8 years |
acozic |
merge with revision 2966 of the trunk to allow inca to run without …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial release candidate of IPSLCM6.0.12 LMDZ model
8 years |
fcheruy |
pour avoir drgtree ds les restart (a ameliorer)
8 years |
jghattas |
8 years |
fcheruy |
ifl_pbltree > 1 changed in igl_pbltree >0 in phyetat0
8 years |
fcheruy |
added routine freinage to compute the tendencies on u and v due to …
8 years |
fcheruy |
corrected restart for drgtree
Cd_frein is read from physiq.def
8 years |
jghattas |
Correcte error.
8 years |
jghattas |
Amelioration/correction pour retro-compatiblite avec different version …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initialising LMDZ 6.0.11 branch to trunk revision 2928
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Removing 6.0.11 branch to avoid confusion
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Reinitialising 6.0.11 LMDZ branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Renaming pre 6.0.11 branch that's never been used
8 years |
fcheruy |
changed the position of argument nvm to be consistent with optional …
8 years |
fcheruy |
Update tree branch to trunk version
8 years |
fcheruy |
Creation of LMDZ branch to incorporate tree drag from ORCHIDEE. …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Initial release candidate of IPSLCM6.0.11 LMDZ model
8 years |
acozic |
Add an argument to chemini call ( = rev 2906 on trunk LMDZ5)
8 years |
acozic |
when we make a simulation with inca, we do not want to make a test on …
8 years |
acozic |
Add some modification to fit with recent version of model Inca
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Setting up LMDZ branch for version IPSLCM6.0.11 of the
IPSL coupled model
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Official def file for physiq NPv6.0.10fallv
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Official NPv6.0.10 def file
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2865:2885 into testing branch
8 years |
jghattas |
Inclusion of r2858 correction in CM6.0.10-LR branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Missing initialisations, made the code unreproducible
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Inclusion of r2877 corrections in CM6.0.10-LR branch
8 years |
acaubel |
- Modification for IPSLCM5A2.1 configuration
- removed limit on 2 …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Correction from r2860 incorporated in IPSLCM6.0.10 branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adding a new branch for IPSLCM6.0.10 configuration. Needed for …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2842:2865 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Creating reference branch for IPSLCM5A2.1 (VLR) model
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2838:2842 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2785:2838 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Changed outputs for t2M_min and max
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Adding a new branch for IPSLCM6.0.8 configuration. New testing not …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2727:2785 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Configuration file for physics NPv6.0.7
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2719:2727 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2664:2719 into testing branch
8 years |
musat |
Oups I missed the reverse update for cloudth; back to svn2662
8 years |
musat |
Deleting file cloudth_mod.F90
8 years |
musat |
Back to the last (2669) testing defined by Laurent
8 years |
musat |
Go back to the 2016' summer versions of cloudth.F90 for the
6.0.6. …
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Roll back to 2669. 2675 and 2676 were not supposed to get on the …
8 years |
oboucher |
Decreasing default priority of aerosol radiative diagnostics
becaise …
8 years |
oboucher |
Dealing with initialisation of swaero_diag in the case of XIOS outputs.
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2640:2664 into testing branch
8 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2593:2640 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2589:2593 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2545:2589 into testing branch
9 years |
acozic |
for the VLR configuration add some modification from the trunk to fit …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Removing modifications that should not have been made directly on …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour retrouver 1+1=2 avec iflag_albedo=1
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2541:2545 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Rolling back revision r2543 which should not have been committed …
9 years |
jbmadeleine |
Ajout de l'option iflag_cloudth_vert=2 developpe par Jean Jouhaud pour …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2487:2541 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Undoing revision r2528 which should not have been done on the testing …
9 years |
dcugnet |
Bug fix: for high output resolution or particular zoom center …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2457:2487 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2434:2457 into testing branch
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2396:2434 into testing branch
9 years |
idelkadi |
Creation d'une version pour le developpement du simulateur Cosp …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Undoing revision 2414 that wasn't supposed to be done like this on the …
9 years |
crio |
Prise en compte de l'effet Bergeron dans les flux de pluie …
9 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes r2298:2396 into testing branch
9 years |
acozic |
Make some commit to fit with INCA coupling
- merge with rev 2180 on …
10 years |
musat |
Corrections missing_value pour compilation en mode debug
10 years |
musat |
Corrections missing_value pour compilation en mode debug
10 years |
jescribano |
Version for inversion. Optical and sedimentatino parameters corrected
10 years |
jescribano |
Bugs corrections, control vector is now fine mode+coarse mode and …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2237:2291 into testing branch
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
New file_def*xml files for XIOS output of 3-hours high frequency variables
10 years |
musat |
One more bug correction to frequency of pressure level outputs' by …
10 years |
musat |
Oubli attribut detect_missing_value
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Backport of trunk revisions 2271, 2279, 2280, 2282 into LMDZ6_rc0 …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Backport of trunk revision 2268 into LMDZ6_rc0 branch:
- …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Backport of trunk r2229 in LMDZ6_rc0 branch
- calendar modifications
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Backport of bug correction so that testing can work
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Création d'une branche de référenLMDZ pour IPSCLCM6_rc0. Basée sur …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes 2216:2237 into testing branch
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2186:2216 into testing branch
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Manip nécessaire pour pouvoir commiter la prochaine testing
10 years |
jescribano |
Bugs corrections. Included a correction/tunning factor for the …
10 years |
oboucher |
Adding initialization of LW aerosol properties to 0.
10 years |
oboucher |
Olivier: update on sea-salt aerosol optical properties
using new …
10 years |
jescribano |
Dust emission scheme changes: (1) Included possibility of use previous …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2158:2186 into testing branch.
10 years |
jescribano |
SPLA output in hist files
10 years |
jescribano |
SPLA code included for first time
10 years |
jescribano |
Creating SPLA branch with r2041
10 years |
jescribano |
moving to r2041_ deleting
10 years |
jescribano |
Creating SPLA branch
10 years |
lguez |
As in revision 2159.
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Pour pallier une idiosyncracie de gfortran (je ne suis pas pour)
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Modifications for IPSLCM6
(straight on the testing branch, bad, I know …
10 years |
Laurent Fairhead |
Merged trunk changes -r2070:2158 into testing branch. Compilation …
11 years |
lguez |
Bug fix
11 years |
jghattas |
Put back dependency for mkd_dfti needed for this branch.