8 years |
fhourdin |
Suite de la correction precedente
8 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour compilation gfortran
8 years |
dcugnet |
* A (re)startphy.nc file (standard name: "startphy0.nc") can be read …
8 years |
fhourdin |
Gros bug petite modif "min" -> "max"
8 years |
musat |
Define grid_scalar
8 years |
jbmadeleine |
Updated cloudth.F90 following changes by J. Jouhaud
- improved …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Bug correction on the ozone reading:
When read_climoz = 1 or 2, values …
8 years |
musat |
Change for scalar outputs with XIOS 965
NB: it will not work if you …
8 years |
fhourdin |
Nettoyage et ajout d'un README.
8 years |
fhourdin |
Mise a jour des .def
8 years |
fhourdin |
Seuil max sur eau glace nuageuse oicemax (en plus de oliqmax)
Truc …
8 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Making the slab work:
- added a slab_heat_transp_mod module for …
8 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Correction in pbl_surface_mod to better account and set default values …
8 years |
jyg |
small bug in cva_driver.F90
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Une balise en trop
8 years |
musat |
Correction petite faute de frappe
8 years |
musat |
Supression fichier paramLMDZ_py.nc si pas de XIOS.
8 years |
fhourdin |
Supression commentaire inutile
8 years |
fhourdin |
Ajout de scripts pour l'execution en parallele.
- job_ada.sh permet de …
8 years |
fhourdin |
Correction d'un petit bug pour les dusts
8 years |
fhourdin |
Modification pour tourner avec 3 traceurs pour l'eau
8 years |
musat |
Add scalar variables for XIOS and histmth.nc file
8 years |
musat |
Add histwrite for scalar outputs in LMDZ.
The scalars (GES, rsun*, …
8 years |
oboucher |
I introduced flag_bc_internal_mixture for BC/sulphate internal …
8 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
- move iophys.F90 to phylmd since it depends on files there (with some …
8 years |
oboucher |
Bug correction on indexing of pre-industrial aerosols in m_allaer …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2593:2640 into testing branch
8 years |
oboucher |
Removing the repetition of 113 lines on aerosol and cloud properties …
8 years |
jyg |
small correction to commit 2638
8 years |
jyg |
Some improvements to commit 2635 concerning wake
variables in …
8 years |
acozic |
In Inca case we change the call for the chemistry in phytrac
Now we …
8 years |
fhourdin |
Correction d'un bug de compilation.
8 years |
jyg |
Some cleaning in the wake routines: (i) the wake
number per unit area …
8 years |
oboucher |
Quicker way to compute aerosol optical properties.
Does not converge …
8 years |
fhourdin |
Pour la compilation avec fcm de la version dust
8 years |
fhourdin |
Ajustement sur la version dusts.
8 years |
fhourdin |
Modification de makelmdz et makelmdz_fcm pour les aerosols
8 years |
fhourdin |
Importation du modèle d'aérosols de Boucher, Escribano et al.
8 years |
musat |
Remove sequential daily TS budgets' files …
8 years |
jyg |
Initialization of clw in cva_driver.F90
8 years |
musat |
Missed this for rrtm GES' bug fix
8 years |
musat |
Bug correction : rrtm uses LMDZ' GES from clesphys.h
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour eviter des soucis par la suite pour le postprocessing CMIP6
8 years |
acozic |
variable zpmfu was not initialized in the case inca full chemistry …
8 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Adding some non-critical initializations in physiq (in practice, …
8 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Some code tidying: turn ener.h into ener_mod.F90
8 years |
fhourdin |
Complement de la commission precedente.
8 years |
fhourdin |
Correction pour compenser un bug dans la bibliothèque MPI sur ada.
8 years |
oboucher |
Forgot to deaalocate runofflic_global in fonte_neige_final
This caused …
8 years |
oboucher |
I have moved the computation of cloud optical properties
into the …
8 years |
oboucher |
Fixing a bug on the runofflic diagnostic.
9 years |
fhourdin |
Reactivation de la clé "conser" pour pouvoir faire ds sorties dans
le …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Bug fix in dynetat0_loc (that was introduced in r2299), start_time …
9 years |
oboucher |
I've moved the calculations of aerosol optical properties into
the IF …
9 years |
fhourdin |
Intronduction d'une limite sur l'eau liquide nuageuse, oliqmax …
9 years |
jyg |
omitted item in revision 2611
9 years |
jyg |
Introduction of a new option inhibiting the
evolution of the state …
9 years |
acozic |
modification to allow compilation with INCA
9 years |
acozic |
change the way to transfer the value of config_inca parameter to INCA model
9 years |
acozic |
need nbp_lon,nbp_lat,nbp_lev to compile with INCA model
9 years |
jyg |
Adding an item forgotten in the previous commit
9 years |
jyg |
Change of arguments of 'calltherm' in 'physiq' so
that t_seri, …
9 years |
jyg |
Adding some initialization in cv3_routines.F90.
Should help guarantee …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Add Exner function to the call_physiq arguments (not used by the Earth …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Cleanup in the dynamics: turn logic.h into module logic_mod.F90
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Missing usage of comvert_mod in lmdzd1d since the creation of the …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Cleanup in the dynamics: turn temps.h into module temps_mod.F90
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Cleanup in the dynamics: turn comvert.h into module comvert_mod.F90
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Update for phymar which should have been done with revision 2315. …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Cleanup in the dynamics: turn serre.h into module serre_mod.F90
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Cleanup in the dynamics: get rid of comconst.h, make it a module …
9 years |
musat |
In newmicro allow use of cloud overlap hypothesis defined
in radopt.h …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2589:2593 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2545:2589 into testing branch
9 years |
oboucher |
Correcting a small mistake introduced with rev 2587
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Fix for the 1D model: follow-up on r2588 changes and thus add a link …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
Follow up to previous revision: remove ini_paramLMDZ_phy.h and …
9 years |
oboucher |
I moved ini_paramLMDZ_phy and write_paramLMDZ_phy into a module …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications to XIOS xml files to:
- enable COSP axes by default
- …
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
-Small change in the dynamics/physics interface organization: …
9 years |
oboucher |
Correcting absvisaer diagnostic
Correspond to all aerosols
9 years |
jbmadeleine |
Added a parameter called cloudth_vert_alpha defined in physiq.def;
it …
9 years |
idelkadi |
Corrections des erreurs pour l'implementation du simulateur AIRS
9 years |
Ehouarn Millour |
OpenMP bug: lread_inca should be initialized for all threads.
9 years |
idelkadi |
Correction d'erreur sur le nom du champs map_tcld_hc
9 years |
idelkadi |
Correction d'ereur d'allocation de tableaux introduite lors de …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Missing some default parameters from the convection.def file inclusion
9 years |
idelkadi |
Implementation du simulateur AIRS:
Le but du simulateur est de …
9 years |
jyg |
small bug
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Forgot the Id keywords
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Def files for NPv5.6
9 years |
dcugnet |
Use "traditional" sst/sic files without additional records from …
9 years |
acozic |
for the VLR configuration add some modification from the trunk to fit …
9 years |
fhourdin |
Bug fixing
9 years |
fhourdin |
Reactivation du parametre lmixmin
9 years |
jghattas |
Corected bug introduced in rev [2240] : guistiness was added in the …
9 years |
jghattas |
* copied previous default module …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Removing modifications that should not have been made directly on …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour retrouver 1+1=2 avec iflag_albedo=1
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour retrouver 1+1=2 avec iflag_albedo=1