7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
For CMIP6 workflow
7 years |
jyg |
Refinement of commit 3253
7 years |
oboucher |
Added a broadcast of flags that are changed back to T in histdef2d and …
7 years |
oboucher |
Adding a print of cdnc_min following Fred's 3245 modset
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Correction in definition of parasol variable for ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Updates to xml files for CMIP6 data request
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Integration of some variables from DR 01.00.21 we weren't sure had to …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot the definition of the new diagnostics
XIOS/OMP problem resolved
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Integration of transport diagnostics for the CMIP6 data request
7 years |
idelkadi |
Correction d'erreurs
7 years |
jyg |
Regularization of a division by 0
7 years |
jyg |
Bug correction concerning the growth rate of the
wake radius.
7 years |
idelkadi |
Recriture de la routine de gestion des cles de sorties Cosp :
7 years |
fhourdin |
Seuil minimum nombre de noyaux de condensation cdnc_min
passe a physiq.def
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Cleaning up histmth xml file according to CMIP6
7 years |
idelkadi |
- Corrections pour tourner en mode debug, controle par la cles …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Moving some xios_field_is_active tests as they could not give the …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adding some debugging information
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Typo correction
7 years |
musat |
Correction zhalf
7 years |
idelkadi |
Nettoyage du code :
- changement de nomes des routines pour avoir les …
7 years |
fhourdin |
Modifications pour compiler avec makelmdz et cosp
7 years |
dcugnet |
Fix in regr_horiz_time_climoz_m: <= instead of < in an index search …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Renaming some ping files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Cleanup in ping files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Cleaning up ping file
7 years |
fhourdin |
Corrections forcages cas 1D sandu
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot declaration in xml files
7 years |
fhourdin |
Declaration manquante
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Error in previous modification
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Corrections for Data request
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Syntax error
7 years |
jyg |
xml files related to commits 3208 and 3209
7 years |
fhourdin |
Manque implicit none (du coup il y avait un bug depuis la modification …
7 years |
jyg |
error in the prvious commit
7 years |
jyg |
Implementation of a first crude model of the
dynamic of wake population.
7 years |
oboucher |
Bad diagnostic, duplicating o3 in atmos
7 years |
acozic |
Add two aerosol groups in case of info_trac=inca (SOAA and SOAB)
7 years |
fhourdin |
Pour la convergence independamment du decoupage de domaine.
Pour la …
7 years |
fhourdin |
Retour vers l'insensibilite au decoupage en sous domaine.
Les routines …
7 years |
jyg |
small bug in cv3_yield in cv3_routines.F90
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Revert to previous revision; these variables were already defined.
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Add missing field definitions in field_def_lmdz.xml
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial import of landIce ping file
7 years |
idelkadi |
Correction de diagnostique de sortie Cosp (Parasol).
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Bug fix: variable tke was not properly dimensioned in subroutine. …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update ping file
7 years |
idelkadi |
Correction de bogue dans le simulateur Modis (mise a jour dans la …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot to include new output variable ftime_deepcv in xml files
7 years |
jyg |
bug fix: forgotten OMP THREADPRIVATE
7 years |
jyg |
Correction to commit 3178: the bug is corrected only if …
7 years |
jyg |
New structure for the representation of vdf
splitting in pbl_surface. …
7 years |
jyg |
Bug fix concerning the effect of thermals on wakes
when thermals are …
7 years |
idelkadi |
Rajout dans le fichier de definition des variables pour XIOS …
7 years |
idelkadi |
- Controle des sorties des champs Cosp en fonction du contenu des …
7 years |
jyg |
Update of the various connvection frequency
ftime_con, …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New ping file: pr* variables checked
7 years |
dcugnet |
Fix to restore compilation with gfortran + single length for strings.
7 years |
jyg |
Bug fix for output field "mc"
New way of computing output field "ftime_con"
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to DR 1.00.21 and modifications following IPSCL6.0.15 workflow tests
7 years |
dcugnet |
In limit_netcdf.f90:
* add a richer dictionary of recognized SST …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Official physiq.def files for IPSLCM6.0.14 configuration
7 years |
jyg |
test conv call every step if dtcon > threshold
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Update to ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New definition for CMIP6_mcd field
7 years |
idelkadi |
Mise a jour sorties Cosp
7 years |
jyg |
Forgotten initialization
7 years |
jyg |
bug fix on commit 3150, print added
7 years |
idelkadi |
- Activation des simulateurs et des champs de sortie en fonction de ce …
7 years |
jyg |
removing a spurious print
7 years |
jyg |
Introducing upper bounds on the convective
tendencies above which …
7 years |
musat |
Bug fix on ok_4xCO2atm flag for rsut4co2, rlut4co2, etc diagnostics
7 years |
musat |
Bug fix for ratqsc (add save/OMP THREADPRIVATE) and itau_con counter
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial commit of aerosol and atmoschem ping files
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Errors in grid definitions for xios
7 years |
idelkadi |
Rajout dans les fichiers *.xml des sorties de fractions nuageuses …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Corrections and modifications following CMIP6 WorkFlow? tests.
7 years |
dcugnet |
* Fix: Sig_bot was used before being initialized in "regr_pr_time_av". …
7 years |
jghattas |
Deactivate ifl_pbltree if Orchidee is not activated instead of …
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Removed rsdsdiff and rsdscsdiff from output, as they are not defined.
7 years |
jyg |
Bug fix: some communication variables between the
convective scheme …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adjustments to ping file
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Few more variables from the gravity wave drag parametrisation
7 years |
oboucher |
Various corrections to the ping file to bring LMDz variables in line …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Added two dynamic variables to ping file
7 years |
jyg |
Some cleaning in cv3_tracer in cv3_routines.F90
7 years |
acozic |
Update some routines to coupled LMDZ6 with REPROBUS
7 years |
musat |
Add CMIP6' variables cldicemxrat, cldwatmxrat
7 years |
oboucher |
Compute z_tropopause for diagnostic purpose from geoid rather than …
7 years |
musat |
Correct CMIP6_parasolRefl_sea diag
7 years |
musat |
Add LMDZ outputs: icc3dcon, icc3dstra corresponding to
CMIP6' clic, clis
7 years |
oboucher |
Correcting a mistake in implementation of Reichler et al (2003) …
7 years |
musat |
Back to the 3111 svn for the moment..
Keep 2corrections in …
7 years |
musat |
7 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Comply strictly to Fortran norm: add a space between "STOP" and …
7 years |
oboucher |
Small change in Pinatubo emissions
7 years |
musat |
Add CMIP6' variables cldicemxrat, cldwatmxrat
7 years |
musat |
Add LMDZ outputs: icc3dcon, icc3dstra
Add CMIP6 outputs : clic, clis, …
7 years |
fhourdin |
Modification de la formulation des rafales (gust) prenant en compte …
7 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Added sza, solar zenithal angle, to outputs for CMIP6 dataresquest