Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#86 assigned améliorations / enhancements

Get rid of "stop" comands in phylmd

Reported by: Ehouarn Millour Owned by: Laurent Fairhead
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: LMDZ Keywords:


The "Stop" instruction should not be used... Use "CALL abort_physic(...)" instead.

List of files to fix: (at rev 3115)

# grep -i -w "STOP" *
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90:       STOP 1
acama_gwd_rando_m.F90:       STOP 1
add_phys_tend_mod.F90:! Impression et stop en cas de probleme important
alpale_th.F90:    print *,'In order to run with iflag_coupl=2, you have to comment out the following stop'
alpale_th.F90:             STOP
clouds_gno.F90:          ! stop
convect2.F90:        ! stop
convect2.F90:    ! stop
grep: cosp: Is a directory
cv30_routines.F90:           stop
cv3_routines.F90:!jyg<  (loops stop at nl)
cv3_routines.F90:!jyg<  (loops stop at nl)
cv3_routines.F90:!jyg<  (loops stop at nl)
cv3_routines.F90:!           stop
cva_driver.F90:!          '. Might as well stop here.'
cva_driver.F90:!        STOP
cv_routines.F90:        ! stop
grep: Dust: Is a directory
grep: dyn1d: Is a directory
fisrtilp.F90:!        " but iflag_fisrtilp_qsat=",iflag_fisrtilp_qsat, ". Might as well stop here."
fisrtilp.F90:!         stop
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90:       STOP 1
flott_gwd_rando_m.F90:       STOP 1
inifis_mod.F90:        ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 1%
inifis_mod.F90:        ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 1%
inifis_mod.F90:        ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 1%
inifis_mod.F90:        ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 1%
inifis_mod.F90:        ! stop here if the relative difference is more than 1%
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
isccp_cloud_types.F90:  ! STOP
mod_synchro_omp.F90:      STOP 'synchro_omp'
phyaqua_mod.F90:      STOP 'probleme de dimensions dans iniaqua'
phyaqua_mod.F90:    IF (klon/=nlon) STOP 'probleme de dimensions dans iniaqua'
physiq_mod.F90:               '(H2Ov, H2Ol, H2Oi) but nqo=', nqo, '. Might as well stop here.'
physiq_mod.F90:          STOP
phytrac_mod.F90:          STOP
ran0_vec.F90:  ! stop
readaerosol_interp.F90:                 WRITE(lunout,*) 'stop for aerosol : ',name_aero(id_aero)
readaerosol_interp.F90:                 WRITE(lunout,*) 'stop for aerosol : ',name_aero(id_aero)
readaerosolstrato.F90:        STOP
readaerosolstrato.F90:       STOP
readaerosolstrato.F90:       STOP
readaerosolstrato.F90:       STOP
readaerosolstrato.F90:       STOP
readchlorophyll.F90:       STOP
readchlorophyll.F90:       STOP
readchlorophyll.F90:       STOP
grep: rrtm: Is a directory
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        write(*,*) 'som_dez = 0 STOP'
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
simu_airs.F90:        STOP
grep: sisvat: Is a directory
slab_heat_transp_mod.F90:      stop
slab_heat_transp_mod.F90:    STOP
grep: StratAer: Is a directory
stratosphere_mask.F90:  stop
thermcell_dry.F90:!               stop'On tombe sur le cas particulier de thermcell_dry'
thermcell.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell.F90:  ! if(wa_moy(1,4).gt.1.e-10) stop
thermcell_main.F90:         PRINT*,'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_old.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_old.F90:  ! if(wa_moy(1,4).gt.1.e-10) stop
thermcell_old.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_old.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_old.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_old.F90:  ! if(wa_moy(1,4).gt.1.e-10) stop
thermcell_old.F90:    PRINT *, 'STOP dans convadj'
thermcell_plume.F90:!               stop'On tombe sur le cas particulier de thermcell_dry'
thermcell_plume.F90:!               stop'On tombe sur le cas particulier de thermcell_dry'
thermcellV0_main.F90:         PRINT*,'STOP dans convadj'
thermcellV0_main.F90:!     if(icount.eq.501) stop'au pas 301 dans thermcell_main'
vdif_kcay.F90:    ! stop
yamada4.F90:    STOP 'probleme de coherence dans appel a MY'
yamada4.F90:    STOP 'Cas nom prevu dans yamada4'
yamada_c.F90:!#     STOP'Ne pas utiliser iflag_pbl=29'
yamada_c.F90:!#     STOP'Ne pas utiliser iflag_pbl=25'

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by Laurent Fairhead

STOP statements have been replaced by calls to abort_physics in the routines contained in the phylmd directory as of revision r3531. Still some work to be done in the phylmd subdirectories.

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by Laurent Fairhead

Type: enhancementaméliorations / enhancements

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by Laurent Fairhead

Status: newassigned
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