| 360 | if [ -f $fileout.nc ] ; then |
| 361 | ${PUT} $fileout.nc ${SIMUDIR}/$fileout.$ym.nc |
| 362 | xios_used=1 |
| 363 | fi |
| 364 | done |
| 365 | |
| 366 | if [ $xios_used = 0 ] ; then |
| 367 | $GET $SIMUDIR/reb.sh |
| 368 | chmod +x reb.sh |
| 369 | ./reb.sh $ym $SIMUDIR $liste_out |
| 370 | fi |
| 371 | |
| 372 | if [ -f guide_ins.nc ] ; then ${PUT} guide_ins.nc ${SIMUDIR}/guide_ins.$ym.nc ; fi |
| 373 | |
| 374 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 375 | echo 'preparation et lancement de la simulation suivante' |
| 376 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 377 | |
| 378 | # Gestion du fichier etat de controle de la simulation |
| 379 | echo $ym OK >> etat |
| 380 | echo $next a faire >> etat |
| 381 | # ${PUT} etat $SIMUDIR/etat # Pas necessaire car etat est un lien vers $SIMUDIR/etat |
| 382 | |
| 383 | # set initialisation_iso to 0 for next run to read isotopes from restart files |
| 384 | if [ $isotopes = y ] ; then |
| 385 | sed -i 's/^initialisation_iso=.*.$/initialisation_iso=0/' $SIMUDIR/DEF/iso.def |
| 386 | fi |
| 387 | set +e ; \rm out* sec* sta* list* rest* gcm.e aer* ; set -e |
| 388 | |
| 389 | # Arret si on est arrive au bout |
| 390 | if [ $next = $stopsim ] ; then |
| 391 | echo 'On arrive au bout, simulation next:'$next', stopsim:'$stopsim |
| 392 | # Cas particulier ou on veut chainer plusieurs simulations multi annuelles. |
| 393 | # pour le tuning automatique. |
| 394 | # Ici on passe de SCM_1-019 a SCM_1-029 |
| 395 | if [ "${simul:0:3}" = "SCM" ] ; then |
| 396 | pre="SCM_1-" |
| 397 | num=`echo $simul | sed -e 's/'$pre'//'` |
| 398 | # (( num = $num + 10 )) change a cause d un probleme avec 008 |
| 399 | num=`echo $num | awk ' { print $1 + 10 } '` |
| 400 | num=`printf "%03d\n" $num` |
| 401 | simul_new=$pre$num |
| 402 | cd $SCRIPTDIR |
| 403 | if [ $num -le 250 ] ; then |
| 404 | sed -e 's/^simul=.*.$/simul='$simul_new'/' -e 's/^\# @ job_nam.*.=.*.$/\# @ job_name = '$simul_new'/' tmp_$simul >| tmp_$simul_new |
| 405 | sbatch tmp_$simul_new |
| 406 | fi |
| 407 | fi |
| 408 | exit |
| 409 | fi |
| 410 | |
| 411 | |
| 412 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 413 | echo 'lancement de la simulation suivante tmp_'$simul' depuis :' |
| 414 | echo '##################################################################' |
| 415 | pwd |
| 416 | |
| 417 | |
| 418 | cd $SCRIPTDIR |
| 419 | sbatch tmp_$simul |